Small one-shot I cooked up, I hope you enjoy, feedback appreciated. Ta!
light?Pitch Pearl{Danny/Phantom}
"Trust in dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity"- Kahlil Gibran
He's never touched a human.
Well, maybe that was a bit of a lie, let's rephrase that. He's never touched a human quite as unique as this one. His ghostly touch sent shivers down any other human's back and made their skin crawl. Boys and girls alike shrank away from his fingertips, searching the air for the bitter cold culprit.
So, why was this boy so much different. Phantom took a liking towards this smaller boy who had a fascination with stars and a mind so full of wonder. This boy had such pale skin and -oh- so dark hair. He was smaller than his peers, which he didn't seem to mind as he bathed in his comfortable solitude. Phantom only meant to take a look, a glance through the window, or a peek in the classroom. Those small visits soon turned into nights filled with content silence and bubbling laughter and loud banter.
Laughter was something so sweet, it was something unforced and innocent. It was his favorite thing to sit by the raven haired boy and share giggles that bubbled into full out howling. Danny never paid any mind to the other occupants of his house, he wanted them to hear his joy and excitement pumping through his veins. And he wanted more than anything to let the world know who was responsible.
Danny was the one who touched him first, an innocent hand on his knee. The ghost paled, as much as a ghost could, and shied away. Not wanting to cause discomfort for his companion. The boy only grinned and grabbed his shoulder, pulling him into his side. Phantom had asked him what he was doing in a shaky voice.
"The room's cold." Danny replied, pulling him closer. The ghost's core skipped a pulse and he melted into the touch. To say that the ghost missed this kind of attention was an understatement. Phantom let his ghostly body sink into Danny's warm side and closed his eyes. He wanted this to last, if only for a moment. He wanted to feel human and real, and he was so glad he chose to stay by this boy's side.
Phantom sighed out a long breath, and whispered to the small boy. "And you're warm."
"Oh yeah?" He breathed back.
"Yeah," Phantom said. "And you're mine."
Danny chuckled and rested his head on his, moonlight staining his dark hair. "Glad we finally agree on something."
Phantom laughed.