Chapter 11
A/N: I don't own anything other than my OCs.
"Icefire! What are you doing?!" Alpha Trion hollered at his daughter.
"If you won't make me beautiful, I'll do it myself!" she said trying to control the magic.
Optimus grabbed Elita, and Moonrose, hiding them behind him. Everyone else, but 'Bee backed up, one servant tried to grab his arm to pull him away, but he vanished in a shadow. Reappearing in front of Icefire, grabbing the staff.
"Be careful 'Bee!" Elita called out.
Bumblebee soon discovered for such a tiny girl she was unnaturally strong. Battle training kicking in, he slammed his forehead against hers, stunning her, he then used his leg to kick out, and push her away. Everyone stared in horror as 'Bee held the staff, the others rushing up to join him.
"'Bee…" Moonrose said walking towards him.
"Stand back!" he growled. She still got closer. "I SAID STAND BACK!"
"I TOLD YOU!" Knockout said rushing forwards, but a series of razor sharp shadow spikes appeared in front of him.
"Let's go!" Skyfall said.
"Time for revenge," Barricade said.
"Do you really wanna do this?" Moonrose asked.
"Don't you see?" he said shaking his head. "WE DON'T HAVE A CHOICE! Our parents-"
"You're parents made their choice," she reasoned. "They don't get to make yours. You do."
Bumblebee blinked at her, staring at her in shock. Looking around the room he saw others looking at them in concern. "I think…I think I wanna be good," he said after a moment, lowering the staff slightly.
"You are good!" Moonrose said beginning to move towards him again.
"How do you know that?!" 'Bee barked, raising the staff again.
"Because I'm listening to my heart!" she said.
"…I wanna listen to my heart too," 'Bee said lowering the staff all the way. "And mine is telling me that we are not our parents!" He turned to his friends. "'Cade, stealing things doesn't make you happy! Tourney, and victory pizza with the team makes you happy!"
"It's true," Barricade smiled.
"Skyfall, scratching Charm's belly makes you happy!" 'Bee said.
"Who would've thought?" Skyfall asked picking up the dog.
"And Midnight, you don't need to play dumb to get a guy. You are one of the smartest people I know!"
Midnight nodded and had tears running down her face.
"And, I don't wanna become my father. I don't wanna take over the world with evil," Bumblebee said, a few rare tears running down his face. "I wanna go to school, and I wanna be with Moonrose. Because Moonrose, you make me really happy; happier than I've been in a long time! Us being friends makes me happy! Not destroying things…I choose good guys." 'Bee put his hand out in the middle of all of them.
"I choose good too," Midnight said, placing her hand on 'Bee's.
"Same," Barricade said, joining in.
"Just to be clear…we don't have to worry about how really mad our parents will be? Cause they'll be furious, especially your dad 'Bee, if he sees this he's going to kill you the second you two are in the same vicinity," Skyfall said.
"Your parents can't reach you here," Optimus said.
The four teens seemed to relax. "I'm in," Skyfall said putting her hand on top.
For good measure, Delta sat on their hands releasing a tiny roar, as if to say she was also choosing good.
Everyone clapped, but then the lights in the room dimmed, and turned violet. A shadow swirled in the center of the room, and Megatron appeared.
"I'm back!" the dark lord laughed.
"Go away Dad," 'Bee said still holding the staff.
"Very funny son," Megatron laughed. "Give me the staff."
Bumblebee acted like he was going to hand the staff to his father, but then tossed it to Alpha Trion.
Before Alpha Trion could cast a spell, Megatron froze everyone on place. They could see everything at was happening but they couldn't move. Going up he grabbed the staff. "Now…where should I begin? I know! How about we start by getting rid of this!" Waving the staff, Moonrose's ring flew off of 'Bee's finger into Megatron's hand. "Falling in love is weak, and ridiculous."
"You should let Mom hear that," 'Bee said with a smirk.
"Don't tell her," Megatron said a bit of fear flashing in his eyes. "Besides, love isn't what you want."
"You don't know what I want!" 'Bee snapped. "Dad! Have ever once asked me what I want?! I'm not you!"
"Obviously, I've had years of practice being evil," the dark lord said. "You'll get there."
"No! I won't!" Bumblebee said. "And I really wish you didn't get there yourself. Falling in love isn't weak or ridiculous! It's actually amazing!"
"I know one thing young man, you have no room for love in your life!" Megatron snarled.
With a slight red glow in his eyes, 'Bee summoned the staff to him. "Release!" he shouted, and everyone became unfrozen. They backed up, slightly, and weren't sure what to do.
"Oh please, this so immature," Megatron laughed. "Give. Me. The staff. Now!"
"No way!" Barricade said charging the evil king.
Megatron just rolled his eyes, and blasted him back. "You all will regret this!" he snarled transforming into a huge black dragon.
People began to scream, and the royals grabbed the four teens, as the Megatron shot fire at them.
"Thanks Moonrose," 'Bee said giving her a quick kiss he handed her the staff. He unfastened his cloak, letting it drop to the floor; a huge pair of black angel wings appeared with three razor sharp blades jutting out of the bottom of each wing. "DAD THIS IS BETWEEN YOU AND ME! LEAVE THEM OUT OF THIS!" 'Bee flew up, his eyes glowing bright blood-red. 'Bee fired a fire blast at his father, hitting him in the side of his dragon head.
Megatron howled in pain, shooting a flame at 'Bee.
Teleporting out of the way, 'Bee used every drop of water he could find in the room, to make and ice casing over his father's jaws. Taking the opportunity of his distracted father, 'Bee shot lightning at him.
Megatron screeched in ager and pain. Unintentionally transforming back into his regular self. "YOU BRAT!" He shot lightning at 'Bee and his son blocked it with his own magic. Megatron teleported himself behind 'Bee striking him with a lightning blast before the teen could react, then vanished.
'BEE!" Moonrose screamed, running over to him with the others. She sat next to where he collapsed on the ground.
"I never want to do that again," he groaned, as he tried to sit up.
"If it makes you feel any better, you all get an A in goodness class," Alpha Trion said.
"Super," 'Bee said sarcastically. Tring to get to his feet, but grabbing his side as a wave of agony washed over him.
"Maybe you should get checked out by a doctor before you try anything?" Skyfall said.
"Alpha Trion," 'Bee said. The old man turned from where he was scolding his daughter. "Don't be too hard on Icefire, I was the one putting all those thoughts in her head. Icefire, I recommend listening to your dad, he has some pretty good advice."
"Alright," Knockout said helping 'Bee to his feet. "Let's have the Hatchet check you out."
"Sounds fun," 'Bee grumbled.
That evening there was a huge party at the school.
Moonrose was carried into the party by her teammates, she was now in a short blue dress, and a matching pair of stilettos.
Bumblebee was dancing with Midnight. He was still in the outfit he wore in the fight with Megatron. Midnight was wearing a hi-low violet dress, and a matching pair of stilettos.
Oh, oh, yeah!
Oh, yeah, yeah!
Let's set if off!
Oh, yeah!
You can make it happen
Oh, eh, oh, eh, hey!
The guys carrying Moonrose put her down on the dancefloor.
Kings and queens
It's our time to rise!
Write the book story of our lives!
This is us taking back the night!
Oh, eh, oh, eh, hey!
'Bee made his way through the dancing teens, grabbing Moonrose's hand.
Break the spell
We were born this way!
Be yourself
Forget the DNA
Everybody raise your hands and say
Oh, eh, oh, eh, hey!
Midnight snuck up, on a forlorn looking Smokescreen. Grabbing his hand she pulled him onto the dancefloor.
Sound the alarm get on your feet!
Let's set if off and rock this beat
Dance till your heart is wild and free
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Felling the power
Let it all out!
Like what you see in the mirror
We got the keys
The kingdom's ours!
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, eh, oh, eh, hey!
Let's set it off!
Oh, yeah
Start a chain reaction
And never let it stop
Let's set it off!
Oh, yeah!
You can make it happen
With everything you got
Let's set it off!
Get ready
Set it off!
We got to set it off!
Get ready
Set it off!
Oh, eh, oh, eh, hey!
Icefire was sitting on a bench, when Skyfall and Barricade sat next to her.
It's time to set it off!
Let's make it happen now
I'm make my own future
Ignore all the rumors
Show 'em how passion sound
They pulled Icefire to her feet and led her to the dancefloor.
They all told me I should back down
Judgin' me cause of my background
Thinkin' about changing my path now
Nah, I ain't goin' out like that!
Barricade pulled Icefire out onto the dancefloor, and Skyfall sat on the steps. Knockout walked over, and pulled her to her feet, taking her to the dancefloor.
Feeling the power
Let it all out!
We got the keys
The kingdom's ours!
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Let's set it off!
Oh, yeah
Start a chain reaction
Never let it stop
Let's set it off!
Oh, yeah
You can make it happen
With everything you got
Let's set it off!
Get ready
Set it off!
We got to set it off!
Get ready
Set it off!
We got to set it off!
Get ready
Set it off!
We got to set it off!
Get ready
Set it off!
Bumblebee and Moonrose walked down the dancefloor's steps, before running up to the balcony.
3, 2, 1
Oh, oh, yeah
Let's set it off!
Oh, yeah
Start a chain reaction
And never let it stop
Let's set it off!
Oh, yeah
You can make it happen
With everything you got
Let's set it off!
Get ready
Set it off!
We got to set it off!
Get ready
Set it off!
We got to set it off!
Fireworks light up the sky, and everyone cheered. Bumblebee and Moonrose hugged each other, a looking up at the glowing sky. 'Bee's eyes flashed red for a split second.
Far away in the mountains, Megatron sat in his first palace, watching the fireworks, his eye glinting violet.