Author's note:

Well, if you guys aren't the best readers ever I don't know what you are. 5 reviews on the first chapter? Thank you all so much for your feedback! I'm sorry for the slow upload, I just started my final year in college so life has been a little hectic. I will do my best to update more regularly. So without further ado, the second chapter.

Battle of a God

Chapter 2

Strength revealed

"I have never seen anyone look so happy while eating a hotdog." I said as I watched Beerus take another bite. "Like I said the food on this planet is simply exquisite."

"It's a shame we don't have food like this at home." Whis smiled as he sat down. "What planet do you-"

"Hey, everybody! Get your cards ready, because it's time to play Bingo!" I sighed as Bulma interrupted me. Her timing just couldn't have been "better". "Are you not going to participate?" I looked up from my plate, it seemed Beerus didn't care much for the bingo tournament. "Oh, no. I don't really want to win anything. I don't care much for materialistic things."

"Neither do I." Beerus said as he crossed his arms. During the tournament, I couldn't help but notice myself thinking about our two guests a lot. I couldn't quite place them anywhere in Vegeta's past. Then again, Vegeta didn't share much about himself to begin with. "Lord Beerus. Have you had a chance to sample this creamy confection they call pudding? It looks like sludge but it tastes like other world." I smiled at that. How can you not know about pudding? "Oh? Pudding you say? Sounds delicious, where can I find it?"

"It should be over by the chocolate fountain. I'll show you." I said as I stood up from my seat. Beerus nodded and followed me. "Hmm. That's odd. I could've sworn the chefs just served a new batch."

"Perhaps Whis got excited and ate them all himself?"

"I heard that! Why don't you take a look at the pink gentleman at the table to your right instead?" Ah, I see. Majin Buu was happily scarfing down the last of the puddings. "Though I doubt I could get him to share any, I suppose we could at least try?" Beerus nodded as we walked over to Buu, here goes nothing. "You there, kindly hand over one of those pudding cups to Lord Beerus." At this Buu simply ate another spoonful of pudding. "I understand if you can't spare time to hand me one, so I'll just take one myself."

"NO! Buu eat!" Beerus growled. "What?!"

"Pudding is all for Buu!"

"You're being a rude guest!" Buu stuck out his tongue and stood up. "All pudding cups are Buu's!" At this he picked up the plate of pudding and started licking all of them. "Give me one of them now!" Beerus said as he started pulling on Buu's cloak. Meanwhile I just stood there gaping at them. "What in the world.."

"My apologies. Lord Beerus can get quite passionate about his dining." Whis chuckled as he walked over to the table. "I want the pudding! Give me one right now!"

"No, mine!" With that Buu ate all the pudding cups, plate and all. "You dumb blob!" Beerus yelled at the top of his lungs. "You call Buu dumb? Now Buu turn you into candy and eat you!" Beerus seemed to get more angry with every word he spoke. A faint purple aura started surrounding him and I could feel his power level rising. Was he really going to fight over this? "Calm down." Whis said as he watched the dispute before him. "You make me mad!" With this Beerus unleashed a wave of energy that blew over the table. Everyone seemed to take notice of this, even Vegeta who looked like the end of the world had come. Whis and I tried to get them to calm down, but Beerus didn't seem to want to listen to anyone. Majin Buu took this moment to charge at Beerus, but his efforts where in vain. He easily got blown backwards by a simple movement of Beerus left hand and landed back in the pool. "You can't do that to Buu!" Buu seemed ecstatic and charged Beerus yet again as soon as he flew out of the pool. Beerus easily dodged his punches and knocked him down with a flick with his fingers. "Lord Beerus, no! Please stop!" Vegata stepped in front of Buu and held out his hands. I walked up to him and tried to talk. "I can easily make more pudding if you really want them that badly." I held out my hands in front of my chest, waving them slowly. But before Beerus could even respond, the others decided to join the fight. "Come on guys! Let's roll!" Master Roshi yelled out as 18 charged in first. 18 tried to attack Beerus from behind but he easily teleported behind her and punched her in the back. After that Tien charged in, but before his first could even hit Beerus his hand got stuck in a dead lock by Beerus's own, who then threw Tien to the left of him. Piccolo tried to kick him in the back of the head as soon as Beerus released Tien, but alas, got knocked out by a punch to the neck. "Tien?" Chiaotzu ran over to Tien with a worried look on his face. Tien sat up and cradled his arm. "His strength is incredible.."

"I'll hold him off. Get the others to safety." I turned as I saw Gohan standing behind me. "I don't understand. Beerus seemed like such a nice guy."

"There's no time, just go!" At that Gohan flew after Beerus, who at the time was fighting Majin Buu again. "This is what happens when mortals don't share their pudding." Beerus smiled as he pulled Buu up by his head tentacle, preparing to punch him in the face. "That's enough!" Gohan said as he appeared behind him, putting his arms around Beerus's waist. Beerus smiled and flipped Gohan forward and smacked his head with Buu's making them both fall unconscious. Beerus then kicked them both to the sides and sighed. "Tsk. No point in holding back now." Vegeta said as he powered up to a Super Saiyan 2. Vegeta flew up to meet Beerus in the air. "This way if you want to fight." He said as he pointed to the left of them. Beerus smiled and followed after him. As did I. I was sure I would never be able to beat Beerus but at the very least I could monitor the fight, and try to stop it once it got out of hand.

Once they got to the far end of the garden, Vegeta charged Beerus. Beerus quickly responded with a fist to stop Vegeta's. After exchanging a few punches, Vegeta started to get hit more often, resulting into him being thrown into the earth. "Prince Vegeta is highly skilled, but he lacks the power to match me. Wouldn't you say so, my dear?" Beerus said as he appeared before me. "You don't seem to fear me at all though."

"Why should I? I know you won't hurt me." I said with a nervous smile on my face. "Oh, do you now?" Beerus smiled and started lowering himself to the ground, but as soon as he did, Gotenks flew up to kick him in the head. Beerus dodged it, and turned to see who attacked him. "Let's do this! An uninvited birthday guest with manners so bad he starts a fight over a pudding cup deserves to get Gotenks fist down his throat." Beerus sighed. "How sad. You earthlings have no idea how lucky you are to know the delight of pudding. But for me it is always a taste just beyond grasp, at least for the last 5 minutes. PUDDING!" Beerus threw his arms in the air and yelled in agony. "Oh even the name is coated in deliciousness!" With this Gotenks took a step back, raising an eyebrow. Was this guy for real? "I thought you'd never shut up!" Gotenks powered up to a Super Saiyan and charged Beerus with a flurry of punches. But before he could even run away, Beerus bend him over the knee and spanked him. After that he dropped him down to the ground and smirked. "I knew you'd be the strongest opponent I'd ever face, but I still didn't think it would be over this quickly." I turned and saw Vegeta stand up, clutching his left arm. Beerus smirked. "Tsk. Not the ending I wanted."

"I don't get a pudding cup, and this Super Saiyan God is not here. It's time to punish earth." Beerus held out his hand in front of Vegeta's face, ready to fire a blast. "I'll take some pride in the fact it took Beerus the destroyer to beat me."

"Indeed, that's a fine way to rationalize your death. At least you'll die with your honor intact."

"All right, that's enough of this." I stood in front of Beerus and pushed his hand away. "Enough is enough. Stop this meaningless fighting before things get out of hand."

"Out of hand? Are you insane?!" Oh, no. "Bulma?" I turned to face my sister who came running over to us, mad like a raging bull. "I don't care for how many years you and my husband have known each other, your selfish pudding cup fight has ruined my 39th birthday party!" After this Bulma slapped Beerus right in the face. If it weren't for the fighting beforehand, this would've probably made me pee my pants. My sister was brave, I'd give her that much. After the slap in the face, Beerus immediately responded with a soft slap of his own knocking Bulma unconscious. I ran over to her and flew her away from the battlefield as soon as I could, but before I even got out of the garden I heard Vegeta yell. "How dare you? THAT'S MY WIFE!" I could feel his energy rising and I could swear that in this moment in time, Vegeta might have surpassed Goku's power level. "You bastard!" I placed Bulma in front of Dende and turned back to the fight. "This is incredible! It seems like Vegeta's anger has made him even stronger!" Master Roshi said as he observed the battle. Once he finished talking a huge blast exploded before us, knocking back some of the others. I shielded my eyes with my arms and tried to look at the two fighters as soon as the light dissipated. It seemed like the blast was in vain as Beerus seemed to be unharmed. Vegeta and Beerus flew closer to us and stood back down onto the ground. "Impressive show. It only proved you are not the Super Saiyan God either. I should take my leave, but only after destroying the Earth. Whis?" Whis who patiently stood by the others, took another bite out of his sushi. "In a minute."

"No, I won't let you do it! Why must you always destroy?" Vegeta said as he powered down to a normal Saiyan. "Don't stall. I've already made up my mind Vegeta." At this, Beerus touched Vegeta's forehead with his index finger, instantly putting Vegeta to sleep. "Whis, come on!" Whis sighed and put down his plate. "Yes, Lord Beerus? Is there something you wanted?"

"I must admit you were right about the Saiyan God prophecy. This whole endeavor has been nothing but the two of us chasing the echo of a myth. But I shall destroy this planet before I return home!"

"As you wish, Lord Beerus. But first I'm going to finish eating, okay?" At this Beerus sighed. Whis had a great sense of humor, too bad he wasn't on our side. Beerus cleared his throat and flew over to stand in front of me. "Look. I like your planet, and I like you. I have enjoyed myself enough not to despise my time here entirely. I'll give you one last chance to save yourself. I nominate you. Come a little closer won't you?" I nodded at this and took a few steps forward. "Now all you have to do is play a game of rock, paper, scissors. If you win, I'll leave your earth intact. But of course if you lose, so does your planet."

"Are our lives really just a game to you? Do you really think yourself to be important enough to decide over life and death? I won't take any part in your silly games." Beerus frowned. I could hear the others yelling at me, but I decided to ignore them. It didn't matter what I did, I was pretty sure Beerus always made sure he got his way. "You fool. I thought you to be smarter than the other mortals." Beerus sighed and flew up into the sky, but before he could do anything someone yelled out. "Wait!" Was that Goku? I turned around to face my old friend. Just in time, as usual. Goku landed next to me and looked up at Beerus who was flying back down. "Hmpf. You shouldn't have come back. Unless.. You finally figured out the Saiyan God prophecy?"

"I haven't worked out all the kinks to it yet, but I do know I can't let you blow up the earth!"

"Destruction is in my very name." Beerus smiled as he took a step forward. "Believe me, I'm aware of that Lord Beerus. But just this once, can you please give us a pass?"

"And if I do? Will you still fight me?" Goku put his hand behind his head and smiled. "Yeah.. I would love to settle the score, but I'm pretty sure I'd get killed. No matter what power level I'm at it won't be a fair fight. Hmm.." Goku seemed lost in thoughts for a moment before jumping up and smiling. "That's it! Lord Beerus! I need a minute to try one last crazy idea."

"Idea for what?"

"For summoning the Super Saiyan God guy you want to meet. I think I know how to do it now, but it's not going to be easy."

"I'm listening."

"Can you give me, like, five minutes? Just a little time. That's all I need." Goku put his hands out as if he was begging and smiled. "Please?"

"All right. You got five minutes."

"Yes! Thanks. Tonks, can you go fetch me the Dragonballs?" I blinked and nodded. "Uh sure." After gathering the Dragonballs in a small pile on the ground near the pool, I sighed. "This better work." Bulma said as walked over to us, with Vegeta holding onto her for support. "I'm sorry Bulma, but to do this I'm going to have to use the Dragonballs."

"No problem. Take whatever you need so long as it sends that party crashing jerk and his friend back to where they came from."

"Wow Bulma, harsh." I chuckled as I sat down the patio chair next to us. "He's still a god Bulma. You got to respect the rank." Bulma raised an eyebrow at Goku's comment. "What?! A god?" Beerus made a peace sign and smirked. "Yep."

"Well, that's stupid! What kind of a god throws a temper tantrum because he missed out on a pudding cup?"

"Listen, Bulma. He is no ordinary god. He's a god of destruction, the last of his kind you ever want to encounter." At this Bulma gasped. I guess now she realized what kind of trouble we were in. "His name is Lord Beerus. He is the strongest being in the universe. His name alone was enough to scare the crap out of King Kai and Supreme Kai." Whis sighed as he walked over to us, with a box of food in hand. "Please watch your language around Lord Beerus, otherwise he won't just destroy the Earth but the entire solar system as well."

"Goku, if you have a plan for the Dragonballs you better do it now. I'm not sure Beerus will stay this patient forever." Goku nodded at me and raised his hands in the air. "Eternal Shenron! By your name I summon you forth." At this the Dragonballs started to glow a bright gold and both Goku and I took a step back. "Oh, so that's it? Calling in the big guns to get rid of this guy, huh?" Krillin said as we watched Shenron fly up into the air. "Nope. Shenron can't handle this guy."

"I am Shenron. I shall grant you any wish, now speak!" Goku put his hands on his hips and took a step forward. "I've got to make this fast Shenron! Um, have you ever heard of a thing called the Super Saiyan God?" At this Beerus approached Shenron as well. "Oh. I'd like to hear his answer to that question as much as you do."

"Yes, I have."

"Seriously? You really know about it?"

"Yes, I'm serious. Is your wish to know whether I know about the Super Saiyan God?"

"No, no! But if you know where a Saiyan God is, I want to use my wish to bring him here." Shenron's eyes glowed red for a moment before he started to speak again. "I cannot because one does not yet exist. The Super Saiyan God can only exist temporarily in your world, because she is not yet ready to wield such power on her own. But when multiple Saiyans project their energy into her, she can transform." Everyone gasped at this. "Can you go over that one more time?"

"So many questions yet no wishing. Speak your wish now."

"It's more for Lord Beerus. He said he would blow up the Earth unless he meets a Super Saiyan God, right?"

"The Lord Beerus? I have heard many things about you."

"Likewise. But I'm in a rush, so tell them how to summon this Super Saiyan God."

"Long ago a small group of Saiyans questioned the evil committed by their race. The good Saiyans decided to lead a revolt against the bad and to assure victory combined their powers to summon a Saiyan. A Super Saiyan God. This savior easily defeated the other Saiyans with her immense power, but she then vanished as quickly as she came. Because the energy the Saiyans had offered her could not last for long. In time, evil once again took root on the planet Vegeta, and the memory of the Super Saiyan God had long since been forgotten. Merely lost all together. But I still know how to summon her. Six Saiyans with righteous hearts must join hands and instil their inner light into the other. With her friends energy flowing through her veins, this saiyan shall then take the form of a Super Saiyan God."

"As interesting as all this sounds, am I correct to assume this Super Saiyan God is a female? You keep referring to "her"." Shenron nodded at Beerus's question. "That is correct."

"Then this was all for naught. There are no more female Saiyans left alive." Vegeta said as he raised his fist. "That is false."

"What?!" Everyone gasped at this. Another Saiyan left alive? And a female at that. "Can we use our wish to summon her to us?" Goku said as he looked up to Shenron with hopeful eyes. "She is already here, standing right next to you. I have given you the information you required, I take my leave now." With that Shenron left. "What? What did he mean by that?" I said as I turned to face Goku. Bulma sighed and walked up to me, taking my right hand in hers. "Maybe it's time to tell you the truth."

"What do you mean?" I pulled my hand back, irritated by this nonsense. "33 years ago, in the middle of the night a strange meteorite crashed into our garden. But upon closer inspection, this meteorite turned out to be a space pod with a little baby inside. That was you, Tonks."

"What?!" Both Vegeta and I gasped at this. "Don't you think it would've been smart to bring this up sooner, woman?!" Bulma growled. "My parents wanted her to have a normal life. Even after everything we have been through it seemed like the best idea to keep it a secret." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. All along, all this time, I was a Saiyan as well? "Tonks, I know this is a great shock but we have no time. Do you think you can do it?" Goku put his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. "I.. I don't know? I don't even know how to become a Super Saiyan."

"You're going to learn something much more important, my dear. A Super Saiyan Goddes, right under our noses. How could we not have seen that? I wonder.." Beerus said as he examined me. "But first we have to find six Saiyans with righteous hearts? Hmpf. Good luck with that. The only two that are even close to righteous are Tonks and Goten." Piccolo said with a smirk on his face. "Hey! Don't say that? Sure, Vegeta can be a jerk sometimes but what about my Thrunks? He's just a little boy."

"Hmpf. Any boy that young who already has a serious girlfriend does not have a righteous heart." Bulma growled and balled her fists. "Oh, shut up! You mean old prude! I bet you're kind of jealous of him."

"Yeah, Piccolo. And are you suggesting Goku and Gohan are impure too?" At this Goku face palmed himself, clearly he did not want to be here for this conversation. Meanwhile me and Krillin were laughing like crazy. "Well, Goku is pure of spirit but not of logic. Fighting Beerus is plain dumb. Whether that still adds up to him being righteous, I do not know."


"All right, all right! We'll do it!" Goku said as he gathered all the Saiyans with him. Dende smiled as he finished healing Vegeta and spoke up. "Listen, we're not talking about perfection. We're talking about pure of heart. All six of you have risked your lives to save the universe, that has to count for something right? Though Vegeta may have been evil a long time ago, he has been fighting at our sides for decades now. He's good in my book." At this Vegeta frowned. "The Prince of all Saiyans is not a righteous goody-goody."

"Cool it off, bad man. Just give it a try already." Bulma said as she pushed him closer to the group. At this everyone grabbed each other's hands and powered up as much as they could, and transferred all the power they had to me. I felt a strange tingling sensation rushing through my veins, though nothing that would suggest to me that I was becoming a Super Saiyan God. "Tonks, are you feeling any different? Any changes?" Gohan asked as he stared at me. "No, I don't think so.." At this everyone powered back down into a normal Saiyan and I started to glow golden. As we lowered back down to the ground, I could see everyone staring at me. "Tonks! Your power level is higher than any fighter in history!" I sighed. "While that may be true, it is not enough."

"Don't bother with the celebrations, Gohan. She does not yet hold the power of a Super Saiyan God." Goku turned to face Piccolo as he spoke. "Yeah, but then what was that?"

"Tonks did briefly become stronger, but only because she absorbed the others fighting energy. It did not transform her."

"He's right I'm afraid. That was just a superficial boost, not a transformation. She is not yet a god." I nodded at Beerus words. "I know I'm still not strong enough to beat you. What a bummer." At this Whis walked up to us. "May I please have your attention? You may have misunderstood. Shenron specifically said that the inner light of six Saiyans with righteous hearts had to be instilled upon a female Saiyan, that makes the total number of Saiyans you need seven." Goku gasped. "Oh, so it didn't work because we goofed up the count? Well where are we gonna find another Saiyan?"

"All right, that's enough. I thought I was going to meet the Super Saiyan God but I guess not. What a disappointment. I guess I'll head home for a much deserved nap after I destroy the planet of course." Beerus said as he turned to walk away. "Hold on, Lord Beerus." Videl said as he ran after him. "There is one more Saiyan here." Gohan raised his eyebrows at that. "What are you talking about? Who is the other Saiyan?" Videl smiled at this. "Well he's technically not here yet. And he's not a Saiyan like Goku, Vegeta or Tonks but I know he has Saiyan blood to go with a righteous heart." Gohan seemed to be even more confused after this. Dende chuckled and spoke. "You guys. Videl is pregnant. Growing within her is Gohan and Videl's quarter Saiyan child." "Are we really going to have a baby?" At this Gohan ran at Videl and hugged her. "We are. I wanted to make it a surprise but now is as good a time as any." Beerus sighed at this. "Are you going to transform Tonks into a God or what?"

"Fine. Let's add Videl and the baby and try again."

"Are you sure this will work, Gohan? Our baby hasn't even been born yet."

"We at least have to give it a shot now that the Earth is at stake." Videl nodded at this and once we all held hands again, the seven of us powered up again. This time things went different. After only a few seconds I could feel my body radiate with power, and the golden aura surrounding us turned a bright blue. This was it. Once the others had powered down again I could see myself still being engulfed with this bright blue aura. My previously blonde hair had turned a cherry red, and I could feel myself getting stronger by the second. So this was what it was like to feel true power? "Are you pleased Beerus? It seems they have accomplished something quite successful."

"Yes, it's my just reward for being so patient."

"Really? So you think I've actually transformed into a Super Saiyan God?"

"What else would you be, my dear? But we should know for certain once we start our battle. You promised me a sparring match, remember?" I smiled at this. At least with my new found power, I might stand a chance. "So, are we ready to begin yet?"
