Authors Note: This is my first fic so please comment and be nice :)

I do not own Marvel Agents of SHIELD but how cool would that be :)

"Stop it! Please… I didn't mean to look at you… honestly… just stop!" The little girl screamed while cowering in the corner.

"Well I need to teach you lesson Mary – you're rude and you're just trouble! No one else will want a child that's as broken as you are!" Said Mary Sue Poot's 6th foster father, Mr Rayburn. "Actually come to think of it… We don't really want you either. That why tomorrow morning we are sending you back to St Agnes so you can go and pack your stuff… NOW". The girl ran up the stairs, into the room that had been called hers but they all knew it was the spare room and that she wouldn't be staying there for long and sat on the bed and cried for the rest of the night.

The following morning Mary Sue Poots was dropped back at the orphanage called St Agnes and was greeted by the same words that greeted her everytime she came back… "What did you do this time Mary?". She felt like screaming at them 'it wasn't my fault' but who would listen to a broken six year old that can't get a family to keep her.

Mary returned to her usual bunk on the second floor and just sat. No children came up to her, no one said hello. She had no friends here – actually she doesn't have any friends anywhere. Maybe she was broken; maybe the whole reason that no one liked her was because she was broken. Her real parents knew she was broken that's why they left her and didn't want to look after her. She hadn't even realized through her own though process she had started crying – sobbing in fact. Still no one came to see her, eventually she cried herself to sleep.

When she woke it was nearly 1pm - that was the time new foster parents were allowed to come and see if there are any children they would like to take home. Mary decided that no one wanted her so she could take a walk around the house and try her best to avoid everyone. She watched all the parents walk through the main door before slipping out and sitting on one of the lower steps.

It wasn't long until Peter and his friends showed up to take the mickey out her.

"Mary Sue, Mary Sue why is it that you smell like poo?" They all chant.

Mary covered her ears trying to block out their voices

Peter grabbed her wrist and pulled her to her feet.

"What's the matter Mary Poo? Huh? Are you still a cry baby?"

"My name is not M..M..Mary Sue…"

"Its not is it? Well… What is it then?"


At that moment a car pulled up just out side the orphanage and two people practically jumped out the car.

"I told you we were going to be late Phil" said the lady. She was wearing black trousers and a white suit. Her hair pulled back into a low ponytail with just a small bit of fringe hanging over her face.

"I'm sorry Mel, I didn't realize how long we were…" said the man Skye presumed was Phil. He wore a black suit and a sleek blue tie. Skye hadn't realized why he had stopped until she saw that the lady, presumable named Mel, was staring straight at her and the boy that was still pushing her.

Peter laughed when he caught the sight of Mel and Phil's disgusted look. "Looks like Mary doesn't have to even speak for parents to know that she's no good!" and with one final push Skye is thrown to the floor and Peter and his gang run off laughing and shouting.

Skye huddles herself into a ball and tries to control her breathing. During this Mel and Phil, who had just seen the whole incident, rush over to her and start to speak.

Over the sound of her sobs all she can hear are parts of Phil's speech. "…okay? …you…pathetic…I wish I could…".

At these words Skye jumps up and flattens herself against the nearest wall screaming "I wont do it again! Please… please don't! don't hit me…." Her words trail off as she starts to sob again.

Phil didn't understand what he'd said – he replayed it back in his mind: Hey, are you okay? We just want to help you. He'd said something to Mel at this point but didn't think that the little girl could hear him. Phil stopped. Skye thought he was talking about her? He had actually said to Mel: Those boys are pathetic – picking on a small girl. I wish it could teach them a lesson or two!

Guilt written all over his face he glances at his wife in front of him and as if she could read his mind she said "It's not your fault, ill talk to her."

Mel walked over to the wall where Skye was and said calmly and softly "Hi sweetie, my name is Melinda but most people call me May or Mel, what's yours?"

Skye, at this point, had stopped screaming and just stood looking at the floor in front of her. Her stance was protective as if she was still expecting to be hit. Skye couldn't decide whether she was in danger or not so she decided to stay quiet. However that's why she was hit in foster house number 3 – she was too quiet and never spoke. The thought of this once again brought her to tears again.

Melinda moved closer to her and spoke again, her voice sweet and gentle – maybe she wasn't like the Rayburns? But then again even they were nice at the beginning. "The boys called you Mary, is that right? When they pushed you it looked like you fell on your wrist – did you hurt it?"

Skye looked up at the question in confusion. Why did she care? They are late but they are still talking to her, why? She hadn't actually noticed until now that, yes, she did hurt her wrist.

"My names Skye… and I think so." She said quietly, practically mumbling.

"Skye, that's a beautiful name, my husband is a doctor, would it be okay if he had a look at it?"

Skye shook her head out of fear. What if he got angry? Tears formed in her eyes. After Melinda saw her shake her head she turned to look at Phil who was miming actions to her. She nodded her head and turned back to Skye.

"Okay sweetie can I see it instead? I just want to make sure it's not broken"

Skye held her hand out slowly and Melinda started to feel it. After a while she must have made a decision because she dropped her hand and look up to her.

"Nothing broken but I think you could do with some ice on it"

Skye shrugged and said okay. Melinda stood up and held out both hands, what did she want Skye to do? Seeing the confusion on the little girls face broke Mel's heart. This girl obviously didn't get picked up often. Mel swooped down and scooped Skye into her arms. Skye stiffened at this action but didn't instantly wriggle to be released so walked up the steps and into the building.

Skye noted while in Melinda's arms, as well as the fact Mel smelt nice, that Phil stayed at least 20 paces behind them. She hoped she didn't upset him – he'll make a good foster father for someone. He'd only just met her yet he's staying away from her because she was scared. Only a truly good parent does that.

'Not anyone I deserve' Skye thought.

Once they were inside Skye directed them into the kitchen and pointed them into the direction of the ice packs. It looked like Mel was about to say something when Sister Jane came in and instantly took Skye off the counter top where Mel had placed her.

"Mary Sue – What do you think your doing wasting these peoples time?!"

Skye didn't like it when Sister Jane shouted. And right now she was definitely shouting. Skye lifted her wrist to show her the ice pack that had been placed on it. Sister Jane scoffed.

"Bet you didn't actually hurt your wrist, your always lying and faking injuries"

Before Skye could retaliate Melinda stepped in front of her and said "Skye was in front of us when a group of boys pushed her down, we saw it happen so you might want to think again before accusing people of lying!"

Skye stood there stunned. No one ever spoke to Sister Jane like that.

Melinda had no idea what came over her. She felt a sudden need to protect this child. The same feeling she felt when meeting her other children. Melinda looked to Phil and both shared the same thought. 'They wanted Skye to be a part of their family!'

"Skye why don't you rest your hand and myself and Phil will go into the metting that we are now…" she looks at her watch "20 minutes late for".

Before she left Skye looked at Mel and said "thank you Mel – you'll be a very good mother for some one here". Skye gave her a sad smile then hurried off into the living room. Mel just stared in amazement at the retreating figure.

"Why not?! Why shouldn't I want to foster Mary Sue –as you call her?"

Melinda's blood began to boil as the social working in front of her that was supposed to getting her to foster children was saying she shouldn't foster this particular child.

"She is a very problematic child. You will be her 7th home and everyone so far has sent her back"

This time it was Phil to speak. "We have dealt with children you have called problematic and they are now the sweetest children I have ever met!"

"Well… You did seem to tame two of the wildest ones we've had to date. Well that excluding Mary Sue"

That last speech put Melinda over the edge.

"TAME?! TAME?! What are they Lions? No, they were children that just needed time, love and a family that will love them. They have that now and that is what we will do for Mary! She will be one of the most loved kids in America – then see how PROBLEMATIC she is"

Right then, Phil knew exactly how much his wife wanted this little one and realized how much he did too so with out thinking about it he stood and said "so where is the form we need to sign because I would like to get her out of here as fast as possible.

Mel went in search for her little one while Phil stayed and filled in the form. When she got to the room the social worker said was Skye's she knocked on the door and opened it quietly. Skye was sat in the middle of a room that could hardly be called a child's bedroom. It had a bed, wardrobe and a chest of drawers – no toys, no games, nothing to indicate a six year old lived here.

"You must have the wrong room, I wasn't at the meet'n'greet this morning" Skye mumbled not even looking up to see who was at her door.

"Actually Skye, I think I have the right room"

Skye's eyes shot up and she saw Mel looking at her. Skye's eyes were clouded with confusion and Melinda continued talking.

"Skye, Phil and I would like you to come and live with us – if that's okay?"

"But why? I was a baby outside and no one ever WANTS me – I'm normally forced upon people" Skye knew the reason no one wants her so she knew that Mel and Phil obviously don't know how 'broken' she is.

"Well " Melinda said walking toward the bed "we want you so will you come with us?"

Skye was never asked if she wants to go. She's normally just told – she has a choice. Melinda seems nice, when she picked Skye up earlier she felt safe and warm. Maybe she'll be nicer than the rest. Skye is still doesn't trust Phil but hopefully Mel will keep her safe.

"Okay" she said "I'll come with you – but can you try and tell me when you decide to send me back? It just I like to know how long I have left…" Skye trailed off, almost feeling nervous.

Melinda moved even closer to her and she said slowly "Skye we are not going to send you back – I promise."

As Skye grabbed the bag that she hadn't unpacked from this morning she whispered "That's what they all say".

That comment broke Melinda's heart in two. From then on she vowed to protect this girl and love her like she should have been loved in the first place.

She will prove to Skye that they will be her forever family and that they love her.