So here it is guys! The final chapter. Thank you to everyone who has followed this journey and supported, given ideas, and left such kind reviews. This little story never could have made it this far without all of you.
When Stiles suggested a game of twenty questions at the beginning of the summer he thought it might last a day, two days at the most. He was not expecting to spend the entire month of August before his senior year sharing secrets with Derek Hale.
One week after their first round of questions Stiles woke up to a text. Hey, we're driving through West Virginia and apparently mountains and curvy roads make Braeden carsick (though she says I just don't know how to drive). You up for round two?
Sure. Stiles answered, using this opportunity to ask a question he has wondered about for years now. Whats up wit the leather jaket? We liv in CA dude, and ur a werwolf u dont get cold. U dont need a coat that heavy.
My dad bought it for me for my fifteenth birthday, Derek replied. The last one before the fire. I happened to have it with me at school that day and then it was one of the few things I had left. I just got into a habit of keeping it with me.
Stiles winced in sympathy, not having meant to cross that line. I get it. He answered. The Jeep was my mom's.
That morning Stiles learned that Derek's favorite holiday was the Fourth of July, he played baseball in high school along with basketball, and that he spent part of his time away from Beacon Hills after high school in London with Laura.
Derek learned that Stiles could NOT play guitar despite having taken lessons, had never had a pet because his mom was allergic, and had managed to keep a 3.8 GPA despite all the supernatural craziness he had been dealing with.
The next round started a few days later when Stiles was waiting at the station on his dad. Der Im bored and its ur turn 2 ask.
Let me get Brae to drive for a while… just a second.
What's your biggest regret?
1 time scot dared me to eat 4 whole pizzas and i did it. Not a good idea. Stiles typed back with a smile. Whats somthing ur dream house wud have that ur loft dosnt?
A library. Derek replied immediately. Floor to ceiling book shelves with sliding ladders, fireplace, leather arm chairs, all of it.
I'm probably gonna regret asking this one, but do you have any hidden talents?
Surfing. Stiles answered. The board in my room isnt just to look cool. U?
I can cook. Or at least I could. I have been living off fast food and eating at greasy diners for the past three months so I don't know if I even know what decent food tastes like any more.
When u com bak home we can do a pack dinner at the loft 2 celebrate. Stiles promised as the sheriff walked into his office. "How's Derek doin?" He asked his son when he saw the cell phone in his hand.
"How'd you know I was talking to Derek?" Stiles asked, wondering if his dad had been tracking his phone.
"Cause you always talk to Derek now." He answered with a smile.
"Yeah well if you were on time for lunch I wouldn't have to find a way to keep myself entertained." Stiles retorted as he reach his dad his lunch.
Speaking of greasy fast food i hav some curly frys callin my name. 12 q's left.
The rest of the week was full of questions whenever one of them had a free moment. Favorite foods to dream vacations, favorite and least favorite subjects and teachers in school, debates over which cartoon character from their childhood was the best, music, and family history. Derek told him embarrassing stories about Peter as a kid that Stiles couldn't wait to share with the rest of the pack and Stiles talked more about his mom to Derek in that week than he had to anyone other than his dad and Scott. Nothing was off limits and for the first time since that night he and Scott spent in the woods looking for the dead body, Stiles didn't feel like an outsider in his pack.
The last Friday night before school started back everyone gathered at Lydia's house for one more party. Well, it was supposed to be one last party, but with Lydia helping Malia cram for her last summer school final and Scott and Kira off god-knows-where doing god-knows-what, it wasn't much of a party.
Final q. U ready? He texted Derek.
Actually, no. Sorry. It's the last one, I have to think of a great one. It's your last Friday night of summer, Stiles. Go enjoy it.
"Fine." Stiles sighed dejectedly, putting his phone back in his pocket.
It wasn't an epic night, no huge goodbye to summer bash like he had hoped, but there were worse ways he could have spent the night than kicking Liam's ass at Mario Kart.
The next day Stiles cleaned his room. It was stupid and a total waste of his last real day of summer vacation but it was a tradition his mom had started before his first day of preschool and something he always did. And seeing as how this would be his last first day of school, he wasn't going to skip out on tradition now. So he vacuumed and cut the tags off his new clothes and made sure there were notebooks and pencils in his backpack and before he knew it the day was over and it was dark outside. He was in the middle of dusting his bookshelf when his phone chimed.
Final questions. You ready?
Bring it. Stiles grinned.
Okay. My final question of my first ever game of Twenty Questions.
Is your window locked?
Stiles stared at his phone, partly in shock but mostly in anger. His whole summer had led up to this moment, the end of his and Derek's game, Derek had even blown him off yesterday saying that he needed to think of an amazing question and that was what he chose? To remind Stiles that he was still his overbearing, overprotective self?
"Of course my window is locked…" He muttered to himself as he tossed a book to the floor and walked across the room to check. Stiles wasn't stupid. He had put up with all the supernatural craziness in his town for years, he knew the risks, how dangerous it was just living here. He wasn't going to add an extra target to his back by not locking his… "Whoops." He whispered looking at the open lock.
He quickly fastened the lock before collapsing on his bed and texting Derek. Yes Sour Wolf. My window is locked.
You sure? Derek replied.
YES! And since u totaly wastd ur last q its my turn.
Stiles sent that message and then took a breath before typing out the question he had been wanting to ask all summer long. When are you coming h
His message was cut off by an incoming text from Derek. Double check your window.
"Seriously?!" Stiles screamed to his empty room in frustration but got up and walked towards the window again. Checking the lock and finding it secure he picked up his phone again but was distracted by something out his window. The moon, which would be a full moon tomorrow, gleaming off of something silver.
There, at the end of his street, parked in perfect view of his window, sat a silver SUV. Black jeans and a leather jacket leaning casually against the car, arms crossed with the glow of a cell phone coming from the right hand. A rare smile, that was almost as bright as the blue his eyes flashed upon seeing Stiles, plastered on his face.
And it turns out Stiles didn't need to ask his final question after all. Derek was already home.
There it is yall! The end! If this is your first time finding this story or you have been with me from day one, thank you so so so much for reading and taking this journey with me. Please feel free to leave a review or comment and let me know what you thought.