Chapter 2.
New World, And meeting God O.o?
(Yo Im back n.n and I'm not doing the stutter it just makes no sence to me reading it. Anyhow you guys do raise a good point about obito but you have to admit Kamui only sends him into a 'Private' dimension. There no real proof he can go to other worlds. If you guys have any, leave comments and I'll ajust to my plans dealing with Akatsuki. Anyhow poll still up about the boss summons and if they stay or leave the ninja world.)
~Meanwhile in the Void of Worlds~
"Ah the young Yamanaka we finally meet.." Shaking slightly in fear from the clones voice, Ino turned to Naruto asking "What's that it's not a regular clone it feels so evil so dark. Naruto what's going on damnit!" Sighing the clone says to Ino, "Now Ino what's going on is you interfered in a ritual that transends all what you humans can comprehend. And as for what I am I am the Kyubbi No Yoko the nine tailed fox."-gasp- Ino was in shock the Kyubbi was standing infront of her possesing a clone of Naruto.
"There no way your the fox! Yondaime-sama killed you six years ago by sacrificing himself!" Ino screamed at the clone. Chuckling the fox said while jabbing a finger to Naruto. "Well that's where your wrong kitten, you see there no way in hell the Gaki's dad could kill me so he did the next best thing, sealed me away in his brat (HEY! NOT A BRAT!) I won't go into detail's child but the fourth sold his soul to Shikigami-sama. Anyhow the ritual I meantioned is a gate that allows a person or Bijuu to travel between world's. Dimensions if you will. And seeing as how the village had royaly fucked up the kit's training I offered him a way to get stronger.."
This was alot to take in as Ino fell on her butt looking at the pair and asked her voice shaking. "Well is there a way to send me back? I promise Kyubbi-sama I wont tell about any of this." A loud laughter echoed through the halls of the void of worlds from the Kyubbi/Clone as it turned to Naruto still laughing as he said to the boy. "Muhahaha! now thats how you should treat me kit, with respect." Sweatdropping at the fox Naruto said simply with a grin, "What's the matter with being called furball? If Kassan can call you that I'm sticking with it."
Growling at the boy while turning back to Ino mumbling about disrespectful Uzumaki's he said. "I'm afraid your stuck with us for the long haul kitten you see-" Standing up shouting at the fox, getting a burst of her anger back. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M STUCK! YOU WERE ABLE TO SEND THAT CLONE BACK! WHY NOT ME!" Flaring his Youkai the fox glared at Ino sending her tumbling end over end from the force of the blast of youkai she finally stopped on her butt as he said sternly. "SHUT UP YOU BRAT!" Taking a few calming breaths the fox said with a glare at Ino.
"Your no better than the kit ugh I swear always yelling and never thinking. As I was saying before being so rudely interupted the reason the clone was able to go back is because it's made of chakra. Chakra from our world is always flowing into the void of worlds so it was easy for the clone to pass through. And I can only open the gate once to let physical beings like you and the kit pass through back into our home dimension. Do you understand me so far Ino?-turns to Naruto- kit you may want to sit down with Ino this will take awhile to explain?"
~Meanwhile in Konaha; Hokage's office Next Day~
"SHE WHAT!?" A voice rang out across Konaha while inside the hokage's office Inoichi was very pissed. "She needs to come home there no telling what the hell that boy could be doing to my Ino-chan! We've all seen that ridiculious Buster-Jutsu of his! He could turn my daughter into a pervert Hokage-sama a Pervert! Or he could take my baby's virginity away! That's it I'll kill him! I'll break his mind, kill him and summon him again just to kill him again for deflowering my daughter!" (A/N; No Inoichi doesn't hate Naruto he's just like any dad would be when his daughter away with a boy for the first time.)
Massaging his temples to stave off the massive headache Inoichi was giving him Sarutobi said to the man. "Now Inoichi I know your upset but I assure you Naruto-kun isn't like that. And that Buster-jutsu he uses is just to get attention he not a pervert. And really? You'd kill him -chuckles- you must have no fear of his tenant than if you want to do a foolish thing like that." Seeing the man pale and start calming down slightly the third continues by saying.
"Why it's Natural to be upset, I don't blame you. But it's Ino's own fault for stepping into the seal that Naruto set up to leave this dimension. So you see the only person at fault here is Ino herself." -Sighing- Inoichi says to the third. "I know that girl's pretty stubborn. But sir is it wise to let them leave like you did? Given how this village treats the boy he may never want to return here thus leaving Ino to be forever away from her friends and family."
Looking the man in the eyes Sarutobi says seriously from his desk. "I know that. I know this village has rottened-gasp from Inoichi- It has become so lost in greed the search for money and power the will of fire has all but been extinguished. And yes I even know how far and how long this village can hold onto it's hatred. The boy has suffered for so long I can't blame him at all if he never returns for this hat. But if he does he and even Ino will become stronger. Stronger than me or the past Kage's before me."
-Stepping away from his desk to look out the window of the village- But Inoichi I do belive in these old bones he will return, they both will and I'll have a heir worthy of this hat ready to make the will of fire burn brightly for the ninja world to see once more. So have faith in the boy, he'll return Ino to you." As Inoichi stood there for a moment, a small smile on his lips, he turned and started towards the door saying over his shoulder to the Hokage, "I'll try Sir I'll have faith in the boy Minato trusted."
~Back in the Void of Worlds~
After Kurama's Lengthy explination on the reason him and Naruto were going to train, His sealing, even his name, And where they were and why Ino can't return. Naruto asked him, "So now that's over and done with which way is this Arceus's domain? I wana get started on training Kurama." Ino stood by Naruto silently deep in thought as the fox said. "Ok kit, kitten. Let me just find is door and we can go and get a audience with Arceus and get down to training. I know how your Itching to get started. I'll head back into the seal and take over a bit so since through your body I can focus more properly finding the door instead of in the clones."
With a -pop- the Kyubbi/Clone disappered as Ino watched Naruto enter the first tail state a look of concentration on his face..Suddenly a pulse of Youkai came from Naruto's body and like a shockwave enveloped the room. (A/N; Think like how a bat finds stuff not to bump into echo-location but with visible Youkai.) Ino had a hard time standing as she staggered through the surges of Youkai she yells out to Naruto. "Hey whats going on! What are you baka's doing! you'll break the doors doing that with so much power!" Afer a few moments of enduring the shockwaves Ino noticed they finally stopped as Kyubbi/Naruto turned to her with a fanged-grin saying.
"What I was doing was looking for the door we need kitten and I found it. Now hold on this will be disorienting!" Taking Ino's hand Kyubbi/Naruto disappered with her in a flash of red light. Maniacl laughter and screams all the way.
~Arceus's Palace~
Lifting his head up from his slumber, a being groaned as he heard a familiar laughter reverberate all throughout the palace. "Greaat Kurama's here and a unknown human is with him. This I just know will cause me a headache." Grumbled the being as it got up to go greet his annoying guest. As the being entered the main hall he finds a amusing sight a red faced blonde girl beating up a clearly Kurama-possesed boy who laughing like a madman.
~Kubbi/Naruto and Ino Mins earlier~
Appearing in a grand palace of what appears to be royalty Ino stumbled foward before rounding on the Jinchuuriki yelling at him while commencing to pumble the possed boy into paste. "OF ALL THE BAKA'S I CAN BE TRAPPED IN ANOTHER DIMENSION IN, IT HAD TO BE WITH AN IDIOT WHO LOVES SCARING THE SHIT OUT OF ME!" While Ino was giving Naruto's boy lumps, Kurama laughing all the while inside the seal Naruto sweatdropped saying to his Bijuu. "You know your not going to be the one hurting for that prank I am. So why do it?" Throughout his laughter Kurama managed to say. "Muhahaha! because kit! It's funny!" Suddenly the pair heard a deep throat being cleared and a loud commanding voice saying throughout the room. "As good as it is to see you again Kurama why are you here? Much less as to why your in a human and brought another one with you?"
~Present time~
Kurama knew he needed to get on the outside and explain thing made a clone and transfered his soul into it. Meanwhile Ino and Naruto satred up in awe at the colossal being, presumingly the Kami of this world. It was a white equine it resembled a centaur with a grey, vertically-striated underside. The striated pattern has similar recurrences on the underside of its mane,tail and face. It's four pointed feet are tipped with golden hooves. Its long mane just away from its head and its face is grey, with green eyes and red pupils, and a green circular pattern below its eyes. (A/N; Seriously at this point you should know I'm describing Arceus)
The Kurama clone used its Chakra, grabbing both Ino and Naruto by the hands and lept up with the two screaming children towards the beings nose. Grinning C/Kurama said to the being. "Been such a long time Arceus-domo I assure you though my visit isn't to torment you. That's why I have the Gaki for. -jabs a thumb to the sprawled out Naruto on Arceus's nose- My sealing is a story for another time but the reason I'm here is training. the brat is weak. I mean WEAK as a newborn skitty of your world. I was hoping that you can pawn us off on one of the others and let the boy train in using your worlds powers for 7 years until its time to head back home?"
While Arceus was in thought for a moment his eyes shifted towards the girl on his nose as he asked Kurama curiously. "And the girl? Why is she here? Did you take her to for this 'training' you were hoping to get from us?" Kurama turns to Ino and says while scratching his head. "That I can't really tell you Arceus-domo you see when I opened the door to the void of worlds she kinda hitched a ride at the last second and you know how spent I get when doing that. So I honestly don't know what to do with her."
Looking at Ino carefully Arceus asked her a slight glare in his eye. "I don't see a strong warrior in her. I see a weak human who expects her hero to save her, what did you call her kind Kurama? Ah yes I remember, fangirls. The boy shows promise but you young lady do not. Since -sigh- since I know the idiot of a fox won't go away unless I grant his request I can simply send you back to your realm-" Ino interupted him yelling out "I AM NOT WEAK!"
Kurama had to resist the urge to facepalm himself at the girls boldness. Shouting at him was one thing. Heck his mate before the sealing into Mito did that to him all the time whenever he did something stupid. But to shout at Arceus, a God. That takes stupid pass a Naruto level of stupid. Arceus mearly raised a eyebrow before saying coldly to the girl. "Oh really? Your not?" (Damn right I'm not!-guess who-) "Ok 'Child' I have a challenge for you. Actually for you and Kurama's brat. (Not a brat! Dattebayo!)
Kurama was starting to sweat a bit. He thought to himself as he saw Arceus start to smirk slightly. "Note to self, ask celebi to take me back before that night of the sealing. Fuckkk escaping, I need to destroy the Yamanaka Clan. The Uchiha can wait. If they breed idiots like Ino I'd be doing Kami and other realms a service for stopping there line! And Arceus is grinning oh I know where in trouble."
One of Arceus's plates seperated and floated off his body, then a second plate did the same as he said. "My challange to you brats is this, yes I will let you train in my world until the 7 years are up. Then you will face a legendary of my choice. could be the three dogs of the land or the keepers of the sea. Maybe even Rayquaza will be your final exam. But my challenge is that you will take all you have learned in your time here, all the knowledge and skill you've obtained in my domain and subdue one of the legndaries I pick. If you fail.."
Arceus glares hard at Ino and Naruto flaring his Aura directly at the children. "You will die.." Both plates floated behind the pair and suddenly a black rift of what seemed like nothingness was behind Naruto and a red green rift behind Ino. Arceus's voice boomed out as he sent a blast of Aura at the kids and Kurama catapulting them in there specific rifts. "Now BEGONE!"
(Ok whats up guys Ima leave it here n.n so yea Ino mouth had got the pair into a bit of a jam. Now before ppl start flaming that kids will be fighting legendaries you gota think. for examples to Mega evelutions as Mega Charizard and Metagross Duked it out with two Primortial beings. That's low God level already. And 7 years is a really long time to get that powerful to fight something like that. Anyhow I gave a hint as to which legendary I've sent Naruto and Ino off to. But I will leave it up to you guys before I go into the next chapter. Which Legendary should Naruto and Ino train under. You deside in the comments n.n)