an: no i have not read the manga or watched the anime entirely, maybe parts of it but just enough to fall in love with this pairing. so this is au i guess? but they still go to the whateverit'scalled club. sorry for my ignorance and thanks if you read or even review this :* okay what is synonymous with collar? yea i thought of leash but bleh w/e

yea my titling sucks lol and oh my god, please go soft on me. or if you can, don't review if you don't have constructive criticism but who am i kidding? i want to get to the sexy times lol


chapter 1

Mio was transfixed by the sight of a collar around her best friend's neck. It hugged Ritsu's neck so comfortably. Mio's face flushed, wondering why it affected her so.

'Well, it's not like I care what she wears or not...just wish she'd tell me what is with the new look.' Mio bit her bottom lip gently, averting her eyes back to her work as the teacher droned on.

But as time went on, her eyes were attracted to Ritsu's neck every time. 'Stop looking! She'll think you're weird...' Her brows furrowed as her heart clenched. She didn't want Ritsu to distance herself because she was acting strange. Sighing, she once again forced her eyes away.

Class ended after what seemed like forever, Mio gathered her stuff into her bookbag. She shouldered it. As expected, hands tickled her sides as a familiar voice whispered into her ear, "Barnacles are on your back."

She couldn't help it, a shiver of fear bolted up her spine as a squeak passed her lips. Ritsu's warm laughter filled her mind as her instant anger drained away completely, Mio bopped her friend's head with her fist. She suppressed the smile at her best friend's exaggerated pained sounds. Hands turned her around, holding her firmly in place as Ritsu moved herself into her field of vision. Ritsu was all she could see. Her androgynous face, small lips that had a feminine bow, lightly flushed cheeks and sparkling amber eyes that made it easy to see what Ritsu thought. Mio's mouth parted slightly as she licked her dry lips, those golden eyes dropped down briefly and her breath caught at the intense look that filled them for an instant.

'What... was...that?' Her heart had unconsciously sped up at the unknown look but it had caused heat to coil in her lower abdomen. Mio let out a shaky sigh.

"Stop doing that, Ritsu..." She muttered but her friend heard her. The moment passed by, filed away in their minds but not completely forgotten.

The sly smile upturned the sides of the shorter girl's mouth, "Now why would I do that? It's so fun to tease you."

'Dummy,' Mio leaned her forehead against Ritsu's shoulder. She fisted her hand, overwhelmed with the urge to tug on the collar. It teased her to do so. But what would Ritsu think of that?

"Is something wrong, Mio?" Ritsu's tone of voice held worry. "I didn't mean to completely scare you, y'know..." Arms wrapped around her, pulling her in tight against Ritsu's slim body. Mio grasped onto Ritsu's biceps, fingers unconsciously flexing as the firm muscles beneath them jumped. 'When did she get so strong...' Mio thought, torn between admiration and awe.

"W-We better head to the club room, Ritsu." Mio pulled away, taking one last look at the collar before heading to the club room. Ritsu followed, stumbling slightly.

Ritsu sighed, wiping the sweat beaded on her forehead away with the back of her hand. She put down her drumsticks and turned to Mio, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Mio was chatting with Mugi, holding the cup of tea between her hands. "Behind you," she made her voice raspy. Ritsu watched the reaction Mio gave, the slight shudder as her voice washed over the lobe of her ear. Inwardly, she wondered if it was from her breath or voice or both but shrugged it off. Nothing good would come from thinking too deeply about how she felt for Mio. Besides, Mio could do better than her.

The small "eek!" that escaped Mio made Ritsu crack up in laughter. Before she could dodge the incoming strike, there was sudden pain on her head, ringing throughout her skull. God, when did Mio get a stronger hit? She rubbed her stinging forehead, pouting at her best friend who glared at her intensely. She licked her lips at the look, nearly leering as heat settled in her pelvic region. Shaking her head, Ritsu sighed dramatically, "one of these days I'll pass out from those hits. They hurt," pout, "and it's not like you don't kiss them better."

'Well that was quite a bold statement,' the drummer leaned back when she noticed how close Mio was. Mio's eyes were piercing in their intensity, her breathing was slightly off.

"Would you want me to?" Mio whispered, her palms landing on strong bare thighs. Ritsu gulped, feeling a slight panic. Sure she was wearing her special underwear to keep little 'me' under control, but it was getting harder each day not to drag Mio into the nearest janitor's closet to ravish her.

She nodded, full of false bravado, and smirked, knowing her shy friend wouldn't be able to do it in front of people. 'What if you were alone?' Ritsu cut that thought off, she was better off not entertaining that thought while her best friend stood close enough to hear her racing heartbeat.

"You asked for it, Tainaka," Mio said, determined, and leaned down to place her pouty lips against the supposedly pained area. For a full five seconds, it had been only her and Mio, cut off from the rest of their surroundings. But when it was done and over with, Ritsu felt an emptiness that hadn't been there before. She blinked up at Mio, who looked dazed and flushed, looking like what she felt.

Mugi seemed to sparkle at the brief interaction and the rest shrugged and moved on with their current conversations. Ritsu grinned sheepishly at her friend, unconsciously tugging on her svelte leash.

Mio had to fight back the whimper that wanted to be heard at the sight of the 'it' being pulled before it went back into place. She wanted nothing more than to crawl onto the drummer's lap and nibble on her delicious looking neck. Was she turning into a vampire? She shrugged off the internal question. But for now, she would have to find some way to seduce her best friend. It wouldn't be the first time Ritsu broke the uniform code with her being late or just barely arriving to class on time.

It was due time that they had a sleepover, it didn't matter if it was a school night. Mio grinned to herself, turning around to head home and planning a special prize for Ritsu.

But right now, she planned to go shopping for lingerie sleepwear. Maybe a teddy would make Ritsu weak? Mio pouted slightly, wishing that she could read minds to know what turned Ritsu on.

Right now her plan was still stuck on A, plan B would come into effect once Ritsu was sleeping over. Then the fun would start.