Chapter Twenty-One - Harry Potter and Flower Crowns

A/N: Please don't kill me...I know I haven't updated in FOREVER. The last update was sometime in January…I'm sorry! I have no excuse as to why I haven't updated other than the fact that I have no ideas for this story. I'm probably going to end YBWM (You Belong With Me) after the next chapter or two. Maybe I'll write a new story during summer break.

Anyways, here is an update that's long overdue. (ps I'm really sorry for the lack of updating!) Sorry if my writing is crappy.


All credit goes to Rick Riordan for the amazing characters in this fanfic. I own nothing except the plot. (After the Three Days In The Infirmary) I also own Remi and Daxton, the two water nymphs that live at Camp Half-Blood. PS I don't own the Harry Potter series/the characters mentioned. They belong to J.K Rowling :)

Nico's POV

"Okay so as most you probably know, Chiron wants each cabin to teach a unique skill to the rest of the campers." Annabeth said from the front of the Athena cabin. "And so today, the Athena cabin is going to teach everyone how to read." The cabin exploded into protest.

"I know how to read!

"I don't need anyone to teach me how to read!"

"What are we? Five?"

"Only the Ares cabin doesn't know how to read,"I whispered to Will. He smirked and rolled his eyes.

"OKAY OKAY!" Annabeth yelled into a megaphone. She probably got it from Coach Hedge or something. "I'll rephrase this for you. I understand that many of you know how to read. However, most of you are probably dyslexic and/or ADHD. So...the Athena cabin is going to help to improve your reading skills,"

"Umm, how will this help us exactly?" a brown-haired girl asked.

"What do you mean?" Annabeth asked, confused.

"I mean, why do we need to improve our reading ability? It's not like we're going to need to know how to read if we're attacked by monsters,"

"Well no, you don't need to know how to read if you're attacked by monsters. You do, however, need to know how to read in order to strategize for battle," she replied. The brown-haired girl still didn't look satisfied with Annabeth's answer.

"Now books are over here, I've organized them from easiest to hardest to read. Pick a book or two, find somewhere to sit, and read your books,"

"Let's go get a book," Will said, tugging on my arm.

"But I hate reading," I complained. Will just clicked his tongue. "Well too bad. We're reading anyways. We have to be a good example for the little kids,"

"What little kids? The youngest campers here are twelve,"

"Whatever Death Angel. Here's a book," He shoved a book into my hand and led me over to a corner of the Athena cabin. Once we sat down on the lower bunk of the bunk bed, I examined the book that was given to me. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone?" I asked skeptically. "What kind of book title is that?" Will gaped at me.

"It's only the title of the best series ever!" He nearly shouted. I quickly looked around the Athena cabin to see if anyone noticed. No one even glanced up.

"Never heard of it before," I whispered. "It sounds boring,"

"J.K Rowling's books are not boring!" Will protested. "They're magical,"

"What is Harry Potter even about?" I wondered out loud. Will's eyes lit up.

"It's about a boy named Harry Potter-" he started explaining.

"Woah really? Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is about," I fake gasped. "Harry Potter? I had no idea!"

"Shut up, Nico. I wasn't finished," Will scolded. "Anyways, yes it's about a boy named Harry Potter, and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. Basically they're wizards and they attend a Wizard school called Hogwarts,"

"HOG-WARTS? What kind of name is that?"

"It's a magical name, don't judge. Anyways, they go to Hogwarts and become friends. That's all I want to tell you because I don't want to spoil the rest of the story," Will finished.

"That sounds like a boring story," I deadpanned. Will narrowed his eyes.

"If you say Harry Potter is a boring story one more time, I swear I will break up with you," Will threatened.

"You like me too much to break up with me," I countered.

"True," Will agreed. "Just read the book though, I promise you won't be sorry,"

"No thanks," I mumbled. "I hate reading,"

"I don't care if you hate reading. You have to read it!" Will whinned. I shook my head. "I'll read it to you?" he suggested.

"You'll what?" I turned to him and he looked away bashfully.

"I' it to you?" he repeated, a blush creeping up his neck. "Never mind. It's a stupid idea. Forget I mentioned it," My mouth dropped slightly, and I was speechless. Is he really offering to read a book to me?

"Nonono it's not a stupid idea, Will!" I rushed to assure him. "I'd like it if...if you read it to me?" Will's eyes lit up and he smiled so brightly I'm surprised I wasn't permanently blinded. He promptly took the book from my hand and propped his feet up on the mattress of the bed. I felt him gently guide me to sit next to him. I nestled comfortably into his side.

"Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much," Will began reading. "They were the last people you'd expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious, because they just didn't hold with such nonsense…"

I wasn't paying attention to the actual story, but instead paying attention to Will's voice. It's not my fault his voice is incredibly relaxing -and quite sexy if you ask me. Don't tell him I said that.

. . .

The Demeter cabin was next and Katie was currently leading everyone out into the forest while talking about what plants were edible and what plants were poisonous.

"This is so boring," I complained into Will's ear. He just shushed me.

"Quit complaining, Ni,"

"I'd much rather be reading Harry Potter right now,"

"You mean you'd much rather be having me read Harry Potter to you right now?" Will corrected with a smile. "I told you that you wouldn't be sorry,"

"Okay okay, you were right. I do like the Harry Potter series now," I amended. "But I'm still bored,"

"Just pretend we're walking in the Forbidden Forest right now," he suggested. "With Fang. And Harry,"

"I don't like Harry,"

"What you don't like HARRY?!" Will exclaimed. "Everyone likes Harry!"

"I don't,"

"Why not?!"

"Because he's too..." I searched for a word. "He's too perfect," Will stared at me in disbelief.

"He's too perfect? How does that even work?"

"I don't know. But he's too perfect," I said.

"You're crazy," Will laughed. I glared at him.

"Well now I know Harry's your favorite character,"

"Hermione is my favorite character. Not Harry," Will corrected.

"Hermione's annoying,"

"Fine who's your favorite character, Nico?"

"Malfoy. Or Snape," I said instantly.

"You two would make a cute couple," Will nodded. "Well not as cute as us, but still,"

"Who, me and Snape?"

"Eww no, he likes Lily," Will made a face. "You and Draco obviously!" I raised an eyebrow. I can't imagine dating anyone except Will. I don't think that Malfoy and I would ever date...we'd probably be best friends and/or partners in crime. But definitely not boyfriends. Besides, I'm betting that him and Hermione are going to end up together.

"Hey Nico," Will prodded my shoulder. "I have a present for you," I looked at him.

"Okay…? What is it?"

"I'll give it to you if you apologize for calling Harry Potter 'too perfect,'" Will said.


"Okay then no present for you,"

"Fine, I'll apologize," I agreed, because hey, I really wanted the present he was talking about. "I'm sorry for saying that Harry Potter is 'too perfect,'" Will beamed.

"Here you go," he said, pulling a bunch of flowers from behind his back. "Made it myself,"

"Made what yourself?" I asked, but Will didn't reply. Instead, I felt him place something gingerly on my head. I reached up and touched whatever was in my hair.

"What is it?" I asked Will.

"It's a flower crown," he replied happily.

"Of course it is," I replied knowingly. Will smiled even more.

. . .

"Bro," Jason said as he came to sit down at the Poseidon table. "What the Styx is on your head?!"

"What does it look like?" I asked sharply. I had wanted to take it off before dinnertime, but Will wanted me to keep it on. It took a lot of compliments, kisses, and puppy dog eyes from Will for me to agree to wear it during dinner. But now everyone's staring at me and I'm sort of regretting agreeing to this. Damn you, Will. Why are you so cute? He's not even sitting with me, he's sitting with his siblings at the Apollo cabin.

"It looks like a pile of flowers…?" Jason guessed.

"What looks like a pile of flowers?" Percy asked while he and Annabeth sat down next to Jason and across from me.

"Nico is wearing something on his head and I'm trying to figure out what it is," Jason explained, gesturing to the top of my head. "Any guesses, Perce?" Percy looked over at me.

"Is it a pile of flowers?" Percy ventured.

"Dude that's what I thought, but apparently it isn't," Jason said.

"It's a flower crown," I snapped.

"A what?" Percy, Jason, Annabeth, and Piper all asked unanimously.

"A flower crown," I repeated, gritting my teeth.

"Oohh did you make it yourself?" Piper asked.

"No," I said instantly. "Why in Hades would I make a flower crown?"

"Then who made it?" Percy asked. "If you didn't make it, who did?"

"Umm..." I don't know if I want to tell them that Will was the maker of my crown. They'd just add it to the list of things to tease me endlessly with. "No one made it for me..." I mumbled.

"I bet Will made it," Jason declared. Dang it. "Didnt he, Nico?" I just stared at him.

"Maybe?" I said. He grinned.

"You guys are too cute."

A/N: Woohoo that was the crappiest chapter I've ever written, at least in my opinion. IDK, tell me what you thought of it :)