Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or anything to do with Sailor Moon. I do not own Sailor Moon characters or anything to do with the franchise.


It all started to fall apart from her 21stBirthday. Anticipation was in the air as everyone was preparing for Crystal Tokyo. They knew an enemy was coming but that didn't stop the feeling of joy. However, there was one person who was not so sure anymore. He thought he would be excited but what he felt was emptiness, a void in his heart as he contemplated his predestined future. He didn't notice that he had started talking to Usagi less and less. He didn't notice when he stopped paying attention at work. He failed to recognise the surprised looks in the Senshi's faces when he yelled at them for being so damn happy. Why should they be happy for him? They didn't have to give up their dreams; they didn't see their future so vividly like he did.

'Mamo-chan, please talk to me; I don't understand why you are being like this' he would look into his fiancés' eyes and feel pity for her. She didn't know the turmoil in his mind. He didn't know how to answer her and he felt he didn't have to explain.

He didn't think twice about heading to Rei Hino's temple. He needed to get away from all the happiness. Didn't they understand? Didn't they get it? He watched Rei as she watched him. Her eyes knowing the real anxiety he felt. She didn't stop him walking in and she didn't question him. He sat by the fires and watched the sparks feeling the heat on his skin. Rei had decided to make some green tea leaving him to his thoughts. He was grateful. As Rei came into the room she pulled out a small table and placed the cups on it. She poured the tea carefully feeling Mamoru's eyes on her.

'You have much on your mind Mamoru-san, we can talk if you want to?' Mamoru shook his head and took the tea. He didn't want to speak yet. Not yet.

They sat in silence for a while looking at each other. The tension building in the room as the heat continued to burn. Mamoru finished his tea and took a deep breath trying to exhale all his troubles away.

'I am having doubts about all this, the future, I am uncertain of it' Mamoru looked at Rei as she stared at him.

'We all have doubts sometimes'

'Not like the ones I have. There is so much riding on my future with Usagi and now I don't think I want it. I want to choose my own future and not have it dictated to me' Mamoru brushed his hand through his dark hair.

'Have you told Usagi this?'

'No, she wouldn't understand, not like you' they held each other's gaze.

'I always doubt the future, nothing is set in stone but we fight for what we hope the future to be'

'And what future do you fight for?' Mamoru started to move closer to Rei.

'That future died during the Silver Millennium, now I do not know what future to fight for, I only know my duty and nothing else' Rei felt Mamoru take her hand into his.

They both didn't know how or why it happened but Mamoru lifted Rei up into his arms and took her to her room and reappearing until morning.

They kept seeing in each other for weeks and no one truly suspected anything. Mamoru appeared more cheerful and he started to feel alive again. That was until Rei revealed she was pregnant, then everything went black.

Usagi tried to forgive him. She loved him so much and after 3 months of the news Rei was with Mamoru's child, she too fell pregnant and felt Chibiusa within her. It was hard and the more Usagi tried to forgive Mamoru, the more she cried. Mamoru didn't know what to do. He didn't fully understand the pain he had caused. As Rei's pregnancy showed the Senshi were torn.

'I think Usagi-chan should try and keep it together, for the sake of Chibiusa and Crystal Tokyo' Luna kept silent as Minako voiced her opinion.

'I don't know, this wasn't the future I saw' Setsuna had arrived at Makoto's house for a meeting.

'So what can this mean Setsuna-chan?' Ami fiddled with her skirt.

'I don't know, everything has changed. I guess if Usagi-chan stays with Mamoru-san then Crystal Tokyo will still happen' Haruka huffed at Setsuna's revelation.

'Do we want her to stay with him?

'What do you mean Haru-chan?' Michiru looked worried.

'Do we want him as our King? Think about it, he didn't want Crystal Tokyo, we all saw his moods of late and this thing with Rei was nothing more than a middle finger to the future, to Chibiusa. He doesn't deserve our Odango, he doesn't deserve her at all and I think she should cut her losses' Haruka stunned everyone.

'I agree' they all turned to Makoto.

'Are you serious Mako-chan?' Minako couldn't believe where this conversation was going.

'Usagi loves Mamoru, we all know that and there has never been a moment when Usagi has been unfaithful to him and yet he feels he has a right and now look. Rei's child will be born first, what do you think that means for Chibiusa, she will not be future Queen of the earth will she, she will have to share that right with Rei's child, a child that should never have been born I mean can you imagine how Jadeite would feel if he knew?' they all fell silent.

'Maybe he does know, doesn't Mamoru have their stones and communicate with them?' Setsuna nodded at Ami's observation.

'We will have to respect Usagi's wishes for now as she has decided to stay with him' Minako chimed in.

'For how long will she be able to cope with it, the reality of what has happened will settle in and wants the dust truly settles what will she do, play second to Rei? I am sorry but my priority is to protect the princess and….'

'And don't you think that applies to us!' Minako stood up angry.

'As far as I can see you are defending Rei! She is a Senshi, she swore to protect the princess but instead she breaks the princess heart, don't you think Usagi-chan cries all the time? She thinks it's her fault and it isn't!' Haruka banged her fist in her hand in frustration.

'We shouldn't be fighting, the time is coming when she will arise as Neo-Queen Serenity, let us just be there for here for when the time comes' Hotaru had remained silent up until this point.

It came suddenly. Rei had given birth to a healthy son and Mamoru was over joyed. He had started spending a lot of time with her leaving Usagi to cope with her own heavy pregnancy. When the time came Usagi transformed into Princess Serenity and defeated a villain that had plunged everyone on the earth to sleep. Mamoru was besides Rei when it happened and although Rei felt happy she was also sad for Usagi. She felt she had stolen a future that was never hers. Usagi had the other Senshi by her side when the time came and they all fell asleep and Usagi was the last one standing. She had never felt so alone but knew she needed to leave for the Moon to heal as the real work was to begin.

Hi, I am back with a new story. I will update soon on the Fifth Shitennou but thought to get this one out there. This is a story I am sure many have done, I just wanted to add my version, I hope you guys like it. It will take longer to update as there is a lot to this story although it doesn't appear so at the moment.

See you guys soon :)