Hi guys! Sorry, I know it's been forever. And unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. So this chapter is the closing chapter of the story. I made it extra long and extra sweet for y'all!
"I don't care what he wants, Saru!" Shouted Yata at his wristwatch. "That guy's a bastard. All he cares about is to get more cash into his account!"
"He's a client Misaki." Replied the annoyed voice of his partner on the other side of the phone. "If we turn down all our clients we'll go broke."
"As if! The cash you make is enough to feed all of Shizume for an entire year, Mr professional government hacker."
"Don't use me as a cash cow, you lazy ass." Replied Saruhiko, even more irritated than before. "Just because we're partners, doesn't mean you get to slack off."
"Not the point, Monkey. I'm an infiltrator, not a bodyguard for scumbags. "
"Stop acting like a kid, Misaki. If you get into his house, you can get me something to serve as proof for the cops, that's why I took the job."
"Tch. Fine, I'll do it." Growled the angry man. "You haven't changed one bit, not telling me a thing and planning on your own..."
"I was going to before someone went hysterical on me. As always." The hacker sighed on the other side. "How the hell does your wife put up with you all day? "
"Shut up." Retorted Yata. "So are you still at the office?"
"On my way for lunch."
"Another client?"
"Again?" A grin appeared on the chestnut-head's face. "Wow, you're really serious about her, aren't you Saru?"
Instead of an answer, all he heard was the beeping that signaled the end of the call. Yata pulled the watch away from his face which twisted in frustration. "Well, fuck you too Saru." He said as lowered his arm.
"Misaki Yata!" Called out a voice from the end of the hallway, which made him look up. "If I see you use that filthy mouth in front of my kids, you'll eat outside."
Yata's face lit up when he saw the woman walking towards him. She was wearing black jeans, flats, an elegant turquoise shirt and a simple golden necklace around her neck. Her straight caramel colored hair was cut just above her shoulder. It'd been a long time since she cut them, and she'd never let them grow back. But what did he care? It suited her just as well. Her golden eyes glistened in the sunlight, giving her that stunning stare she'd always had. Yata couldn't help but smile despite the fact that she'd just scolded him. Then, as if too impatient to wait, he pulled himself away from the wall he'd been leaning on and walked towards her. They stopped when they were less than a foot apart. And despite scolding him, she was smiling as well. And that made him blush. He rubbed the back of his head when responding. Men, she was driving him crazy like a teenager for his first love. Well, technically she was.
"What are you doing here?" He asked. "We were suppose to meet at home."
"I had nothing to do so I thought I'd pick you up." She replied, before looking at him from head to toes and sighing. "Yata what's the point in me doing your tie every morning, if you're just gonna take it off and loosen your shirt like that?"
"Well, I gotta be presentable for the clients, but then the action starts and the clothes kind of get in the way. I wish I could go in my sport's wear."
"Right..." She said, with a look that meant 'you're not fooling me'. "Well, I have to admit : it's suits you more when you're roughed up a little. Saru looks better with a well worn suit though. Come on let's go."
"Give me a break. Can you stop complementing other guys when you're with me?" He said as they started walking hand in hand towards the elevators.
"What are you worried about? I'm your wife, Misaki. You don't have to get jealous. Come on let's hurry. If we're late Mr Mikoto is gonna fall asleep."
"Are you sure you're up for it? They'll understand if you're too tired you know..."
"I'm fine, it hasn't even been that long." She giggled.
"We can take a cab if you want..."
"Seriously, chill. I'm fine." She sighed and smiled at her husband. "You're even worst than the first times."
The ex-red clansman rubbed the back of his head and gave his wife an embarrassed smile. "Sorry, I can't help it."
"Well, I wouldn't have you any other way." She replied before kissing him on the cheek. "Let's walk."
The two ex-bounty hunters exited the building, him holding his wife by the waist and her leaning her head on his shoulder.
Taiga's POV
Yata and I walked slowly and side-by-side, through the streets of HOMRA's old territory. The place hadn't changed much. It was still the place where punks hung out and shady business was going on. Well, at least that was how it was before HOMRA. It still had that air, but we knew it was safe. Even if the red clan didn't exist officially anymore, our reputation wasn't dead. Rumor had it that we were still here, hiding in the shadows and watching over these streets and the town at night. Which wasn't completely wrong. Since dissolving the gang years ago, everyone had taken different paths. But no matter where we were in the world or what we were doing, we always knew we had a common home to return to. A small, but surprisingly well kept bar in this part of town. I wiped my watering eye with the back of my hand.
"Hey, are you okay?" Asked Yata.
"Yeah, don't worry." I replied smiling. "This place always makes me nostalgic."
"Yeah? Same here."
"Well, well. What do we got here?" Said a voice from an alley, stopping us in our tracks. "You two look a little too nicely dressed for this part of town."
"Do we now?" I said, eying at my husband.
Four guys, younger than us at first glance came out of the alley, some of them carrying knifes. "How about you give us your necklace, pretty lady? We'll take good care of it. And like this we don't have to ruin your pretty face."
One of the other guys placed a hand on his shoulder. "Wait up man, maybe not here."
"Why the hell not? You scared of a shrimp and a girl? You're such a wuss."
"This is HOMRA turf..."
Yata and I looked at each other and he smirked at me.
"What a joke. They're gone! This turf is for the taking. The Red Gang hasn't been seen around for years. HOMRA's dead!"
The second he pronounced those words, I sent my foot in his face. His nose broke and he hit the wall with his back. At the same time, Yata threw a left hook in the other guy's face, sending him to the ground.
"HOMRA is dead, huh?" He growled, his eyes throwing daggers at the other ones. "You heard that Taiga?"
"Yes, I did." I placed my foot on the shoulder of the guy I'd just kicked and his eyes widened when he saw the stigma on my ankle.
"Y-y-you're HOMRA?" He stuttered, suddenly looking like a scared rabbit.
I gave him a cocky smile and Yata replied for me. He pulled his shirt down to show off his own stigma. "So you little punks still think were dead?"
"Symbol on the chest... no way. Y-you're Yatagarasu?!"
"In the flesh, scumbag." He snapped back. "Get the hell out of here all of you. If I ever see you on the red clan's turf again, you'll leave without your teeth next time. Get lost."
The first three quickly ran away. The fourth one at my feet, hurried back up and was about to follow his pals but Yata grabbed him by the collar and threw him back against the wall, throwing him a murderous glare.
"Not you."
"I-I didn't do anything!"
"Yes you did." He growled. "You threatened my wife."
The guy crashed on the ground after a solid punch to the jaw. He spat two teeth out before running away as fast as he could. I shook my head. "Really?"
"Not sorry." He replied stubbornly. "Besides, you shouldn't be fighting in your state."
"Yata, I'm not sick." I insisted.
I sighed knowing that I was never going to hear the end of it if I started arguing with him. Besides, he was right. So we resumed our walk until we reached that very familiar spot we loved so much. As we approached, I could hear familiar voices as well.
"Izumo, have you ordered the wine yet?" Asked a feminine voice.
"Yes. Do you want to add something to the list of groceries, Seri?"
"Yes. We're out of Zunda."
"Already? You're the only one that eats it though, Seri."
We pushed the door open and entered. The old bar hadn't changed. Still neatly clean, and with that very familiar and warm atmosphere that we loved so much. Mr Kusanagi and Ms Awashima were on each side of the counter, going over what seemed to be a list of things to order. They both looked at us when we entered and smiled.
"Taiga, Yata. Come on in." Said the bartender, going around his counter to come to us. He took us both in his arms briefly before letting go. "You look great, both of you."
"Thank you, Mr Kusanagi. You too." I turned to the ex-lieutenant of SCEPTER 4. "Hello Ms Seri." I greeted.
"It's good to see both of you." She replied, smiling.
The door opened behind us and we turned around. Kamamoto walked in. He'd lost weight and had regain his handsome "summer" appearance. "Yata!"
"Yo, Kamamoto."
"Ah, man it's so good to see you. It's been forever!" Said the newcomer smiling. "You look great Taiga."
"Thanks, you too Rikio. How's the motorcycle business working out?" I asked.
"Great actually. I got zero free time but work is awesome so you know... compensation."
We were interrupted by quick footsteps running down the stairs. A young woman with long silver colored hair held in a braid appeared down the staircase. She'd grown so much since last time. She was wearing white jeans, an elegant red shirt and red shoes. Her face lit up when she saw us.
"Misaki! Taiga!" She said, racing down before running into my arms.
"Hi Anna. Oh my gosh, you're taller than me now." I said as I hugged her.
The bartender chuckles. "And our red ladies have reunited."
"I have so many things to tell you." Started the ex-strain.
"Anna, let's wait for everyone to get here." Said Mr Kusanagi. "In the meantime, would you mind making some tea for everyone."
"Alright." She replied, before heading for the kitchen. "We'll talk after."
I found myself thinking that it didn't matter how much taller and more talkative she was than before, Anna remained the same sweet child as ever. It's good that some things never changed. We went to sit while waiting for everyone. Mr Mikoto woke up from his nap and joined us soon after. As usual, he looked exhausted and was smoking like a locomotive. But he was happy to see us.
"So Yata, how's work?" Asked Kamamoto. "I heard your company's doing great."
The ex-skateboarding captain sighed and let himself slide down on the couch. "Don't mention it. That stupid monkey's got me running all over the place, ordering me around and never telling me what his plans are."
"Haha. Same old Fushimi." Chuckled the blond clansman.
"Do you know what the others are up to, Rikio?" I asked.
"Well, Bando and Shohei have their restaurant opened now, and they're getting the attention. That's why they couldn't come today. They said to apologize for them."
Anna took out her phone and logged onto her Facebook account to search for photos. "Eric and Kosuke were in Mexico yesterday, so they should be in the US today. Look, here are the pictures." She said passing the phone around. "Shiro, Kuro and Neko are still in Germany for two weeks. Neko puts a lot of pictures, but it's better not to show them."
Eric and Kosuke had taken off on a world tour six months ago, after winning a lot of cash at some betting game. They were suppose to return in three months. As for Chitose and Dewa, none of us had any ideas what they were up to, but they regularly dropped by. Anna's theory was that they'd become spies. Surprisingly enough they showed up just after that, and as predicted dodged the questions.
"By the way, Miss Seri." Asked Yo, to change the subject. "How's the blue King's campaign going?"
"Oh yeah that's right." I said. "Mr Munakata is running for prime minister."
"I haven't talked with him in quite sometime, but knowing him, everything's going smoothly and according to plan." Affirmed the ex-lieutenant. "He's someone that rarely disappoints."
"Depends on who you're asking." Muttered Mr Mikoto, loud enough so everyone could hear and laugh. "What about you Taiga?"
"I finished learning Russian, I'm almost finished with German and I'm starting Portuguese next month. And the teaching job at the university isn't that bad. But I'm quitting at the end of the year."
All eyes turned to me surprised. "Why? Did you find a better job?"
"No, but in approximately eight months, I'm gonna have three kids in my house that need taking care of." I said smiling.
It took a few seconds for them to react. "No way! Another one?" Said Yo.
"Congratulations." Said Anna, hugging me.
"Yes, congratulations." Added Ms Seri.
Mr Mikoto smiled but said nothing. That was his way of showing his happiness for us.
"Have you told Kyo and Ichigen yet?"
"Yes, they're both hoping for a little sister." I said.
Masaomi grabbed Yata's shoulder from behind the couch. "Congrats, man. Good for you!"
"Thanks guys." Replied Yata who's cheeks were turning red, but he couldn't hide his smile. Even the embarrassment was no match for the happiness he was feeling. That we were feeling.
"Ah we have to celebrate! Do you have a champaign bottle Mr Kusanagi?"
"It's two in the afternoon Kamamoto." Replied the bartender lighting another cigarette.
"Besides, I'm done with alcohol for a while." I added.
The discussion got a lot more lively. We talked about the old days, about the present and about the future. Because it seemed like we were still evolving. Mr Kusanagi and Ms Awashima had been living together for a long time and had finally decided to get married. Rikio was dating a childhood friend of his named Ayumi and even Anna was going out with a boy from her school. The bounty hunting gang HOMRA was indeed gone. But we were still here, and still growing. The supernatural world, Kings, clansmen and strain, had moved on and adapted to that ordinary world from before. And those flames that we used to carry around, were forever in our hearts, uniting us as friends and family. My life was blessed. We kept talking for a couple of hours, until my phone rang and I stood up to answer it.
"Taiga!" Shouted a familiar voice in my ear, completely panicked and on the brink of tears. "I'm so sorry! I only looked away for a minute I promise! I don't know how it happened!"
"Whoa, slow down Megumi." I told my fifteen year old sister-in-law. "Take a breath. What's wrong?"
"I just came back from the park with the boys. I went to the kitchen to get them a snack and when I came back, Kyo was gone! I looked everywhere, he's not in the house." I heard her sniffle on the outside. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have taken my eyes of them."
My heart skipped a beat and then accelerated. I took a deep breath myself. Damn, pregnancy state! My body was giving the first signs of panic, and it took me a while to calm down. But not quick enough that Yata didn't notice. He jumped from his seat and joined my side.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Kyo's gone." I told him, still trying to control my own worry.
"Megu, is Ichigen with you?"
"Alright, stay with him. Yata and I will go look for Kyo. Did he say anything about forgetting his teddy, or going somewhere?"
"No, but he was a little quieter than usual..." She said, and I clearly discerned the sobs in her voice.
"Sweetie, calm down." I told her. "We're going to find him. Just watch Ichi for me, alright?"
I hung up and turned to my husband. "You go check out the park and I'll head home to see if he's there."
"Is everything okay?" Asked Anna, making all the attention in the room.
"Megumi was babysitting for us. Kyo's missing." I explained as Yata dashed out of the bar.
"Oh no, do you need help looking for him?"
"He can't have gone far. Can you guys look around the area around Yata's mom's house?"
Bando, Masaomi and Anna stood up. "We'll go."
"Thank you guys. Keep in touch."
I started heading for the door and Rikio followed me. "Wait, I'll drive you. You can't run in your state."
External POV
"I have to be strong. I can't cry. I have to be strong."
Those words being repeated over and over belonged to a young boy standing in the middle of the street, clutching the shoulder straps of his backpack and desperately trying to keep the tears in. There was too much noise here, too many people and they were too big and too fast to notice the tiny five year old. Some of them bumped into him and yelled at him to be careful before walking away. His chestnut colored hair fell on his face, hiding the beautiful golden irises of his eyes. Finally tired of being pushed around, Kyo found an dark and narrow alley where no one could see him. It was dark in there and he was scared, but he couldn't go back there again. He'd just escaped. He was trapped between a dark tunnel and a hoard of monsters who could step on him at anytime. He found himself regretting his decision to leave his Grandma's house. He should have stayed with Ichi and Aunt Megu. It was too much for him now. The dam broke and the tears escaped, despite his best efforts to hold them in. He finally gave in and sobbed, alone and scared, in the darkness of the alley.
"Mama, Papa! Help me... I'm scared."
A low growl coming from the darkest part of the alley made him look up in fear. Two big yellow eyes were slowly getting closer, accompanied by heavy breaths. The same kind Kyo had always imagined would come out of a dragon's throat when they were about to devour their prey. He wanted to move but his little legs were paralyzed. Then, the monster came out into the light. He was an enormous black dog, big enough to swallow him whole. The beast approached until it was only inches away from the little boy's face. Kyo didn't dare make a noise or even breath. He backed up against the wall and the tears streamed endlessly down his face. The monster stayed a long time staring at him, before it opened it's mouth … and licked the little boy's tears off his face.
"You're … not eating me?" Questioned the terrified and surprised five year old.
The animal only licked his face again as a response. Then, the dog turned away and ran before disappearing at the end of the alley. Kyo started sobbing again, a little out of relief this time, but also because he remembered how alone he was. He cried so much he didn't hear the footsteps of the dog returning and those that accompanied them.
"Are you alright, little man?" Asked a gentle voice.
Kyo looked and saw the big dog again. And kneeling next to the animal, was a man. He was wearing a strange attire. The smile of that man was reassuring, but the five year old remembered his parents warning him about strangers. He quickly wiped his tears, remembering what his father said about being strong.
"I'm fine. I'm not lost or anything." He said stubbornly looking away.
The man chuckled. "You know, if you stay in the dark it's going to be hard for anyone to find you."
"But people push me when I'm in the light..." Explained the little one, looking at the ground.
"It's true but when you're in the light, those who love you can find you." Explained the man. "How about we come with you? That way people won't be able to push you."
"Mama says not to talk to strangers."
"I see. So we have to get to know each other before you can accept my help?"
The man sat on the ground next to the boy and the dog did the same at his feet. "So what's your name?"
"Kyo Yata, I'm five years old. I live in Shizume, my address is …." He recited as he was taught in school. "And my dad is Yatagarasu!"
The man's eyebrows shot up. "Yatagarasu? How scary! He must be really strong."
A proud smile appeared on the boy's face. "Yeah! My papa's the strongest man in the world!"
"I'm sure he's very proud of his son."
The smile on Kyo's face disappeared and his golden irises looked at the ground again. "No. He's not, because I'm weak."
"What do you mean?"
"I can't do anything. And I'm scared. Papa's never scared."
"Of course he is." Said the man, earning himself the surprised eyes of the boy. "You can't be brave if you're not scared. Tell me Kyo, where were you going when you got lost?"
"I was trying to go home. Ichi forgot his teddy and he was sad, so I wanted to go get it for him."
"Ichi? Is that your little brother?"
"Yeah. But I got lost instead."
A hand fell on his chestnut mane and ruffled his hair. "I think it's plenty brave for a little guy to take on the world like you did for your little brother. It proves that you are a good big brother, Kyo. Kindhearted and brave. You're not weak."
"Are you sure, Mister? Because I feel pretty weak."
"Trust me. I'm sure your dad will tell you the same thing." The man suddenly stood up and offered a hand. "Come on. It's time to take you home."
The golden-eyed boy got back to his feet and grabbed the man's hand. He squeezed it tight when they got back into the crowded street, but the man was very tall. No one could not notice him or not notice the big Rottweiler that was walking on the other side of him. They were making a protective wall against the people who wouldn't see him. It was a familiar wall. Just like when Papa and Mama were holding each a hand and they were walking together. The thought made the young boy smile and giggle. The tall man looked at him, curiously.
"What's so funny?" He asked.
"I'm not scared anymore." Replied Kyo proudly. "It's like magic."
Curiously, Kyo had no trouble keeping up with the man and the dog's pace. Usually, adults walked faster so he'd be dragged a little. Like with Papa. But this man and the dog walked as slowly as he did. But he was to young to be able to put any significance in that fact. Something much more interesting had caught the attention of the five year old already.
"Mister, why are you wearing a dress?" Pointing at his robes.
The comment made the man laugh. "This is a kasaya."
"I heard uncle Kuro talked about that!" Exclaimed Kyo, happy to show off his knowledge. "Then you're a monk?"
"You can say that."
"But then why do you still have your hair?"
"I'm not obligated to shave my head."
"What does obligated mean?"
"It means I don't have to." Patiently explained the man, who seemed to be enjoying the exchange as much as the little man, as they walked through the streets. "Can I ask you a question too Kyo?"
"Is your little brother's name Ichigen?"
The boy's eyes widened. "How did you guess? Are you psychic Mister?"
"Lucky guess."
"It was Grandpa's name. We don't know him because he's already gone but uncle Kuro talks about him all the time." He suddenly looked at the ground disappointed. "Ichi got Grandpa's name. I was named after Grandma Kyoko. By the way Mister, what's your name?"
"My name?" The man hesitated a moment before answering. "It's unimportant. I couldn't help but notice that you have beautiful eyes Kyo."
"Mama has the same." His voice suddenly got lower and he whispered. "Do you want to know a secret? When Mama was younger, she could see into the future!"
"Really? How interesting." Commented the monk as he kept leading the boy in one direction.
Taiga's POV
Rikio dropped me off at the corner of my street before going back to help Yata and the others look around my mother-in-law's neighborhood. I raced down the street as fast as I could given my condition, and quickly reached my house. I went inside and called out for my son, looking in every corner. Once I was sure I'd turned around every speck of dust, I let myself fall in my couch sighing and wiping the sweat off my face.
"Kyo, where are you?"
A wave of paranoia invaded my mind and I started imagining the worst possible scenario : kidnapped, attacked, mugged, worse... But suddenly, I heard a giggle. Not just any giggle, it was Kyo's. And it was coming form outside. I immediately jumped out of my seat and ran out of my house. At the end of the street, my little boy was walking hand in hand with a tall man in a buddhist priest outfit. But my eyes were solely focused on my son. I ran towards them.
"Kyo!" I called out.
"Mama!" He replied, letting go of the stranger's hand and running towards me.
I fell on my knees and grabbed him by the shoulders. "Where were you? You know you're not suppose to go anywhere without telling Grandma or Aunt Megumi. Do you have any idea how worried I was?"
"I'm sorry Mama." Replied Kyo, his red eyes watering again. "I wanted to go get Ichi's teddy."
I sighed in relief, and hugged my son as hard as I could, thanking god for the person who had brought him home. I looked up at the man in the buddhist clothes.
"Thank you so mu..."
My voice died in my throat when I realized no one was there anymore. Not the man and not the dog. I stood back up and looked around for the man but he was nowhere to be seen. I guessed he didn't want to be thanked. But a strange feeling was telling me that I'd missed something important. My son, however, seemed disappointed. Just like me he was looking around with his eyes to search for his savior.
"I wanted to play with Tux a little more." He let out, pouting a little.
My eyes widened in shock and surprise. "Did you say Tux?"
"TAIGA!" Shouted a voice from the other end of the street. "KYO!"
Both Kyo and I turned around to see Yata running as fast as he could towards us. Kyo's face lit up and he ran to his father, who took him in his arms the second he was in reach.
"Yata! Watch Kyo for me!" I shouted before running in the opposite direction, ignoring my husband calling me and telling me to wait.
External POV
After having bought a coke from the vending machine, the woman walked back to the small park and to the bench where the monk was waiting. She sat down next to him and gave him the can.
"So you saw her?" Asked Lana. He simply nodded and opened the can. "How did she look?"
"Happy." He replied. "She deserves it."
"You got that right." Commented the woman smiling. "Are you sure you don't want to talk to her?"
"No. Seeing me would bring a useless memories and worry. She's made a life for herself now. Me barging in would confuse her and she'll try to reconnect with me. I can't do that." He explained. "No I just wanted to get a glimpse."
"Don't you think she'd want to see you?" She asked petting the old Rottweiler's head.
"Knowing her, probably. But the result would be the same. It's better if she doesn't." He lifted the can to his lips and slowly drank the highly sugared drink. "Besides, what would I tell her?"
"You can start with hello." Said a voice behind them. "I know Shizume like the back of my hand and I used to be a bounty hunter. Did you really think I wouldn't be able to find you?"
Both people looked to the side to see Taiga, exhaling heavily trying to catch her breath, sweat dripping down her face but throwing him a determined and slightly irritated look. Both their mouths dropped open in chock. She tumbled a little and Lana jumped to her feet to help her, fearing she'd fall.
Taiga's POV
"Be careful! Are you sick? What's wrong?" The french woman asked placing a hand on my forehead to take my temperature. "Here, sit down." She ordered, making me sit on the bench next to Ryu, who still seemed too stunned to speak.
"You really shouldn't make pregnant woman run around like that." I scolded.
"Pregnant?!" Said Lana. "Y-you're going to have a baby?"
"That's what pregnant means Lana." I said, a little annoyed.
She just stared and muttered a holy shit, before hugging me as hard as she could, almost choking me. She then threw a reproachful look to the monk. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"How could I have guessed?" He replied, shrugging.
"I can't believe this." She suddenly sounded like a proud big sister. "Yoru's gonna have a mini Yoru!"
"I already have two kids Lana."
"THIS IS YOUR THIRD ONE?!" She shouted.
"Lana! I'm really glad to see you but would you mind giving us a little space?" I asked, pushing the overbearing woman away. "We need to talk."
She suddenly returned to her normal self and nodded before straightening up. "I'll go see if I can get you some water." She said before walking away, with Tux following closely.
I waited for her to be out of earshot before turning to the man in the kasaya and threw him an angry glare. "So, care to tell me why you're avoiding me?"
"I thought you seeing me would complicate things..."
"Complicate things? It's been seven years Ryu! The least you could do is give me what I'm owed! It's way past time you apologize properly, instead of watching me from the shadows like some stalker!"
"No!" I interrupted, too angry to let him try and talk his way out of this. "Apologize to me. Now!"
He looked at me surprised for a long time, before letting out a long sigh and smiling to himself. "I can't win against you, can I? And here I thought I'd just get a glimpse and be on my way... Your intuition is too much for me."
"Fess up already!" I growled. "I'm pissed off enough as it is."
He chuckled before taking a deep breath. Hi face became serious and he looked at me in the eyes this time. The way he was staring at me broke my heart, as I could see the pain reflecting in his irises. "I'm sorry Yoru. For Kyoko. For your friends. And for causing you so much pain."
I waited a moment before answering. "Took you long enough." I said with a reproachful tone. "So, you became a monk?"
"You could say that. I spent a long time in a temple in India."
"I see. Did you come back to Japan just to 'get a glimpse' of me?"
"Believe it or not but yes. I wanted to see you one more time. See what kind of life you'd made for yourself. But I have to say, I didn't expect to meet your son. He looks just like HOMRA's crow with your eyes."
I frowned. "What do you mean 'see me one more time'? One more time before what?"
"We're leaving this evening. Lana is taking me to southern France."
"So ..." I asked, still not sure I understood. "You're leaving your temple for good? You talk as if this is the end of the …."
I interrupted myself to observe him closer. Now that I looked closer, I realized how much paler than before he was. And even skinnier than before. I could clearly see his collarbone under his skin and even his hand bones. His face was as handsome as ever, but the beauty didn't hide the bags under his eyes. This wasn't the first time I was seeing him like this, but the last time must have been at least twelve or thirteen years ago. Just before he became a King actually. Ryu had always had a weak constitution. He couldn't run or play sports for long, his body couldn't take it. That's why he was so smart, because he spent a lot more time in his books. But he'd still faint for no good reason. And when he was about sixteen, the doctors told him that he had a rare disease that was making his body weaker and weaker by the years and that he wouldn't live long. Surprisingly enough, the next day the sword of Damocles appeared above the mansion and he became the Purple King. After that, the medical exams were drastically changed. It was like the disease had disappeared. Not only that but the purple aura gave him new strength. He was stronger than anyone and could do everything he'd never been able to do in the past.
"You won't see me again." He confessed looking at me.
I turned to him and grabbed his arm, like I was afraid he'd just disappear. "You're dying, aren't you?" I asked.
He sighed. "I've always had a fragile constitution. You knew I was sick."
"But I thought your King powers healed you!"
"All it did was give me strength and stop the progress of the disease." He explained. "Not long after I lost the purple aura, I started getting weaker and weaker. Soon, I won't be able to walk alone anymore."
"How long?" I asked, not really wanting to know.
"Ten months. A year if I'm lucky." He replied.
My grip on his arm tightened and I clenched my teeth. I wouldn't be able to explain why though. Actually that was a lie. Because the truth was that I never stopped considering Ryu someone close to me. And I didn't want him to die. As I didn't let go, he placed his hand on mine.
"Don't feel bad for me,Yoru." He said. "I'm not afraid of death. And I was more than satisfied to have seen you again. Besides, you don't have time to feel down over me. You have people that need you."
"So what? You're just gonna go find a lonely mountain where you can go hermit and die on your own?" I said, suddenly angry. "Is that what you want?"
"You're so kind, to still worry about me after all this time."
"You're my friend, Ryu. A terrible one, but a friend none the less." I said. "No one wants their friends to die alone."
"I won't be alone. Lana won't leave me, no matter what I say to her."
"Don't you want to stay here? In your house and your country?" I asked. "Won't you miss it?"
"The only thing I will miss here is you. But you and I broke Yoru. I broke us, and no matter what we do, fixing it would take a lot longer than I have left. And you're not the only person I've hurt. After your amnesia, you built yourself a new life and I was not in it. It wouldn't be good for anyone if I forced myself back into that circle you've been building for over seven years. Not for you or for me."
His explanation made sense, but it didn't please me. I was trying to find a reason to be mad at him and have him owe me again. Because if I didn't find anything, he would walk out of my life for the third time. And for good this time. It was ironic really : I'd managed to stop myself from looking or even thinking about this story for seven years. He showed up and five minutes later, I was still trying to repair that broken bond from so long ago. My grip on his arm loosened as my own logic was being made clear to me.
"Allow me to ask one more selfish thing of you, Yoru." I looked up at him. "Please let me go. Let me go and go back to that life that you made for yourself, the one that makes you happy."
Ryu clearly had his mind made up. He wanted to walk out of my life for good, because somehow that bond of ours was hurting both of us. Trying to repair it would only make it worse. It felt weird to realize it just now. I tightened my grip again.
"Promise me then." I said looking at him straight in the eyes. "Promise me you won't be alone when you go."
He nodded. I exhaled for a long time and then loosened my grip completely.
"Thank you Yoru." Said the man that used to be the purple King, smiling at me. "Thank you for being part of my life."
"Well damn you." I replied, as the corner of my eyes started to water. "Damn you for being part of mine."
He smiled at me, and then suddenly looked up when he heard footsteps running towards us. I turned around and saw my husband heading towards us. I stood up to meet him. "Taiga! Don't just run off like that. It's not healthy for you!"
"Sorry." I apologized. "Where's Kyo?"
"I left him with the neighbors." He explained quickly. His eyes then fell on Ryu.
"Hello Misaki Yata." Greeted the ex-purple King. "It's been a while."
Yata frowned. "So it really was you. I had my doubts but then Kyo told me about the dog. What are you doing here?"
I placed a hand on my husband's shoulder. "It's okay Yata. He's leaving."
"That's not what I asked, Taiga." He almost snapped, giving me a reproachful look before turning back to Ryu. "Tell me why you came here."
"To say goodbye to an old friend." He replied. "You will not see me again."
"Is that so?" Replied the ex-red clansman, skeptical.
Ryu nodded and they both stared at each other for a long time, while I didn't know what to do. A bark pulled them out of their stare off and we saw Lana return, holding a water bottle in her hand. She hurried to Ryu's side when she saw Yata.
"There's no need to pick a fight." She told him. "We're not here to do anything."
Yata frowned at her as well, so she turned away and tossed me the water bottle that I caught. *"Ne te fatigues plus comme ça, d'accord Yoru?"
Ryu slowly stood up. "Let's go Lana."
"Alright." Replied the french woman. "I guess I'll see you sometime next year Yoru. You'll have to introduce your kids to me. In the meantime, take care of her, HOMRA's crow."
Yata sweat dropped. "They're my kids too, you know..." He mumbled.
My eyes met Ryu's one last time. But there was nothing left to be said. We had said our goodbyes, saying more would just ruin it all. I just looked at him and he smiled once before turning away.
"Hey!" Yata called out after they'd taken a couple of steps, stopping them in their tracks. "Thanks for bringing my son home. I won't forget it." He declared with a determined look in his eyes.
"You're welcome."
Yata and I watched them walk away, slowly as Lana was adjusting her speed to the slow strides of Ryu and of the old Rottweiler. When they reached the end of the park, I saw Lana hail a taxi that they got in. The wind blew in our faces and played with our hair. This was the last chance I had to stop him. My last chance to try to save the last remains of that bond that I used to desperately want to save. All I had to do was run, stop the car and try to reason with Ryu again. I could. But instead of running, I took a deep breath before shouting.
"You're forgiven, Ryu!"
I don't know if he heard me since his window was up, but as the taxi drove away, I thought I saw him looking back at me. It's strange. I thought for sure I'd cry or something. But I didn't. In fact, I didn't feel depressed or sad. I just had a weird sensation taking over me. Like melancholia but also satisfaction at the same time. But I didn't realize that I was squeezing my husband's hand so hard that my nails were digging in his skin. Yata turned to me.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"I'm fine." I simply replied, uncertain myself.
Before I realized what he was doing, he grabbed my arm and placed it around his neck before picking me up bridal style. My cheeks turned red and I looked at him with confusion.
"What are you doing?"
"You've been moving way too much for someone pregnant!" He scolded. "No more running around. We're going home." He insisted.
"You don't have to go that far. I can walk..."
The glare he threw me and the vein popping out on his forehead sent shivers down my spine and kept me from trying to persuade him any further. Just when did he get that scary? On the other hand he was right. And it wasn't only me he was taking care of now. I smiled to myself as he was walking back to our place.
"Why are you smiling?" He asked.
"No reason. I was just thinking what a great dad you are." I replied.
He grinned. "Well, I gotta be worthy of you, right?"
Damn, and there I was hoping to make him blush. Yata really had matured over the years and it was becoming harder and harder to tease him.
"By the way, I called Megumi. She's bringing Ichi back."
"Great, thank you." I said before kissing him on the cheek.
"Hey, are you sure you're okay?"
I leaned my head on his shoulder and thought about it for few minutes. "It's strange. I just said goodbye to him forever, but I don't feel like I lost something. On the contrary, it's like I got some closure from this. I'm glad he's not alone."
"You could have tried to stop him."
"No. No matter how sad this feels, I made the right choice to let him go. Ryu has been cast out of my life eight years ago. I have my life now." I explained, and straightened up. "I have a wonderful husband, two beautiful boys, friends. My life here in Shizume that I made with you doesn't include Ryu. And honestly, I don't want it to. Is what I'm saying making sense at all?" I asked my husband.
"Doesn't matter. As long as things are the way they should be and you're happy, I don't give a damn about the reasoning." He said with a big smile on his face.
We returned home and reunited with Kyo, and a couple of hours later, Megumi brought back Ichigen. She apologized again for the trouble and it took a while for her to understand that I was in no way holding a grudge against her. She ended up crying in my arms. She was just a kid herself after all. We called everyone to tell them everything was alright and that they could stop the search. Then, in the evening, Yata made dinner and after sending my boys to bed, I sat in my living room looking over my oldest photo album. The one with my mom's picture in it. I'd added a bunch of pictures from my time in HOMRA. I got lost in thought until a pair of arms circled around my neck.
"Feeling nostalgic?" He asked, kissing my head.
"A little." I took a deep breath and closed the album. "I can't believe how cheesy this is gonna sound but I want this to last forever."
"We've had a pretty good start, don't you think?" He placed a warm hand on my stomach.
"Yeah, definitely."
We stared and smiled at each other before getting closer but a muffled giggle and a not so discreet 'shh' stopped us.
"Looks like the walls have ears." I whispered.
Yata smiled and placed a finger on his lips before tip-toeing to the couch. He carefully looked over it before throwing himself behind and grabbing his sons by the back of their shirts. Both screamed in surprise and laughed when they got lifted off the ground.
"Gottcha!" Said Yata, who was having as much fun as the boys.
I stood up from my seat. "I thought I put you two in bed half an hour ago." I said placing my hand on my hips. "What were you two doing hiding back there?"
Kyo looked at the ground, as his face was flushing a little and my youngest answered instead. "Kyo was afraid you'd pick our little sister's name without us." Said the three year old.
"No, I wasn't!" Protested the oldest. "Shut up Ichi, you moron!"
"Young man, what kind of language is that?"
"But Mama, Papa talks like that all the time to uncle Saru!"
I threw an angry glare at Yata who gave me an apologetic smile. "Just because Papa does it, doesn't mean it's right." I said. "I don't want to hear you talk like that to your little brother, you hear me?"
"Yes, Mama."
"Now what was that about us picking a name without you?"
"We want to name her too!" Said Ichigen, wiggling in his father's grip. He seemed as happy as playing puppy.
"You know your sibling might end up being a little brother."
"No! It's a girl!" Insisted Ichigen.
I sighed and picked up my youngest son before sitting in the couch where Yata and Kyo joined us. "Alright, Mr clairvoyant. IF it's a girl, what do you want to call her?"
"What's a cavoyant?" He asked.
"It's what Mama used to be, stup..." I threw a dark look at Kyo, who immediately cut the insult out of his sentence. "It's when people can tell the future."
While both boys seemed lost in thought, I smiled at them. Kyo was the spitting portrait of his father. Same chestnut hair, same face. He only had my eyes. Ichigen on the other hand had a much lighter hair color, somewhere between very light brown and sandy. But he had brown eyes, and my mother's face as well.
"I know!" Said Ichigen, getting our attention. "Tenshi!"
"Tenshi?" Said Yata. "Why does that sound familiar?"
"Uncle Yo says that it's a good name for all the girls!"
I slapped my own face. 'Yo, you are never approaching my boys again.' I made a mental note. It could have disastrous consequences!
"That's … not really a name sweetie. More like a nickname. Any ideas Kyo?"
"Akane." Said the eldest after some reflexion.
"It's a nice name." I said. "But why Akane?"
"Because Anna always says that it's a beautiful red that brought you together."
"And Akane means brilliant red." I smiled and looked at Yata who seemed to really like the sound of that. "What do you think, Ichi? Do you like Akane?"
"Well... I don't know any other girl names except Anna, Megumi, Ome, Seri, Neko, Ayumi... But we can't use them..."
"It'll be a little confusing if we use those." I explained.
"I like red so I like Akane!" Decided the little man.
"Akane it is then." Said Yata.
"IF it's a girl." I insisted.
The four of us ended up falling asleep on the couch, discussing wether or not my third child would be a girl or a boy. We'd managed to convince them that we should prepare a boy's name too. Ichigen decided on Kagami for us. I woke up the earliest the next morning, as a gentle sun was bathing our living room in it's warm light. Yata had both his sons cuddled up against him, Kyo on his chest and Ichi on his lap. They were too cute like this, I couldn't help but snap a picture. Then I stayed a long moment watching the sleeping faces of the three boys I loved the most in the world. I instinctively placed a hand on my stomach.
"Hurry up and get here Akane or Kagami." I muttered. "Hurry up and join your family who loves you so much already."
Yata's growling brought me back to reality and I almost laughed when I saw his bed hair. "Did we fall asleep here?" He asked before yawning.
"Shh!" I said, as he got off the couch. "Don't wake the kids."
He grabbed the couch's cover and placed it on his still sleeping sons. He then approached me and took me in his arms gently as to not crush me. I hugged him back.
"What did I do to deserve so much affection so early in the morning?" I asked.
He chuckled. "If I made the list of things you did to deserve it, it'd take an entire year. And I'm already late for work. Saru's gonna chew me out."
He freed me from his grip and looked at me with a sweet smile. "Do you want breakfast?" I asked him.
"Na, I'm late already."
"You should really eat somethin..."
My sentence was interrupted when he captured my lips. I felt the blood rush to my face and closed my eyes to enjoy the kiss better. It was long and sweet. He pulled away a few seconds later.
"Thanks for the meal." He said before grabbing his vest (he was still wearing yesterday's suit). "I'll buy something on the way. See you this evening."
He quickly exited the house and I heard the car take off. I shook my head and sigh. 'What happened to my blush-at-the-drop-of-a-hat-for-no-good-reason Misaki?' Did this man even realize how happy he was making me? Knowing him, probably not. I turned to the two miniature Yatas and kissed them both on the head.
"Wake up sleepy heads. Time for breakfast."
*French : Don't tire yourself like that anymore, alright Yoru?
So there you have it : I'm a sucker for cheesy happy endings. But let's face it, they deserved it.
I would really appreciate it if you all left your final thought on the whole story in the reviews. Thank you so much for all your support all this time!
WHAT NOW? : now's the time to give me your ideas for bonus scenes if you have any. The story will be marked as COMPLETE but don't pay any attention to that. If you have ideas, I'm all ears!