Steven was lying down on the beach. A mirror in his hand. It showed him repeatedly doing a rasberry. He laughed at the mirror. "You got a lot of milage out of that joke." He said to it. "You're pretty funny for a mirror."
"You're pretty funny for a mirror." The mirror copied.
"No, I'm not a mirror." Steven corrected with laughter in his voice.
"You're pretty funny… Steven." The mirror said using Steven and Lars to talk. Steven gasped at this new sight.
"You made something new! I've got to show you the Gems." Steven got up, but then the mirror cried. It kept repeating the word "no," as if it was scared. Steven didn't want to see his new Beach Summer Fun Buddy cry. "Alright," he finnaly said, "I won't show you them now. Maybe later?" He asked.
"Maybe later?" The mirror repeated. Steven smiled. He wanted to show the Gems his new friend, but not right now.