TsukkiYama Week 2015

Day 7: Sleeping together/On the beach

Yamaguchi is having the best day of his life. He's on a double date with Tsukki and is partnered with his girlfriend Keiko-chan. He gets to meet Yamamoto-san too.

Two of the most important people in his life is with him today. How can he be so blessed?

But as usual, Tsukki doesn't look too amused. He always looks uninterested like that, but he's unusually more grumpy today. Is the double date really bothering him that much? Yamaguchi gets his chance to ask when the girls go to their bathroom business.

Yamaguchi goes beside Tsukki, idly poking at the stuffed phone straps at the rack. He smiles at the thought when he remembers that particular phone strap he saw yesterday with Tsukki. But he also reminds himself of his current objective and asks, "Enjoying the date so far?"

"It looks like you're the one who's enjoying..."

Yamaguchi turns to Tsukki. There's a bite in his voice. Jealousy? No, no. How can he have such a feeling? Tsukki doesn't have that kind of interest in him. But Yamaguchi can't deny that sick feeling of... happiness— that Tsukki might be jealous over him having a girlfriend.

"Why didn't you tell me you have a girlfriend?"


See? It's not jealousy, Yamaguchi thinks. An unwelcomed laugh escapes his mouth. How can Tsukki be hurt by this? Tsukki is his best friend, probably be hurt at most that as a best friend, he isn't immediately informed of this. And last time Yamaguchi checked, Tsukki is as heterosexual as a guy can be.

Yamaguchi follows this with his trademark "Sorry, Tsukki." He scratches of the back of his head, giving Tsukki a guilty smile. How can he think of his best friend that way?

He internally shrugs his thoughts away.

"Well, it does come as a surprise to you, huh? The famous Tsukishima Kei was outrun by his classmate Yamaguchi Tadashi by having a girlfriend first," he even teases the taller boy, elbowing him on the side slightly. Tsukki glares daggers at him but Yamaguchi just laughs.

The girls finished their business and meet up with the boys. They go for another walk. Thankfully, the streets aren't flooded from the sudden downpour. There are shallow puddles every now and then, and the four would sometimes skip over them. The tall boys easily step over the puddles, but the girls aren't as lucky with their platforms.

Sometimes, Yamaguchi would deliberately let the rainwater splash teasingly at Tsukki, watching him frown at the action and step on the puddle in retaliation. Keiko-chan joins their game, taking Yamamoto-san with her into their make shift game. And soon enough, all four of them have wet shoes and shins.

"Let's go watch the fireworks!" Keiko-chan suddenly exclaims.

"There are?" Yamaguchi asks in surprise. How can't he not know this? He and Tsukki should have included this in their plans for the date.

"I think so, if there are clear skies in the evening...?" Keiko-chan replies. She looks at Yamamoto-san for confirmation and continues speaking when she saw the other girl nod. "To the beach it is!"

She pulls Yamaguchi with her and the boy has no choice but to follow her. Their companions follow them too after an exchange of brief looks. They stay on the concrete sea wall, walking on it casually as the girls begin taking pictures of the setting sun. There aren't any person in the area so they get to choose their seats for the promise of fireworks-filled sky. The horizon is clear of the dark clouds it had earlier.

Inevitably, they take some selfies. With the darkening horizon as the background, or the beach, or on the stairs leading to the sandy seaside. They stop when it gets too dark — of which the two boys are internally thankful. All the bending of their backs and neck just to fit in the frame cause strain on their muscles.

And then they part. Yamaguchi goes with Keiko-chan. Each couple walk at opposite direction from each other.

Yamaguchi continues walking beside Keiko-chan, watching her look at her phone, at the selfies they took earlier. She then pulls Yamaguchi to her side again, taking another picture of only the two of them. Yamaguchi smiles at the camera, letting himself be carried into the tide of excitement that Keiko-chan started.

"Tadashi-kun," Keiko-chan calls him. She stops walking and Yamaguchi stops with her. He turns to face her and takes note of the small smile on her face.

"What is it?" he asks.

Her smile widens Yamaguchi doesn't understand how, but she looks sadder, hurt.

"I love you," she says. She steps towards him, a hesitant hand to his chest. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," Yamaguchi replies. He smiles, holding her cheek. He frowns and begins wiping her tears away. "What's the matter?"

But Keiko-chan is shaking her head. She's trying to step back from him, literally, but Yamaguchi is holding her. He's losing her, but he doesn't want to let go.

"Do you really?" she asks. She isn't looking at him. And Yamaguchi suddenly doesn't want to meet her eyes. "Do you really love me?"

"Of course I do," he replies. He can hear his own voice is convincing enough. He himself is convinced that he likes Keiko-chan. He loves her. So why is she asking this?

"Then, about Tsukishima... about Tsukishima Kei," she says. Her tone is hard.

Jealousy. This is jealousy. Keiko-chan is jealous of Tsukki.

But why doesn't Yamaguchi feel that sick happiness and triumphant feeling he felt for one hopeful moment when he was talking to Tsukki?

"He's my best friend," Yamaguchi replies even before Keiko-chan finishes what she's saying.

Of course Keiko-chan will notice this too. Regretably, Yamaguchi loves Tsukishima Kei too. Even greater than a friend, a best friend. In an unhealthy amount of love that Yamaguchi will never let Tsukki know about.

Tsukishima probably doesn't feel the same though.

Just his best friend, the same thought passes Yamaguchi's mind. But now, Yamaguchi found Keiko-chan too. Someone else he likes, probably love as much as he would to that person — the love he gives the person who will never look his way, never notice him the way he would. Someone he can never reach, no matter how much he'd chase that someone.

Right, Yamaguchi is tied to Keiko-chan. Keiko-chan is tied to him. They are tied to each other by a relationship they started three weeks ago, in the warmth of a cafe during a heavy rain. A small talk a week even before that, sharing their interests in their short meetings.

Yamaguchi never thought he'd like someone this way. He also never thought that someone would love him this way. He looks right into Keiko-chan's eyes, into those brown depths, not liking the sadness and hopelessness in them at all.

He can't lose her too.

Yamaguchi knows that he loves her. He tells her so and kisses her lips.

There's a boom in the sky. The fireworks have started. But even before he hears that telltale sign of the multicolored fire in the darkness of the sky, he could hear something else. The sound of some footsteps, familiar and calling. Too familiar that he already somehow knows to whom they belong.

He pulls away from Keiko-chan and looks at the direction where he heard that familiar sound. It's quite dark but the fireworks illuminates Yamaguchi's surroundings.

There's a figure running away in the distance.


"Tadashi-kun," a voice calls. That's when Yamaguchi realizes that his body automatically moved to follow the figure in the distance. To run and catch up and explain — even though he realizes just now that he really don't have anything to explain.

The hand on his wrist keeps him rooted on the spot. He stands there, watching the long-legged figure run away from him while feeling the warm soft hand around his wrist.

This is the time when he realizes that he has to choose. There are only two choices and he can't have both.

Yamaguchi looks back at Keiko-chan. He knows the expression he's making, and he knows she knows too. Her eyes close in realization. She's crying, harder now, and squeezes Yamaguchi's wrist. But she lets go.

She heaves a sigh. "Go," she whispers. "Follow him."

Yamaguchi faces her fully and opens his mouth. But Keiko-chan speaks again before he can utter a word.

"Go," she says. Her voice is laced with tears and sadness. "But know that I'll be waiting for you when that doesn't work out."

Yamaguchi frowns but smiles. He kisses her on her cheek for the last time. "I'm sorry."

And then he leaves her. He doesn't look back. He can't when he had made his choice. He can't when he has to stand to what he had chosen.

"Tsukki!" he yells. He passes Yamamoto but ignores her.

He has to catch up with that boy with ridiculously long and fast legs. Damn it, how can Tsukki run so fast?

The distance between them is shortening. Yamaguchi's legs feel like they're burning. His lungs as well. But he ignores those too and reaches out, grabbing Tsukishima's shirt in effort to stop the other boy.

"Tsukki, stop!" he yells. He pulls harder on Tsukki's shirt but falters when his own legs tangle as he tries to match Tsukki's pace. He majestically falls and face-plants on the concrete sidewalk.

"Ugh." He sits up, looking ahead and expecting that Tsukki has disappeared with that seemingly inhuman speed of his. But Tsukki is standing there, half-turned, watching as Yamaguchi unsteadily gets to his feet.

"T-Tsukki!" Yamaguchi calls again. The other boy is making an unreadable face, not moving. Yamaguchi carefully takes a step towardshim and is thankful that Tsukki doesn't take a step back. He continues, "Let me explain..."

"Explain what?"

Yamaguchi wants to laugh. That sick happiness and feeling of triumph is back. But he can't laugh now, as he stares at Tsukishima's face contort into the angriest frown Yamaguchi has ever seen.

Why does he feel so lighthearted about this? Yamaguchi doesn't even know how to explain — whatever is happening — either.

"Um," he begins saying. Tsukki levels him with a 'Go on and amuse me' look and Yamaguchi fidgets. "You see, Keiko-chan and I..."

"I know already," Tsukki says. "She's your girlfriend and—"

"We broke up."

Tsukki raises his eyebrows at Yamaguchi. Something passes through his features and he crosses his arms, still looking unamused, before Yamaguchi could discern that brief expression. "So?"

Yamaguchi almost dies at Tsukki's cold tone.

"I thought you could, you know," he shrugs. "... console your dumped best buddy?"

Tsukki visibly sighs. Yamaguchi wants to find the nearest cemetery, dig a grave and bury himself. But he knows in himself that he has chosen the right person. It just isn't the right time to confess his feelings.

But Tsukki is approaching him. He stretches a hand, carefully places it on Yamaguchi's face and wipes just right under Yamaguchi's nose.

"Your nose is bleeding," he says. Like he's stating the weather.

"Huh?" It does. His nose is really bleeding.

Yamaguchi must have looked really confused when, after wiping his dripping nose, he stares at the smear of blood on his fingers and Tsukki explains, "From your fall earlier."

Tsukki produces a handkerchief. Yamaguchi makes a move to accept it. "Ah, gomen, Tsukki—"

"Shut up, Yamaguchi." Tsukishima doesn't give him the handkerchief. He dabs it carefully on Yamaguchi's face. And he even pinches the bridge of Yamaguchi's nose, doing so until they're sure that the bleeding has stopped.

Yamaguchi thanks him. An awkward silence ensues.

Surprisingly, Tsukishima is the one who breaks it.

"So," he says. "Want to grab some dinner? My treat."

"Really?" Yamaguchi brightens.

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be depressed from that break up?" Tsukki says. "Is a simple dinner all it takes to take your mind off that?"

"But Tsukki doesn't usually offer free dinner!"

"I'm saying be a little more depressed."

"Hey, I just told you to console me—"

Well, the day ends with a dinner of burgers and fries during console games over Tsukishima's house. Akiteru joins them, bringing more unhealthy snacks with him, and unknowingly halts any talk about Yamaguchi's break up with his presence — to which Yamaguchi is thankful. Because, really, he isn't ready to talk about that yet.

It's been a month since that double date. Tsukishima wants to ask Yamaguchi about that sudden break-up — really sudden, if you ask him, because he has just witnessed Yamaguchi kissing someone and then catching up to him just to tell him that Yamaguchi had broken up with that someone he'd been kissing. The only time Tsukishima had the chance to ask was broken by Akiteru, unknowingly. Yamaguchi doesn't offer an explanation either, so Tsukishima doesn't really know.

Yamaguchi is beside him as usual. They go to classes together as usual, do their homework and activities as usual. They attend their volleyball practices together as usual.

Nothing changes. No, actually, things just go back to normal.

Tsukishima sighs. Probably, things are just the same — except for one thing. Yamaguchi went to a relationship with someone else and kept Tsukishima as nothing but an uninformed best friend. Tsukishima realized that as much.

Even if Yamaguchi comes back single again, they're just best friends.

Unfortunately for Yamaguchi, that swift relationship he had with Mochizuki made Tsukishima realize that he didn't want that. He can't just stay best friends with Yamaguchi, now that he knows Yamaguchi is single and free to mingle again.

Tsukishima suddenly realizes that he's staring down on his phone, typing shit up like 'how to confess to your best friend' on Google search bar on his mobile. He almost hurls his phone away from him, thankful that he only manages to quickly erase the dumb thing he typed and pocket his phone. He looks over to Yamaguchi.

It's break time. Yamaguchi seems to feel Tsukishima looking at him, when he turns around and meets Tsukishima's eyes. Tsukishima freezes, trying not to suddenly look away and be weird. Yamaguchi smiles and comes over, bringing his snacks with him, and sits on the vacant chair beside Tsukishima.

One of their usual chats begins again.


Tsukishima bangs his head on his desk. He's back in his bedroom. He's googling the same shit he typed earlier in class. And he's actually amused when he reads several lines that "proves" Yamaguchi — probably, maybe — likes him too.

A tap on his shoulder makes him look up. It's Akiteru.

"You alright?" his brother asks. Tsukishima pulls the headphones off his ears and nods, rubbing his eyes with his knuckles.

"Hey, Kei," Akiteru says. His voice sounds skeptical that Tsukishima looks up at his older brother again, blinking away the aftereffects of his eye-rubbing. Tsukishima almost falls off his chair when he hears Akiteru's next question though, "You like Yamaguchi?"

Tsukishima follows his older brother's line of sight. And the open tab of "how to confess to your best friend" Google search results greets him. Well, he forgot about that.

Tsukishima looks at Akiteru again. Akiteru holds his stare.

"Yeah, I do," the Tsukishima replies.

To his surprise, Akiteru just laughs.

"Hey, I know being gay is not norm. But it's not funny," Tsukishima says. But Akiteru continues laughing so Tsukishima hits him on the head.

"That's no way to treat your older brother!" Akiteru complains, holding on the sore spot.

"Then stop laughing."

A giggle escapes Akiteru's mouth so Tsukishima glares at him. But Akiteru raises his hands as if in surrender.

"Sorry. But really, I'm not laughing at you being gay," Akiteru says. "Well, are you really gay? Or just Yamaguchi-sexual?"

"What?" Tsukishima asks in surprise.

"Well, observing you two, anyone can notice the sexual tension between you," Akiteru confesses. His smile is ridiculously wide. "What made you realize, that stuff Mom said over dinner one time? You know, that crossdressing thing? Or that finger-sucking thing you did to Yamaguchi when we threw batter and icing to each other?"

He laughs again when he sees Tsukishima's wide eyes and reddening face.

"Don't think you can hide things from your older brother."

Akiteru ruffles Tsukishima's hair. Tsukishima lets him, defeatedly.

"It's not because of Mom," Tsukishima answers the earlier question. Akiteru angles his head, showing his curiosity and silent way of letting Tsukishima know to continue speaking. "You remember that time when Yamaguchi spent a night here on a Sunday and then Mom scolded us because it's a school day the next day?"

Akiteru frowns, remembering. "That time when Yamaguchi didn't have extra clothes with him?"

"Yeah. And I had to let him borrow my extra school uniform."

"Is this something perverted?" Akiteru suddenly says, making Tsukishima lose his train of thought for a moment. "You know, I'm fine with you being gay. Really, Kei, I'm fine with that. But I don't think I can listen to your sexual—"

Tsukishima blushes and hits Akiteru on the head again.

"It's nothing like that." Tsukishima frowns at his brother, daring him to come up with something ridiculous again. Akiteru grins cheekily and Tsukishima suddenly thinks he can kill someone. "I said it's nothing like that. That night, Yamaguchi broke up with his girlfriend."

"Oh?" Akiteru says. He suddenly looks serious. "So,... Yamaguchi is straight?"

"I think so," Tsukishima says. "I don't know. Most probably."

Akiteru squeezes his shoulder. "And you still plan to confess to him?"

Tsukishima sighs. He doesn't answer, because he knows that Akiteru already knows the answer to that question.

"I hope you don't regret that decision," Akiteru says.

Tsukishima turns back to his computer screen.

"I hope so, too."


It's another school day. Just another casual Saturday of classes in the morning and short club practice afterwards. Tsukishima checks his schedule for the weekend, his thoughts running on his plans for the next day. His Sunday is free — no school works, no volleyball activities, no nothing.

He discards his practice clothes slowly, letting most of his focus on his plans for this Sunday. He just finished putting on his gakuran and fixing his bag when he notices Yamaguchi standing outside the changing room, holding his phone. He's typing something. And after some moments, his mobile announces the incoming message. Yamaguchi grins when he read whatever that message contains.

Tsukishima feels his chest constrict.

Yamaguchi looks up from his phone. Catching Tsukishima looking at him, he approaches the other boy and his smile widens.

"Are you free tomorrow?"

Doesn't this all look familiar?

Tsukishima wants to say no. He wants to escape. But Tsukishima knows Yamaguchi knows that he's free — they are on the same club, damn it. And with them being in the same class as well, their schedules are pretty much the same — no assignments, no class meetings, nothing but a free Sunday.

He hasn't answered yet when Yamaguchi asks, "Want to go on a date with me?"

Yes, it's all the same. Even Hinata piping up between them, yelling, "Date?! You're having dates with pretty girls again?!", followed by Nishinoya's and Tanaka's glares. Sawamura offers a comment of "Aren't you popular?", to which the coach agrees with a tease of "Too popular."

But Yamaguchi raises his hands in a placating gesture. "We're not going to a date with pretty girls..."

"Aren't you cocky, saying girls aren't pretty?!" Tsukishima isn't really sure who said that, but it's either Tanaka or Nishinoya. He's not focusing anyway, trying to perceive whatever Yamaguchi meant with what he just said.

"I said we're not going to a date with girls. It's just the two of us," Yamaguchi says calmly. Everyone looks at him uncomprehendingly — with everyone including Tsukishima. Yamaguchi is smiling, turning his head to Tsukishima with just the blush on his face denoting if he ever feels nervous or shy about this at all, "I'm asking Tsukki on a date."

The entire clubroom is silent. All attention are on Yamaguchi, who begins scratching the back of his head. Tsukishima can see that the other boy's courage is diminishing. Yamaguchi's face is getting brighter red, the shine in his eyes from the excitement of his somewhat confession slowly disappearing.

"M-Maybe I shouldn't have asked—" Yamaguchi starts saying but something cuts him off.


Tsukishima almost can't believe that that comes out of his mouth. But he feels his mouth open, the word rolling out of his lips easily — this time, like how he's truly feeling.

And he says yes to the date Yamaguchi is offering.

He smiles, feeling excitement and happiness bubble in his chest. "I was actually planning to ask you out myself. This Sunday?"

This time, everyone — and this 'everyone' includes Yamaguchi — gapes at Tsukishima.

"Are you serious?" Surprisingly, it's Kageyama who breaks the silence after Tsukishima's agreement on the date. He looks at Tsukishima before going to Yamaguchi's side and punches the guy playfully on the shoulder. "Aren't you lucky, getting a yes on the first time you ask him out?"

Yamaguchi laughs shyly. "Yeah, thanks..."

"You know about this, King?" Tsukishima asks. Kageyama returns his glare, yelling, "YOU—"

"Actually, I know about this too," Sugawara says. "Kageyama consulted me about it, asking if there's something going on between you two. I told him, maybe, but it's only you two can answer it straight. And before I can stop him, he's already asking Yamaguchi..."

"WHAT?!" Hinata yells, pointing at Kageyama rather rudely. "How— How did YOU know?!"

"Well," Sugawara explains calmly. "Kageyama is rather observant..."

"See that, stupid-Hinata!" Kageyama exclaims proudly.

"But, but, but—" Hinata turns to Yamaguchi and Tsukishima. "I didn't notice..."

"I think it's a bit obvious though," Yachi says. When the team suddenly blesses her with their full attention, she continues shyly, "W-Well, observing Yamaguchi-kun and Tsukishima-kun, anyone can notice the s-s-s-sexual tension between them..."

Tsukishima sighs heavily, trying to hide his own blush with his hand while pushing his glasses up. "Ugh, why is everyone saying that?"

"E-Eh?" Yachi reddens, confused.

"Nothing." Tsukishima turns to Yamaguchi. He knows that his own face is fully crimson. And he's actually relieved to see that Yamaguchi is blushing too. "So this Sunday?"

Yamaguchi smiles. "This Sunday," he affirms brightly.

"UGHHHHH," Nishinoya yells. "YOU LOVE BIRDS GET OUT!"

BONUS (1):

"Where are we going?" Tsukishima asks. But Akiteru ignores him. "Look, I'm going to meet Yamaguchi today—" To their 'this Sunday' date, but he can't tell that to Akiteru just yet. "— and I'm late already."

"No, you're not," Akiteru answers from the driver's seat, pulling over. He grins. "Seriously, you owe me one."


They're in front of a restaurant. Tsukishima thinks it's familiar and then remembers that he saw this particular restaurant in a magazine, popular with their shortcakes and other English delicacies.

"Now get out there," Akiteru says. Tsukishima looks questioningly at him. "It's your special Sunday, isn't it?"

Damn magic word that 'Sunday' has become. Tsukishima alights from his brother's car. His confusion lessens (actually, it's replaced with surprise) when he finally sees Yamaguchi waiting for him.

"You even got Akiteru into this," Tsukishima says with a playful shove at the other boy.

Yamaguchi shrugs. "I emailed him right before I asked you out. And he easily agreed."

Tsukishima notices that the other boy is holding a package, a small paper bag. Yamaguchi notices him looking and smiles, handing the package to the other boy.

"For you," Yamaguchi says. Tsukishima accepts and opens it right away.

Inside is a very familiar item. Tsukishima held it once before, even looks for it afterwards. But it had disappeared.

Now, Tsukishima knows where it went. He smiles, holding that particular phone strap of a stuffed moon and a fluffy freckled cat on his palm.

"It's lucky that the store has two left," Yamaguchi says as he watches Tsukishima's smiling face. "So I immediately bought them and planned to give one to you."

He pulls his own phone from his pocket, showing an identical phone strap to the one Tsukishima is holding.

Before Tsukishima knows what he's doing, he's kissing Yamaguchi on the lips. Yamaguchi pulls away, blushing wildly, much to Tsukishima's disappointment.

"Hold on," Yamaguchi says. "Date first, kissing later."

Tsukishima grins. "Then let's go in."

BONUS (2):

It has been another month since Tsukishima and Yamaguchi officially started going out. Tsukishima is uncomfortable, really, as he takes his seat on the bleachers with the Karasuno volleyball team. Of course, they are here to support the Karasuno female softball team, complete with the chants and yells they learned earlier that week. Karasuno softball team are lucky with the tournament, entering the semifinals of the Women's Softball High School League after defeating some of the strongest teams in the nation. And with the unexpected wins come the popularity of Karasuno High in softball world as well. So the school president organized a cheering squad for their booming softball team.

But that's not what Tsukishima is worried about.

Apparently, Yamaguchi notices his distress. Standing next to Tsukishima in the audience, the other boy asks, "Is there something wrong, Tsukki?"

Tsukishima loses his chance to reply when the game starts.

He especially feels cold when he sees that particular girl's first at bat in the game. He thinks he sees her look at Yamaguchi's direction and then to his. He can't actually see her face at the huge distance between them but he can guess the expression she's making.

She manages a homerun, a full-base homerun. Karasuno erupts into loud and uncontrollable cheering after the softball makes a soft thump on the backboard. Tsukishima watches as the hero of the day is about to round the second base, fist up in the air. He can see her turn her head towards Yamaguchi's direction again, a wide grin on her face.

Tsukishima is suddenly feeling childish. Ensuring that the girl is still looking at them, he grabs Yamaguchi around the shoulders, also grinning wide but not cheering. A sickly happy feeling washes through Tsukishima when he sees the girl's smile falter.

"T-Tsukki?" a voice comes from his side. Tsukishima turns and meets Yamaguchi's blushing stare.

After throwing a quick cautious glance around the cheering crowd, he steals a kiss from Yamaguchi.

"You're mine. Remember that," he whispers. And he grins once more when he feels Yamaguchi squirm under his hold, seeing that the other boy is sporting his own shy smile.

"Get a fucking room," comes Tanaka's immediate, barely suppressed voice from their right.


Yamaguchi lays on Tsukishima's own bed. They just finished answering their Mathematics problem set. Tsukishima still sits on the floor, running his eyes on their worksheets in quick check of their answers. He munches on the cookies his mother brought up to his room earlier while doing so.


Tsukishima looks up from the papers laid out in front of him at the call. "What?"

Yamaguchi raises a hand. Palm upwards, he looks at the gaps between his fingers and stares at the ceiling.

"We still eat together," he begins saying. "We answer our homeworks together, spend nights on each other's houses. Attend our classes together, play volleyball together, do school activities together..."

Tsukishima already has an idea on where this is going but he lets Yamaguchi continue.

"What changed between us, really?" Yamaguchi asks, sitting up on the bed and looks straight into Tsukishima's eyes. He's smiling but Tsukishima can feel his discomfort and worry.

Tsukishima puts the last bit of the cookie he's holding into his mouth. He slowly follows it with a long drink from his milk glass, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand afterwards.

"Nothing much, I guess," he finally replies. Yamaguchi frowns at his answer, plopping down on the bed again.

"Yeah... nothing much." Yamaguchi stares at the ceiling again. Tsukishima swallows.

"Maybe there IS something," Tsukishima says carefully.

"There is?" Yamaguchi asks interestedly but he doesn't sit up this time.

Tsukishima gets up. He grins, surprising Yamaguchi when he suddenly straddles the other boy.

"Just one tiny bit," he says. And then he's kissing Yamaguchi.

Yamaguchi immediately kisses him back, so excitedly and hungrily that Tsukishima pulls back and says, "Slow down now..."

"Sorry, Tsukki, but no..." Yamaguchi replies with a grin and pulls him back down using his shirt. Tsukishima moans into the kiss and lets Yamaguchi explore the inside of his mouth, all the while sucking on the wet muscle that invades his mouth.

Not too long, their kiss are spit-slicked and filled with noisy erotic sucking and moaning. Their hands are grasp at each other, pulling at each other's clothes in search for warm, bare skin.

Suddenly, the door opens.

"Hey, can I join you guys—?"

Akiteru freezes at the door, staring at the interrupted sight of his brother and his brother's friend making out. Several emotions passes on his face, his mouth opening and closing in an effort to form words. When he sees Tsukishima's glaring face and Yamaguchi covering his own face, Akiteru finally finds his tongue.

"You know, forget whatever I said," he says. "I have no plans of joining you guys, really—"

"GET OUT!" Tsukishima yells at his older brother, throwing a pillow at the closing door.

But Akiteru opens the door again, grinning teasingly as he reaches over to press on the doorknob.

"Lock the door next time, will you?"

This time, the pillow hit him on the face.

After Akiteru closes the door behind him, Tsukishima hears some giggles. He turns to Yamaguchi and finds the other boy laughing. Tsukishima can't help but smile too.

"Tadashi," the name escapes his mouth.

Yamaguchi stops laughing. Tsukishima stares into his eyes.

"Tadashi," he says. He can finally say it. "I love you."

Yamaguchi's face breaks into a wide smile.

"I love you too, Kei."


More than five thousand words later *breathes heavily*

I had difficulty writing Yamaguchi's confusion. Everything feels rushed but I hope you readers enjoyed!

As you can see, I forgot there are prompts. So it's implied. Feel free to imagine them 'sleeping together' in N/SFW waaay~