Mr. Hottie and the Thinking Rock

The next few days were spent finding her classes and figuring out work schedules – and avoiding Lincoln. Ginny cursed herself every day for kissing him, for ruining the first friendship she created when she got here. Just like with Harry, things will never be the same, it will always be awkward.

Without any other friends, Ginny's nights were often spent alone. She sometimes practiced spells; when the curtains were drawn. Ginny also found herself reading a lot more. One of her less lonely nights, Hermione stopped by – to check out Ginny's room and to give her a message from her family.
"They miss you, Gin," she sighed, sitting down on the bed next to her best friend.
"I know, but I can't be independent if I just go home all the time?" Ginny sighed, resting her chin on her knees as they press against her chest. Hermione shook her head, but accepted this answer.

"'Mione, can I ask you a question?" Ginny said softly, her eyes not meeting her friends as Hermione turned to look at her.
"Yeah, sure! Whatever you want?" Taking a small breath, Ginny looked away from her friend.
"It's just... I -"
"Ginny, whatever it is I can help," Hermione reassured her, placing a softly scarred hand on Ginnys' knee.
"Okay. Well... You… and Ron, are you together?" Ginny rubbed the back of her neck, her voice barely louder than a small squeak as she asked this.
"Ginny, you made this sound like it was going to be 'help me hide the body'!" Hermione laughed. "No, your brother and I are not together?"
"Why not?" Ginny pressed further, her fingers twisting the sheets of her bed into knots as she waited. Hermione frowned.
"Why is this important?" She asked, turning to face Ginny.
"Please, Hermione."
"Fine, uh – because all we had was a kiss. Once that happened, all the sexual tension was gone and we were back to being friends. He's like my brother. Why, Gin?"
"Do you think that's what happened to me and Harry?" Ginny voice was soft as she asked this, her eyes not daring to look at Hermione's.
"Gin, you and Harry split for very different reasons! You had a relationship, I only think you're not together now because you both needed time to… go through some things?" Hermione was looking very seriously at her friend, who still refused to look back at her. "Ginny, what's this about?"
"How long should it take to go through them?" Ginny asked instead, avoiding Hermione's question.
"I don't know, Gin. Everyone is different."

Suddenly Ginny stood, taking a few steps away from the bed, then turning back and re-tracing them. She did this a few more times, pacing the room.
"Hermione, I met someone. I mean – I still like Harry… it's just this guy is so much less complicated and he –" Ginny looked back to her friend, biting her lip.
"Is this what you're worried about?" Ginny nodded her head and Hermione laughed. "Gin! You're not still with Harry or anything! It's not like you're cheating on him. He had his chance and now it's this guys." Ginny stared at Hermione, her heart racing. "Do you like him?" Hermione asked, softer this time. Ginny did not answer and Hermione sighed, moving closer to her friend. Resting her hand on Ginny's back, she let out a breath and said:
"Ginny, I –"
"I kissed him!" Ginny pressed her face into her hands. Before Hermione could respond there was a knock on the door.

With her face in her hands, Ginny ignored the knock leaving Hermione to answer it.
"Hey 2E, I – Oh…" Lincoln stood behind the door, his fist still in the air from his knock. "Sorry, I thought this…" He looked at the door again and a wave of confusion washed over him.
"Are you looking for Ginny?" Hermione asked with a smirk. Ginny rushed to the door and stood, flushed, beside Hermione.
"Lincoln! What are you doing here?" She asked, her voice low and harsh. Hermione moved back in to the room slightly, sensing some tension she did not want to be a part of.
"I was going to call, but I realised... I don't have your number..." He suddenly looked at Hermione with an awkward expression. "So, I thought I'd... drop by..." Ginny followed his gaze and let out a small 'ah'.

"Lincoln, this is Hermione - Hermione, Lincoln..." Ginny introduced, waving a hand between the two. Hermione turned to look at Ginny, a small smirk forming on her lips. Under her breath, so only Ginny could hear, she asked:
"Is this him?" Ginny shook her head and pushed her friends arm, looking back to the man in her door frame.
"Sorry about that," she said, blushing. "What did you want to talk about?" Lincoln on his feet, eyeing Hermione as he seemed to weigh up whether he wanted to speak.
"Can I talk to you in... private? Maybe we could go somewhere?" Ginny looked to Hermione and seemed to connect what he was saying.
"Oh! Yes, sorry!" She laughed, her palm hitting her forehead as she cursed herself. "Um, could you give me ten minutes?" She asked, biting her lips softly.
"Of course!" He replied, nodding his head and rubbing his neck awkwardly. "Take your time. I'll just wait... Uh, over there." He chuckled to himself and as he walked away he looked back to Hermione, a frown on his face - as if he was trying to work something out in his head.

Hermione looked back at Ginny, her eyebrows raised high and a smirk on her lips.
"So, Gin. Is this tall and handsome?"
"I'm pretty sure I described him as 'less complicated' but, yes... he is."
"Wow!" Was all Hermione said as Ginny closed the door and were alone again. The two girls looked at each other for a second, Ginny squirming slightly under the gaze of her best friends' big, brown eyes.
"What are you waiting for?" Hermione said, getting to her feet. "Get prettied up and go! A guy like that will not wait forever!"
"But what about -" Ginny began to argue, but Hermione just shook her head.
"I can make my way home! I'm not about to ruin a date with Mr. Hottie - we need a better name for him..." Hermione trailed off in her thoughts as Ginny shook her head and went to grab a new shirt.
"Hermione, nothing is happening... so, we don't need to do anything." Hermione glared at her as she threw her some deodorant. Ginny frown and began trying to smell her armpits until Hermione said:
"I'm not saying you need it, I'm saying... You never know what he's got planned?"

Finally ready to go, Ginny shoved her wand in her pocket - as well as some muggle money – and left to go meet Lincoln. As she opened her door, she saw him across the hall, leaning against the wall being harassed by a girl Ginny did not recognise.
"So, I was thinking..." the girl was saying, throwing her hair over her shoulder and pronouncing her breasts as she chattered at him, "...maybe you and me could go grab a drink?" She bit her lip as she said this, her eyelids hooded as she swayed on the spot.
"I actually have plans," Lincoln answered, trying to step out away from her. He looked up and saw Ginny, a smile gracing his features as he did. "Sorry, I have to go," he addressed the girl in front of him and walked away, leaving her on her own. The girl stared wide eyed at Ginny as he approached, her look of shock slowly turning into one of loathing as he greeted Ginny with a smile and a casual 'hey'. Ginny watched as she stormed off and slammed the door of 2G closed; so that was Ginny's neighbour?

"Ready to go?" Lincoln asked, placing a hand on the small of her back.
"Yeah," Ginny nodded, looking away from the just-slammed door of her neighbour. "Speaking of which, where are we going?"
"You'll see," Lincoln chuckled then lent down and whispered: "By the way, you look beautiful."

"Lincoln!" Ginny laughed. "Where are you taking me?"
"Just a little place I found when I was a newbie, like you," Lincoln laughed as he led her through the darkening shrubbery. They had left the campus and found their way to a small wooded area a couple hundred feet away. Ginny was about to ask if it was safe when the trees cleared and she found herself in the middle of a small clearing, the ground dropping away a few feet from her. There was a rock standing in the middle, grass surrounding it as it watched over the field below it. Ginny walked to the edge, looking out over the view. While the drop was only a few feet, it gave the area a feeling of height, of separation – like they were so alone.

"I love it," she whispered, her eyes widening to take in the entire view. Just before them the sun was setting on the horizon and suddenly Ginny felt really self-conscious. She turned to see Lincoln looking at her, a small smile playing on his lips.
"It's beautiful," Ginny said, her voice coming out a lot softer than she had meant. Clearing her throat, she repeated herself.
"I come here to think, sometimes." Lincoln walked to the rock and took a seat, watching as the sun inched towards the skyline.

They sat together as the sun set behind the horizon, and as Ginny shivered he offered her his coat, which she accepted with gratitude. Even as the world around them darkened, the view was just as breathtaking as the first time Ginny had seen it.
"How did you find this place?" She asked softly, leaning into him. With a smile he answered:
"By chance. I accidentally walked in on it one afternoon when I needed some alone time... and it was perfect. So, I've been coming back ever since. Feel free to do so as you like." His smile was so genuine as he stared at her, Ginny could not help but smile right back.
"I bet you say that to all the girls," she joked.
"What girls?" Ginny looked straight into his eyes, her heart beating fast as he leaned in. Just as his lips were about to touch hers she jerked away.
"I'm sorry, I- I just can't... right now."
"I understand," he breathed as he wrapped his arms around his knee, which had found its way to his chest.
"Look, Lincoln..." She began, her hand resting on his forearm. "It's just, right now... It's not a great time for me."

They sat together, itching to touch the other; but one was not ready to give up what she had, and the other wanted to respect the first's wishes. So, there they sat.
"I used to be very shy," Ginny began, throwing caution to the wind and just being honest. "I trusted someone, and they betrayed me. I got hurt - very hurt, and it has taken me a long time to finally get over it... But it's still hard to trust people sometimes," Ginny tried to explain without using the words 'Voldemort', 'Horcrux', 'Basilisk, or 'certain death'. Lincoln nodded as he let out a small breath of air.
"I understand," his voice was quiet as he spoke. "We all have things we can't... talk about. Things that are just too hard, or too complicated to think about." He moved his hand so it slowly lay over hers, the comfort of it was more than she could ever expect.

"Thank you for showing me this place..." Ginny signed, her heart still elated from the view and her proximity to Lincoln.
"You're welcome," he smiled.

They slowly made their way back to their dorms when all the light had faded from the sky, leaving the moon as a lone glowing orb. They reached Ginny's door and paused. Lincoln let out a breath and they both smiled.
"Thank you for tonight, I had fun," Ginny admitted, her fingers mindlessly fiddling with her keys.
"Me too," Lincoln said, but Ginny sensed something else behind his relaxed exterior. "So long, 2E, I'll see you around," he smiled and turned away from her.

"Wait, Lincoln!" Ginny called and he turned back to look at her. "We're still good, right? I mean, we're going to stay friends?" There was a pause, where everything was silent. Then he spoke:
"Yeah, Ginny. We'll stay friends," he said with a smile that did not reach his eyes. As he reached his door he turned back. "Don't be a stranger," he said, clearing his throat as though something was caught in it.
"I won't." Ginny let out a heaved sigh and leant against her door, her head falling back against the wood as his door closed with a thump. While they had known each other for only a short amount of time, his expression as he walked away somehow hurt more than finding out that Harry kissed Cho.

A/N: Words - 2,231

Gringotts - New:
(Phrases) 4. 'Don't be a stranger'
(Weather) 3. Sunset

Major & Minor Arcana - Prompt: [thing] Wand