So this sequel is actually happening! There were a lot of positive reviews of Sulting and a lot more people wanted a sequel than I expected! So enjoy and comment! Constructive criticism is always welcomed!
Disclaimer: I own neither Young Justice nor Heroes Of Olympus.
Percy Jackson looked at his reflection in the mirror and smiled at it. His black graduation cap topped his equally dark hair and the gown made him look like a nun. He loved it. To be honest Percy would wear nothing but his birthday suit, he was just happy to be graduating with his class.
"You look so handsome." Sally said as she came up behind him. Her smiling face and small figure was shown in the reflection of his full body mirror.
His mother kissed his cheek, "Thanks." Percy replied as he turned towards her.
She clutched his shoulders and looked him in the eye, "Are you really sure you want to go to college in California."
Percy groaned, "Paul! Mom's questioning my life choices again!"
Paul Blofis popped his head into Percy's room, "Sally let him live his life, he's practically a grown man."
"Plus, I've done tons of more dangerous stuff than going to college."
"And it's free!"
"Yeah, mom, it's free!"
Sally sighed, "It's not about the money! It's about the people!"
Percy raised an eyebrow, "The romans? You love Hazel, Frank, Jason, and Rey-"
"I like them!" Sally interrupted, "But what about the evil, manipulating ones you told me about?"
"That's Octavian, and he exploded anyway."
Sally seemed like she was going to retort but there was a hard knock at the door.
"That must be Annabeth." Percy said, happy for a distraction.
Paul had already opened the door when Percy and Sally walked out of his room. Annabeth stood in the living room in a short grey dress, which shocked her boyfriend. She kept a suspiciously large bag at her side and still wore her familiar silver owl earrings.
"You look great." Percy said as he ruffled her curly blonde hair.
She pushed him away and greeted Sally with a hug.
"So, Annabeth…"
"Yes Ms. Jac- Blofis." she said.
"Are you going to that roman college too?" Annabeth immediately frowned in confusion.
"C'mon Annie!" Percy said quickly as he rushed her out of the house. "We're gonna be late if we don't move along. See you guys later!" he quickly shut the door behind himself.
"What was that about?" Annabeth asked a bit confused.
"Nothing important." Percy said passively. The couple got into Annabeth's car and began their drive to Goode High School.
Annabeth continuously glancing at Percy and tapped her fingers on the steering wheel in a nervous fashion.
Percy sighed, "Okay, what's wrong?"
"It's just that…" Annabeth trailed off.
"You don't think it's safe for me to go outside yet?" he said with amusement.
"It's okay for you to go outside!" she said quickly, "But this is so out in the open, everyone can you see you!"
Percy smiled at his girlfriend and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "It'll be fine some of the strongest demigods will be there. They already know not to underestimate us."
In case you're confused Leo, Reyna, Nico, Frank, and Calypso had told the rest of the Seven about their great escape from the clutches of superpowered good-doers. The Seven, Reyna, Calypso, Chiron, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, and the head counselors were the only ones (they actually seem like quite a lot of people if you list them) who knew about what happened. They were trying to avoid mass panic in the camps, so it was to be kept on the down low.
Leo and Calypso hadn't been able to get much information out the superheroes but they were able to realize that their true target was Percy all along. They also knew that no one in the Justice League, save Princess Diana, knew about the existence of demigods. It needed to stay that way, the half-bloods weren't looking for war and they doubt that the superheroes were too.
Annabeth smiled back at her boyfriend. "I'm glad it's just us, Nico, Reyna, Grover, Rachel, and Calypso." By us she meant the Seven. They were her team and her equals, "All of CHB wanted to come."
"Imagine that!" Percy said with a laugh, "A bunch of armored teenagers marching out onto the field."
Annabeth laughed too, "With Clarisse leading them!: 'Hey, Jackson, I hope you're smart enough to wear pants under that dress!'" Annabeth laughed even harder at her imitation of the daughter of Ares's voice, but she heard Percy's laughter die out.
She looked at her boyfriend. Percy looked straight in front of himself with pursed lips.
"Please tell me that you…"
"How was I supposed to know that I needed pants!"
"Oh my gods you can't actually be this stupid." Annabeth said exasperated.
"I thought it was like a dress! You don't wear pants under a dress!"
"It's a graduation gown, you always wear clothes under a gown, Seaweed Brain!"
"Just drive us back home."
-(Line Break)-
The football field of Goode High School was completely remade for the graduation. There were folding chairs in neat rows and columns on the field and a stage was pushed out in front of the chairs. Friends and family of the students filled the bleachers that usually hold fans who come to football games.
Percy scanned the crowds on the bleachers and found his friends and family. It was pretty easy considering they were all holding a very large sign that read: WE'RE SURPRISE YOU MADE IT THIS FAR TOO. It was attracting a bunch of stares.
"Are you sure this is a good idea." Grover asked looking at the sign Piper, Hazel, and Rachel Elizabeth Dare held together.
"This is an amazing idea!" Piper said with a blinding smile.
"You only say that because you three came up with it." Jason said with a smirk. He was dressed in jeans and his old Camp Jupiter shirt. He the only one present who wasn't dressed formally. Even Nico was wearing a white dress shirt but still kept his black boots and ripped jeans.
Frank smiled nervously at Nico who did not return is uneasy happiness. The Chinese-Canadian got stuck sitting next to Ghost King because Hazel abandoned him to hold an embarrassing poster.
"So…" Frank started trying to make conversation, "Where do you think Leo and Calypso are?"
"Not here... luckily." Nico said under his breath. "I'm only here because Ms. Jacks- Blofis promised me blue cake."
Sally looked up at the son of Hades, "Cake that you'll get when you put a smile on your face." Nico attempted to smile but it looked more like he was baring his teeth.
Sally turned around, "Now… Annabeth where's Percy again?" Sally asked.
"He's the one in the middle of the right section. He's the only one with a bright green trident on his cap."
"Oh, I see him!" Sally pulled out her camera and began snapping pictures. "PERCY, HONEY! LOOK OVER HERE!" she screamed as loudly as possible.
The outburst was followed by laughter that erupted from everyone on the field. Percy, naturally, stood and waved at his mother causing the students and crowd to laugh even harder.
"Sally!" Paul said through clenched teeth, "Sit down! You're embarrassing him!"
Sally sat down, "He's fine, look he's enjoying the attention."
Annabeth sighed and Reyna patted her on the back in a comforting way, very un-Reyna of her. She must be in a good mood today.
"Don't worry Annabeth," she whispered to her, "Nothing more eventful than that should happen today."
Annabeth hoped she didn't just jinx them all.
-(Line Break)-
Percy yawned as they went through the long list of names, most people he didn't know. He was kind of feeling nervous. He had already been embarrassed once today (twice if you count forgetting to wear pants), he wasn't looking to fall flat on his face in front of all these people.
"Perseus Jackson" Was it his turn to go up already? A loud rumble of cheers echoed in a specific area of the bleachers, of course, it was where his friends and family were. He waved nervously at them again as walked to the stage.
It was silly, he's over here worrying about getting a piece of paper from an old guy in charge of a bunch of teens, when he's faced off against monsters, titans, and everything in between. This was no big deal. The worse thing that could happen was a god (if it was really the worse case scenario it would be Zeus) could come falling from the sky and abduct him for some quest. Or he could be abducted in general. By aliens, or something like that.
The walk to the stage seemed ridiculously long, but finally climbing up those steps and shaking the hands of all the school officials, it felt like he was turning a new page in his life. He could move to New Rome, go to college, and live with Annabeth. No more quests no more monsters, just him and Annabeth living together like normal people. Percy got to the principal, shook his hand, and reached for his diploma.
Suddenly something hit him in the neck, it only felt like a mosquito bite but the effect was immediate. He felt tired and dazed, darkness approached him quickly. It was too late to see who did it, he was already on the ground. But he had a moment to think: Wow, I really hope these aren't aliens.
Annabeth watched the scene play out in silence. Suddenly she found herself running down to the field while pulling the Drakon Bone Sword out of her purse. Worry was consuming her. Stop, she told herself, and think. That's what she did best.
She began assessing the situation. What happen? Percy passed out. Why did he pass out? Something hit him, she saw him touch his neck. It could be a dart of some kind. Probably filled with poison. Most importantly, who did it? If it was a monster, they would've just eaten him. The giants, titans, and Gaea were all history. The gods would have at least tried to be more subtle. She was missing something, a big clue.
Out of no where, Percy's (hopefully) sleeping body started floating. There's her clue. Who could turn invisible and had a grudge again- Annabeth didn't even finish her own thought, she already knew the answer. The Justice League.
The problem was Annabeth had to be able to see them to beat them. She looked around and saw Jason making his way over to Percy, armed with his gladius. He was flying. She looked back at the stage. There were still a large stack of diplomas waiting to be handed to the students.
"Jason!" she screamed, it caught his attention immediately. "Wind! Blow the wind… papers!" The words weren't coming out of her mouth right. Her mind was caught between worrying over Percy and processing the situation. Where did the attack come from? Were there more than one of them? Was it the red-headed martian Leo talked about that was lifting Percy away from her? Did the stage seem to be getting farther and farther away or was it just her?
Jason looked really confused for about 2 seconds, then he seem to understand what she was saying and flew faster to the stage. He swooped down near the stage and started up a big gust of wind to move the certificates but still wasn't strong enough to pick Percy up.
The papers all flew in one direction and hit something that neither Annabeth nor Jason could see. But the being covered in paper gave the demigods an advantage, the person was visible and confused. Annabeth stopped for a second to watch what happened next.
Jason raised his gladius and willed it into a javelin. Suddenly, the sky got dark and lightning flashed brightly. The loudest clap of thunder Annabeth had ever heard followed the lightning. Jason's javelin was raised so high that Annabeth was afraid it would attract lightning itself and he aimed for the floating diplomas. That's when she realized something.
"Wait! Jason-" she tried to scream, but it was too late. Jason let his javelin go. It flew through the air and hit its target spot on. But the only damage it did was to the papers. There was a small, burning hole in the middle of one of the certificates.
Jason looked puzzled. "Hey Annabeth," he called over at her, "I think they're mortal."
"Really?" she called back, "I would've never known."
Jason seemed like he was going to say some witty retort, but was interrupted by a large object flying through the air and hitting him. It was obviously not one's normal flying debris. It was actually quite small and it promptly attached to Jason's body at the place it hit him. Which happened to be his neck. As soon as the object was fastened to him, Jason began falling. Annabeth heard him cry out, she didn't know if it was in fear or surprise, as he fell and heard his loud grunt when he landed. He laid still, probably knocked out (again). If it was a normal person they would have died, good thing it was Jason.
"Bullseye!" a voice cried. A head popped out from behind the stage. It looked like a younger kid, maybe Hazel's age, he had black hair and a playful smile on his face. He had a mask on so it was hard to see the rest of his face. Finally Annabeth thought, a target I can see. She raced towards the stage, running faster than the way she was before. But someone was much faster than her. So much so that they were a blur, all she did was blink and Percy and Jason were gone.
Annabeth looked around. The black-haired boy was long gone and the diplomas had lost their shape and now laid flat against the ground. She searched for where they had gone, the black-haired boy, the invisible man, and the speedy blur.
Then there was a big blast of wind that blew everything around her. It wasn't Jason, he had a lot more control than that. She heard a sound, like something was taking off. It was really, really loud, then it got quieter and quieter, until it was gone. Annabeth looked around, perplexed. Then she almost facepalmed at her stupidity.
They took off. In an invisible plane. Leo mentioned that.
The students, the crowd, and the school officials were all quiet for a moment, then they all panicked at once. The kidnappings finally settled into their minds. While this commotion surrounded her, Annabeth sunk to the ground. For the third time in her life she had lost Percy Jackson. But she quickly regained hope, because this was the first time out of those three that she actually knew where he was.
The original ending was Leo and Calypso popping up at the graduation late with Starbucks, asking what they missed.
Comment if you enjoyed this! A new chapter will be up hopefully next week!