Disclaimer: Kantai Collection (Kancolle), all of its characters, and musics belongs to their respected owner. The only things I own here is my OCs. This fanfict may or may not be canon. Besides that, I've got nothing else to say. So with that, please take a seat, grab your drink, pick your snack, and have a pleasant cruise (or read).
Chapter 9.5 "Sister Ship"
As the base begin to be filled with a lot more fleet girls, the room distribution has also changed. The destroyer has been divided into two different rooms, the Fubuki-class room and the Mutsuki-class room, while the light cruiser girls have been put into one room. Coincidently, the member of that particular room came from the same class. So it is safe to say that the room distribution in the base has been made in according to their class.
In one room that is large enough to accommodate six girls, two girls were enjoying their lazy time. One is busy with her book while the other is busy with cleaning her own bed.
"Ne, Yayoi-chan."
"What do you think about Miyazo-san?"
"…Uzuki-chan…don't tell me…"
"It's not-pyon." The girl quickly shook her head. "Whatever it is you think, don't go there-pyon."
"Then why the sudden question?"
"Well, I'm just curious-pyon." She then let her body fell onto the tidied up bed and proceeded to roll around and around, enjoying the soft bed. "Yup, just curious-pyon."
"…It's because of Isonami-chan, right?"
"Hehehe, Yayoi-chan is as sharp as ever." A short giggle followed that reply. "Yup, since Isonami-chan is always talked about him, I'm interested as what do you think-pyon."
"Hmm…Miyazo-san, is it?" Yayoi closed her book and tilted her head slightly. "I think…he is a nice person. He is strict with the other but know when to cut loose."
"So overall, a nice person and a good leader-pyon?" Yayoi gave a slight nod.
"And he cares about us too."
"He did listen to our suggestion and also report quite attentively."
"Hmm…you got a point there-pyon."
"So what does Uzuki-chan think?" The serious looking Yayoi looked at her sister ship as she asked that. "What do you think about him?"
"Hmm…I think I have the same opinion as Yayoi-chan. So why is Isonami-chan so focused on him-pyon?"
"I think that is just her nature. She wants to prove herself that she can become a good fleet girl."
"But why Miyazo-san? Why not the Admiral-pyon?"
"…Good question. Maybe because she want him to remember her?" Yayoi then let out a sigh. "After all, he did forget her name several times. Only after Isonami-chan hugged him that he remembers her."
"And also after stalking him-pyon." When she said that, the two gave out a sigh. "I don't think being remembered due to that is a good thing-pyon."
"…As long as he remembers her, I think Isonami-chan will be happy."
"Even if it is because of a strange thing-pyon?"
"…Well…she might cry if she realized that."
"…Ugh, I guess she will, right?" The two then looked at each other and let out a tired sigh.
In another room, three girls were also lazing around. Since the time to sortie is drawing near, they have decided to conserve their energy.
"What is it, Kuma-nee?" said the eye patch wearing girl who is occupied in sorting her collection of eye patches.
"I heard some strange information from Tama concerning you-kuma."
"Huh? From Tame-nee?" She stopped her hand and looked at her sister ship with a slight confusion. "What is it?"
"She said that she has seen you getting out of the chief engineer's room today-kuma." The namesake ship of the class then turned to look at her. "What's the matter? Did you need to get something from there-kuma?"
"Oh, you mean from Miyazo-san's office?" She nodded. "Well, I just go there for a chat."
"For a chat-kuma?" Kuma raised one of her eyebrows. "About what-kuma?"
"About…hmmm…anything and everything, I guess." Kiso then continued to sort her collection. "He is a nice guy and a good conversation partner. It is easy to talk with that guy."
"Is that so-kuma?" Kiso nodded at her question. "I see…ne, Kiso, I forgot to tell you that you have been called by Furutaka for a short debriefing a while ago-kuma."
"Something about a change in the formation…I don't know…"
"W-Why didn't you say so sooner, Kuma-nee!?" She then dashed away from her collection and exited the room.
As she left the room, Tama looked from her bunk bed onto Kuma that is left standing near the door, closing it.
"So, it is right-nya."
"It is-kuma."
"So what is the plan-nya?"
"We observe him-kuma." Kuma looked at her sister ship. "It is our duty as her older sister to keep an eye for her-kuma!"
"Well, as long as it doesn't disturb my catnap time-nya."
Sound of footsteps could be heard as three girls that wore similar sailor uniform walked. One of them, the short haired one, kept staring at the one in the middle.
"M-Miyuki-chan, is there something on my face?" The one being stared at, Isonami, asked with a wry smile on her face.
"Nah, nothing's on your face, Isonami-chan." A grin appeared on her face after she said that. "I was just thinking about the rumor I have been hearing."
"E-Eh?" A slight uncomfortable feeling built up inside Isonami's mind as she heard that. She didn't know why that feeling came into her mind. "What rumor?"
"Oh, playing a fool now, eh?"
"Eh?" She looked at Miyuki that has widened her grin after hearing her question. "W-What is it, Miyuki-chan?"
"Come on now, Isonami-chan." A soft pat landed on her back courtesy of Miyuki. "You know what I'm talking about."
"U-Uhm, n-no?" She shook her head slightly. "What rumor? Really, I don't know."
"Really, Isonami-chan." Miyuki shook her head while letting out 'tsk' sound a couple of time. "There's no need to hide it for us. In fact, it is too late to do that."
"Hide it? I'm not hiding anything." She pouted a little at that. "Come on, Miyuki-chan. Tell me."
"It's about you chasing a guy in the base." Unexpectedly, the one that give that answer was not Miyuki, but the third girl in the group, the always sleepy Hatsuyuki.
Isonami widened her eyes at that point. She didn't say anything after hearing that from her sister ship. She could only look at the grinning Miyuki and the yawning Hatsuyuki without saying anything.
"Awww…I was just going to play a little longer, Hatsuyuki-chan." Miyuki said with a slight disappointment in her voice. "It's fun seeing her reaction."
"Then this reaction is good too, right?" Hatsuyuki pointed at her friend that had her mouth gaping open, letting out intangible words ever so often. "See?"
"Hmm, you're right." A short laugh escaped Miyuki's mouth. "It is a good reaction. Good job, Hatsu–"
At the sudden shriek, the two immediately distanced themselves from the source of that voice. They looked toward it with widened eyes. Then suddenly a pair of hand grabbed Miyuki's shoulder, scaring her slightly while making Hatsuyuki backed off onto the wall, distancing herself from any possible danger.
"E-Eh? What I heard?"
"THE R.U.M.O.R!" The grip on Miyuki's shoulder tightened. If that was not enough to scare the already terrified destroyer, then the fact that she is faced with a pair of glaring bloodshot eyes will certainly does the job. "ALL OF IT!"
"Y-Y-Yes, ma'am!"