Disclaimer: Kantai Collection (Kancolle), all of its characters, and musics belongs to their respected owner. The only things I own here is my OCs. This fanfict may or may not be canon. Besides that, I've got nothing else to say. So with that, please take a seat, grab your drink, pick your snack, and have a pleasant cruise (or read).

Chapter 1 – "First Day"

Test, one, two, three. I hope this thing work. Today is Monday, 3rd of August 20XX. This is the first record of my report.

My name is Kuma Miyazo, a 2nd Class Petty Officer stationed in the base number 14424 under the leadership of Admiral Hima Kuyomo. At the moment, I am the base's Chief Engineer, in charge of the base's workshop, factory, and overall logistics. Besides overseeing the whole base's maintenance and technical work, I am also tasked to give advice regarding the girl's equipme–err, rigging. Well, to call it equipment is also correct, but the girls and their admiral called it rigging to differentiate it from miscellaneous equipment that is out of their standard equipment.

At the moment, I am in charge of a small crew that has about five men. They are specially stationed here in the base to help the girl in their daily task. Each and every one of them is seasoned mechanic and technician that have been trained specifically about the girl's rigging and also their equipment. Besides those five, I am also in charge of the fairies. I will explain about that later on.

Before I continue into today's main report, I will have to explain a few things. First is the girl. I'm talking about they who are called 'Kanmusu' or Fleet Girls. They are, as far as I know, is girl that is either connected to the soul of the olden day's warship or a reincarnation of those warships itself. Some has even called them an android specially built to fight the menace of the sea, the Shinkaisei-kan or the Abyssal Fleet. About the truth, I don't have any clarified information regarding them..

The Shinkaisei-kan or the Abyssal Fleet is the opposite of the girls. They are known as the malice of the world that took form as a monstrous individual that is bend to take over the whole ocean, if not the whole world. Some have even reported that they have similar appearance to the girls, but only with a more menacing and fear inducing appearance. Fortunately, I have never seen any of them with my own real eyes. Once again, I also don't have any clarified information regarding them.

And the last that I have to explain is the ones called the fairies. They are, how do I say it? Uhm…a miniature person that…err…have the same task as a regular seaman on board a warship. I know that this is even stranger than the first two. Or are the previous ones even weirder that this one is much believable? I will not be the judge for that. Where was I? I often trailed of when I jump out in the middle of an explanation like that.

Oh, yeah the fairies! Let's see. They are miniature person, not taller than the height of a common household cup, but all of them consist of female only personnel. They, from what I've heard, board the girl's rigging and help them in their combat just as regular seamen will do on board of their designated vessel. But besides those that are on board of the girl's rigging, they are still that stay on the base and perform many task together with my crew. My first impression of them is how hardworking they are. I'm quite impressed. I and my crew have a lot to learn from them.

At this point, I have to state again that I have only a limited knowledge about either of those three. All of the information is given to me by the acting admiral of this base. So I apologize if this information is inadequate. So please bear with it for now.

Ah, I will now get into today's main report. Today is our first day of having the first batch of Fleet Girls. As the one in charge of the technical stuff inside the base, I am required to meet and greet them together with the Admiral. There were about five of them. They are…this is going to be difficult as I am not one who can remember name easily. They are, hmm, three destroyers, one light cruise, and one heavy cruiser. So there are…ah yeah, five all of them. I'm correct at this point.

Let's see…first is the destroyer. The first is…Mustuki? No, no. Err…ah yes! Mutsuki-class Yayoi and…the pyon pyon girl, err…sorry, that is the first thing that came into my mind. The name is…Uzuki? Is it? Hmm, yes, I think it is Uzuki. Sheesh, the second one and I already made a blunder.

Okay, the next is Isonamu, I mean Isonami! Ah, if that girl heard me said her name wrong again, she will cry again. Ah, I'll tell the story next. And she is a Fubuki-class destroyer. With her, that makes it three destroyers all together.

Next is the light cruiser. Oh, I won't get this wrong. She is the Kuma-class light cruiser, Kiso. Although I will talk about my first impression of the girls later on, I will say at least two things that made me remember her more than the other four. First, as one would know it, her class name. Even she was surprised after hearing my name. The second is her eyepatch.

Moving on…the last one of the five is the one called Fure…no…Fuso? No, that's not right. Furu..te…no, no, no. Furuta…ka! Yes, Furutaka! Furutaka-class Furutaka! The only one of the five that has the honor of being a namesake ship of their class.

For my first impression of the girls, I will have to start with a statement that each and every one of them has their own quirk. First is Yayoi. She is a very quiet girl that seems to have a difficulty with her own expression. For the remainder of the introduction, she only looked at us, darting her eyes around, but stayed still although I could see a glimpse of excitement in her eyes. Maybe her expression is a bit stiff, but her eyes seemed to tell the other way.

The next is Uzuki, who in my mind, has the almost opposite personality to her sister ship, Yayoi. She seems to be a happy-go-lucky girl that goes around saying 'pyon, pyon' all the time. Did she try to imitate rabbit? Ugh, I have to say that I am quite bad dealing with this kind of girl. But I guess she is a caring one, especially for her sister ship.

Okay, third is Isina–I mean Isonami! Ah, for a single recording I have said her name wrong twice. With that, I have said her name wrong about five times for today alone. No wonder she cried. Ah…yes. I will tell you about it later. For now, I will only share my impression of her. One word about her. Timid. That is more than enough to tell her personality. A girl that is shy and somehow lacked confidence.

Next is Kiso. Just as I mentioned before, she is the one that is the most memorable, at least for me. With her class name that resembled mine and also an eyepatch, she more than enough for that. Unlike the first three, she looked much more fitting to be in combat. Her way of talking and also her way of standing, I could totally imagine her in a fight against the Abyssal fleet. And also her handshake hurt a bit.

And the last of the five, Furutaka. The girl with a spotlight for one of her eye and a Heterochromia–is that the word?– at that too. Yes, that's true. She even demonstrated it when we met because the Admiral asked about her peculiar eye. Overall, she is a very nice and polite girl that seems to have a good head. No wonder she is asked as the girls' leader for the meantime. She also smiled a lot, which made some of my crew happy.

So our first meeting with them is…memorable, if I have to put it one word. When we meet the five girls, I glanced at the admiral and saw that he looked excited. I could understand that as I heard that it is his dream to fight together with the Fleet Girls, even if this is only a small outpost far from the front line. I have to say, Admiral Kuyomo is one dedicated guy. Even after touring the whole base, introducing the girls to the base to make themselves familiar, he could still work on to their first expedition and monitor their fight on the control room by himself. For your information, I was not idling by at that time. I was at the warehouse receiving the supply for this base. Because of that, I was unable to assist him.

After finishing the supply report, I head back to the mess hall to get something to eat. I met him there with his head banged on to the top of the table. I panicked a bit and went to him only to find him asleep. How can someone be asleep in such an uncomfortable position? After waking him up, I heard his answer. Overworked and overexcited. I should have guessed. At that time, I could only shake my head with disbelieved expression. I then took my meal and ate with him. Well, he had already finished his meal so he just stayed there to accompany me.

He then started to give me…a report? You can say that. Well, since his story is detailed, I will say that it can be considered a report. He gave me a report of the girls' first expedition. The girls met only a minimal amount of danger along the way but managed to found a few resource cache of the enemy. They hauled a lot of loot from their sortie and expected to arrive first thing in the morning tomorrow. With that, I can conclude that their first mission is a very successful one. No wonder he gave a wide smile from start to finish. Well, I guess I also smiled with him since the news is very good news that will make everyone happy. I will tell the other later.

He then surprised me with saying that he wanted to stay up the whole night and analyze the initial report that he wrote when he managed the girls' mission. I almost yelled at him that time. Thankfully, I managed to stop myself from doing that and also managed to stop him from doing that by saying that he might make the girls worry when he can't meet them when they arrived in the morning due to being knocked out again. I could swear he was surprised when I said that. He also said that he never considered that possibility. He then tapped my shoulder, thanked me, and bolted out of the mess hall to get a good sleep so he can wake up early to welcome the girl when they arrive tomorrow. Ugh…just remembering that made my head hurt. It is good to have a dedicated superior that also care for their own subordinate. But he really needs to know his own limit. And this is only the first operational day of the base.

So…what else should I talk about? Oh yeah, I received a message that we will have some more resource delivered two days from now. I also have several orders to build more building for the base. I guess that is the reason for the supply deliveries. I know that this is just a small outpost, but it seems that the base will be busy later.

Oh, almost forgot. I have not talk about the event with Isonami. Hah! Finally managed to get her name right! An accomplishment for me! Yeah!...Sorry, got sidetracked there.

The story goes like this. It is pretty simple if you think about it actually. I greeted her the first time and managed to mispronounce her name. At that, she just smiled at me with a sad smile. I apologized at her and then the tour begun. When the tour went into the warehouse, the Admiral let me take the stage. I don't know whether that was an act to make the girl familiarize themselves to me and my crew or just because he didn't know what to explain. At that, I started my explanation. Fluently, if I may say so myself, since the whole thing is my responsibility. Things were going smoothly. Well…until she gave a question. I was about to answer her and…I mispronounced her name for the second time. I could see her smile twitched a bit, but she still wore a smile. I apologized to her again and then quickly answered her question. After that, there were a few more questions and I answered each and every one of them.

So when did she cried? I did say that I failed to call her name thrice, right? That was the moment she cried. It was when they were going to leave the warehouse to go into their sortie. I sent everyone off since I have to stay there. I waved at each and every one of them after saying their name. When I was her turn, I made the same mistake. That was when she cried. Everyone panicked and tried to comfort her. But she tried to put on a strong appearance. Unfortunately, I knew that it wasn't the case since I heard her muttering something along the line of 'I am a very easy to be forgotten girl' and such. I apologized to her several times but she just said that she is fine, which was a lie. Well…not a good way to make her remember me. I could also see that some of them gave me a frown after that, which I deserved.

Well, that's all for today's report. I will keep this record for…I don't know. As long as I can. So with that, this is 2nd Class Petty Officer Kuma Miyazo signing off.

Ah, finally. I can get some rest n–eh, the light is still on!? W-Wait a minute! Isn't this the button? Oh, it's this one, ri–
