Guys I'm so sorry for the delay in updates, I have had a friend staying with me for a few days so have been very busy but I'm back for a week until I go on holiday! Loving everyone's prompts so let's begin!

From Mounmoun

Chapter one

Adam sat at his desk rubbing a hand down his face his eyes burning holes into the wall. He felt sick and angry at the same time, his blood boiling. He gritted his teeth and looked back down at the picture on his phone. Most guys would be chuffed to receive a picture of their girl only in underwear show up on their phone but Adam was fuming. He couldn't understand why Kono would have a picture of herself in her underwear out there, and to make it worse she didn't even send it. Adam rose from his desk forcefully and stormed through the office and out to his car. He was ready to start an argument because he was so angry at Kono, he wanted to know when the picture was taken and who took it, Adam simply assumed it was either an ex-boyfriend or Kono was cheating on him. All rational thinking had flown out the window.

Kono stood around the smart table with the others going over their case. They had been up since the middle of the night working and everyone was super tired. Kono especially since she had been up doing…Adam before going to bed. She smirked to herself while Steve talked and Danny disagreed, as she remembered what she and Adam had gotten up to. Everyone was brought out of the tired state as Adam stormed into HQ, no calmer than when he left his office.

"Kono!" He snapped not caring as everyone looked at him.

"Babe what you doing here?" Kono asked sleepily

"We need to talk" He warned.

Kono frowned as she sensed Adam's tone while everyone else had started to edge backwards.

"Erm okay"

"In your office"

Kono glanced at Chin briefly before walking to her office as she tried to think of what she could possibly have done. It was evident that Adam was angry at her but she didn't know how he could go from being thoroughly pleasured to so mad…maybe he wasn't really mad and just wanted her alone…maybe he wanted more of what they had been doing earlier…

"You missed me so much you just had to get some more" Kono chanced with a seductive voice as she stepped closer to him and tried to touch him.

"No Kono I want to know why the hell I have someone sending me a picture of you in your underwear!" Adam snapped angrily as he moved away from her.

Kono was taken aback by Adam's tone and actions and was thankful that the others had retreated to their own offices.

"Baby I don't know…"

"Don't 'baby' me…I want to know what's going on Kono"

Kono was shocked by Adam and suddenly felt chocked up. She swallowed the nervous lump in her throat and looked at Adam.

"I don't know what you're talking about…"

"Do not lie to me Kono; I have a picture of you in your underwear! Where the hell do you get off letting someone take picture of you! What the hell am I? Just some fun!"

"Adam please I…"

"No, I am in no mood to listen to excuses, how the hell do you think I feel knowing some other guy has a picture of my wife in her underwear…I get to see you in your underwear, NO ONE else does!"

"Adam stop I haven't done anything…"

"I HAVE A PICTURE KONO!" Adam yelled angrily slamming his hand on her desk.

Kono wanted to get angry, she would normally argue back but she was exhausted and confused…she felt herself tearing up but refused to let Adam see her cry right now because she was mad.

"What picture…let me see…?"


Kono had no clue what was going on, she had never send a picture of herself in her underwear to anyone, let alone have someone take a photo…Adam was the only guy she had ever met that she would even consider doing that for and even then she knew he wouldn't want her to for her safety and modesty.

"I don't know" She mumbled noticing how the guys had looked up from their desks at the shouting.

"You are my wife Kono…I do not want anyone else seeing you like that and damn it I want to know if you have sent these picture to other guys!"


Adam grabbed his phone and opened the message with the picture. He clicked on it and shoved the phone in Kono's face angrily so she could see the picture.

"You better have an explanation by the time you get home!" Adam snapped before leaving HQ.

Kono felt relief that the picture was from a case but she was upset with how Adam had spoken to her. She could understand why he would be angry especially not knowing what was going on but it upset her. She was mad that someone was sending the picture around to and wanted to know who. She felt the tears resurface and this time she allowed them to fall. She was so tired she didn't have the strength to stop them. She heard a gentle tap on the door and turned to see the guys hovering awkwardly, each wanting to support her and hug her but knowing Kono was not one to let people in. Today however she wanted her cousin and friends.

"Cuz come here" Chin sighed as he held her in his arms letting her sob into his neck.

"I…didn't…d…do anything…wrong" She hiccupped.

Danny moved around to lift her Chin slightly so she could see him. He smiled his infectious smile and rubbed his thumb softly on her cheek.

"What picture is he talking about babe?" Danny asked softly.

Kono blushed in embarrassment knowing her friend had heard the whole argument but was grateful they were always there for her.

"He said he was sent a picture of me in my underwear but I didn't know what he was talking about but he showed me the picture and it's the one Sang Ming took years ago…he just left…"

"He will calm down" Danny offered.

"He wants an explanation when I'm home but I'm so mad at him…he was so rude…" Kono cried.

The guys could all see how tired she was, she could barely keep her eyes open. Chin certainly didn't want her going home to an angry Adam, even if the picture could be explained.

"You can come stay with me tonight cuz, let him calm down a bit" Chin suggested.

Kono nodded her head weakly, she was glad to be able to stay elsewhere she couldn't face another argument.

"I need to pick up a few things from home though"

"I'll come with you" Chin offered.

They pulled up outside Kono and Adam's house later that evening. Adam hadn't even tried to call Kono since their argument and normally he would so they could sort things.

"Shall I come in with you?"

"No it's fine I'll be quick" Kono said softly.


Kono left the car and let herself into the house. The place was quiet and she couldn't see Adam. She wandered if he wasn't home but noticed the back door open. She headed to the bedroom and grabbed an overnight bag before walking back to the door. She decided she would just text Adam and let him know where she was going but he had returned inside as she walked passed. He looked at her with a firm glare that cracked when he saw her bag.

"Where are you going?" He asked trying to sound harsh but Kono could hear the underlining fear.

"I'm going to stay with Chin tonight" Kono whispered her voice still teary.


"I think we…maybe we just need a little space right now" Kono offered not wanting to really leave but also not wanting to fight.

"I want answers not my wife just walking away…"

"I'm not fight with you right now Adam I'm too tired…"

"Damn It Kono!"

"I'll see you tomorrow if you're ready to actually let me explain" Kono bit lightly as she wiped a tear and headed back out to chin.

When they reached Chins Kono headed straight for the couch but Chin grabbed her arm softly and led her to his room.

"You can take the bed, you need it cuz" Chin said softly.

"I'm fine on the couch…"

"So am I, now sleep"

Kono smiled sleepily and hugged Chin goodnight before quickly changing into shorts and a vest and climbing into the warm bouncing bed.

Adam lay in the bed without Kono staring at the ceiling regretfully. He had realised how harsh he had been when he saw Kono leaving, he didn't miss the tears in her eyes. He felt awful and to make it worse he had called Danny to find out why she wouldn't talk to him and Danny explained the picture. He wanted to go and collect her from Chins and hold her in his arms but he knew she didn't want to see him. He had text her goodnight and apologised but hadn't received a reply. He hoped she had just fallen asleep and wasn't ignoring him.

The following morning Kono woke to the smell of pancakes. She always loved Chin's pancakes as a kid because he would allow her to have extra sugar, chocolate and whipped cream. She got dressed and wandered into the kitchen smiling softly as he sat out her breakfast at the table.

"You always made the best pancakes!"

"No my mum made the best pancakes but she never let you have extra toppings so when I made them I hid the fact I make kinda crappy pancakes with all the extras" Chin chuckled.

"I still love yours"

"Hmm there not bad I guess"

The two sat eating breakfast together, Kono feeling better than the day before. She wanted to sort things with Adam but she was still upset. She found the text on her phone from him however and knew they would sort everything out but they just had to talk.

"You okay cuz?"


"You going to talk to Adam today?"

"Yeah…hopefully he's calmed down"

"You can handle him cuz"

"Ha I guess"

"He loves you thats why he was mad"

"I know…cuz will you find out where the picture came from, I really don't want it out there…"

"Of course"


"Adam text me, he wants to know if he can come and collect you?"

"Can you drop me home; I really don't want to suffer the awkward car ride?"

"Come on then"

Kono opened the front door and found Adam sitting on the couch. She hovered shyly for a moment as Adam walked towards her. He didn't waste a moment before pulling her tight to his chest and kissing her neck.

"I'm sorry" He whispered as he held her face.

"I didn't let anyone take my picture; it was a case and I…."

"I know Danny explained." Adam said in embarrassment.


"Shall we sit?"


Adam led Kono to the couch and pulled her close to him, his arm protectively wrapped around her and she snuggled into his embrace despite having planned to be mad at him then snuggle him.

"I'm really sorry baby; I should never have stormed into HQ and made such assumptions I was just angry that someone else was seeing you in your underwear…only I can see that" Adam almost mumbled.

"Were you jealous?" Kono asked cheekily as she kissed his cheek.

"No" Adam said firmly but the way he squeezed Kono closer gave him away.

"Adam you really upset me yesterday"

"I know"

"I didn't even want to come home to you…I was so upset I was relieved for some space and that's just not us. I love you so much I always want to be with you but the way you spoke to me it made me want to just take some time away and I don't ever want to feel like that again" Kono admitted.

"I don't ever want to make you feel like that again" Adam said seriously

"I would never let some guy take a picture of me like that Adam, you're the only guy I would ever consider doing it for"

"Well I wouldn't want you to in case anyone got hold of it, you are all mine and no guy will ever get to see you how I see you"

"I love you so much"

"I love you more baby and I'm sorry for how I spoke to you"

"Your forgiven"