Listen carefully to me
I love you
I say it every day
Almost every moment I can
I love you more than I care to admit
My feelings are not something I parade around
You are not listening to me
You are starring again
With anger and hate
You are making me doubt our love
Do not doubt the love I have for you
I remember every moment I am with you
I remember how happy you were
When I first kissed you
When we got married
When you were pregnant
I remember the beauty in your eyes
The way your smile reached filled your cheeks
To every word I cannot say
I wish a better life for you
And for our son
I wish for us to be safe
That is why I must open our home
Invite those unwelcome inside
I know you loathe your sister
I know you loathe the dark one
I know you want something better
I am trying to make it so
I will make this better for us
I will make you proud to call me your husband
In the meantime
Just listen.
Listen to every word I cannot say.
A/N: Oh wow, that is right, Poetry happened. Poetry came out of some weird part of my being! This is from the Point of view of Lucius to Narcissa, I hope I made that somewhat clear. Please don't flame, this was just for fun.
For Hardcore Marauder Fans Challenge – Write about Lucius love for Narcissa.
For Poetry Boot camp – #7 Loathe
For Ten Times Ten Challenge – List #5: #6 Love