Chapter Fifteen: Match for a thousand

"Isn't there any other way?"

After a brief pause, the woman with a metal right arm and an eyepatch on her right eye took a slow drag from what she was smoking, blowing the smoke towards the hole in the top of the tent as she replied.

"…'fraid not. Not unless we want to give them another few days to prepare by going around. However….I don't think that they'll even be able to send anyone, even if that bastard Minister tells them to…after wiping out so many of their soldiers on the way here, if they spare many more to delay us here they'll leave the capital open, Jaegars or not. At best….they'll be a small number of them stationed in the pass."

After the other generals standing around the tent seemed to nod in quiet assent, another one of them spoke up as he tapped his pointer finger on the map that was spread out on the table before them, his finger tapping the location of the narrow mountain pass in question as he spoke.

"Then we have no choice….we'll just have to crush any defenses in that pass with the weight of our numbers, get up on the top of the cliffs surrounding the path and hit them from above…there has to be a way to get up there."

Then, another General frowned as he spoke up, his tattered general's outfit flapping in a slight breeze that had found its way into the tent as he spoke.

"Fool…numbers won't mean anything in that path. Not if they've sent capable warriors. Najenda, will Night Raid be ready in time to spearhead the assault on the mountain pass…? We might need them to break through and get to the capital on schedule."

After taking another long drag from what she was smoking, Najenda frowned and glanced towards the entrance of the tent as she replied.

"…as much as I'd like to say yes, they're still on route. At best, they'll arrive in a day or so, I think….we'll just have to give it our all until then. If necessary, I'll join the fray myself to tip the scales."

After silence descended upon the tent of generals, the man near the front, his general's coat torn where he had ripped his medals off, sighed and whispered the words that were on most of their minds.

"…heavens protect us all…."


One day prior

"Well, I'm here…what was so important that you needed call me here at this hour, now….minister?"

As Tatsumi stood in the same dimly lit room in the Imperial palace, a massive map spread out on a circular table before him and the Minister sitting at the far end, a tall wiry man standing beside him, the minister gestured to the bespectacled wiry man.

Stepping forward, the wiry man cleared his throat as he addressed Tatsumi.

"Well, young…er…man..? In any case, as stated in the missive we sent to you, the rebel army is on the move."

After a brief pause, the man continued.

"….and in fact, they are moving entirely too quickly for us. If they are allowed to continue at their current pace, they will arrive before General Budo will have had a chance to prepare the Capital's defenses….a feat which cannot be allowed to pass, under ANY circumstances."

As a tense silence settled over the room, the wiry man seemed about to continue when gouts of steam burst from various seams on Jupiter's massive frame, something equivalent to an annoyed snort as Tatsumi's powerful mechanized voice boomed throughout the room.

"Enough. Just tell me why I'm here."

Setting the food he had been eating down, a rare sight for him, the minister let loose a hearty laugh which shook his large chin.

"Ohohoho….still as brash and headstrong as ever, I see."

After a brief pause, Tatsumi's armored gauntlets tensed up as he spoke again, clearly annoyed.

"Let's just say you dragged me away from someone very dear to me, and I'm slightly annoyed. Just get to the point."

With a sigh, the Minister went back to eating and bid the wiry man continue as he mumbled to himself.

"…youngsters these days….so tense…."

Before Tatsumi could respond to his words, the wiry man continued.

"A-Anyway! The rebel army cannot, under any circumstances, be allowed to reach the capital before General Budo finishes the defenses….and to combat this problem, you have been conscripted to hold the rebels at bay, here-"

Tapping the location of the mountain pass on the map laid out before them, the wiry man continued as he pointed to a giant red X drawn not far to the south.

"-and here….is where the rebels are currently. You will be gifted with around three hundred of the minister's elite guard to hold the pass, and your mission will simply be thus:"

Clearing this throat, the wiry man readjusted his spectacles.

"Survive. Quite simple, is it not?"

Falling silent, Tatsumi seemed to examine the map for a few minutes before finally speaking, his voice slightly less tense.

"Hmph. At least it's not a completely stupid idea, like I thought it would be…..I think it seems doable….with Jupiter, at least. Unless they send Night Raid to spearhead the charge, I can safely say I can hold my own against their peons for well over a day. But, I see another problem…"

After another pause, Tatsumi's mechanized voice boomed out over the room so suddenly that the minister yelped and dropped the food he had been inhaling.


With a hacking cough, the minister turned to Tatsumi and spoke, clearly unhappy.

"Mercy's sake, boy! Enough with the yelling!"

Letting out another sigh as he rubbed his ears, the minister frowned as he looked at Tatsumi like he was crazy, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

"Get back? Don't be silly, boy. You are to buy time as long as you can, of course….your pitiful lives are meaningless compared to mine, after al-"


With an ear-shatteringly loud crack, Tatsumi brought his metal gauntlet down on the wooden table and rendered it into countless tiny pieces as he roared angrily at the minister.


However, the minister merely continued leisurely eating his food as he looked up at Tatsumi and smirked.

"Ho…? If you refuse to take this mission, then I suppose I'll just have to look elsewhere for someone to help me…"

"Good. Do that. Sick bastard…"

However, the minister's next words froze Tatsumi in his tracks, the minister's voice making Tatsumi's skin crawl as he grinned evilly.

"A person like…that beloved 'Kurome' you seem so fond of, perhaps?"

As a deathly silence filled the room, Tatsumi's hulking, armored form slowly turned towards the minister as his voice rang out softly from his helmet, so soft that one might miss it if they weren't listening.

"Don't. Just…Don't. If you say that one more time, If you even think that one more time, I might just use that oil running through your veins to light this damned palace on fire myself."

With a grin full of malice, the Minister merely twirled a fork in his hands.

"Then I have every confidence that you'll obey my orders. After all, a dog isn't useful unless it obeys the commands its master gives to it, right? Good boy."

As the two glared daggers at each other, Tatsumi finally caved as he slammed his fist into the nearby wall.

"ARGH! Fine. I'll do it. Fine….you win."

With a derisive snort, the Minister waved his hand dismissively.

"Hmph, of course I win. I always win. In any case, head to the city gates at once to meet up with the men I'm sending with you. Once you meet up with them, head immediately to the mountain pass and dig in as best you can. That'll be all."

After another moment of pause, Tatsumi finally lumbered towards the door as he let out an explosive sigh.

"Fine. I'll make sure not one of those revolutionary army bastards gets through that pass alive….I need something to vent this anger on right now, anyway. You're lucky that's not your face."

With that, Tatsumi simply walked through the door and left the room, the rubble that was once the wall settling on the ground as the wiry man slumped to his knees, clearly stressed.

"W-What a terrifying presence…"

The minister merely rolled his eyes.


Standing on top of the southern ramparts of the capital near the southern gate and casting his murderous gaze towards the distant mountains, General Budo's aura crackled with thunder and lightning as he remained stoically silent, his golden hair rippling in the wind as a murmur escaped his lips.

"Not once…not once while this city has been under my watch have these walls been breached….and by the honor of my family, long honored and famed as the walls against which all shall break…."

His eyes suddenly shining with thunderous resolve, Budo's aura raged with the fury of the god of thunder itself, the rampart he was standing on shaking as if even it was scared of the man who now stood upon it, clad it thunder and lightning, his gaze steel.

"I declare that not one of these vermin shall make it into this city alive. They will throw themselves again and again upon these walls….and like ants before a tidal wave, they shall be broken upon these mighty ramparts! By my honor, I swear this. On the honor of all those who came before me, on the honor of all those who have served this kingdom with distinction…I shall be the wall against all the foes of this empire shall break. Teigu wielder, or otherwise!"

As he finished speaking these words that sounded much more like a promise to himself than words spoken with the intention of getting a reply, Budo turned as he saw the Emperor standing on the wall behind him, smiling as he glanced up towards his towering form.

"Your highness!"

With a wave of his staff, the Emperor laughed happily, a rare reminder of the young boy's true age which was so often overshadowed by the mighty burden he carried all the days of his life.

"At ease, General."

Watching as the tiny boy climbed up onto the ramparts beside Budo and looked out over the plains as he spoke, Budo realized his voice strangely lacked the normal Royal tone it possessed.

"General… father once told me that it is the Emperor's solemn duty to carry the dreams and wishes of all his vassals on his shoulders, to be their beacon and guiding light….for so long, I've tried to understand what he meant by that."

Glancing down at the young boy who currently sounded old beyond his years, General Budo allowed himself a rare smile as he listened just as the Emperor turned to him and looked right into his eyes.

"And now….I think I've figured it out, General. As the Emperor, it's my duty to lead my people, to always be the person my people strive to become themselves…..and until now, I've been, well…quite lax in this duty. Horrific, even….I've allowed that horrible Minister to corrupt my mind with his sweet, honeyed words, and as a result the empire that my people have built now stands on the brink of utter annihilation, teetering on the edge of a boundless abyss from which it might never recover. But now…I know what I must do. Even more so now that the darkness has surrounded us so thoroughly, I must become that shining beacon of light in this sea of darkness, a light which all my people shall flock towards and take shelter beneath. That…that is my path. That is the path of an Emperor."

His smile widening, General Budo felt mild surprise as he realized a tear was gathering in the corner of his eye!

This….he sounds so much like his father….so bright and vibrant, so bright that it's almost blinding…

Thinking thusly, Budo nodded slowly as he spoke.

"I…I cannot express in words how proud I am, and how proud I'm sure your father would be as well, at seeing you truly find your path even in these dark, desperate times. Perhaps….you may make an excellent emperor yet."

With an indignant puff of his cheeks in a rare display of childishness, the Emperor whacked his staff against Budo's legs.

"Silence, you! The Emperor tolerates no back talk while he is trying to give inspiring speeches!"

Laughing despite himself, Budo signaled his surrender by raising his hands.

"Ahaha, of course, of course….forgive me."

Re-adjusting his hat and staff, the little Emperor coughed softly.

"Ahem. In any case…"

Slamming his staff against the ground, the Emperor's eyes flashed sternly as he spoke once more in his Royal tone.

"Good luck, General."

With a nod, Budo rolled his shoulders cockily.

"Hah! I don't need luck, your highness…but thank you. I promise that if we survive this, I will lead you into that throne of yours myself and eject that Minister from the highest point in the palace. I have tolerated his foolishness long enough, and my sworn duty to protect this empire does not include trash like him!"

In the wake of Budo's ironclad resolve, the General and the Emperor looked upon each other with gazes of friendship as they braced themselves for what was to come…


The same time, near the southern gate

Exiting the massive gate, Tatsumi glanced around his surroundings and quickly saw a group of three hundred heavily armored men standing in loose formation not far from where he was currently, their jet black armor and long spears looking intimidating in the afternoon sun as their leader seemed to notice Tatsumi.

"I'm guessin' you're the one who's leading us on this suicide mission…"

Lumbering over to where the soldiers were standing and chatting amongst themselves, Tatsumi nodded, his voice ringing out over the men and silencing them by the virtue of how booming it was.

"Yeah…does that mean you guys are the ones coming with me?"

With a wry smile, a nearby soldier laughed and spoke.

"Who else who volunteer for this suicide mission? Well, 'Volunteer' might be too generous…"

Almost instantly, another soldier nearby whacked the man who had just spoken upside the head and frowned.

"'Volunteered' my ass. Like we had much choice….if we hadn't 'volunteered' for this damned suicide mission, we were told our families might come down with some 'serious illnesses'. What a load of shit…."

"Hey, come on guys…I dunno 'bout you, but I feel a little safer having a walking armored regiment on our side."

Feeling slightly awkward being the center of attention, Tatsumi laughed softly as the soldiers continued chatting amongst themselves, their faces strangely full of life and emotion despite the war and likely the deaths that they were walking into.

"You got that right. With the commander over here taking the lead, I'll feel a little safer seeing that massive hunk of metal in front of me….let's see those revolutionary bastards take down a Jaegar!"

"You idiot, what if they send Night Raid?"

"Ah. Right…."

Smiling despite himself, Tatsumi finally spoke again as he glanced out over the soldiers before him.

"I appreciate that, guys….whether or not you were forced into being here, I promise you this…"

Taking a breath out of habit, Tatsumi continued.

"I'll do my best to keep each and every one of you alive. I know the pain of having loved ones to return to….and whether or not you have family waiting for you here, there's certainly something each of you holds dear that you don't want to lose. I promise, I won't let you down…I'll protect that something, on my honor as one of the Jaegars!"

As all the soldiers glanced at each other, one of them laughed in near the back.

"I like this guy!"


"Three cheers for the new commander!"


"Drinks are on him when we get back!"

Scowling, the captain beside Tatsumi barked out a reply.

"What idiot said that?! Making the commander pay for drinks….obviously, drinks are on the most useless one out of you lot when we get back! Whoever kills the least amount of rebels buys the drinks!"

With a laugh, Tatsumi extended his hand to the leader.

"You guys are like a family….it's good to see that, especially now. Well, I'm Tatsumi. Nice to officially meet you all….Please take good care of me."

With a laugh, the captain barely managed to shake Tatsumi's huge gauntleted hand.

"Bahahaha, don't worry about it, boy! If there's one thing we of the elite guard strive to keep intact, it's our sense of humor! And our rugged good looks, of course."

"Who said you were good looking, captain? You're the one who always get shot down when we go into town!"

"Speak for yourself! I'll have you lot know I'm just nice, and I try to let you ugly bastards have a shot!"

"Hah! Keep talking big, captain!"

Rubbing his temples, the captain sighed as he turned back to Tatsumi.

"It's a miracle I'm not bald by now, managing these idiots…"

"Ahahaha, seriously…you guys should start a comedy troupe or something."

With another sigh, the captain cracked a wry smile as he responded.

"Yeah, we get that a lot….but it's not exactly like we have a whole bunch of choice as to our career path at the moment. Once you enter the elite guard, you never leave."

Suddenly shaking his head, the captain seemed to change the topic as his voice returned to its normal, commanding self.

"But enough chit-chat! Straighten up those backs, you useless louts….we march in five!"

Turning to Tatsumi, the captain bowed formally.

"In any case, we'll be in your care, Tatsumi of the Jaegars….for better or for worse."

"Ah….please, raise your head, Captain. I thank you, and again….please take care of me as well….let's do our best to buy the capital as much time as we can."

A solemn atmosphere suddenly hanging over them like storm clouds, the soldiers and Tatsumi slowly trudged off to the south like noble warriors, some of their faces grim and some of their faces stoic….as if they were marching straight into hell itself, yet possessed no fear.

And in many ways….perhaps it was hell that awaited them.


Near the summit of a mountain, southeast of the capital

"The battle will be quite fierce, brother Alexei."

Slowly scratching his chin, the other eastern man standing delicately near the top of the mountain nodded and replied.

"Indeed, brother Jakov…many of god's tools will be forced to fight each other in this war thanks to the heathenistic actions of this corrupt empire, mere weapons they will use to commit horrible genocides and slaughters in the name of war. How….very barbaric."

"Brother….we cannot blame them for not being able to appreciate the wonderful light of god…for here in the western nations that seem to be ruled by naught but barbarians…"

"…they cannot possibly be worthy of receiving his glory, or his grace…right, brother?"

"Right…brother. Soon….soon, the wrath of the Jade Dragon will bring these wretched barbarians to their knees, and teach them…"

"…how to kneel before god."

Chuckling in unison, the two brothers glanced at the distant capital as Alexei spoke.

"But we mustn't get ahead of ourselves, brother. The time…"

"…is not yet right, brother. I know. I know….and yet, the sight of these barbarians struggling so impressively to survive, and still not know the warmth of god's embrace…."

"…is truly pitiful. I understand your feelings, brother…we are one, remember? But we cannot let our feelings for these pitiful barbarians affect our role as watchers..."

"…for as the eyes of god are impartial beyond measure…so shall ours be. I remember…our motto has not left my head, brother Alexei. I am still able to find my thoughts….if nothing else."

Slowly glancing at his twin armlets with sadness, Jakov sighed as he continued.

"…my thoughts are the one thing I wish I could lose, sometimes…"

Clapping a hand on Jakov's shoulder, Alexei smiled warmly as his simple eastern robes billowed in the intense mountain wind.

"Be at ease, brother…so long as I exist, you shall never be truly lost. Now…we have spent enough time here chatting. It is time to return to the Jade Palace and report our findings…"

"Indeed, brother. Let us begin the long journey…"

Pausing, almost like he was afraid to say the words, Jakov whispered a few seconds later before vanishing along with Alexei.

"…the journey home."


The same time, just west of the capital

"Yeah, that's the stuff…you fight pretty good for a one-eyed cripple."

"And you fight pretty good for a man with hair sharp enough to kill someone."

Staring at each other in tense silence, Bulat and Ieyasu paused and fell silent for a full three seconds before bursting out into laughter and shaking hands as Bulat spoke.

"You've advanced excellently in these past few days, kid….you remind me of when I'd give Tatsumi pointers on how to be awesome, like me…ah, good times."

Chuckling softly, flecks of blood mixed in with his cough, Ieyasu cracked a rare smile and replied as he leaned on his cane, the tip still smoldering.

"I can imagine….I could tell. It really showed in that armor, you know…it must bring out his hair or something."

Narrowing his eyes, Bulat jabbed his finger into Ieyasu's chest.

"You mocking me, kid? You're mocking me, aren't you?"

"Nah….you're imagining it."

"…hmph. Fine. Be jealous…"

Wiping the blood off of his chin, Ieyasu seemed to get serious as he looked at his cane.

"…do I have a chance?"

A silence descending between the two, a silence borne of mutual understanding as warriors, it only took a few seconds of silence before Ieyasu clicked his tongue and sighed.

"Tsk….damn it. I thought I'd come far…but maybe I don't even match up to her foot. Damn it…!"

Slamming his cane on the ground and biting his lip, Ieyasu huffed in frustration as Bulat scratched his head and sighed.

"Listen, kid…I'd say I would have had trouble back when I had Incursio…..and no matter how good you are….she has a Teigu. You may have a fancy cane, but….without another Teigu, you have no chance. That's just…an unofficial rule, I guess. Only a Teigu wielder can kill a Teigu wielder….It's nigh-impossible to kill one otherwise."

Turning to Bulat with a fire in his eyes, Ieyasu looked about ready to start attacking him with his cane as he spoke, his voice as cold as the ice which ran through Esdeath's veins.

"Then tell me where to get one."

"Hah! You think it's that easy? Only forty-eight were ever made, kid…..and Tatsumi's Pluto/Thanatos is-er, was…one of the only Teigu that was missing and found again. I'd say it's near impossible for you to get one. Besides, Jupiter wasn't one of the forty…it was created later, so It doesn't count. It'd be more likely for Esdeath to die of old age before you got a Teigu, kid…I'm sorry to say it, but it's true."

Gnashing his teeth again, Ieyasu let out a snort.

"Hmph. I refuse to believe it's impossible to kill a Teigu wielder without another Teigu. I refuse to believe that! Nothing in this world in infallible…nothing. Man, Woman, Sadistic Ice Bitch…"

Spewing his words like he was insulting the very air he was breathing, Ieyasu continued.

"…everyone is equal in death. No one is immune to it, and no one can overcome it….that rule applies to the Teigu as well. So no matter what…don't you tell me it's impossible. Even if it's not…I'll make it possible! For Sayo! For our village! For Tatsumi, who got put in that walking metal coffin….for all of them, I'll kill Esdeath if it's the last thing I do."

Letting out a sigh of resignation, Bulat spoke.

"….I get it, kid. I do. Truly….so, I won't tell you that it can't be done. Go out there, break that rule, show the world that we aren't invincible….I'll be rooting for you, ok? And when you do…"

Smiling once again, Bulat clapped Ieyasu on the back as he continued.

"…tell them all that I was the one who trained you, eh?"

Chuckling despite himself, Ieyasu seemed to relax slightly as he nodded.

"Hahaha….yeah. I will…bro."

"You…you said it! You called me bro! Aha, I knew you had it in you….wasn't so hard, was it?"

"G-Get off me! Jeez! Stop hugging the cripple, you idiot! Your hair is stabbing me in my eye!"

"O-Oh, right…aha. My bad."

Sighing as Bulat separated from him, Ieyasu spoke as he fidgeted with his eyepatch.

"I don't have time…I'll have to face her like this. This rebellion is my chance to catch her off guard…I won't get another chance like this. Hmm…"

Falling deep into thought, Ieyasu jumped as Bulat gently tapped his shoulder and began heading towards the nearby western gate to the capital, a spear resting on his shoulder as he called back to him and waved.

"Best of luck, kid….as for me, I was told a juicy little tidbit by Tatsumi earlier that just might get me back one of my most cherished possessions, so I'm gonna go do that now. See you 'round, kid."

Focusing his one eye on Bulat's retreating back, Ieyasu sighed softly as he began hobbling slowly after him.

"What a guy…for now, I'll try to find that girl Tatsumi's always getting lovey-lovey with, maybe she can give me some pointers on how to rip Esdeath's head off nice and good. Probably a bad idea to go near Jaegar HQ, though…Ice Bitch might see me. I'd imagine she'd enjoy making my head into a nice mantelpiece for her fireplace."

Falling deep into thought as he entered the city and began wandering with no real direction, Ieyasu continued to mumble.

"…maybe she'd be shopping in the market district? Damn it, I should have asked Tatsumi when I had a chance….or bro, for that matter. He'd probably know where to find her…I think."


Feeling himself collide with something or someone, Ieyasu grunted and blinked his eye a few times before staggering backwards and speaking.

"Ah-sorry about that…having one eye can do that to a guy…"

Focusing his gaze, Ieyasu saw a girl spread out on the cobblestone before him, rubbing her head and glancing around at the little cookies spread out around her.

"Hey, It's you….Tatsumi's girl…"

Feeling her gaze instantly becoming sharp enough to cut him in half, Ieyasu barely managed to keep himself from leaping back out of instinct as he knelt down and began to pick up her snack bag for her.

"Jeez, sorry! What, you not recognize me? I'm that ugly lump of meat you rescued from Esdeath's sadist palace….the one that Doctor saved."

Feeling her gaze soften, Ieyasu yelped as she slapped his hand the moment he went to pick up one of the snacks.

"You can't have any."

This girl….

"I didn't want any! Jeez!"

Standing up and watching her quickly gather the rest and put them in the bag he offered her, Ieyasu helped her to her feet as she looked him up and down and straightened her outfit as she spoke, her voice one of slight interest.

"You…you look better than before."

"Yeah, well….I clean up nice. I guess."


"You….don't say much, do you?"



Sighing and ruffling his own hair with his free hand, Ieyasu spoke.

"Jeez….listen, I have a question for you."

Opening his mouth to speak, Ieyasu felt himself unable to form the words he wanted, his gaze dropping as he realized something.

I don't want to drag her into this…I doubt Tatsumi's told her about me wanting to kill Esdeath…better for her not to be involved in my suicidal desires. As much as I want to drag her into this for my own satisfaction….I…I just can't. I can't do that to my friend's girl. It's not what Sayo wouldn't wanted, and it's not what I want either, damn it. Why is my conscience coming back now, of all times…?

Sighing, Ieyasu smiled as he spoke, his voice containing a hint of its old, jovial self.

"That Tatsumi's treating you nice, right? If he's not, just tell me and I'll whomp him one for ya!"

"Pfft…! Ahahaha!"

Blinking twice in utter confusion at hearing the girl before him, who was normally what you'd imagine if you gave a stone wall a face, stoic and not very talkative, laughing like a cute girl her age might, Ieyasu couldn't find anything to say as she continued, a smile peeking through her stoic façade.

"Hah….you really care about him, don't you?"

Recovering from his initial shock, Ieyasu flashed a toothy grin and nodded.

"You bet I do…he's all I got left in this world. And…my best friend, even now…"

Feeling a profound sadness cling to his chest, Ieyasu found himself at a loss for words until he felt her gently lift his head up, her finger pushing up on his chin as she spoke and her voice surprisingly warm as it soothed him.

"…never stop caring about him. You get it, don't you? Our wishes, our love and caring for him, whether as a best friend or something else….it's all he has left, trapped inside that metal suit. It's the only link to his past life he has left…so never let him forget about it, not ever! He needs more than just me, more than just someone to love him…he needs you, someone to love him not as a man…."

Pausing to brush her silky black hair behind her ear, the girl smiled as she continued, turning her gaze towards the clear blue sky.

"….but as a friend. So no matter what you may want, no matter how much you two may be at odds like I figure you are because of your desire to kill her….never, ever….let that stand between you two. No one in this world….no one deserves to die alone. No one deserves to live alone….that's something that I know all too well. The pain of being torn away from a loved one, of living away from them…."

Feeling his heart strangely clear up at her words, Ieyasu felt a smile creep onto his face as he merely smirked and laughed.

"Hah….and here I figured you wouldn't know about me wanting to off your boss…guess you're not Tatsumi's girl for nothing. You're…you're really something, you know that?"

As the girl slowly returned to her usual, stone-faced demeanor, she smirked ever so slightly as she replied.

"It wasn't that hard to imagine…anyone would want revenge after what she did to you. But, listen…as you are now, without a Teigu, missing an eye and most of one leg…you can't beat her. No matter how much training you do…nothing can prepare you for fighting her."

Damn it, not you too….!

Clenching his fists, Ieyasu clenched his teeth in anger.

"I refuse…to believe that! Nothing in this world is invincible….why else would half of these things be missing or destroyed? I…I can't believe that I wouldn't even be able to stand the tiniest of a chance as I am now….because…if I did…"

Pausing as a line of blood trickled down his cheek from where he had been biting his lip, Ieyasu continued in a voice so quiet Kurome barely managed to hear it as he began to hobble away.

"….I wouldn't be able to face Sayo."

Watching Ieyasu begin to hobble away, Kurome bid him farewell one final time before continuing on her short trip back to Jaegar HQ, a look of profound sadness in her eyes as she watched him leave.

"…good luck."


A grunt was Ieyasu's only response as he hobbled out of sight. Turning down a nearby street corner and into an alleyway, Ieyasu sighed and sat down on a stack of boxes as he examined the cane he had gotten not long ago.

"You have to have some sort of secret…there has to be some hidden switch to make you turn into 'Super awesome Teigu destroyer mode', right? Come on…."

Running his hands over the length and handle of the cane, Ieyasu was about to give up when he suddenly felt a stray splinter of wood prick him in the finger!

"Ouch! Shit….damned thing…."

However, as he sucked his thumb to get the blood off, he watched as a few drops of his blood splashed down onto the shaft of the blade directly over the inscription, Ieyasu continued to nurse his injuries until suddenly, a gentle flash of light drew his eyes to the shaft of the cane!

"Hmmm…? What's this…"

Watching with interest as the blood that had fallen onto the cane began to seep into it like a sponge, Ieyasu felt his breath vanish from his lungs as the inscription began to waver and change! Letting a few more drops of blood splash down onto the shaft, Ieyasu watched as the letters reformed themselves before his very eyes like they were alive!


"What…? The hell does that mean…? Whoa…!"

Wincing and dropping the cane as a spike extended from the handle where he had been holding and pricked his finger, Ieyasu suddenly felt himself feeling faint…


Blinking his eyes, Ieyasu glanced around his surroundings and noticed he was in what seemed to be a workshop that had been used for quite some time, with dozens of random blueprints, sketches, and scribblings covering the floor, walls, and ceiling as Ieyasu saw a young man no older than 20 cradling the corpse of an incredibly old man.

"No….father…please, don't leave me! I don't know…I don't know how to run this empire you've made! How can I ever measure up to you? What will I do, now that our greatest and first emperor…..has passed?"

Whoa…is that old guy…the first emperor?

Noticing that he passed right through anything he tried to touch, Ieyasu quickly realized that this must be some sort of vision the cane was showing him, and listened to the young man's tear-choked words.


Poor kid…so young, and already the new emperor.

After a short while, an armored soldier dressed in fanciful, decorated armor softly strode into the room as the young man spoke.

"…I won't let the great life you lived be snuffed out so easily, father."

Turning his head slightly back towards the soldier, the young man spoke with a voice suddenly as firm as steel itself.

"Tell Svarthad to fire up the forge, General."

His eyes going wide, the decorated soldier seemed shocked.

"Y-You can't mean….the forge was designed for danger beasts, your highness! With all due respect, you can't desecrate his lordship's corpse like-"

Interrupting the soldier with a booming shout, the young man spoke.

"Silence! Would you rather see his body wither away in the royal tomb, then? A relic of greatness our grandchildren will visit and pay respects to? No….I would much rather him become one of the great protectors of this nation, a Teigu forged from a human soul! And of all the candidates…there will never be a greater soul than the soul of Titus Ganymede, first Emperor of this glorious Empire!"

They're…using a human to make a Teigu…?

Feeling shivers travel up his spine, Ieyasu watched as the scene changed and blurred until he found himself standing in a large, nearly cavern-like room, a great golden contraption covering the far side of the room as a man dressed in a sleek, black butler outfit stood beside the same younger man from before.

"It…it is done, your highness. The process has started….only time can tell whether it shall succeed now."

Clasping his hands behind his back as gouts of bright blue light shot from the forge, the young man smiled as he nodded.

"Indeed….but I know my father. His soul shone brighter than any sun ever could, was more unbendable than the strongest rampart walls….nothing less than the finest of Teigu could possibly be borne from it."

After a short wait in silence, Ieyasu watched as a cane that looked nearly identical to the one in his hands exit the forge and fall onto the ground!

As the young man reached down and picked it up, he brushed some soot off of the shaft and whispered the words he found etched there.

"Terrax, rattler of heaven and earth…."

Gripping the handle and pressing it into the ground, the young man felt a link form between himself and the cane, almost like it was accepting him, and felt the very earth beneath his feet as well as the cavern walls and ceiling begin to shake! Quickly raising it from the ground and watching as the shaking ceased, the young man proudly held the cane aloft as he spoke.

"All hail Terrax, Rattler of heaven and earth! The first Teigu ever forged from a human soul…long shall it shake the heavens and the earth, like my father did when he was alive!"

Feeling his heart flutter at the young man's words, Ieyasu was feeling rather sentimental when suddenly, his scenery changed once more, his surroundings vanishing as he found himself standing in a desolate, open expanse of white, the only thing of notice around being the cane hovering before him!

"It changed again? What now…?"

As he glanced around questionably, Ieyasu suddenly shouted out in pain as a voice rang out over the landscape, so loud and thunderous his mind seemed to rattle as he listened!


Scratching his head, Ieyasu adjusted his footing as he glanced at the Cane, now vibrating so fast it was blurry in mid-air, and paused for a moment before the voice sounded again, this time causing his physical pain as he felt blood trickle from his ears.


Feeling the voice weighing down so heavily on his mind he was unable to stand up anymore, Ieyasu fell to his knees as he coughed up blood, his words strained as he slammed the ground angrily.

"Of….course…..I am! You think…."

Faltering as he recalled his torture at the hands of Esdeath, Ieyasu was too enraptured by his pain that he didn't notice the scenery change to reflect his recollection! Slamming the ground once again as he began to force himself to his feet despite the crushing force weighing down him, Ieyasu ignored the tears bubbling up from the memory of his torture as he spoke, his voice filled with pain.

"…you think I haven't endured a thousand deaths, you wooden piece of shit? You think I'm not worthy…? I've lost everything…everything…! I lost who I am, my friends, my entire fucking village…and you don't see me giving up and throwing in the towel, do you? I'll keep going, even if it means walking straight into an icy hell…I'll keep walking until my bones break, my blood freezes over, and my bones shatter into powder…because my best friend is out there right now, fighting and giving it his all despite having DIED! What kind of best friend would I be, what kind of person would I be, if I didn't match that? We…we didn't deserve this…none of us did, dammit! And I won't stop until I can show Sayo the head of that ice queen in the afterlife!"

As he stood there, his face contorted into one of fury at having expressed his innermost thoughts, Ieyasu finally realized what he had said and frowned.

"Wha…why did I say all that? W-What happened?"

Feeling the crushing weight on him release, he watched as the cane seemed to soften its vibrations as the voice resonated in his head once more.


Nodding, Ieyasu clenched his fist.

"Of course! I already told you, didn't I? Pain is my life now…I feel the scars of her torture every day, every second and every step I take…they remind me constantly never to forgive! So yes….I'll keep going, even if I die, even if I burn to ash…"

Watching as the cane settled down onto the ground, Ieyasu watched as the faint image of the first emperor manifested around it! A soft smile on his rugged, aged face, he nodded as he extended his hand.

"I have witnessed your resolve, young man…and I find it satisfactory. Your soul burns bright, like a raging inferno…it will burn rapidly, with righteousness and vigor. I will see your vision through to the end, boy…no matter what may come, Titus Ganymede shall stand valiantly by your side, until the bitter end. Let the firmness of our resolve rattle the mountains and shake the earth!"

Feeling the weight from his shoulders lift completely, Ieyasu cautiously took the man's hand and shook it as he smirked.

"Nah…we'll see it through to the end. We're a team now, right?"

The aged emperor only smiled back as his form faded, leaving the cane to fly into Ieyasu's hands as he felt his vision fading…


Back in the alleyway, Ieyasu felt the cane reaching out to him as he smiled sadly and spoke.

"Geez…so this thing is the first emperor? You're probably angrier than I am at what your empire's become, huh? To think, the cane I found in that run down shop would be a Teigu…."

Feeling a strange bond between him and the cane, Ieyasu looked down at his body and felt….like something was pulsing through his veins like the rumble of an earthquake had taken up residence in his body!

Feeling something akin to having his whole body vibrating at once, Ieyasu shook his head and glanced at the cane warmly.

"You're…accepting me? I'm probably the worst candidate to lend your power to, you know…I'm broken, selfish, angry, narrow-minded….a blockhead…"

Feeling vague notions of a feeling akin to what he felt when his mother would comfort him flowing from the cane into his head, he laughed.

"You trying to comfort me? Hahaha…comforted by a walking stick….what a day. Well, if you'll have me…"

Feeling quick glimpses and vague notions of countless years passing in his head, then a feeling of relief at finally finding something you were looking for, Ieyasu looked down at the cane before him.

"You…you were in that shop for a long time, weren't you? Looking for someone compatible with you…for someone compatible with that unbending spirit of yours, the spirit to never give up, to never falter or surrender, even if you had an eye ripped out and were whipped with your own leg muscles….I'm touched, that you found my spirit to your liking."

Smirking as he rose to his feet, the cobblestones at his feet rumbling so hard they turned into dust, Ieyasu clenched his fist and turned his gaze towards Jaegar HQ.

"I think I can finally do it….I can finally match her! With you at my side….we might be able to overcome her."

Feeling pictures of a family tree floating into his head along with the feeling of wanting to know something, Ieyasu spoke as he began to hobble away.

"You wantin' to know if you have a kid still alive? Yeah, the current emperor is still your descendant….though, for how much longer he'll manage to stay alive in this storm is anybody's guess."

Feeling feelings of relief enter his body, Ieyasu continued hobbling down the street as he spoke.

"Glad you're happy about it…now, let's see if we can't find a way to kill some time before the rebels get here…."


Stepping into the dust, forgotten, moss covered building that stood beneath the walls of the palace, Bulat sighed and clear a few cobwebs from his path as he muttered softly and brandished the spear on his back.

"Jeez, Tatsumi…you find the weirdest places…but supposedly, I could get a new Teigu here."

Using his spear to clear his way as he slowly advanced deeper into the tomb, Bulat soon came upon the same slab in the tomb of the first emperor that Tatsumi and Kurome had seen not a day or so prior, his eyes scanning the words emblazoned on it before sighing and putting his hand on it.

"Well…here goes nothing."

Watching the slab swing open after significant effort on his part, Bulat slowly entered the pitch-black room that lay beyond the slab, his spear at the ready and ready to react at a moment's notice…


Whirling around and seeing the slab slam shut behind him, Bulat, now in total and complete darkness, gripped his spear tightly as he spoke to try and assuage his rising nervousness.

"Easy, Bulat…this is nothing. You've fought all sorts of people, Teigu wielders or otherwise….a little darkness is nothing. Absolutely nothing…."

Suddenly, Bulat blinked and found himself standing in the middle of a battlefield, hundreds of men dying, fighting, and screaming all around him as he heard a familiar voice call out to him from beside him. Ignoring the blood and the smell of the battlefield that was filling his nose, Bulat struggled to listen.

"Bulat! Bulat! God damn it Bulat, RESPOND! I told you, we're getting slaughtered out there!"

Blinking twice and turning to his right, Bulat felt his heart drop and his blood run cold as he saw a man standing beside him, his generals outfit rippling in the cool morning air as Bulat let his name escape his lips as he felt his eyes moisten up.


What….what's going on? Why am I back on my old battlefield, with Liver…? What the hell is happening?!


"Steady, men! At ease!"

As the commander barked out orders to his troops, Tatsumi watched from inside Jupiter as the three hundred soldiers came to a halt, their faces one of weariness as they all began to chatter amongst themselves.

"Let's set up camp, men…the sun will be setting soon!"

As the soldiers set up camp, pitching tents and setting up cooking stations as they began to make merry, Tatsumi couldn't help but find himself rooted in place, watching the soldiers, both young and old, laughing and smiling as they ate and drank, swapping stories of their exploits and remembering their dead…and he soon found himself replacing the soldiers with Himself, Ieyasu, and Sayo, and even people from his village! Remembering times gone by, Tatsumi sighed dejectedly inside Jupiter and murmured to himself, not knowing he was speaking out loud.

"Hahh….damn it…"

As he stood in place remembering times gone by, a habit which he seemed to be doing more and more of lately, Tatsumi was roused from his thoughts as the commander spoke from beside him, a poor attempt to conceal supreme pride in his voice.

"Quite the bunch of men, aren't they?"

Glancing over at him, Tatsumi nodded quietly.


Scanning Tatsumi with his aged, steely gaze, the commander gently rested a hand on Tatsumi's armor as he spoke.

"…something wrong, boy? That tone…I've heard it many times before, you know…the sound of a man who's lost it all. That's…not a tone a boy like you should be making."

Surprised, Tatsumi turned fully to the commander as he chuckled.

"Surprised? Don't be…as a commander for so long, you learn to sense what's in the hearts and minds of your men. At least, the good commanders do…but sadly, people like me are rare in this age. Crushed under the weight of tyranny, broken under the weight of countless injustices…they give up, let themselves be used by the Minister and his goons…I've seen it happen too many times. So…I guess what I'm trying to say here, boy…is that no matter who you are, no matter where you came from, never forget those you fight for. Focus on the present, and don't dwell on the past, understand? No one is without hope in this world…you just need to find it."

Sighing after a moment of silence, the commander laughed good-heartedly.

"Ohoho…but I digress. Forgive the ramblings of an aged commander, my boy…I just…I can tell you carry a weight I can scarcely imagine on those broad shoulders of yours. Remember that you don't have to bear it alone."

As he clasped his hands behind his back and meandered over to his men, getting involved with the merrymaking after ordering some scouts to keep a watch on the area, Tatsumi stood rooted in place as a smile creased his cracked, lifeless lips.


Remembering those back home he cared for thanks to the commanders words, Tatsumi clenched his fist as he chuckled weakly.

"I'm such an idiot...getting so sentimental at a time like this. Sayo would whack me one if she was here…and so would Kurome."

Feeling pumped up, Tatsumi rotated his arms excitedly as he began to lumber forward, his heavy footfalls shaking the men nearby as he began to head out past the camp.

"I'm scouting ahead."

Not waiting for anyone in particular to respond, Tatsumi soon left the camp behind and began to wind his way up a small path in the Cliffside, his massive armored footsteps shaking the rocks around him and crushing any unlucky enough to fall beneath his steps into powder as he walked.

Finally arriving at the top of the path a short while later and glancing at the opposite cliff wall, then at the camp far below him, Tatsumi turned his gaze out towards the plains where the rebel armies would come from, striding over to the very edge of the plateau as he nodded.

"Here we are…the final fight before they reach the capital."

Briefly realizing that he might have to fight Night Raid on this mission, Tatsumi found himself recalling the short time he spent with the rebel group, his massive, armored arms crossed and making him look like a giant metal statue.

Remembering Leone and how she tried to act like a big sister to him, Tatsumi found himself laughing despite himself as he remembered the cherished few good memories of them before he and Bulat left.

"In a different time, in a different place…we might have been friends. We might have been allies…"

Sighing dejectedly as he shook his massive head, Tatsumi stood silently and watched the sun dip deep into the horizon, then finally vanish below it as day turned to night. Several hours later, after venturing a little further along the cliff edge until he couldn't even see the camp anymore, Tatsumi glanced around before scratching his armored head.

"Ah. I got a little too far away…I guess I should head back. It's already dark…"

Taking one more moment to glance out on the horizon, Tatsumi frowned as he lights on the very edge of the horizon.

"They're here…and they've already made camp."

As he stared at the lights for a moment, Tatsumi nearly leapt out his skin when he heard a female voice beside him.

"Pretty view, Eh Tatsumi?"


Unable to stop himself from leaping back and turning to the sound of the voice, Tatsumi narrowed his eyes inside his helmet when he saw Leone standing there, her massive mane of yellow hair and gigantic chest the same as he remembered them.


Bristling and taking up a fighting stance, Tatsumi watched as she waved her hand dismissively.

"Oh, cut it out. I'm just here scouting…I'm not here to fight. That's….that's for tomorrow."

Remaining in a combat stance for a few seconds, Tatsumi cautiously replied as he lowered his guard and glanced around suspiciously.

"Yeah? Then, where at the others?"

Turning back to the horizon, Leone replied.

"Not here. Got sent on another mission…won't be here for a day or so."

However, just as Tatsumi relaxed his gaze, a loud rumble cut through the air that resembled a demon's growl more than anything!

"What…what's there?!"

Whirling around, Tatsumi watched as the head of Akame poked out of a nearby bush, blushing as Leone angrily cried out.

"You glutton! Can't you just, for once, not ruin things by being hungry?! Argh!"

Blinking twice, Tatsumi stammered out a reply as Akame stoically rose from the bushes after Leone bonked her on the head, her sword in hand, and stood beside Leone as Tatsumi spoke.

"T-That…was her stomach growling?"

Rubbing her nose, Leone nodded.

"…what, you don't remember? How she ate everyone's portions the first day you were there because we slept in?"

"Right…I remember that…Boss was so mad…"

Sharing a laugh with him, Leone nodded as Akame blushed softly and looked at the ground.

"Ahahaha, right? Ah…good times."

Tatsumi nodded as a strange silence descended between them for nearly a minute, only broken when Leone's soft voice broke it.

"…you could come back, you know. I…I could convince boss. And….Tatsumi, I'm sorry about-"

Shaking his head, Tatsumi cut her off.

"It's fine, Leone…you guys have a mission, and Pluto could have helped you with that. I get it. Just…sometimes, you guys think about what you're fighting for too much and lose sight of the little stuff, you know? We all do. I don't really hate you guys that much anymore, honestly…a dead man doesn't have time for that. It's kinda silly to hold such intense emotions inside of you when you're always five seconds from death….it kinda puts a lot into perspective."

Cracking a soft grin, Leone tried to put her arm around Tatsumi's armor as she spoke.

"…you've grown up, Tatsumi!"

However, finding she couldn't fit her arm around his armor, she scratched her head and chuckled.

"…in more ways than one, I guess. I can't roughhouse you anymore…and I can't really call myself your big sis when you're the size of a small house."

After a brief pause, Tatsumi laughed softly.

"Yeah…I guess not, huh."

Good-naturedly punching his chestplate, Leone smirked.

"You devil, you…I bet you found a girl with those Jaeger's eh? Tell big sis all about it!"

Feeling his face flush, Tatsumi stammered out a reply as she poked him repeatedly.

"W-Wha-! N-no! I, Uh…..I don't!"

Her face twisting into a devious grin, she continued poking him for a while until she spoke.

"Don't lie to your big sis! Tell me….who is it? Ew, don't tell me you're into Esdeath…"

As she drew back in mock disgust, Tatsumi shook his head emphatically.

"Definitely not! She took a liking to Wave, Actually…I guess having a dead guy as a torture pet wasn't too appealing."

After a brief pause, he continued as he glanced at Akame.

"Actually, uh…me and Kurome have been really hitting it off, if you must know. Oh, but I swear if you hurt her-"

As his voice turned sharp enough to cut stone, Akame interjected suddenly with an ice cold voice.

"Savor your time with her, Tatsumi…I'm going to kill her the moment I see her. She probably feels the same way."

Clenching his fists, Tatsumi fell silent for a moment before replying.

"…bullshit. No. I don't everything, so forgive if me I sound insensitive, but you two are sisters! I don't care what happened, you two are blood…that has to count for something!"

Rubbing his head, Tatsumi sighed and spoke once more.

"Enough…we've talked plenty. Seeing as how we're going to be trying to kill each other tomorrow, let's not get to friendly. I've…I've remembered too much as it is."

Scratching her head, Leone smiled sadly as she glanced up at Tatsumi.

"You really grew into one great kid, Tatsumi. I…Just want you to know that. Even if we kill each other, or you kill us, or whatever…big sis is proud of you."

Pausing, clearly taken off guard, Tatsumi looked at the two girls before he spoke a few seconds later.

"…you know, you guys could join us….the Jaegars. Think about it…we could better the world together! And the Emperor, h-he's getting better….he's not so bad anymore..! W-We could be a fam-"

Before he could finish, Akame tried to speak but Leone cut her off as she shook her head.

"…quit dreaming, Tatsumi. We're enemies…just like you can't leave and join us, we can't leave and join you…got it? And you said it yourself, didn't you? Let's cut this short…I think we both have remembered too much already…"

Nodding, Tatsumi looked almost ready to walk away when he paused, turned back around, and spoke as Leone began to walk away with Akame.


As the two turned around, Tatsumi began to reach up to undo his helmet as Jupiter barked in his ear.

It is inadvisable to remove your helmet in a war zone. Chances of death wil rise-

Ignoring it as he undid the latches on his helmet, Tatsumi lifted his helmet free of his body with a hiss of steam, watching as Leone and Akame both widened their eyes as they saw his lifeless, grey skin and wrinkled lips, his eyes pale and lacking most of their pupils as he spoke, his voice raspy and pained.

"…this…is the real….me. Wanted….to look…you in the eyes…and say…..goodbye."

As Akame immediately went to draw her sword, Leone caught her by the neck and drug her back, a deadpan, slightly annoyed look on Akame's face as Leone bonked her on the head.

"Stop, idiot. You think your sword will work if his heart isn't beating in the first place? Leave it be."

Turning to Tatsumi, Leone walked forward until she was right in front of him, smiling softly as she spoke.

"You look…great, Tatsumi. And….thanks."

Making a noise that sounded like several dying cats as he tried to laugh, Tatsumi wheezed back a reply.

"…I….always….look great…big…sis."

As he slipped his helmet back on with a soft hissss, Tatsumi began to wordlessly walk away, leaving Leone and Akame to watch him vanish into the distance as Leone spoke.

"Come on, Akame…let's get back to camp. We've scouted enough."

Akame decided not to mention the tear that had fallen from Leone's eye.


As the sun crested the horizon next morning, Tatsumi stood at the entrance to the mountain pass, his massive Steel Splitter sword firmly in his hand and planted into the ground as the three hundred soldiers stood firm behind him, weapons in hand as Tatsumi spoke, eyeing the lines of rebel troops standing across from them.

"Listen up! We all knew that none of us would be coming back from this alive…but let's prove that bastard minister wrong! We'll send every one of these rebels screaming into the abyss, unflinching and steadfast, for the entire capital stands at our backs! Think of everything you hold dear, of everything waiting back at home for you…these rebels will take it all from you…your homes, your families, your safety, they'll obliterate in the name of their 'Justice'! So…let's show them our Justice is stronger!"

Lifting his sword high into the air, Tatsumi listened as each and every man at his back bellowed and shouted in response to his speech, their combined voices creating a war cry that shook the very ground beneath their feet and made the first line of rebels look at each other nervously.

Watching as the rebels began to advanced and charge at them, Tatsumi calmly turned around and spoke to the Commander as he strode forward.

"I'll handle the first wave, Commander. Just sit back and watch."

Speechless, he shot back a reply as Tatsumi walked away.

"T-That's over a thousand men, boy! Get back here!"

However, his words vanished into the wind as Tatsumi slammed headfirst into the first line of Rebel soldiers like a rushing bull, clad in iron and boiling with rage as the entire first line turned to bloody mist beneath his sword.

The battle had begun.


And so the war begins! I really wanted to revisit Night Raid and Tatsumi, so I'm glad I got to get some interaction between them there at the end. Also, SURPRISE, the cane was a Teigu the WHOLE TIME! Yeah, probably wasn't a surprise for too many though I'd imagine. Or maybe it was. In that case, I guess that means I'm half-decent at the writing thing. In any case, with the mysterious twins leaving just as suddenly as they began amidst mysterious talk of a Jade Dragon and Ieyasu finally affirming his resolve to kill Esdeath at any cost, things are looking to be quite exciting in the future! Tune in next time for Chapter Sixteen: Victory at any cost!

Sorry for the long wait. Really sorry. It's not me being lazy, I promise.

I know, I'm awful.