A tall girl with long black hair and brown eyes so dark they were practically black ran at a record pace through the alleyways before scaling a long fence and finding herself on the safer side. She smirked at the men following her before running again towards her safe haven. She turned a quick corner before climbing a set of stairs to find herself at the top of a building. She backed up before running at it and jumping, making the large distance with ease, and landing on the building near it. She looked at the open skylight on the building, which let no sun is, as the barrier didn't allow any. Their world was grey. She looked up and was able to see the faded green that showed the barrier, before jumping through the skylight and landing in her father's store. She unloaded her loot with her brothers, who had used the front door, those boring boys she lived with.

It took her a moment before she saw it. Four letters, sitting on the front table as her father made a sale. They were all from Auradon. Three from the school, one from their last Looked at the one that was sent to her, as her brothers all picked theirs. They had come to love the letters that came from their brother, but it didn't hold their interest right now. She quickly looked over the letter, but she could barely understand it so she waited for Jaf to tell her what it meant and said. He pulled her over to him and muttered in their native tongue in a way only she could hear. Her eyes widened and she was a storm as she went to yell at her father.

"Are you actually considering this! After you let them take Jay you will let them take us too!"She screamed at her father. He waited a moment to allow her to finish yelling as he finished his sale. No one noticed when she yelled anymore. It seemed her family on had two volumes:loud and louder.

"I haven't just considered this. It has been done. You will be with your brother at the school for the rich children."He said.

"Who will stock your shop?"Tony asked.

"That is not my worry. You know what will be done if you disobey me."He said. Arabella glared at him again before storming out of the store and running into town.

The car came a few hours was long and large and black and Ara found it weird. The only cars on the island were horribly broken down but it kept her and her brothers working because they were some of the only ones that knew how to fix them. Ara put her bag in the trunk first, the her brothers. Their father watched from the of them looked back, because they knew how soon it would be that they would come back. They gave it a month at the most before they would be sent back.

The car was as beautiful on the inside as it was on the outside. It was clean and polished and simply looked nice. They weren't used to nice. It was filled with these bright things that looked like food. Jay said in one letter it was called candy and it was really good. They looked at each other for a moment before diving towards it. It had been a long time since they had last devoured some, and in their candy haze, they didn't notice the bridge. They just noticed, a while later, that they were at a beautiful school.

Jack stepped out of the car first.

Here is a simple prologue like thing. This focuses on Jay and his family, but also goes very in-depth to Isle life. I have a fairly strict plot plan, but if anyone leaves me a review regarding anything you all want to see, because I'm happy to make some changes. Please leave me a review if there is any interest, because I want to know how people like it before I continue. Thank you for reading, please leave me a review, even if it says that my story is horrible and I should quit writing.