It was a bright sunny day in Adventure Bay. All the pups were out playing since they had done their last mission of the day. Meanwhile, a certain Dalmatian was in his house, reading a book, not a comic with his favorite super hero of all time. Suddenly, a voice shouted out-

"Look out!"

Marshall had looked up just in the nick of time for a spotted ball to come and land on his head.

"Oof!" He cried, pain throbbing in his head as he was slightly dazed.

"Whoops, sorry Marshall." Chase said, grinning sadly at his best friend. Marshall shook his head and smiled at the German Shepherd.

"It's okay, Chase. Just be careful of where you throw the ball. I'm reading something very important." He said, going back to his book. Noticing how the book was actually a book and not a comic strip, Chase titled his head.

"What are you reading?" He asked. Marshall grinned, looking at him through his eyelashes.

"Alice In Wonderland. It's a good book. Alice has been on so many adventures and she kind of reminds me of...well, me." Marshall giggled, making Chase smile.

"Well, when you're done, come play with us okay? We're down a pup for a game we wanted to play." He said.

"Alright, have fun guys!" With that, Chase grabbed the ball and began running towards the others. Marshall watched him go before sighing, returning back to his book. "I wish I had my own wonderland. It'll be just like Alice said - nonsense."

Marshall didn't know it, but his eyes began to droop a little, and before he could stop it, Marshall was fast asleep.

Marshall wasn't sure how long he'd slept, but it couldn't have been too long, because the sun was still high in the sky. Yawning, Marshall began to stretch his arms and legs when he noticed something off.

"Hey, where did my book go?" He asked, looking around.

"Marshall! You're up, want to play?" Marshall turned around to see Chase running up to him, ball in his mouth. Marshall blinked once, then twice, before finally responding to the question.

"Um...sure. Hey Chase, you haven't seen my book have you?" He asked as he began to walk with Chase towards Ryder and the others. The German Shepherd shook his head.

"Nope, but don't worry, I'm sure it'll turn up somewhere. In the meantime, let's play!" Chase said, throwing the ball to Ryder, who caught it and smiled. The pups howled in agreement and began spending the rest of the day playing catch. Marshall had been so busy having fun, that his book had actually been forgotten, more focus on the ball instead.

"I got it! I got it!" He yelled out, chasing after the ball that was thrown overhead. So caught up in getting the ball, Marshall didn't hear Ryder yelling out about a storm coming and that he wanted everyone inside. Marshall continued to go for the ball, but he was soon getting tired. "Jeeze...just how hard did Ryder throw it? It's really uncanny of him to do so."

Using his nose, the Dalmatian began to sniff the ground when he heard a soft noise of thunder in the sky. Looking up, Marshall frowned.

"Uh oh. It looks like it's about to rain. Let me just get the ball and head back." He said, smiling to himself as he began his search. Suddenly a small chitter noise was heard, and Marshall looked up to see one of his bunny friends standing there, with the ball in his mouth. "Oh hey little bunny. Could you please give me back the ball? It's about to storm and well, I can't go home without it."

Instead of doing what Marshall asked him to do, the bunny turned around and began hopping away.

"W-wait, come back with my ball!" Marshall said, running after the bunny, deeper into the woods. Marshall wasn't quite sure how he'd ended up in the woods, but the Dally didn't question it, more intent on getting his ball back from the rabbit. "Give me back my ball!"

The rabbit paid no heed to this, more or less hopping away, still with the ball in his mouth. This is ridiculous, Marshall thought, somewhat annoyed and somewhat amused. A dog chasing a rabbit for his ball? This situation couldn't be more silly. Of course, Marshall was aware that there are certain breeds that actually do hunt rabbits, but that was besides the point. When the Dalmatian had finally came caught up with the rabbit, he grinned.

"Now, now, mister bunny. It isn't nice to steal things from other animals. Please give me back my ball." He said, slowly approaching him. The bunny's ear twitch, and before Marshall could grab the bunny, the bunny hopped out of his way. This time, Marshall was slowly getting agitated. "Give. It. Back." He said through the clutch of his teeth. Marshall made a grab for him again, but again, the bunny hopped out of the way. "AARGH!"

With one last tempt, Marshall pounced on the bunny, but when he did, the bunny let go of the ball and it fell into a hole.

"No!" Marshall groaned, just a clasp of thunder was heard, making him and the bunny jump. The bunny's ears and tail began to twitch again and he began hopping towards the hole and jumped in. Marshall had watched him go before another clasp of thunder made its presence known, easily startling the Dalmatian, causing him to trip over a fallen branch and headed straight towards the hole. Marshall's eyes went wide as he tried to grab something, anything, to keep himself from falling into the hole.

But alas, nothing as such was available.


A/n: And into the rabbit hole we go! :D I had originally planned this as a oneshot, just to get it out of my head. But I think I am able to completely in a few amount of chapters. At most, 20-30 chapters, as I'm trying hard - in vain - to remember how Alice in Wonderland (Disney) went. Oh well. But like I said, there are other influence of Alice in Wonderland, so it isn't going to be all rainbows and sunshine for Marshall. Then again, maybe it will be. But I honestly liked American McGee's Alice so I'm gonna try to fit his theme into here.