A/N: Hiiii everyone!Thank you for the lovely reviews, follows and favourites! Yeah… I know… I suck with updating this lol. I just started a new job earlier this month and Pokemon Sun and Moon literally became my life when they came out lol. Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy and don't forget to leave a review after reading! =)

Disclaimer: I don't own WWE. I only own Olivia Evans.

Summary: Before she accepted Dean Ambrose's offer, she was just another Diva in NXT. But that all changed when she accepted and was brought up onto the main roster along with Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns. Now, she will forever be known as the First Lady of The Shield. Rollins/OC

Smackdown had come and gone and The Shield had failed yet again in attacking their opponents for Wrestlemania. During the time that they had off, Dean and Olivia had been working on their teamwork skills down at the performance centre in front of the eyes of the NXT rookies who were slightly fearful of the lunatic pair.

"Don't worry darlin', you and I have been travelling together for nearly 6 months now. We should know each other's move set by now." Dean reassured her when they were helping each other with their finishing moves one day.

The First Lady of The Shield had her hair done in two braids that eventually turned into pigtails, a black and white sports bra, a green tank top and black workout pants that had Nike written down the side.

"One would think." Olivia snorted as she jumped up on a turnbuckle with a practice dummy hooked underneath her arm, preparing to do Frostbite. "Kaitlyn and Randy haven't even teamed together before."

"But neither have we," Dean pointed out. "Tighten your grip and you're good to go. Anyway, that shouldn't be a problem. You and I have that edge of knowing each other outside of the ring too and we know that we can bounce off each other. Now jump." He instructed. Rolling her eyes at her teammate good naturally, the blonde diva leapt off the turnbuckle and swung her opponent around for her Tornado DDT.

"Did that look good?" She asked and Dean nodded approvingly.

"Yes. Now I want that other side of you to come out and perform it." He told her.

Olivia stared at him in shock. "Wait, what?" She asked.

"Bring her out and do it again." Dean repeated. "Seth and Roman are in the weight room and can't see what's going on if that whats you're worried about, darlin'."

"I'm not worried about those two," She snapped at him. "I can't just bring her out like this Dean. I've never tried."

"Well, now is the perfect time. Come on Evans, I'm not going to waste my time with you. I want to see what 'she' can do when she's in complete control of you. This is what we need for Wrestlemania and you need to make sure that she can take over at a moment's notice."

"I really hate you, you know." Olivia told him as she tried to summon her alter ego to the surface of her mind.

"Why? Because I'm right? Evans, you know that I'm always right when it comes to these things." Dean grinned lazily at her. "And we all know that when I'm right, it pisses you off. So come on, pretend that that's Kaitlyn there," He motioned at the dummy that was lying on the mat between the two. "And get her to come out and play."

"I can't get her out like that!" She protested. "And fuck you, you know that I hate it you're right! I want her in control for Wrestlemania, but I just don't know how to reach her like that Dean, I need to be in some sort of rage or something that's making me feel like we're delivering justice." She explained, pushing back some of her blonde hair that had come out of her pigtails.

Dean looked at her thoughtfully, desperate to get her alter ego out and into the ring. "Well picture this, we're at Wrestlemania and your boy toy has just gone down by a KO from the Big Show outside the ring and it's you and Kaitlyn in the ring. How does it make you feel?"

"…Like I'm going to lose control and she's going to come out and play." Olivia answered slowly as the voice began to scream profanities in her head. "And she's heard you, Deano and she isn't happy at all at what you just said."

"Good!" The Lunatic smirked. "Come and out play, sweetheart, I want you to show me what you can do." He taunted.

"Only if you bring out Mox," Olivia countered, her own smirk appearing on her face as she let her other side slowly but surely take control.

"Sweetheart, I'm only going to do that in a dire need. Mox doesn't need to appear for a training session, but maybe, just maybe, Mox and she can do the work we need them to do on Monday." Dean chuckled.

"I like this proposition, Ambrose." She laughed, finally giving full control to 'her.' "Now, I will only come out and play if you bring Mox out to play on Monday. I like Mox, he thinks like me in wanting to make sure someone bleeds."

"And so does Ambrose." Dean answered, now grinning as he held up the practice dummy. "Show me what you can do. And I'll talk to Olivia in giving you a name." He promised.

The now feral diva giggled ecstatically. "Oh, I would like that a lot. And to show you what I can do well…" She grabbed the practice dummy and jumped up onto the top of the turnbuckle. "Olivia always likes doing from the middle one but I… I feel like Frostbite has more of an impact from here. Watch!" She instructed cheerfully and performed Frostbite, slamming the dummy's head into the ring with a massive THUD.

"Well hot damn, we have something here." Dean said as the blonde diva stood up, giggling. "Do Lioness' Wrath. How you would do it." He motioned, leaning on the ropes.

"You got it!" Olivia grinned, picking the dummy up and easily performed Lioness' Wrath as Paige and Emma wondered up to the ring that the two were practicing in. Just as she had before, Olivia slammed the dummy into the ring with much more force than she usually would have.

"Good, good! Now, let's have some fun." Dean chuckled, kicking the dummy out of the ring and motioning to her and the two instantly locked up in a fierce practice match while Paige and Emma exchanged glances.

"Should we call the Roman and Seth?" Paige asked the Australian Diva.

"I think they should be ok, I mean Olivia looks in control… right?" Emma responded her eyes trained on the ring. "Actually, maybe we should, they're hitting each other pretty hard." She winced as Dean and Olivia both hit each other with a thunderous clothesline at the same time.

"But it's Livvy and Lunatic. They're always like this." Paige pointed out, leaning on the ring. "I'm rather enjoying this to be completely honest, it's rare that you see something like this." Emma nodded in agreement and continued to watch the teammates wrestle and her concern grew as the hits became harder and when she saw Olivia's face, the realisation hit her like a truck.

"Liv has let her out." She told Paige.

"What?" Paige questioned, her eyes narrowed.

"Her, Paige! That other side!" Emma explained and watched realisation dawn on the British Diva's face.

"Oh fuck." Paige swore, whipping out her phone and calling her boyfriend. "Come on, come on, pick up." She muttered impatiently.

"Dean, Liv stop! This is going too far!" Emma called out worriedly, wanting to stop this before something happened to the two.

"Ah, come on Blondie, we're just having some fun!" Dean answered as he whipped Olivia into the turnbuckle.

"Yeah!" Olivia smirked and moved out of the way as Dean charged at her.

"You have to stop before one of you gets hurt before Monday!" Emma pointed as a frantic Paige explained what was going on to Roman when he answered the phone. Jumping up onto the apron she continued to talk to them. "You have Mania coming up guys, don't throw this opportunity away!" She said.

"Why are you being so annoying? We're not going to hurt each other, we know what we're doing after all we're the Hounds of Justice!" Olivia sung as she pulled Dean up by his hair.

"That fucking hurts." Dean told her, elbowing her stomach. Emma continued to try to make them stop but it just didn't seem like her words were getting to them. Soon enough, she heard footsteps coming towards them and the Australian Diva turned around to see Seth and Roman bolting towards the four.

"Oh thank God!" Paige cried out. "Liv is well… not Liv! I mean, it's awesome but terrifying at the same time."

"I think Dean encouraged this." Emma told Seth and he frowned.

"Stay outside the ring, girls." Roman ordered as he and Seth slid into the ring, grabbed Dean and Olivia and pulled them away from each other.

"Hiiiii Seth!" Olivia grinned up at him. "I missed actually feeling you!"

"Cut the crap and let Olivia regain control." Seth told her firmly, his brown eyes narrowed.

"I would but I'm having too much fun right now." She laughed. "Ambrose and I have been making sure that we're ready for Monday."

"And you've done enough. Right now, I want Oliva back."

"Awwww, you can't handle me? What a shame." She pouted, twisting in his arms and started to kiss Seth's neck. "Because I know how to do things that Olivia wouldn't dream to do." She whispered.

Seth closed his eyes briefly, enjoying the attention briefly before snapping back to attention at the task at hand: Bringing back Olivia and in control. "As much as I would love to do that, I would rather prefer the woman I love to talk to me right now." He told her and she looked at him with her green eyes that normally showed so much love and kindness when they were set upon him, now they were wild and looked at him with lust.

"When did you get so boring? I thought you liked me." She sighed dramatically, shaking her head. "Fine. I'll be back later!" The blonde diva closed her eyes as in her head, Olivia slowly started to take control again.

You can have you fun again later, promise. She said mentally.

Oh goody! I'll be ready for Monday! The other side replied. Shaking her head, Olivia opened her eyes and gazed at her boyfriend, smiling slightly. "I'm back babe. That was kind of wild." She said, mentally exhausted from the strain of thoughts that had been going through her head during the time she was wrestling Dean.

"You're telling me, Evans! We're doing that again some time!" Dean called out, smirking.

"Like hell you are!" Seth retorted, tightening his grip around Olivia while Paige and Emma slid into the ring. "Why did you encourage that Ambrose? What if she couldn't get herself under control?"

"Relax two-toned, we knew what we were doing." Dean rolled his eyes. "Olivia and I just wanted to see what she could do, that's all. Also, we are looking up a name to call her later." He told Olivia.

"You got it, Ambrose." Olivia nodded as Seth ran a hand through his hair in exasperation.

"You two seriously don't realise how out of hand that could've gotten? What if one of you got an injury that would've put you out of Wrestlemania? What would we do in that situation?" Roman shook his head. "We shouldn't have left you two alone."

"It's ok, Ro," Olivia said, feeling slightly guilty about what her and Dean had just done.

Only slightly though.

"I think we discovered something that can help us at Wrestlemania," She continued, ignoring the incredulous looks that Paige, Roman and Emma were giving her. She imagined that Seth's face looked about the same. "It was fun letting her take over my mind, to be wild and free, not worrying about what could happen. I can pull her back when needed though, keep Kaitlyn guessing."

Seth and Roman exchanged glances, both slowly loosening their grip on their lunatic teammates. "If you're sure then." The Samoan said.

"I'm positive." Olivia nodded and Dean grinned. "Babe," She turned to Seth. "I've said it before and I'll say it again. I can do this. I can take control again, you just saw it happen."

"Only because I helped you." Seth told her seriously. "But if you can do it, I'll be by your side at all times."

Monday Night RAW, 25th March, 2013

RAW had started and all everyone was talking about on Social Media was the mixed tag team match between Dean and Olivia and Randy and Kaitlyn as well as the massive Q & A session for John Cena and The Rock.

Dean and Olivia had researched names together to call Olivia's alter ego and had found one that they thought fit her perfectly:


The name came from a Hindu Goddess' fierce and destructive form and that's what Olivia's other personality clearly was. When they mentioned it to Seth and Roman they were a bit hesitant, not knowing how this was going to affect their teamwork with them unsure whether Kali or Olivia would be out in the ring.

"I see where you and Seth are coming from, Roman," Olivia had said to her Samoan teammate that night at the arena while she was warming up for her match. "But I think there's a bit of personality change when Kali is in control."

"I know that, Liv but we have to make sure that she is serving justice like the rest of us. You know how it's like out there with so much injustice… and I'm worried about the strain on you, Baby Girl." Roman said, his grey eyes filled with concern.

"Ro," Olivia looked at him, touched. "Trust me, I'll be fine. If it's too much on me, I'll let you know with something. Besides, Kali only comes out in real extreme situations. Dean wants me to unleash her tonight for a warning to everyone to not mess with me. Well, another reason for them to fear me. Half of the Diva's Locker Room is terrified of me already." She said cockily and Roman snorted. "Trust me, I can take control if she doesn't cooperate." She reassured him as Dean and Seth entered the locker room together.

"Fuck that, let her loose tonight, Evans." Dean told her, obviously overhearing her last sentence.

"Deano, it's her decision about that." Seth said, wrapping an arm around Olivia's waist. The blonde diva shook her head as the two continued to argue about what was going to happen tonight.

"OK!" Olivia shouted, getting all of their attention. "This is ridiculous! Seth and Roman, I understand your concern about tonight but you have to trust Dean and me! We know what we're doing and if I let Kali out, it will be in warning. I promise you that. If you're that worried, come out and be at ringside tonight. Just trust us, please." She pleaded to her boyfriend and Roman. "If it gets too out of hand, you'll be right there to help me if needed." She added.

Seth and Roman exchanged glances and Dean looked at her proudly. "Like Olivia said, you can trust us guys. We work well as a team, you've seen that before. And we won't get too crazy, we gonna save that for Wrestlemania." Dean told them.

"Alright." Seth finally said, kissing Olivia's hair. "We'll be out there and making sure that it won't get out of control."

Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta


"Let's do this, Evans." Dean gave her a cocky smirk later that night as they heard their entrance music play throughout the arena. Olivia nodded and followed her lunatic teammate out into the crowd, dressed in a black crop top, her SWAT vest that was left unzipped, black lace up shorts and knee high wrestling boots. Her hair had been done with half up in a crown braid and the rest flowing freely down her back and she had a brown-red coloured liquid lipstick and a black glitter eyeshadow for her makeup.

"And their opponents, being accompanied by Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, representing The Shield: Dean Ambrose and Olivia Evans!" Justin Roberts announced their arrival.

Dean and Olivia made their way down the stairs, shrugging off the pats on the backs from the fans as Roman and Seth did the same thing on the other side. Following Dean, Olivia let a cocky smirk come to her face as the two jumped over the barricade together and entered the ring.

Going over to their corner, Olivia backed up against the ropes, listening to the last minute advice that Seth was whispering in her ear as Kaitlyn and Randy Orton entered the ring, with Sheamus and Big Show moving into their corner, having made their entrance before The Shield.

"Looks like Kaitlyn wants to start things off." Dean noticed, rolling his head to loosen up his neck. Olivia looked over at Kaitlyn, a smirk on her face as the Diva's Champion mouthed off to her while being held back by Sheamus.

"So she does." Olivia nodded. "I've got this, we've got this." She told Seth and Roman who were getting out of the ring.

"Rectify this injustice, baby girl." Roman gave her his signature smirk as Dean stepped out onto the apron.

The bell soon rung and the two diva's circled each other around the ring for a bit before rushing in for a lock up together, with Kaitlyn getting the upper hand thanks to her incredible strength. Olivia broke free and stepped back, frowning.

"Aww, too much for you, Livvy?" Kaitlyn taunted. "Wanna tag out and let Ambrose do the work as usual?"

"Shut the fuck up." Olivia snarled and the two quickly locked up again, this time with Olivia applying more pressure than she normally did. However, Kaitlyn still got the upper hand and pulled her into a headlock.

The two divas continued to test each other out in terms of strength for a while until Olivia, frustrated with not being to bring Kaitlyn down quickly like she wanted to, took Kaitlyn down with a vicious forearm.

Tilting her head to the side, she looked over at Dean who nodded encouragingly and then turned her psychotic gaze to Randy who met her eyes with that familiar predatory look.

Time to have some fun! Kali sung in her head and Olivia let her take over. Now as Kali, Olivia stomped down on Kaitlyn, hard before performing a leg drop. Getting up, Olivia laughed as she heard the crowd boo her.

Holding her hands out in response, a cocky smile appeared on her face. "This is justice! I've come to play! No more Olivia!" She screamed at the crowd before turning her attention to Big Show, Sheamus and Randy. "Hope you didn't prepare for just Olivia, boys." She giggled at their faces. The three Superstars looked utterly confused at the turn of events that had just happened.

"No more Olivia? What is this woman talking about now?" Jerry Lawler wondered.

"She is crazy, who knows what she means?" Michael Cole answered as Olivia continued to attack Kaitlyn, preventing the Diva's Champion from mounting any offence.

"What she means is that she is going to deliver justice no matter what! And it seems that her teammates agree with her, look at Dean Ambrose on the apron, he's cheering her on!" JBL chimed in.

In the ring, Olivia had gone for a cover but Kaitlyn had kicked out after a one count. Pulling her up by the hair, ignoring the warnings of the ref, the slightly deranged diva attempted to irish-whip Kaitlyn into the ropes but was reversed by her opponent instead. She was then taken down by a clothesline and crashed down to the mat. Scrambling to her feet, Olivia was met by a shoulder tackle that drove her into the turnbuckle.

Kaitlyn continued to drive her shoulder into Olivia's stomach until she was pulled away by the referee and that bought Olivia some time.

She was furious that Kaitlyn had gotten the upper hand on her but she knew that she needed a breather. She pranced over to her corner and looked at Dean, who nodded. "Hey, CHUMP!" She screamed at Kaitlyn in an effort to get her attention. It worked and Kaitlyn turned away from the referee to see Olivia hold her hand out to Dean and the Lunatic of The Shield tagged himself in, to Kaitlyn's chagrin.

"Coward!" She yelled at Olivia who merely rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out in response as Randy and Dean went at it. Stepping out onto the apron, Olivia leaned up against the turnbuckle and looked down at Seth and Roman.

"Olivia told you we had it under control." She grinned at them before returning her focus to the match. "Come on Deano!" She cheered her teammate on. Dean continued to have the upper hand for a while until Randy took back control with his scoop slam. Growling in frustration, Olivia broke up the cover which brought Kaitlyn in with a tackle that sent Olivia to the mat and the two Diva's continued to brawl around the ring. Out of the corner of her eye, Olivia saw that Seth and Sheamus had gotten into it while Roman and Big Show were duking it around the ring.

"And it's broken down at ringside! This is a preview for Wrestlemania in two Sunday's time!" Michael Cole was shouting excitedly as the two teams continued to brawl and the referee had no choice but to declare the match a no-contest as he could not regain control with the crowd roaring in excitement.

Kaitlyn now had Olivia backed up against a turnbuckle and the two Diva's continued to punch and kick each other before Olivia shoved Kaitlyn aside, stumbling out of the corner and clutching her stomach. Furious, she quickly took Kaitlyn down with a Thesz Press and slammed her head into a mat before standing up and jumping back on her with a running somersault senton.

"What now Kaitlyn?!" She shrieked. "You don't who I am, huh? I'm not Olivia!" She laughed, her eyes flickering around the chaos that was happening around her. However, her joy was cut short as she turned around and saw Dean getting dumped out of the ring by Sheamus and Roman being man-handled by Big Show.

That distraction had cost her and she was then unceremoniously thrown out of the ring and onto Roman by Kaitlyn.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" She screamed when Roman put her on her feet. "Let me at her! That was an injustice!" She continued to yell as Roman held her back.

"Enough, Liv!" Roman growled at her. "I need Liv right now because we need to retreat!" He told her as Big Show back body dropped Seth who rolled out of the ring and the crowd was thunderous.

"UGH! Fine!" Olivia growled, closing her eyes and Kali went back to the corner of her mind and Olivia regained control. "That was still utter crap!" She complained to Roman. "I need to get to Seth." She said as Dean helped her boyfriend up.

"He's fine with Dean, Baby Girl." Roman reassured her, loosening his grip as The Shield each climbed over the barricade while Randy hyped up the crowd.

"Damnit!" Dean slapped the barricade sas Olivia went to Seth as they walked backwards, glaring at the four that were in the ring, with Kaitlyn holding up her Diva's Title above her head, mocking Olivia as The Shield retreated, again unable to best their opponents.

A/N: So close to Wrestlemania! I'll try to have the Smackdown chapter up soon, I'm gonna work on it right now lol. Anyway, thank you so much for reading and don't forget to leave a review! =) xx