Well here we are, another chapter! Thanks to the people who read and are currently reading my story. I'd like to thank Elphie, benderjam and Lily Anim.o.v.e for inspiring some of the characters in this chapter. Unfortunately I don't own Descendants or trust me, this won't be a fanfiction.

Ben stood motionless with shock, his whole body seemed to be paralyzed. He couldn't move. "Well answer her boy," Evil Queen said, looking him up and down. "You may be the closest thing to a prince we have on this dreadful garbage heap." He could smell her perfume, the stench made him want to gag.

"Uh…" was all Ben could say as he stared at the villains in front of him, he started to cough as the smell of the perfume became stronger.

"This is Scar son of Scar," Mal stepped in to help.

"Isn't he a big cat?" Cruella hissed.

"A cat? No you hero he's lion," Jafar said.

"How dare you speak to me that way!" Cruella was clearly crazy. "Mutts shall kill you in your sleep and in the afterlife you will rise to be a hero!" she spit on the ground.

"Mal, be a villain and fetch your mother for us," Evil Queen said, taking out a makeup kit she started to apply it to Evie's face.

"Be a dear," a boy with messy, short brown hair and an outfit almost stranger than Mal's, mimicked the Evil Queen. He wore a light blue cape tied around his neck with a piece of worn string, red and gold triangles lined the edges of the cape and decorating the rim of his fez. His pants matched the light blue of the cape which only came up to his stomach, the boy was wearing no shirt so Ben could tell he was extremely fit. "Names Wiz," the boy elbowed him in the chest as a form of greeting.

"He's the son of the Wicked Witch," Evie rolled her eyes at Wiz. Ben suddenly understood, Wiz was dressed like a flying monkey.

"Hope we never meet again," Wiz laughed at the confused look on Ben's face.

"You new here, Scar," clearly this girl did not believe them.

"Layoff it, Morbia," Mal glared at her.

"Hey, I only asked a question," Morbia said, raising her hands in surrender, though her glare only intensified as Ben shifted uncomfortably. She had her hair in a foreign style, it stood tall on top of her head, but then cascaded downward from the pin that held it up right. She was dressed in all black with dashes of blue to match her fiery hair. "My dad's Hades, and it's horrible to meet you," she didn't offer her hand.

"Right…" Ben stared at her, he hadn't noticed before but her skin was a grayish, pale color. "Uh… nice to meet you?"

He froze, luckily Mal realized his mistake before he did. "Nice one," He stared at her, still frozen in fear, had one of them noticed.

Morbia's eyes seemed to drill into him, studying and analyzing his every move. While Wiz was oblivious to what was going on. Another boy leaned against the wall, he was handsome with jet black hair that was cut short though it was messy. His black leather overcoat enhanced the effect, with its silver buttons that lined the side and his black vest he looked like he belonged on a pirate ship. Black eyeliner was applied expertly to his face which went well with his black pants and leather boots, which were about knee high. "Hook's son," Ben gulped.

"Welcome to the crew mate, how'd you guess it without the hook?" The boy smiled, "Names Hunter," he pulling what Ben hoped was a fake hook from his pocket. "I've always got a hook handy if ya ever in need of a good-"

"I think we get the point, Hunt," Mal stepped in.

"I think we should let him finish," Carlos said, snickering.

"Aye, never interrupt a pirate when he's giving a young lad his PROPER welcome," both Hunter and Carlos started laughing.

"Aye, aye mate, but I got but one question," Carlos mimicked Hunter.

"Ask away you dirty sea lubber!" Hunter responded, both of them started to laugh again.

"It's a Carlos thing," Evie whispered.

"Every time he's in the same room as this lunatic he starts imitating him," Jay said.

Mal rolled her eyes, "It's really annoying."

"I could call my minions," Morbia suggested.

Mal shrugged, "I wish I had my magic… then I could quiet them down easily," her voice turned venomous as her eyes glowed green.

"So…," Morbia's eyes drilled into him once again, "Why did you come here?"

Ben stuttered out the answer that Mal at forced him to rehearse, "I-I was castle-schooled."

"Cool dude," Wiz smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Just like apple girl," Hunter said, cocking his head in Evie's direction.

"I told you to stop calling me that," Evie glared at Hunter and playfully smacked him.

"Are you kids done with your acts because I believe you have something to do," Ben turned swiftly to see Maleficent standing before him. His heartbeat echoed in his ears as he stared at the mistress of evil. The smell of smoke filled his nose.


"Mal! My little evil nugget, you could make a good villain. I can see it now! Mother and daughter ruling the world together!"
Mal beamed, "Really?"

"Of course, all you have to do is finish the job."

Mal's smile got bigger as she nodded enthusiastically.

"Now stop whatever it is that you're doing, what's it called! EQ!"

"Smiling," Evil Queen's voice was high-pitched and annoyed. "It brings out wrinkles," she finished. Ben flinched, he could feel goosebumps erupting across his arms, "You knew a villain was present when the room turned cold," that's what his father had said to him as a little boy scared of the monsters under his bed. After that night he would always fall asleep deep under his covers where it was warm and he could be sure there was no monsters, now he looked around Bargain Castle and all he saw were villains polluting the warm night with their cold and evil presence.

"Well stop 'smiling' and restrain the prince, oh wait," Maleficent hissed, "I meant king of Aurodan." The villains cackled, Mal among them.

"You know Ben, as the king of Aurodan I really thought you'd be smarter than this," Morbia smirked.

Maleficent laughed, all Ben could do was watch as as she continued to speak, "You did a horrible job stalling children, but the isle doesn't allow for much better does it?" Everyone started to laugh as if this was the funniest thing in the world, "Stop," Maleficent commanded and immediately everyone stopped laughing.

Ben stood there, shocked. "How did you? Wha- what is going on!?" He turned to look at Mal who was smiling.

"You want to know what's going on? Well I would tell you, but," Mal looked down at her wrist where a purple spiked watch appeared in a wisp of green smoke, her eyes glowed green, "it's looks like you've run out of time."