I finally had the courage to post my first-ever fanfic! I always thought if I ever wrote a fanfic, I'd be writing about Natsu and Lucy as the main pairing. But since there isn't enough Grayza manga/anime-wise and fanfiction-wise, and I'm always craving for a Grayza interaction (you think with them being on the same team they'd have a a lot of moments together but noooo), I'm writing about my second favourite FT ship. I'm well aware of how much Gruvia is developing in the manga, so it's kind of hard to do a Grayza story in canon-verse. But since these two had so much potential, I think they'd have somewhat of a relationship in an alternate-universe. So high-school AU it is! I've always wanted to write one for myself.
Summary: After avoiding Gray Fullbuster, Magnolia High's most popular jock for so long since the incident, student council president Erza Scarlet decides to finally settle whatever issue between them that had made these two former close friends drift apart.
Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail
What We Once Were
Chapter 1
Erza Scarlet honestly had enough.
Early in the morning already, before entering the school gates Erza had reprimanded a few students about their inability to attend school in proper attire.
It had been a routine almost every day.
She did not want to get used to it. Students generally respected her, to the point that she easily became student council president of Magnolia High. It wasn't surprising to anybody, considering she had the best grades, and her leadership skills were on point. On top of all of that, she had beauty that was admired by most female students, while her strength was feared by the male students.
Although, Erza Scarlet was far from perfect.
Despite having the most highest position a student can have in Magnolia High, and beauty that would make most girls green with envy, Erza had few friends, for reasons that most likely due to her slightly cold personality, scary exterior and her social skills for the most part, awkward. Not to mention she was absolutely strict, impatient, and had temper issues to those who had dared cross the line.
Erza was deeply in thought after the student council meeting was over and every one had left, when she heard a knock at the door.
"Come in," she responded.
She heard the sound of the sliding door and turned around.
"Erza! Let's go have lunch!"
Sure enough, Lucy Heartfilia stood by the door with a bright smile. Erza glanced at the clock by the wall, surprised that she had been in a daze on her own for 10 minutes since the meeting ended.
"Oh, it's lunchtime already?"
"Yes, silly!" Lucy grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the room, all the while complaining that she was too hungry and couldn't focus in class.
Lucy Heartfilia was the most popular girl in Magnolia High. Ever since she transferred last month, she had been getting attention left and right, due to her status as the daughter of one of the most renowned businessman, Jude Heartfilia. To top that, Lucy had the beauty and the brains that rivaled even the famous female figures in the business industry. With her pretty face, long blonde hair that reached her back, excellent figure, and kind exterior, it was no wonder she was even featured several times in magazines.
Despite being famous with all the riches in the world, Lucy chose to transfer from an elite academy for young women to plain Magnolia High. She did not choose the path that her father chose for her, turning down his demands of inheriting the business and made plans of her own. Her father was incredibly upset, and the press went wild after she announced that she had no plans of entering the business industry. Her popularity decreased somewhat after that. But eventually her father accepted and gave permission to enroll in a normal, public high school, hoping that when Lucy graduated she would change her mind about inheriting the family business.
After two weeks of her transfer, Lucy befriended Erza Scarlet, who initially conversed with her during her first day to introduce her to the school. Lucy at first was intimidated by her presence but found it refreshing that Erza had no idea who she was. At least, that was what Lucy told her the first time Erza asked her the reason she wanted to become friends. Erza soon found out about Lucy after a few weeks of friendship, Erza waiting until Lucy told her herself.
"What are you thinking about, Erza? I've been talking for the past few minutes and you're being quieter than usual."
Erza was snapped out of her thoughts again, and apologized. "Sorry, just thinking back on how we became friends."
Lucy smiled. "I thought it was some serious problem regarding the meeting. Glad I was wrong."
"The student's discipline was the topic of discussion as usual, this morning I had to reprimand some students for inappropriate attire. Again."
Lucy sighed, "Really, when will they ever learn? Right?" she winked. Erza gave a small smile. They chatted all the way to the cafeteria.
The cafeteria was packed with students as usual. Loud chatter and the sound of clattering of food trays filled the school cafeteria. Lunch time was the student's most favorite time of the day, the only time in school they could be free from books and teachers, and spend with friends.
"I'll go get our lunch and wait in line today, Erza. You can find us a table." Lucy said and immediately tried to get in line. Erza watched as others tried to get the popular blonde cut in line but as usual, Lucy politely declined and said she was okay waiting.
Erza scanned the room and sighed disappointedly. The tables were all occupied. Magnolia High had some of the most rowdy kids in all of Fiore. Most of them liked to be split into gangs, groups, cliques or whatever you called it. Erza had mentioned about the groups in the student council meetings and was worried that the student body weren't "one" but Lucy had calmed her down and said that they weren't actually hurting anybody despite appearing like gangsters. She even commented that even if they did started bothering other students, Erza could always beat them to a pulp, to which Erza agreed.
There were a lot of groups formed in Magnolia High. The groups were based on labels like the jocks, nerds, geeks, or cheerleaders like most high schools. Some things even Erza as student council president had trouble changing. The question as to where someone would fit in was always in the back of the teenage mind.
Although, when it came to Magnolia High, the jocks may play sports but unfortunately it did not mean they had the looks. Quatro Cerberus was a group of friends that connected for reasons all of them being in the football club. Despite that, some were geeky and perverted, resulting with them becoming unpopular with the girls. Mermaid Heel initially was a group of girls in the cheerleading squad, but then became mixed with girls from other clubs such as the chess club, drama club and more. They were the most popular all-female group in Magnolia High.
Erza noticed that the small table near Mermaid Heel's table was finally clear and made a beeline for it. She was too late however, as the table became occupied by two female students who Erza did not recognize. She did not recognize she was clenching her fist until the student occupying the said table stammered "E-Erza-san, was this your table? We can move-"
"No, it's fine." She interrupted. She apparently looked like she was angry in front of the student. She quickly glanced around to find Lucy walking up to her in the crowd.
"Sorry, I could not find a table, Lucy," Erza said. She noticed Lucy was only holding one tray. "Where's mine?"
Lucy laughed sheepishly. "This is yours." She said, referring to the tray she was holding. She handed the tray over to Erza.
"Then, where's your lunch?"
Lucy looked almost guilty. "I was holding both trays until Loke invited me to sit over with Fairy Tail."
Erza's eyes widened. Oh.
"I-I tried to refuse him but he so gentlemanly" she said while rolling her eyes, "took my tray away and brought it to their table."
Erza was quiet for a bit.
"It's okay I don't feel like eating anyways. I'll just accompany you, then we can-"
"Just go sit there, Lucy. It's fine." Erza had a habit of interrupting people apparently. "I'll wait till another table is clear."
"Erza, we might be late for the next class if we keep waiting. You don't want to be late do you?"
"No, but I do not want you to skip your lunch."
"If you don't want me to skip lunch, and not be late..."Lucy started and Erza already knew where this was going.
"No, Lucy. I am not joining Fairy Tail."
"You're not joining Fairy Tail, Erza. We're just going to sit at their table for today is all." Lucy persuaded.
Erza didn't like to admit she was stubborn, but in this case, she would.
Fairy Tail was the most popular gang, group, clique in all of Magnolia High. The members were mixed with at least one of every jock, nerd, cheerleader, geek and basically every high school label out there. They were all very different, but the three things they had in common, were that all of them had amazing looks, were highly sociable but unfortunately were slight troublemakers.
It wasn't the fact that they were troublemakers was the reason Erza did not want to sit with them. It was just one particular person.
But Lucy didn't know that yet.
Although she would want to know if Erza kept refusing. And Erza would not be able to lie. She only knew how to keep quiet about certain things in the past.
"Just for today," Erza agreed.
"Of course. I'll bring lunch tomorrow so just in case we can't find a table again, we can just eat outside on the school bench." Lucy assured with a smile.
Erza felt bad for Lucy. She probably had invites to join Fairy Tail ever since she transferred a month ago, but declined because she wanted to keep Erza company. Erza felt selfish, as she did not try hardly to encourage Lucy to join Fairy Tail, for fear of unable to continue being friends with Lucy if she ever joined.
It wasn't that she hated Fairy Tail. Nor did she hate any of the members (although she was quite sure some of the members hated her). She was just slightly uncomfortable with one particular member.
They walked to the Fairy Tail table and sure enough the noise became louder as they got closer. She could recognize the members easily, having interacted with every single one of them before.
"Lucy, my love! You kept me waiting too long." Loke patted a seat next to him. "Right here, Lucy and-" He paused and his face was shocked. "E-Erza? You brought Erza with you?"
Hearing the name, "Erza", had most of the members stop chatting and turned around to see whether Erza really was there.
Lucy was about to say something, until Erza said sternly, "I'm with Lucy. There are no other unoccupied tables, so there's no problem, right?"
"O-Of course not!" Loke laughed nervously.
Lucy smiled brightly and proceeded to sit down with Erza following suit. Loke had begun to chat with Lucy, and surprisingly hadn't put on his moves on the blond. Rather, they were talking and friendly until Loke waved Lucy off saying that he had appointment with a different girl.
Lucy rolled her eyes. Loke was nice, and no doubt handsome, but his sweet words from the moment they met just seemed really false. Lucy was positive he wasn't truly interested in her. Still, he could be a good friend.
The members were all still surprised by Erza's presence and the air was slightly awkward until a girl with long, white hair, greeted them cheerfully. Erza recognized her as Mirajane Strauss.
"Erza, Lucy, welcome to the table!" Mirajane said happily, her surprise gone.
"Thanks! Sorry for intruding for today," Lucy said politely. Erza kept quiet and discreetly glanced around.
He's not here. That's good.
She released a breath of relief.
"Just today, Lucy?" Cana whined.
"How's student council meetings, Erza?"
"Lu-chan, when are you gonna let me read the next chapter?"
Everyone at the table greeted them one by one and Erza noticed that she was becoming comfortable with the way the present members were treating her and Lucy. They didn't even call her "president" and Erza thought of the times before she started being in the student council. She had more time to spend with her friends those days. Erza couldn't help but reminisce the past when she was close with all the members.
Mirajane, Cana, Lisanna, Elfman, Loke, Levy, Jet, Droy...
Erza realized that she might have missed them more than she cared to admit. They really hadn't changed much, she noticed. Mira was still as kind, Cana and Lisanna was still talkative and friendly as ever, Levy was still much of a bookworm as she was even reading a page of her thick novel while eating, Jet and Droy were still close friends and still always hung around Levy, trying to get her attention, and Elfman still spouted things about himself that made him a man.
Jet and Droy were waiting for Levy to finish, but she told them to go first. They sighed and left, disappointed.
Erza was already halfway done eating when she heard footsteps and a loud voice approach.
The loudest voice almost anybody in the school would recognize. A pink-haired seventeen-year old plopped on a seat after shoving Elfman on the ground, the latter screaming how shoving people was unmanly. The pink-haired boy dismissed him, of course resulting to the other members to laugh at his antics.
Erza couldn't help but smile, thinking of the past again, when suddenly the boy shouted, in a loud voice so normal to him, "E-ERZA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?"
"You just noticed, Natsu?"
"I'm not in trouble again, am I?" He was paling and Erza chuckled, admitting that she really did miss the old days.
"No, and hopefully it will stay that way. There were no tables, so I sat here with Lucy. You don't mind, do you?"
Natsu Dragneel, number one troublemaker and also childhood friend of Erza, laughed merrily. "Of course not! Welcome back, Erza!"
"I'm not back in Fairy Tail, Natsu," Erza reminded him, resulting in Lucy glancing at her questioningly.
"Nah, you were always Fairy Tail to me,"Natsu shrugged but Erza could detect the seriousness in his tone. Erza noticed Lucy was staring at Natsu by this point. She noticed that the other members were nodding, apparently agreeing with Natsu. She smiled.
"Whatever you say, Natsu."
Natsu looked towards the person sitting next to Erza, and noticed that she had been staring at him. Erza couldn't tell what she was thinking. Natsu also stared at her, scanning her from top to bottom. Then he had a look of recognition.
"Hey, it's Luigi! I didn't know you actually transferred to school here!" He grinned.
"It's Lucy!" She pointed out angrily. "It's not a hard name to remember! And I've never seen you before here either!" Erza glanced questioningly at Lucy. She had no idea that Natsu and Lucy had met before. Why didn't Lucy say anything?
"Natsu was in the hospital the first month after the school year started," Mirajane said.
"I heard you were fighting, weren't you Natsu?" Erza asked.
"I wasn't!"
"Yeah, you were Natsu. Don't lie," Lisanna said giggling.
"He got into a motorcycle accident trying to chase some punks he fought," Cana quipped.
"Fighting is MAN!" Elfman shouted.
"No it's not, Elfman," Mira reprimanded her brother. She sighed.
Somethings never change, Erza thought warmly. Him, on the other hand...
"So you're okay now?" Lucy asked worriedly.
"Of course I am, Luigi! Otherwise I'd still be at the hospital."
"It's Lucy!"
She was ignored.
"How did you guys know each other, again?" Lisanna asked.
"It's a long story," replied Natsu.
"No it's not! I was actually walking around Hargeon port when I stumbled upon a pink-haired boy-"
"It's SALMON, not pink-"
"-cherry blossomed-colored hair boy who at the time was complaining about his stomach, looking really pale and on the ground squirming. I thought he was hungry so I took him to a nearby restaurant. Turns out he was suffering from motion sickness."
The Fairy Tail table laughed, including Erza. She would have to question Lucy later. Lucy had not mentioned meeting Natsu before.
"I really was hungry!"
"He was both motion-sick AND hungry." Levy commented.
"After he saw the food, he was immediately better but he still hoped I'd pay for the food," Lucy said.
"You didn't tell me that you'd already met THE Lucy Heartfilia before she even transferred here a month ago, Natsu!" Lisanna complained.
"Huh?" Natsu looked confused. "Who?"
Wait a minute...
"YOU DON'T KNOW LUCY HEARTFILIA, NATSU?!" Almost everyone gasped.
Lucy could feel sweat forming. "It's not a big deal, guys."
"You even made her pay, Natsu! That's not manly!"
"You didn't even pay on your first date with Evergreen, Elf-niichan," Lisanna reminded her brother.
"Fool!" Erza couldn't help but stand and shout. "How could you not know? She's-"
"It's okay, Erza! You don't have to tell him now!" Lucy could feel a blush form, embarrassed that almost everyone in the cafeteria was looking towards their direction. She pulled Erza to sit back down.
"Not really, have you ever seen Natsu pick up magazines?"
"Or watch the news on TV?"
"Or read the newspaper?"
Mira chuckled. "I guess it's not all that unbelievable."
All this while, Erza noticed Natsu had been staring at Lucy again, although she couldn't guess why. The table continued to chatter, some still finishing what was left of their food, when the noise in the cafeteria increased tenfold as shrills and squeals rang through the room.
"Gray-san, please sit with me!"
"Gray, I brought a bento and was hoping if you and I could-"
The whole school recognized that voice. Juvia Lockser was a very beautiful girl with long, wavy blue hair. She had great curves as well and would've been one of the most attractive girls in Magnolia High if it weren't for the fact she was obsessed with a certain handsome, dark-haired guy by the name of Gray Fullbuster.
Juvia regarded almost every single person a potential love rival, whether they were male or female, and even the teachers that had been interested in Gray's looks had been subjected to some investigation and scrutinizing on Juvia's part. So, even the female members of Fairy Tail were subjected to Juvia's watch at least once in their entire high school lives.
Gray was a part of the most popular Fairy Tail, after all.
Apparently, she had left her previous clique, named Phantom Lord, after falling in love with Gray at fight sight. They had only one date, which resulted in Juvia becoming Gray's number one fangirl.
"Juvia really tries hard, doesn't she?" Mirajane said with a smile.
"I barely even talk to the guy and she targets me already!" Lucy whined.
"Juvia's really nice if you get to know her, but she can be a bit nasty if she targets you as a love rival," Lisanna told the blond heiress pointedly.
"That doesn't make me feel any better."
"Dunno why people like the perverted snow cone," Natsu shrugged. Snow cone? Lucy thought. "You like him, Lucy?"
"No, I don't!" Lucy denied. She even forgot that Natsu got her name right for once. She glanced nervously and whispered to him who was sitting right in front of her, with that oblivious look that she was beginning to think was annoying, "And don't talk about things like that out loud otherwise Juvia's going to get more crazy ideas!"
Lucy had no idea why she was dubbed by Juvia as number one love rival. It didn't make sense. She had only greeted Gray one morning for the first time since her transfer a month ago, and was happy he acknowledged her and acted normal about her status that she failed to keep a secret. Ever since that moment, Lucy could feel shivers and goosebumps like someone had been glaring at her.
"It's not just Juvia. People have been getting ideas about you two since you transferred, Lu-chan," Levy supplied.
"The idea of putting two random strangers together to please the fans," Mirajane said happily. "It's called shipping."
"MIRA NO!" Everyone shouted.
Erza chuckled. Mira was still the same as ever. Despite the groaning that occurred in the past when Mira mentioned it would be great if her friend got together with her other friend, Erza knew the white-haired girl simply wanted to wish for her friends' happiness.
"What the hell is that?" Natsu asked confusedly.
"It's common if two popular and perfect figures (in this case, Gray and Lucy) happen to interact with each other," Mirajane cheered.
"Unfortunately," Lucy muttered. On the first day of her transfer, already her secret as the Heartfilia Corporation heiress was found out.
"Cana, you were Juvia's biggest love rival before Lucy showed up, weren't you?" Lisanna said. "You and Gray are still pretty close, even after 7 years."
Seven years? That's a really long friendship, Lucy thought.
"Yeah, we've known each other for a while, and we hang out sometimes," Cana shrugged. "But if Juvia had showed up 7 years ago, she would've known that the real love rival wasn't me."
Everyone stopped to stare at Cana. "What do you mean, Cana?" Mirajane asked what all the girls of Fairy Tail were thinking. "Who was it?"
The boys at this point could hardly careless. They were already getting up and clearing the table.
"Ehh…if I told you guys now, it wouldn't be interesting anymore, would it?" Cana laughed. "Well, it's not like he was serious or anything. How serious could a 10 year-old be?"
Lucy was slightly interested in the girls' discussion, even if it was about a guy she hardly knew. Who knows, maybe if she actually knew who the girl was, she'd be able to convince Juvia that there was a real love-rival out there for her. And it wasn't Lucy.
Lucy didn't notice that the red-haired girl next to her was fidgeting nervously. Come to think of it, I haven't heard her say anything for a while, Lucy thought.
Erza didn't want to hear anymore of the conversation. She quickly ate the remaining of her lunch. She had to get out of there before he came.
"Gray-sama, over here! Come sit here!"
"What are you talking about? Gray-sama is sitting right here!"
"Erza! What's the hurry?" Lucy asked, her expression slightly worried.
"I-I suddenly need to go to the toilet." Erza lied nervously.
"I'll come too."
"No, you take your time and enjoy it with everyone else." She was already getting up and walking a few steps away with high speed.
"Erza, what about your cake?!"
How could I forget?
She hurried back to the table, grabbed the small cake on the plate, and quickly turned around only for her to crash into the one person she was awkward to face again. Unfortunately, she didn't realize her body was so close to her old friend already and resulted to her strawberry cheesecake smearing into the boy's face.
Erza stared at the tall dark-haired boy, whose face was smeared by her delicious-looking strawberry cheesecake, an apology on the tip of her tongue. She couldn't make out his reaction.
A/N: Yay for the first chapter! I've been reading fanfictions for two years already and only now I'm writing my first one! I figured it was about time I contributed to the fandom, especially the deprived Grayza fandom. Drop me a review since I have no idea if this is any good or not. I finally realize as an amateur writer I really can't tell whether a story is good or not if I read my own writing! English is my second language, so please excuse my terrible grammar mistakes.