Disclaimer: STILL DON'T OWN IT!

p.s. I'd like to dedicate this chapter to Stardust16, who requested that I make this a multi-chapter fic. Also Asori (Guest), thank you for your kind review! Anyway, on with the story!

*Two weeks after the events of "Bionic Action Hero"*

Adam's POV

Unmoving. No heartbeat. No pulse.

Chase Davenport, my baby brother, laid on that cold, metal table, dead. My baby brother was dead. How could I allow this to happen? How could I let my brother die?

"Adam, is he…" Bree trailed off, not able to finish the question.

"Chasey?" I asked, shaking my brother's limp body.

"Bree, what are we going to-" I cut myself off when I turned to where Bree had been standing, only to find that she was no longer there.

"Bree? Bree-ee? BREE!" I yelled. Where had my sister gone?

"Bree! Bree, please come back! I can't lose you too," my voice quieted.

I could feel the tears on my face and I rushed to wipe them away. Not Bree too.

"Adam, how could you?" Bree suddenly appeared in front of me, eyes focused on Chase.

"How could you let our brother die!" Bree screamed.

"I don't know how it happened Bree! I just don't know!" I wailed.

"It's all your fault," Bree sneered, "You let Chase die. It's all your fault."

Third Person POV

"NO!" Adam screamed, awaken from the terrible nightmare that had hit a little to close to home.

"Adam?" a drowsy voice asked from outside of his capsule.

"Chasey?" Adam inquired, "You're alive!"

Adam threw open the capsule door and hugged his brother tightly, nearly knocking the smaller boy off of his feet.

"What?" Chase asked, his drowsy brain not able to wrap itself around Adam's words. He pulled away from Adam's embrace, holding him at arms length to look at his face, which was streaked with tear-tracks.

"Adam, have you been crying?" Chase asked the older bionic, removing his hands from Adam's shoulders.

"What? No," Adam defended, quickly attempting to scrub away any trace of tears on his face.

Chase was confused. Adam hardly ever cried. The only times he had seen Adam cry were those couple of times when they were younger and…

"Oh," Chase thought, "I should have realized."

"Was it a dream?" Chase asked. Adam nodded.

"Was it about…" Chase didn't need to finish his question for his brother to know what he was talking about. Adam nodded again, though slightly hesitant.

"It wasn't the same as it happened though. It was worse," Adam said.

"What happened?" Chase asked in a soft voice.

"You did die. You weren't just hiding. You died." Adam started, "And Bree was there. She said that it was all my fault. That I had let you die. It was horrible."

"Adam, you know Bree would never blame you for that, it wasn't even remotely your fault," Chase tried assure Adam. It was unsettling for Chase to see his strong, happy-go-lucky big brother acting so serious and sad.

"But it was my fault. If I hadn't been so stupid, maybe they wouldn't have been able to take you. I was goofing around, I thought it was part of the script. I could have stopped them if I wasn't messing around. Or maybe if I was faster and didn't joke around so much," Adam said.

"It doesn't matter anyway. I'm fine. I'm not dead or seriously injured. I'm perfectly fine. I'm here," Chase said, resting a hand on Adam's shoulder.

Adam sobbed and pulled the younger boy into another hug, resting his chin on Chase's messy hair.

"I'll never let something like that happen again, Chasey," Adam promised.

"That's all good and well Adam, but I can't breathe," Chase said breathlessly.

"Oh, sorry," Adam apologized, realizing his death grip on his brother.

"Don't worry about it," Chase said, slightly winded.

"Sorry about waking you up," Adam said.

"Eh, what are brothers for?" Chase asked.

"Bionic Brother Toss?" Adam suggested.

"Haha, so funny I forgot to laugh," Chase said sarcastically. Adam smiled sheepishly.

"Can I go back to sleep now?" Chase asked, already heading back to his capsule.

"I know I am," Adam said with a yawn.

"Just don't start snoring," Chase warned.

"That's Bree," Adam said, pointing his thumb towards Bree, who was leaning against her capsule door, snoring loudly. Adam and Chase laughed hysterically.

"If you two don't shut up and go to sleep I will rip your heads off and feed them to tiger sharks!" Bree yelled, annoyed by the noise that has woken her up.

Their laughs were reduced chuckles as they climbed back inside their own capsule, sleep not to far away. And this time, it offered no nightmares.

Author's Note: So, did you guys like the chapter? Sorry if it wasn't what you were expecting Stardust16, this was just what came to my mind first and I kind of like how it turned out. I was going to write more chapters, but then this idea came along and I thought that this would be a perfect place to end this story! Sorry if you were expecting more! Let me know what you guys thought about it down in the comments, nice or otherwise! Bye!