Going To Hogwarts

Disclaimer: I do NOT own anything from Harry Potter nor from PJO/HoO. I wish I do though, but they belong to Rick Riordan and J.K. Rowling. I own Camille and any other characters I come up with though.



Ch.4 Next Day

Since there were no classes, Camille, Nico, Reyna, Luke, and Octavian were heading for the library to meet up with everybody. They would have had Draco with them, but they got tired of waiting for him to finish up his normal hour and a half long routine. That, and Draco told them to "get the Hell out of there" because Luke was "annoying the fuck out of him with his annoying comments about how he did things in the morning and his klepto ass kept stealing everything." So, after they pretty much got kicked out, they started walking towards the meeting. When they passed the Entrance Hall, they heard an irritating voice.

"Harrison, di Angelo, Ramirez-Arellano, Castellan, Simmons!" Echoed throughout the corridor.

"What exactly do YOU want Weasely." Camille calmly demanded, well snapped actually, but that is not exactly the point here.

"How do you know what his name is?" Luke muttered quizzically.

"Draco." was all Camille said and needed to say.

"Listen to me, you slimy Slytherin cowards. You made a huge mistake choosing that house. You all will regret going there, Hermione and I will make sure of it." Ronald Weasley grinned nastily.

"Ahh, I am soo scared of a little boy who believes he can play in the big kids league." Camille said sarcastically, looking bored. "You think you are big and tough, but just ONE of us could beat you blindfolded with an arm tied behind our back. You are nothing compared to us. Now run along and do whatever you Weasels do."

"I will end you!" Ronald snarled, sneering as he took out his wand and pointed it at the group to hex them.

"Leave them alone Weasel." A familiar voice spoke from behind the newest snakes.

"Shut up, Ferret!" Weasley growled. "It is your fault they are corrupted!"

"Okay one, Ferret? Really Draco, you are so going to explain that one later. Two, Weasel, the only one he could have corrupted was me and he couldn't even do that. I corrupted him. Three, you can attempt to neutralize us, but you definitely won't succeed." Camille ranted, while interrupting Draco from his response. Draco gave Camille a sharp 'Quit interrupting me' look, while she just smiled innocently, before turning back to the fuming red-head.

"Now that Camille finally finished her little rant and saying what I was going to say, you can scamper away. Now, shoo." Draco said waving his hand as if Weasely was merely a mangy dog.

"I am not one of your little cronies that you can wave away Malfoy!" Ron snarled, wondering why they looked so amused. Unknown to him, Harry has been behind him throughout the whole encounter and was looking even more horrified at how his friend was acting the longer the confrontation went on. The group in front of him knew it though and they were enjoying it.

"Weasley, I am pretty sure you are not an animal, so don't snarl like one." Octavian drawled as usual. All the red-headed fool did was start growling.

"You probably shouldn't growl either." Luke pointed out with a smirk tugging at his lips.

"Don't insult me. I can get all but Malfoy kicked out of this school quickly without much of a problem." Weasley sneered.

"Oh and why is that?" Reyna questioned with a raised eyebrow, Camille's smile could not get any wider without it splitting her face in half.

"I am friends with Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, that's why" He answered triumphally with his nose in the air. "I have credibility and status because he considers me a friend, but none of you will remember what I just said though." He said raising his wand once more.

"We might not." Nico conceded with a smirk.

"But he certainly will." Camille finished, madly grinning, while pointing towards Harry, who looked as if his whole world had been shattered and making the group of Slytherins want to comfort him. While Ronald Weasley turned around so fast one might believe Camille told him a serial killer was behind him. Horror flickered a crossed Weaselys' face.

"Harry..." Weasely started but was interrupted by Harry himself.

"Don't Ron. Just don't. I heard everything you said. I can't believe I didn't see it before but I do now. All this time you and Hermione have been using me for my fame. The fame I didn't even want! The fame I would have given to you in a heartbeat if I could. I thought you two were my friends! Bloody Hell, I should have listened to Malfoy in First Year!" Harry softly spoke, betrayal ringing in his voice and tears running down his cheeks. It was truly a heartbreaking moment. The Slytherins wanted to comfort him but they knew they shouldn't interfere at that moment because they knew he needed to let everything out and if they interfered there was a chance he wouldn't say anything. "I am done being your friend and Hermione's friend." The emerald-eyed boy turned and walked, no, not walked, he ran away with Weasely struggling to keep up with him.

The Slytherins stood there for a moment or two before dragging, practically carrying, a shell-shocked Draco, who was stuck on "I should have listened to Malfoy in First Year", away to the library.

Sorry for not uploading in a long time. I'm trying to get better about it.