A/N: Hey everyone! I'm so sorry it's been a year since I continued this story. I just wanted to say before you all continue into this chapter of Abraxas Vladimir Dracula, that this chapter is a little weird to say the least, and that I hope you all can bear with me. Though I promise the next chapter will be completely normal. Well as normal as this story can get, and it will include the First Task (yay).
Though I hope you all like the chapter.
Love you all!
It was cold, but it wasn't. It was the type of coldness that seeps into your bones, but caused you to be warm. Like a slight breeze on a midsummer night. Abraxas had no idea where he was. He narrowed his eyes trying to be able to cut through the surrounding darkness. It's color or lack thereof seemed to suffocate him. Abraxas was used to the vibrancy of life around him. The sharp hues of the sunlight around him to the heartbeats of living beings. It was disconcerting to him that everything was so, dead. There was no color, there was no sound, and there was no life.
All Abraxas could see and feel was the suffocating darkness. Like the sky itself was bearing down upon him. Wanting to crush his very existence. There was nothing around him and no sound could be heard. That was until a soft voice whispered from behind him. The whisper was to soft for him to hear and then it came again from behind him. No, that wasn't right. It wasn't behind him, it was around him. The voice seemed to circle around him, like a shark that had just found its prey and was slowly circling it. Waiting to strike when he least expected it, which was disconcerting to him because he was usually the predator not the prey.
It came again whispering across his ear like an errant wind. "Darkness is a strange substance isn't it?" the voice asked with a voice like silk, though before Abraxas could respond it continued. "Like ice it has three states solid, liquid, and gas, but with a twist. Since it is a sort of mystical material, it doesn't fall under the laws of science, only able to change states by the user. In solid form its almost completely black aside from a very tiny shade of red at its centre, like a candle in the dark, when a non-user touches it its like getting winded, if hit by a sharp point it will penetrate and quickly infect. As a liquid its thick; sticky, and has a pungent smell of ink, it can act like quicksand or just plain coat and suffocate people. As a gas its quite strange it is able to pass through solid material with ease, suffocate, and eat away like acid. As a whole Darkness is an odd thing."
The voice finished its little monologue with a dark chuckle. The chuckle sent shivers down his spine. Finally Abraxas found his voice once again. "Why are you telling me this?"
The voice once again chuckled before answering. "Because dear boy it may just save your life. I wouldn't want you dying before I have a chance of enacting my plan now would I?" the voice said with mock confusion, though his words caused his heart to freeze. Horror spread across his heart like a wild fire.
With a quivering voice, Abraxas spoke. "Why would you want to kill me? I have done nothing to you," Abraxas shouted at the surrounding darkness. Only to be met with a dark chuckle, although this time it had no humor behind it.
"Dear boy you're entire existence is what you have done to me, but no matter you will find out soon enough why it's best that you look into shadows instead of through. Have a good dream, Abraxas or should I say Harry?" the voice asked with a dark laugh, the type that sent shivers down the spines of any that heard it. It held absolutely no emotion expect for a deep greed and coldness. The likes that Abraxas had never heard before.
Though before Abraxas could say or do anything. An explosion of colors surrounded him and after being surrounded by darkness for so long. It nearly blinded him. Though before the light truly enveloped him, the voice once again spoke.
"Remember Harry, not everything is as it seems and not everyone is who they say they are. When you feel lost look to the darkness and it will guide you to where you need to go."
Then there was nothing.
"HARRY!" the shout came out of nowhere and instinctively Abraxas shot up and wrapped his hand around someone's neck. Ready to defend himself if necessary. Though he quickly saw that it was not needed because it was just Viktor. Abraxas immediately released his best friend, who immediately shot back coughing.
"Sorry, you startled me," Abraxas said with a small smile. After the events of the previous night, Abraxas was allowed to sleep with the Durmstang students. At least until he was sorted into his house. Abraxas on his part felt bad that he was lying to his best friend but it was necessary for the time being. Hopefully soon enough Abraxas would be able to tell him and Hermione.
Viktor's voice startled him out of his musings. "It's quite alright I understand why you did it. Though hopefully it doesn't become a habit," Viktor said with a rueful smile.
Abraxas smiled back before a frown etched across his features. "So why did you wake me up?"
"Dumbledore wanted to see you, he said that he could sort you today. Which I don't know what that honestly means, but good luck to you all the same," Viktor said with another grin and with a pang Abraxas realized that Viktor didn't see him as his best friend any more. Just as a fourteen year old who had been tossed into the mix.
Abraxas immediately got up and nodded. "Thank you for waking me, and thank you for taking me in. Though I thought all Durmstang students had a roommate?"
"Oh, we do but mine needed to head off to do something for our Highmaster. He should be back by the first task though," Viktor said with a grin his eyes sparkling, and Abraxas knew he would have to tell his best friend sooner rather than later. If not for Viktor than his peace of mind of being two people at once.
"Well hopefully I'll get to meet him. Again thank you so much and I hope I see you around," Abraxas said with a grin as he of left the room and soon after the ship. Abraxas made quick work of the trek to Dumbledore's office. He couldn't help but let a little part of himself be excited about getting sorted. Soon enough Abraxas was standing in front of Dumbledore's desk waiting for him.
"There you m'boy, I was hoping you would get here before breakfast," Dumbledore said appearing suddenly in front of him.
"I'm not one for lateness sir," Abraxas said with a smile.
"No you aren't are you," Dumbledore said with the familiar twinkle in his eyes. "Now to the task at hand, the sorting. All you have to do is put on the hat, and he will do the rest for you."
Abraxas looked to where Dumbledore was gesturing and saw an old, battered hat. Though Abraxas knew first hand that looks could be deceiving. So he wouldn't put it past the hat or Dumbledore to try and trick the general populace by its appearance. Abraxas gently grabbed the hat and sat down into an available seat. He stared at it for a moment before putting it on.
Abraxas closed his eyes and briefly remembered his dream as darkness washed over him. Soon enough just like in his dream a voice whispered to him.
"So Harry Potter finally decides to join Hogwarts after all this time. Or should I call you Abraxas?"
Immediately Abraxas stiffened before the hat let loose a warm chuckle. Much unlike the one in his dream. "Oh don't you worry my boy, I can't and won't reveal your secrets. For they are for you to distribute not me. Not to the bigger question where shall I put you?"
Abraxas mind flashed to all the tables he remembered. From the red and gold table that was too loud for their own good. To the silver and green table that was too arrogant for their own good. The only two tables he would want to be in was the bronze and gold table or the silver and blue. He faintly remembered the two being called Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. Although he had heard that Cedric Diggory was in Hufflepuff, which would give them an unfair advantage. Though it could also boost their self esteem to a whole new light. However Abraxas really couldn't choose between the two.
"How very interesting, I have only met one other mind like yours in complexity. He was the one in fact to give you that scar," the hat said in a soft voice and Abraxas immediately felt a growl work its way up his throat. Before he squashed it down. "I understand that Voldemort is a touchy subject for your but it is the truth, and you shouldn't hide from the truth. It will only hurt you more in the end. Now I can see in your mind that you favor Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw more so than Gryffindor and Slytherin. All for good reasons as you share all the characteristics for each house. You are loyal to one's that earn your trust. You are ambitious to help the ones you love and you are very clever in being able to do just that. You are very brave and courageous, you are also very intelligent and hard-working. So once again where to put you?"
Abraxas felt as if his heart was about to burst with anticipation. However he knew which house he truly belonged in and his suspicions were proven correct, when the hat shouted out.
A/N: Hey everyone! I hope you liked the chapter and I'm sorry it's so short. However I promise next chapter will be filled with a lot of action packed things. I also hope you like the house I chose for Abraxas. Sorry if it disappoints you. I am also republishing another story of mine due to requests, if you have a preference just comment the name of it or PM me.
Also yes I know Harry or rather Abraxas is a Durmstang student, but Hogwarts has a claim on Harry Potter. I know it's sort of confusing and weird like I said in the first authors note. However, everything will be explained in the next chapter.
I was also wondering if I should get a tumblr or something like it so we can communicate easier.
Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter.
Sorry for all the misspelled/missing words.
Love you guys!
- ShakespearePoet101