A/N: This is the last chapter and as always I didn't see it coming. I never do, these stories start and end themselves and write themselves too, I hope every one enjoyed this. This story is special to me. It made me brave, when I was beaten down by people and writing it proved a point to myself that I really needed. Thank you for reading and let me know what you think.
Jamie hadn't been expecting this at all and she was speechless with tears falling down her face, but she nodded her head and he slipped the ring on her finger. Then they were hugging and the noise from the room as everyone rang in the New Year was back but it was like it was all for them.
He didn't have any pretty words for her he just kissed her and that was all the communication they needed. Before he met her his life was a disaster and he knew her's was just the same, but together they made it a Beautiful Disaster, like that song she loved so much.
She had opened his world up, with her music, with her love of art and with just who she was. He had brought to her real love and a family that she had wanted for so long, he gave her a place to belong. A place where she was wanted.
Merle thought they would fix each other and he had been right. There was an old saying about soulmates. People were two halves of one part split up, always looking for that other part of themselves to be complete.
Some people never found that, but they had. A little over a year ago Merle walked into this bar to meet an online date, who never showed up. Donovan's was not his kind of place and he would never have gone there on his own. His date had chosen it and then chose not to show up.
A waitress named Jamie brought him drinks all night and listened to him bitch about women. She was a good sport and Merle liked her a lot. It was the start of their friend ship and that was the night Eric tried to attack her while Merle was smoking in the parking lot.
Merle came back night after night, getting to know the woman he was sure would someday be his sister in law.
Now she would be.
Sometimes you just had a feeling about a person and that was how it had been. She wasn't his type at all, but as he had said once, she had Daryl written all over her.
Jamie, Tara and Glenn all graduated that following June and Jamie was essentially living with her three men as she called them since New Year's. She had a job lined up at a nearby hospital and would take her NCLEX exam that summer.
Her days would be spent taking care of Michael and studying for the boards, and building her life with Daryl.
Tara and Glenn still had the apartment and Now Maggie and Alisha lived there too. They still saw Jamie at school and they remained close. Everything was changing yet it remained the same. Tara and Glenn both had jobs and would be commuting to Atlanta together and there was talk of the four of them moving there.
Now there were new people in all their lives but they were all an extended family that spent holidays together and kept in touch with each other.
If they moved that wouldn't change, Michael had a bunch of aunts and uncles who loved and wanted to see him. He had parents that loved him, the first few years of his life forgotten now. He flourished with Daddy and Mommy Jamie as he called her now.
They had a barbeque in the Dixon back yard to celebrate graduation, with Merle, Daryl and Glenn at the grill. The next day they were all going to Savannah and Daryl and Jamie were getting married on the beach. No shoes required.
It was almost exactly a year since his birthday when they first met, give or take a few months. If someone had told him then that he would have a wife and a child with in the year Daryl would have said they were crazy.
Yet here he was the happiest man on earth when before he had been the saddest.
Life had a funny way of working out and turning the biggest mess into something beautiful and worth having.
The End
A/N: Thank you for taking this journey with me and my OFC. I adore everyone who reads and leaves me love. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for that. Let me know what you think. The NCLEX is the licensing exam for nurses in the USA. There are several types of nurses in the US but we all have to sit for this exam, also called the state board exam. Soon I will be taking another one as I advance my degree in nursing. Pray for me, chant, light candles, burn sage, whatever it is that you do, please do it fir me and I will love you forever :) xoxoxoxoxo Krissy