"Tap, tap, tap."
The slumbering figure in the darkroom burrowed further beneath the covers.
Beyond frustrated Regina Mills kicked off her covers and leaped off her bed. She stormed across her room and wrenched open the window. The Great Gray Owl, who moments before had been tapping consistently at the glass, swooped in and landed upon her vanity. Regina glared at the bird who dared to wake her from her slumber.
Rather than give her the letter in its beak, the bird returned her glare. The Evil Queen arched her eyebrow and extended her hand for the letter in the owl's mouth. The owl continued to glare at her with its large amber eyes.
"Well, are you going to give me the letter or not?!"
The owl turned its gray head and ignored her. Regina scoffed in annoyance; the bird knew how to hold a grudge. The infernal creature, her aunt, had named Athena, had loathed her ever since it witnessed her and her aunt play fighting with magic. She had hit her aunt once. Once was enough for the damn bird to hate her. With a flick of her wrist, a bowl of water appeared before the bird. Regina snatched the letter as soon as the bird dropped it.
Her aunt's elegant writing appeared automatically as Regina tore open the letter.
"Dear Regina,
I hope you are faring well and are in the best of health. I'm aware we haven't exchanged correspondence in a while, but it's not because I don't wish to so. Things are not well in Hogwarts, not well at all. The Ministry of Magic is interfering with the children and the school. I am helpless against their interference. I won't deny my involvement in certain mishaps in their plans, but I can't confront them head-on. Albus has warned me enough times to keep my head down. It goes against everything I believe in. Don't even get me started on the wretched toad … Dolores Jane Umbridge who dares to call herself a professor!
The predicament I am in today is due to my inability to remain silent against those who would do me harm. The toad and other members of the ministry were attacking Rubeus Hagrid. I couldn't stand by and allow them to harm an unarmed man so that I may have acted rather impulsively. Or so I've been told. Hagrid managed to escape, but I was shot down by four stunners before I could draw my wand. Against my will, I have been confined in St Mungos.
I will understand if you can't, but I need you to take over my classes until I recover or when they free me from this dreadful prison. I'm worried who the ministry will put in my place. Dolores has done enough harm. My class was the only class the children were safe in. The other professors are too closely watched. I know if you take my place the children will be safe, perhaps a bit terrified of you but no less than they were of me. Don't doubt your capabilities, Regina. No matter how evil you believe yourself to be, I know you are capable of being good.
If you are unable to aid me, please don't respond. This letter was dangerous as it is. If you agree, I'll send you a port key.
Minerva McGonagall"
Athena watched with curious eyes as the arrogant woman her familiar seemed fond of paced her large room.
When Regina was younger, her mother allowed her to spend two weeks of the entire summer with her aunt. It was the nicest gesture her mother had ever made towards her. Regina didn't understand until later why Cora allowed her to spend time with her hated estranged sister. Cora needed Regina out of the way so she could place her plans into action. Regina loved spending time with Minerva; she was everything her mother was not. Minerva never failed to write to her not even when her mother stopped her trips when she turned eleven. She had been devastated of course, but no one crossed Cora.
Regina paused in her steps. How could she even think of saying no to her aunt? Minerva needed her, and she wasn't going to deny her help.
Regina grabbed a paper and wrote, "See you soon."
Cramming the small note into an envelope, she placed it before Athena. Regina was glad when Athena swooped off with the letter without fussing.
Raising her hands, various objects from around the room packed themselves neatly into her large suitcase. While her things packed themselves, she penned a letter to her son Henry. She knew he was in good hands, especially since he spent all his time with Emma now.
She would miss him dreadfully, but this was something she had to do. The second letter was for the nauseatingly sweet Snow white. She would need to replace her as Mayor while she was on temporary leave.