Me: XLoveanimeX is back! Honestly I'm trying my best to upload my stories as soon as possible. My summer vacation is ending soon! NOO!
Atemu: I'm so glad to be this story!
Yami: Where is Yugi?
Me: In the closet, hiding from you guys.
Atemu&Yami: *Licks* Thank you for telling us.
Me: Sadists. Anyways, I do not own anything! Just my plot for stories!
Yami, Yugi, and Atemu have been a couple for about 2 years. Atemu and Yami worked in their company both are CEO's of the Akiyama company. Yugi Motou worked at the Kaiba Corporations company as a game tester.
Yugi sighed and stretch is arms in their bed, suddenly he felt nauseous, he ran to the bathroom and threw up. He came out and looked around not seeing his two lovers In the room. 'It's been like this for about three months, they would leave early and come home late. Maybe there's been a lot going on in their company.
It was Yugi's day off from work, so he decided to get up and do something instead of sitting around. The phone rang and the smaller one ran to pick it up.
"Yes?" Yugi answered the phone.
"Hey Yug!" Jou's voice was heard at the other line.m
"Jou! What's going on?" He asks.
"Nothing much. You wanna hang out with Mokuba and me? We're pretty bored here without Seto."
"Sure!" Yugi then hanged up and went upstairs to get ready. The doorbell rang. "Coming!" The hikari yelled and opened the door.
Jou smiled and Mokuba was smiling even bigger, "Yugi!" Mokuba says with excitement.
The three got ready and left the house.
Jou and Mokuba were sitting in the fast food restaurant talking, while Yugi went to the bathroom.
Suddenly Jou saw Yami and Atemu with two familiar looking women. He grew angry, the two are cheating on Yugi with Anzu and Vivian.
"Jou?" Mokuba asks with a worried look.
"Wait here Mokuba." He replies and went out of the fastfood.
Jou went up to Yami and Atemu who are waiting for Tea and Vivian to come out of the bathroom.
"Damn cheating bags!" Jou shouted and punched them both, making them fall tot the ground.
"Ow! Jou what's your problem!" Yami and Atemu asks as they got off the floor.
"My problem is you guys! How dare you cheat on Yugi!" He said rather harshly.
"Sorry Jou, but we couldn't help but fall in love with them." Yami replies.
"Sorry?! Couldn't help it?! You guys are sick! Regret the fact I was your friend! You're going to hurt Yugi!" Was the last thing he said and left them.
The two look to the ground, feeling a bit guilty.
Yugi threw up again in the toilet, 'I better check with my doctor next week. I hope it's not a anything bad.' He thought and came out of the stall. He went to the sink and rinsed his mouth to get rid of that foul stench.
Yugi came out and went back to his table. He looked at his best friend who had an angry look on his face. "What's wrong?" He asks worriedly.
"Nothing Yug." He replies as he at his burger.
"Mokuba, what's going on?" Yugi turns to Mokuba. The young boy shrugs and told he doesn't know.
"Yug, have you notice that your lovers are always leaving you?" Jou asks.
The hikari thought for awhile, "Yea, but I bet it's because of their work." He replies.
The taller one sighed, "What if they're cheating on you?" He asks with a concern voice.
Yugi giggled and shook his head, "I highly doubt that." He responds.
Suddenly the air felt tense and Mokuba was getting really uncomfortable, "Um..Jou, Yugi, why don't we go to the arcade?" He asks the two.
They both smiled and nodded.
~One Week Later~
Yugi was waiting patiently for the nurse to call him in.
"Yugi Motou?" The nurse calls.
"Yes?" He spoke to her.
"Please follow me to Dr. Yuki." She said and led Yugi to the room.
The smaller one got up and enetered the room with the nurse. The nurse than left the room.
"Great to see you !" The doctor exclaimed. is the Motou's family doctor and has taken a great liking to Yugi.
Yugi smiled, "Nice to see you too and please call me Yugi." He replies.
"So what seems to be the problem?" She asks.
"I've been feeling nauseous for awhile and sometimes I would get all restless, along with a small feverish feeling." He told her about his condition.
She nodded, "I will take a blood test from you and give you the results in one hour." Dr. Yuki then took Yugi's blood and left the room.
Exactly in one hour she came back.
"As suspected." She smiled at Yugi.
"Is there something wrong?" The little one asks.
Te doctor shook her head and gave him the results on the paper she held.
Yugi's eyes widen, "How can this be?" he mumbles.
"I'm not sure, but maybe something has grown inside you that can make you pregnant. I call the gift of Ra." she replies. "Now go and tell your lovers the good news. Oh, meet with me next week on saturday at 1:00pm in the afternoon." the doctor added as Yugi left the room with her.
Yugi opened the door to their house, only to reveal not a happy sight. His former friends Tea and Vivian were there sitting next to his lovers. Atemu and Yami are smiling at them, kissing them on the cheek. Yugi is so shocked and dropped his bag on the floor.
Atemu and Yami jerked their heads towards the door. They panicked to see Yugi standing there. They both quickly got up and went towards him.
"Yugi this is a misunderstanding!" Atemu and Yami both said.
"A misunderstanding? Oh I understand enough! Jou was right when he question about you two! You two have been cheating on me for three months!" Yugi shouted.
Atem and Yami are shocked at this. Yugi never shouted before.
"Aibou-." Yami started
"Hika-." Atem also started.
"You two don't have the right to call me that!" he said harshly, Yugi stomped past them as he picked up his bag and went striaght to their bedroom.
Tea and Vivian snickered quietly at wining the two former spirits hearts. They told Atem and Yami that they have to go. They nodded led them out the door.
Yugi opened the closet and started packing. He broke the puzzle to break contact with his lovers and stuffed it in his bag. He carries his bag over his shoulder and carried a duffle bag in his left hand.
Yami and Atem silently watched Yugi leave. They felt guilty, but they didn't love their little one anymore. Well, that's what they thought.
"I regret the fact that I fell in love with two jerks." the smaller of the two said harsh and cold at them and left the house. When Yugi was out, he threw the key in the grass.
The doorbell to Seto's house rang. Jou got up and answered the door, leaving Ryou, Malik and Mokuba to play.
"Ye-?" The taller one was cut off as he was hugged tighly.
"You're right Jou! I should have trusted you!" Yugi cried in his shirt.
Jou offered to let him in. Yugi's life is just changing.
Me: Prologue check! Next is chapter one!
Jou: Why is prologue so sad?
Me: *Sighs* Jou you will understand if you're an author.
Jou: Fine.
Me: Thank you for reading and please review!