Heyo! I got a request from TwolegWarrior- me turning into a warrior. Human-Cherrystone, part 1. Woo!

So for my name, I'm going to use Apple. This is not my real name (starts with the same letter though!), and it's a fruit. Cherry, Apple. And my brother's name is not Marcus- if I spell it Markus, sorry. He's a character in a story I was trying to write on my hiatus.

As I said in All My Updates, I am still recovering from my hiatus and my writing skills for Warriors aren't that good. Nevertheless, enjoy!


Why do we live all the way at the top of the hill?

Apple stopped for a moment to catch her breath. Her feet were cold and shaking from hitting the pavement so hard. Behind her, her brother, Marcus cried, "Apple, hurry up! The bus should arrive in a few minutes!"

Apple groaned and started walking again. The cool morning air whipped her hair around her face, strands flapping obnoxiously. She tucked some behind an ear and tugged her backpack up. Marcus raced past her, soles of his shoes slapping loudly on the concrete. "Apple, the bus is here! I can hear its brakes!"

Sure enough, the long yellow vehicle was rolling down the road, huffing and groaning as it pulled to a stop at the end of the hill. Marcus was already climbing aboard, glancing back for just a moment to see what his sister was doing.

Apple sighed and willed her legs to move a bit faster. Soon she was almost falling forward, her heavy backpack propelling her toward the waiting bus. The driveway on the other side of the road was empty, so she ran to get on the bus.


There was the screech of tires on pavement, a swearword screamed, and then she hit the pavement. There was so much pain in her back and legs. Something warm and sticky was pooling around her head, seeping into the cracks of the road. Marcus was screaming loudly, someone was shaking her shoulders angrily, and it hurt so much.

Apple sighed and let her mind fall.

"Hey, what's this?"

A deep voice rang in Apple's ears. She groaned and started to sit up, only to be pushed down by what felt like... a paw?

"Who are you?"

"Sparrowwing, go easy on her! She looks like she's only two or three moons old. We can take her to Redspot, and she can care for her with Mountainkit and Swankit!"

Apple blinked open her eyes. She was laying among wildflowers, and there was a large brown object near her nose. She reached out a hand to push it away and let out a cry of surprise when a silver paw moved into her line of vision.

"Oh!" A black face appeared in front of her. "Hi, I'm Nightspot of ShadowClan! What's your name?"

Nightspot? ShadowClan? What is this dream?

"I-I'm Apple," she mumbled, sitting up clumsily and examining herself. She was a cat now, silver with black tabby markings. Huh. This is cool, and sort of weird.

"Okay, Apple," Nightspot meowed cheerfully. "We're going to take you back to camp, okay? So Featherfur and Splashmint can take a look at that nasty scratch on your flank and you can talk to Skystar."

"Uh, okay," Apple replied, trying to stand. Her back legs trembled and she fell into a sitting position, paws poking out awkwardly.

"I'll help you," the gruff voice, Sparrowwing, muttered. Something grabbed the back of her neck and then she was dangling six inches off the ground. It was surprisingly comfortable.

Nightspot shot off, and then Sparrowwing was racing through trees faster than Apple could comprehend. Soon they emerged into a hollow, surrounded by dark pines and filled with cats. One, a muscular blue-gray male, trotted over. "Who is this, Sparrowwing?" he asked, authority apparent in his voice.

Nightspot lifted her chin. "This is Apple, Skystar," she chirped. "We found her near the ThunderClan border. There's a bad scrape on her side."

Skystar dipped his head, tail twitching. "Take her to Featherfur, then bring her to me," he ordered.

Apple shivered as Sparrowwing padded away, toward a comfy-looking fern den. A silver head poked out, complete with the most beautiful blue eyes Apple had ever seen.

"A kit!" the cat cried, bounding out to take her from the tom. "And injured too. Splashmint, get comfrey and cobwebs!"

"Hurry," Sparrowwing warned. "Skystar wants to speak with her."

The cat nodded, Apple swaying precariously in her jaws. "I'll try my best."

A young pale gray female padded out, a bunch of green leaves in her mouth and cobweb stuck to her chest. "What?" she exclaimed, the herbs (they smelled different, Apple noticed) flying out of her mouth. "Who are you!"

"Calm down, Splashmint," the silver cat scolded. "Now pick up the comfrey and show me how to treat this young kit's wound."

"Yes, Featherfur," Splashmint murmured. Apple felt some sympathy for the cat- her mother was often like Featherfur. A minute later, something warm and wet landed on her flank.

"Ow ow ow!" she cried, squirming. Splashmint held her down. "It hurts for a moment, then goes away," she soothed. "I'm going to put cobwebs on to stop any bleeding and keep the comfrey in place. Ready?"

Apple nodded, prepared for more pain, but only felt a tightening sensation on her side. She stood and stretched, testing the bandage. It held.

"Alright," Featherfur mewed. "I'll escort you to Skystar."

Apple felt nervous as she crossed the clearing. A few cats were lounging outside bramble structures, either eating (Ew! Is that tabby chewing on a frog?!) or staring. Finally, Featherfur crouched beside a massive pine tree. "Get on my back, and hang on really tight," she instructed. Apple did so, and the female began to climb.

It was terrifying. With every movement, it felt like they were going to fall to the ground, five or six feet below, and getting farther and farther away.

Finally, around fourteen feet up, Featherfur clambered onto a thick branch. In the trunk, Apple could see a large hole, covered partially by a lichen curtain, and beyond that a blue-gray pelt.

"Come on, both of you," Skystar meowed, and they entered. Apple gasped.

The floor, spiky wood, was coated with thick moss. The walls were smooth and covered in clawmarks. Skystar was lounging near the back, stretched out lazily.

"So your name is Apple?"


"Well, do you want to join our Clan?"

Apple frowned. This is a really detailed dream. "Um, sure?"

Skystar narrowed his eyes. "Are you sure? You'll have to protect, serve, and cooperate with every cat in ShadowClan if you join."


Featherfur took a deep breath. "Then I guess she'll be staying with Redspot and her kits?"

"Yes. I'll name and welcome her to the Clan now. Move."

Skystar brushed past the she-cat and stepped onto the branch. Apple crept out after him, trying her hardest not to look down.

"ShadowClan, gather under the Tallpine to hear my words!"

The cats eating stood and dashed to get a good spot. Nine kittens swarmed from a large hazel bush and sat together near a pile of dead animals. A brown and ginger tabby with blue eyes was the only one really paying attention.

"Cats of ShadowClan," Skystar began, voice echoing through the pines. "I am here to welcome a new member to our group. She is three moons old, and her name is Apple."

Apple grimaced as every cat's eyes moved to her. An old-looking ginger female cried, "But I'm Applefur! She can't be an Apple too!"

Skystar nodded. "I know. Which is why I would like you to treat Cherrykit like a born Clan cat. Thank you."

A black and reddish she-cat stood. "I will take care of her, Skystar."

Cherrykit swallowed nervously as two of the kittens whipped around to stare at her. "So she's our sister now?" a silver and red tom asked loudly. The she-cat nodded. "Yes, Mountainkit. She is."

What kind of dream is this? Cherrykit thought in dismay as Featherfur carried her down the tree. When am I going to wake up?

end of part one