Please review! This story is definitely going to be different, but it's a sequel to Forged.

Elliot placed the last box down before looking around the overcrowded brownstone he just purchased with his wife. Although he would miss the simple life of Queens, it would be nice to sleep in an extra thirty minutes that would usually be spent on the road just commuting to the city. It had been five years since he and Olivia had lived in the city. After transferring out of SVU to go to Cold Cases, there were no more late night calls to go to crime scenes. If there ended up being one, they wouldn't know about it until the MO popped up matching one of their old cases.

"Elliot, baby, is everything inside?" Olivia asked as she walked out of the kitchen, squeezing in between two piles of boxes.

"Yeah, I just brought in the last box." Elliot said before helping his wife step over the clutter on the floor. "I already miss Queens. I miss our big backyard with the trampoline."

Olivia chuckled and kissed him softly. "Get over it, El. There's already a family living in it with twin girls on the way." She patted his chest before looking for another box marked kitchen. "Besides, I thought you were looking forward to living in the city again. We did this for our kids, you know?"

Elliot smiled lightly thinking of their two biological children. He was happy that Olivia considered all of his kids her kids, but he knew she was only referring to their youngest two at the moment. With Jamie in high school and Allen in Elementary school, the kids were getting more involved with their schools in the city than just worrying about how much time they could play in the backyard. "Yeah, I know we did. We could've just bought them an apartment and come get them on weekends."

"Ha! You could not part with Jamie for that long, especially if you knew that she would have more chances to have boys over here with no supervision." Olivia smirked before picking up a box. "Will you start organizing the living room please? I have the kids doing their rooms since they start school in a couple of days. I don't want them to be completely stressed before they get their first assignments for the year."

"Yeah, I can do that. I'm assuming that Jamie has the family room so she can organize the room to look like a home movie theater." Elliot inquired as he started moving boxes marked for the living room.

Olivia called from the kitchen. "You'd be correct. She already started moving those boxes upstairs. That's basically her hideout during football season." She grabbed her phone from her pocket and groaned seeing a text message from their supervisor. "Results came back on that new lead we had, dead end."

"Damn it! I thought we had something there." Elliot sighed before looking at his own phone, seeing the same message. "We'll have to go back to Harrow's statement. Maybe we missed something there. We're making slow progress. That's what we have to keep telling ourselves."

"I guess. Yeah, we have made progress." Olivia agreed. It was the one drag of working cold cases. Some cases were too cold to investigate. Most of the people were either dead or knew nothing. The one they were working was fifteen years old with no witnesses. The main suspect was a lucrative business man that seemed to be in a new city every time they tracked him down. After being questioned by the police back when he was first a suspect, he spun it off in the newspapers to make him look like the victim. The business became popular after that, allowing him to move from city to city and start new every time. "I don't know where he would go next. He's already hit every place on the east coast."

"We'll just have to dig deeper into his friends and family. Maybe he has a place we don't know about. We'll figure it out, babe. Let's just focus on moving today and get this situated out tomorrow." Elliot said kissing Olivia's forehead. He smiled lightly at her. "When you are trying to think things over, you over think and I can't get on the same brain wave. Besides, I need you clear headed tonight."

Olivia smirked up at him. "What do you have planned?"

Elliot kissed her nose before they heard Allen call for Olivia. "I guess you'll find out later."

"I will torture you if I have to." Olivia rolled her eyes with a grin before cupping him through his shorts. He groaned as his eyes closed. "I will be back for you later."

"You promise?" Elliot asked with a smile as he watched her ascend the stairs. She grinned over her shoulder at him before she disappeared down the upstairs hallway.

Olivia walked into her son's room to find him playing with the light switch, but the light wasn't turning on. "Did the light bulb burn out?"

Allen nodded his head and pointed towards the glass covered ceiling light. "Yeah, I turned it on, but then it just went out a second later." He ran over to his bookcase and pointed to it. "But, I got all my books put away, and I made my bed."

"That's good, bud. How about we go find Daddy's ladder and a new light bulb? We can fix the light quick." Olivia suggested before walking out of the room behind her son. "El, baby, where's your ladder?" She asked rounding the corner to look down at her husband in the foyer. Allen bounded to the bottom of the stairs and started rifling through boxes looking for a light bulb.

"Jamie has it in the family room. She's putting up her hanging chair that Alex and John bought her." Elliot said pulling out pieces of wood to the entertainment center. When he accidentally hit the glass window, he jumped from the noise. "Holy shit!"

"Elliot!" Olivia groaned covering her face.

Allen started giggling as he climbed the stairs with a boxed light bulb. "Daddy said shit!"

Elliot put the wood down and hurried over to the window. "We're okay! Nothing broke."

"Oh God!" Olivia sighed before walking towards the family room to get the ladder. When she entered the room, she found her daughter rearranging blankets and pillows on the different pieces of furniture. Her hanging chair was hung in the corner where the movie case was. "Hey girly," Jamie looked up at her, her brown hair slipping down her shoulder, "are you done with the ladder?"

Jamie smiled and grabbed the ladder that was laying on the floor behind her. "Yeah, go crazy." She started going through another stack of boxes, pulling out photographs from the previous years, some of them had hung in the house where Elliot lived with Kathy. But luckily, the pictures were only of Elliot and his kids. Kathy didn't even take the pictures. She didn't notice how long she had been standing there until Jamie looked up at her. "Mom, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I was just thinking." Olivia said with a nod before kissing her head. "I love you, Jamie."

"I love you too, Mom." Jamie replied before her mother hugged her. "You were thinking about Kathy again, weren't you?"

Olivia nodded her head and breathed out. "Yeah, it's hard not to. What she did was..."

"Crazy." Jamie said finishing her mother's sentence. "She won't be out of prison for a long, long time. I'm surprised that she didn't get more time the more I look at the facts. The clinic could've pressed charges against her. It's hard to believe that I came out of all that drama."

Olivia kissed her head and cupped her face in her hands. "I'm glad you did though."

"Me too." Jamie grinned before they both heard a crash.

"Dad did it!" Allen yelled throughout the house. Both girls chuckled before going to find what was broken.

Captain Royce was a different kind of cop. He was your traditional captain by any means. He joined his officers for drinks after work and held poker parties after every case that was closed from their files, which was seldom. He had thick graying hair and a thin layer of scruff around his chin and mouth. He had been working the cold case squad ever since his wife's murder had gone cold. He spent most of his off time looking over every inch of the gruesome murder and had a viable suspect who he believed was the culprit. A man by the name of Wayne Chester. He was a nomad, a wanderer, of one of the most spread out motorcycle gangs out there. They had charters in England, Germany, Italy, and the US. Chester had spent the past twenty years living in Manhattan. Royce knew that the murder weapon, a fairly large knife, belonged to Chester. He had lived in the apartment below theirs and carried that knife with him everywhere in the building. After the murder, he never saw the knife on Chester again. But, the cops couldn't prove that the knife belonged to him.

Royce walked into the quiet squad room of the cold case unit from his office, heading directly to Elliot and Olivia's desks. "Hey guys, I have a request for you. I understand if you don't want to accept, but I would really appreciate the help with this one."

"Yeah, what is it?" Elliot asked before Royce handed two copies of the file over to them.

"It's my wife's murder." Royce said. Those four words alone made their backs a little straighter, their attention a little more focused, and their thoughts a little more weary. "My main suspect just up and moved to a little town called Charming. It's over in California."

Olivia looked at the file. "There's no charter there though."

Royce nodded his head. "I know, but there is a charter there for another club. Sons of Anarchy. They have been selling guns for more than twenty years, and I have a feeling he is the pick up man for the drop they are doing. It's gotta be big if they are calling in the nomads."

"So, what? You want us to bust two motorcycle gangs." Elliot asked with wide eyes.

"No, I just want to bust up the one that Chester is apart of. I don't even want the club, I just want Chester. Sons of Anarchy is being watched by the Charming PD. They know about the guns, but choose to be quiet about it since they keep the town safe from the neighboring clubs. It's a jungle over there, but I want Chester."

Olivia looked over the file and saw the list of names for the charter of Sons of Anarchy. The list wasn't that long, but some of them had the same last names. "They really are family over there."

Royce nodded his head. "Sons of Anarchy was started by a man named John Teller. He died about eleven years ago. He had two sons from one Gemma Teller, now Gemma Teller-Morrow. She married the club's new president, Clay Morrow, after her husband died. The two sons are Jackson and Thomas. Thomas died shortly before John from a born heart defect that runs in the family. Jackson, their other son, is seventeen now and is the heir to the thrown when Clay dies or leaves the club."

"This Gemma girl, she must've been young when she had her kids." Elliot said looking at Gemma's page of credentials. She had a rap sheet for assault and battery of an officer.

"She was eighteen when she had her son Jackson. She's had a rough life. That's for sure." Royce agreed already knowing the club's story by heart.

Olivia closed the file and dropped it onto her desk in front of her. "So, what do you want from us?"

"Well, you guys are great at this! You guys work fantastically together out in the field, and I was wondering if you could do some undercover work for me." Royce saw they were about to refuse, so he continued. "I'd be going with you. I just need you to act like newcomers to the town. I will be working with the Sheriff over there. I'll come to check up on you and see what you can come up with. I talked to ATF; they have been over there to spy on the Sons. They said that the club protects the town and its people. With you guys as newbies there, you'll be welcomed by the club."

"I don't know, Royce. I mean we just moved into our house. And, we have Jamie and Allen. We can't just leave them right when school is starting." Elliot said scratching the back of his head. He could tell by the look on Olivia's face that she agreed with them. They loved assignments like this, but the timing was terrible.

Royce smiled as a small blush came to his cheeks. "I checked over there to look at schools. The school is willing to take in Jamie and Allen on the short notice. School over there doesn't start for another few days. So, we can get out there and get settled before they have to go to school. Sorry if I overstepped my boundaries."

Olivia shook her head. "No, we're happy you did that. It gives us more to bring to the table."

Elliot shrugged. "Allen is already sick of his friends right now at school."

"And, Jamie has always wanted to go to California." Olivia smirked before looking up at Royce. "When do we leave?"

Please review! Love you guys!