RWBY: Grey

The Prologue to the Prologues

Hello, all! This is a little thing I wanted to put together while I was writing the remake of RWBY:Grey. A lot has happened in the time since I last uploaded anything on FF. I graduated, got married, and became a parent; all things that I thought I'd be doing quite a bit later in life than I did. Because of the rush of big moments in my life, I've had precious little time to focus on writing, and the time I did have was dedicated to my own original works, rather than fan works.

Now however, with the onset of a world-ending epidemic, I've got a lot of time on my hands, and I've been getting the itch to return to fan works. With that in mind, my most popular series seemed to be a good place to start. Looking back over my old work makes me cringe in ways I didn't think possible, but, in the same vein, it makes me proud to think about just how much I've progressed as a writer. I truly hope you enjoy the remake of this story, and agree that it's far better of a product than it's predecessor.

On to the sticky bit, as it were. I had actually made plans to revive this particular story back in late January. Some of you will notice that the summary changed around then, and it reflects the original story I wanted to write. Here, four months into the future, things have changed, and I'd found myself at an impasse.

See, the GREY in RWBY:Grey was meant to reflect the last name of the male oc that this story focused on, Drake Greymoor, and it still does. However, unlike the original, the Greymoor of this new story isn't a character that was born and raised in Remnant, but one that is brought to it by providence. (This will be expanded upon later in the story, but I'm leaving it intentionally vague as to not spoil anything that'll be revealed much later into the fic.)

Because I decided to change the origins of the main character, I was greeted with a fantastic possibility: Why not bring the main character from one of my original stories over to this world to function as the main character for this one? (This might seem strange, but, without spoiling anything, it actually makes a lot of sense in regards to how my characters work.)

With that thought in mind, I pondered over which story's Drake to bring into Remnant. Given how I want this story to play out, I was left with two options: I could bring over the Drake from The Lord of Slaughter. This Drake is jovial, handsome, and flirtatious, yet struggles with his emotional state rather frequently. The other is the Drake from I, Eldritch. This Drake is combative, scheming, and incredibly deceptive, and has a rather nasty quirk that makes him dark, and fun, to write.

Trying to choose between the two of them was the impasse I was talking about.

Man, let me tell you, I struggled with this decision for a while. As you can probably tell, based on the simple explanation of the characters, the choice would basically set the tone for the entire fic, so I couldn't just throw one in without thinking about it.

Then, on my birthday, I'm sitting on the couch, holding my sleepy daughter in my lap, when it hits me: Why the fuck am I limiting myself to one character? Why don't I just do both? I can stick to one version of the story, then switch over to the other if I start to burn out. I was astounded by my own brilliance!

So, that's the plan, and, really, the whole purpose of this upload in general: to give you guys and gals an idea of what's coming. I'll be uploading my Interjection series, which covers the events of the trailers, first. This will introduce you to the companions that each Drake is bringing with them to Remnant, and show you what they do, and who they are.

As for the big question of "when", I'm not comfortable giving a set date. As of writing this, I've already started the Interjection: Red chapter, so I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up finishing it within the week.

I hope this gives you all a little something to look forward to in this rather dreary moment in our lives, and I can't wait to see what everyone thinks when it gets here.