
I had worked so hard to get into this college and all my effort had paid off. I did great in school and I got a lot of scholarships and managed to get accepted to Athens University in San Diego. (Made up colleges don't try and google it) only one thing worried me more than anything about going to college we'll make that two things. First was having to deal with people and the second was my sexuality. I'm gay no secret about that. I know people are very accepting but I also know there are a lot of assholes everywhere and with my luck I'll end up rooming with one.

Turns out I lucked out on roommates. I ended up with a guy named Beckendorf. He was a brilliant mechanic and was training to be a Nuclear Engineer a job that requires a lot of knowledge and time. He could tell I was gay right away. Maybe it was the secret posters of Nick Jonas and Justin Bieber I had hidden away or my lowkey obsession with Lady Gaga but whatever it was he caught and was cool with it and as a matter of fact his girlfriend, Silena, was ecstatic. The day he told her she ran in and tackled me.

"Oh Nico I'm so happy you trusted Me enough to let me know." She squeezed the life out of me and for the next two hits we scrolled through tumblr looking at pictures of naked guys and gay porn gifs. Beckendorf left halfway through it to go study in the other room. We both giggled and continued scrolling. She and I grew close and she tried and failed many times to hook me up with guys at the college. Until one day we were at the cafe and a guy caught my eye. He had straight brown hair a little bit longer then mine and had well defined muscles. From across the room I could see his bright beautiful green eyes, his chiseled abs through his Save the Whales t shirt, his well shaped face and jaw and oh god his bulge through his blue Swim suit. I was practically drooling at the sight of him. Silena glanced over at him and squealed quietly to herself.

"Do you like him! Oh my god you do! Ok his name is Percy and he is the head of one of the Fraternities on Campus-"

"No I groaned to myself. Not a fraternity..."


"If he's in a fraternity he's straight ask if he's In a Fraternity he's also an enormous douche bag." I couldn't help but stare at him a little more as he stood by the counter swiping through his phone he looked up and saw me staring. I froze and blushed unable to look away. He smiled and winked at me before looking down at his phone again. My jaw dropped. Did he just- did he just wink at me. I looked around to see no other possible person for him to wink at.

"Silena! He just winked at me!"

"What!" She squealed a little bit too loudly and a few people turned to look at us including Percy who glanced over at us again. He grinned a sexy grin and wrote something on the back of receipt. I watched him walk to the door, step through and then stick the receipt in one of the small holes on the outdoor tables. He returned eye contact with me before gesturing call me and walking away. Silena and I both gawked at him as he walked away. She jumped out of her chair and dragged me out to the tables. I grabbed the receipt and saw a phone number written on it along with a small note written beneath it.

"I hope you don't think this is a booty call. I saw you and couldn't resist asking you on a date sometime." ~Percy

Silena squealed again and began jumping up and down. "We'll go on! Text him." I nervously typed in the number and then began typing.

"Hi Percy. My name is Nico and I would love to go on a date a with you sometime." I hesitated and went to delete it but Silena grabbed my phone and clicked send.

We both waited with baited breath until my phone dinged and a message from Percy popped up.

"Great! How about tonight?" My heart began pumping faster. I didn't want to admit it but I was so sexually frustrated right now I would actually love if this was just a booty call.

"How about a walk in Demeter's Gardens? Some of the flowers only bloom at night and look amazing." I waited for a second then he responded.

"A walk in the gardens sounds beautiful." I blushed.

"Great. I'll bring a blanket. 7:30 sound good? We can watch the sunset."

"Sure see you there." I looked up at Silena who had begun nervously rocking and i began screaming and jumping up and down with her. She dragged me back to my dorm room where she began rummaging through my closet. She through a black lady Gaga T shirt at me and a bomber jacket. She then threw a pair of Grey skinny jeans at me.

"There prefect for your date!" She disappeared and allowed me to change. I put on the clothes and fiddled with my hair until it was messy but a sexy messy. She came back in and snapped a few selfies before giving me another hug and jumping around some more. Where does she get all this energy to bounce around.

"If you need me I'll be having sex with Beckendorf. He's been studying all week and I want to reward him for being so smart and thinking about you hooking up with Percy has but a lot of sexy images in my mind and I need to deal with that." She closed the door to his bedroom. I glanced at my phone and saw it was already 7:00. What we had left the cafe at 6:00! I grabbed the first blanket off my bed. It was my blanket covered in an odd array of things from a sexy picture of Justin's Abs to a few of my favorite albums to my favorite TV characters pictures. I folded it up in my arms and made my way to the gardens.

I smiled as I walked down the path to the gardens. I usually never put my heart on the line but this time I was and I had a feeling it wAs going to work out. I continued down the path until I heard a rustling in the trees.

"Percy? Is that you?" Instead of the hunky body of Percy emerging from the trees two large very muscular guys walked out.

"Nope not Percy. Why were you and that faggot going to meet out here and have gay sex with each other?" I stumbled back. These guys towered over me. They grabbed my blanket and unfolded it getting the bottom items in the dirt and mud.

"Wow you really are a faggot." They tossed or the the side and pushed me to the ground.

"Look at his shirt! Ha!" One of the two picked me up off the ground by it before throwing me to the ground. I stumbled to my feet only to be hit by the back of a thick hand. I fell backwards and tried to make a break for it only to be punched in the gut. I got punched one more time in the gut before being smacked again. The two laughed and high fives as I struggled to my feet. I dashed and grabbed the blanket and began to limp away. I clutched my side and began to sprint. When I had finally thought I had ditched them I leaned up against and tried to stop the bleeding out of my lip. The side of my face ached quite a bit and so did my ribs.

"Nico? Is that you?" I saw someone walk out of the shadows. "Oh god what happened to you?"

"You think this is funny! You think it's funny to mess with someone like this. To lure them out by toying with their sexuality and emotions and then have them beat by some meat head jock buddies of yours?!" I had dropped my blanket and had begun to pound him on his chest with each sentence. With my last pound I waited for him to react.

"Nico I swear I didn't set anyone on you! I don't even have any jock friends! I'm gay and I play one sport swimming and no meatheads go near the sport!" I went to pound him on the chest again but began to feel dizzy. I felt the side of my head and felt something wet. I glanced at my hand and saw blood.

"I must have hit a rock or die thing when they threw me." That was the last thing I remembered before the world went black