Goliath glided towards Elisa apartment as fast as he could. He needed to drop off the dress and leave before Elisa got home, which would be any minute now. He landed on the rooftop, and walked towards the window. He looked inside and noticed that the lights were still off. 'Good, she's not home yet, I must hurry though. She can come in any second now.' He quickly walked inside with the dress at hand along with a short letter for Elisa. Walking into her bedroom, he placed the dress down nicely so it wouldn't get ruined. He then placed the letter on top of the dress. 'Oh how I wish I can see your face when you see the letter and the dress.' He thought but he knew he would have to wait until Saturday night. Satisfied with what he did; he quickly made it out of her bedroom and headed back towards the window. As soon as he put his talon on the window he heard the knob turning. He pushed the window and ran outside. He closed the window at the same time Elisa open the door. Not wanting her to see him, he jumped off the roof and began to glide home.

Elisa walked inside and sighed. "Boy I thought that shift would never end." She said to herself as she went into her bedroom. As she entered her bedroom she noticed a big bag and a note on the bed. Curious as to what it is, she picked up the letter. She smiled, recognizing the handwriting on the envelope. She opened the letter and began to read to

To My Dear Elisa,

In this bag is something that is truly special. When I first laid eyes on it, I knew that it was made just for you. The beauty, the style, everything about it said you, My Elisa. I will hope this special gift will truly make you smile and show you how beautiful you are, inside and out. This is my gift to you and I hope that you would like to wear it for our special evening Saturday.

Yours Truly,


Elisa couldn't help but smile while reading the letter. "Goliath you really know how to charm a girl" She put the note down and opened the bag. She gasped at the sight in front of her. She pulled out the dress and couldn't believe how beautiful it was. Tears were beginning to swell up. She couldn't believe Goliath did this for her. The dress was beautiful. It was a strapless sweetheart dress style dress with beautiful rhinestone design on it. She truly loves the dress especially the color. She decided to try it on. Once she put the dress on she couldn't believe it. The dress fit absolutely perfect on her. It was long and slender, fitting perfectly with her ever curves. She went to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. 'I can't believe. This dress is amazing.' She thought. She smiled; she couldn't wait for Saturday night.

Saturday had finally arrived; for Elisa Saturday couldn't get here fast enough. She was so excited about her date but she was also nervous about it. Elisa was in her bathroom, putting on the finishing touches on her make-up. She wanted to look perfect for Goliath. Putting on the last bit of make-up, she could help but smile. She was amazed on how different she looked whenever she got dressed up. She rarely got a chance to dress up like this. "Wow don't I look a total lady." She laughed when she said that. Just then she heard the door knock. 'Now who could that be.' She thought. She then heard another knock on her door. She walked out of her bathroom and headed towards the front door. She looked through the peep hole and was surprised to see who was knocking on her door.

She unlocked the door, turned the knob and opened the door, "Owen, what are you doing here?"

Owen was standing in the hallway, "Good evening Ms. Maza. I'm here to drive you to the castle. On the request of Xanatos of course. He doesn't want Goliath's date to walk alone on the streets."

"Oh… I see. That's very nice of him." Elisa was surprised to hear that Xanatos knows about her date.

"Yes well, are you ready to go Ms. Maza?" Owen asked with monotone voice.

"Oh yes, of course." Elisa grabbed her purse that was hanging near the door and close the door behind her.

"By the way Ms. Maza, you look very lovely this evening." Owen said he began to walk towards the elevator.

Elisa was shocked, he never complimented about anything, "Umm…Thank you Owen. That's very sweet of you."

He nodded his head as they continue to walk towards the elevator and headed towards the castle.

Meanwhile in the castle, everyone was hard at work putting everything together. Broadway and Hudson were working on the chocolate cake, while Lex and Brooklyn were working on putting the music in the system so they Goliath and Elisa can hear it in the dining room as well as the dance room. Angela was helping her father get ready for his date in one of the spares rooms. When Goliath came back from Elisa's she and Fox had a surprise waiting for him. A custom made black suit fitted just for him. Angela helped put on the last piece of the suit, the jacket. It had special holes in the back so his wings could fit.

Angela took a step back so she could get a better look at her father, "Oh father you look very handsome. Elisa is going to love it."

Goliath smiled, "Thank you my daughter. I am very excited about tonight."

"As you should father. You and Elisa deserve this and each other. You guys been through so much, you need time to be alone and enjoy yourselves." Angela wanted the best for Goliath and Elisa. She knew that this is the way to go.

Goliath pulled Angela into a hug, "Thank you Angela. I just hope that Elisa will enjoy herself tonight. I want this to be the best night of her life." Just then they heard the door slowly open up.

"Knock, knock. Hello Goliath, Angela. Well Goliath you look great." Xanatos said as he entered the room.

"Thank you Xanatos" Goliath said.

"Hello Xanatos, what brings you here?" Angela asked

"I'm here to let you know that Elisa is on her way here as we speak. I had Owen pick her up at her apartment. I didn't want Elisa to walk the streets alone." Xanatos then took something out from his pocket. It looked like a small jewelry box, "I also came by to give you this Goliath." He walked up to him and handed the small box. Goliath knew what it was.

"Thank you Xanatos for doing this for me. I really appreciate it." He took the small box and put it in his pocket. Just then Xanatos cell phone began to ring.

"Ah, it must be Owen." He pushed the "talk" button. "Hello Owen…great see you in a few. Thank you Owen." He then hung off the phone, "Owen just informed me that Elisa is in the building and they are heading to the castle."

"Oh I'll go meet up with Elisa. I want to see her in the dress we pick." Angela quickly gave her father a hug and headed towards the elevator.

Xanatos turned his attention towards Goliath, "Well you should head to the dining hall. You don't want to keep your princess waiting now do you?"

Goliath smiled, "Of course not." He then put a talon on his shoulder, "I would like to thank you and Fox for doing this for me. I am very grateful for what you did for me."

Xanatos was happy to help him, "Anytime Goliath, now go get your beauty." And with what he walked out of the room and headed towards the dining hall.

Angela just arrived at the elevator when she heard the ding. She couldn't wait to see Elisa. As soon as the doors opened she could believe her eyes. Walking out of the elevator was Elisa but she almost didn't recognize her.

"Wow, Elisa you look so beautiful. Like a princess from a fairy tale. Fox was right this dress was made for you." Angela said

Elisa began to blush, "Thanks Angela, wait what do you mean Fox said that this dress was made for me?"

"Oh Goliath asked us to help pick out a dress for you to wear for tonight. In fact everyone helped Goliath out for tonight but I'm not going to say anything else." Angela smirked when she said that last part. Elisa curiosity peeked after she said that. Before she could say anything Owen spoke.

"If you would follow me Ms. Maza. Goliath is waiting for you in the dining hall." He said

"Lead the way, night Angela." "Night Elisa, have fun." Angela said as the two began to walk towards the dining hall. They reached the entrance to the hall. As Owen opened the door, she couldn't believe what she saw. The hall was beautifully decorated with flowers as the fire danced around the fireplace. She walked in, amazed by the sight. 'It looks just like Beauty and the Beast.' She thought. But what really caught her attention was the gargoyle standing in the middle of the dining hall. As she walked closer to him, she couldn't help but smile widely at him.

Goliath was in the dining hall waiting for Elisa to arrive. He started to get nervous. 'What if Elisa thinks this is too much? What if she doesn't like this? What if…" His mind was then interrupted by Elisa entering. All of his doubts, nervousness, everything completely melted away when he laid eyes on Elisa. He had never seen anyone so beautiful in his entire life. As Elisa got closer, Goliath was able to get a better look at Elisa and he's heart almost stopped. She looked like a true princess in her dress. When she finally stopped in front of her, he couldn't help but blush. Her hair was curly, her make-up was perfect, and the dress fit her like a glove. Elisa was also admiring what Goliath was wearing. She couldn't believe how handsome he looked in a suit. After staring at each other Goliath finally spoke.

"Good evening Elisa, you look very beautiful tonight." He said as he reached for her hand and kisses it.

Elisa blushed, "Thanks Big Guy. You look very handsome."

"Come Elisa why don't we sit down and eat." Goliath said. Still holding her hand he led her to her seat. He pulled her sit out, "Thank you." Elisa said as she sat down. Goliath pushed her chair in and walked to the other side and sat down. All of a sudden music began to play. It was very romantic. Elisa couldn't believe it. She was living her fairy tale dream right now. 'If I'm dreaming, don't wake me up.' She thought. Owen then came in and served them their dinner. Everything looked great. All throughout dinner Goliath and Elisa talked about anything and everything. They told funny stories and enjoyed each others' company. After dinner Owen came back and brought them their dessert, a triple layer chocolate cake. Elisa smiled at Goliath. She knew Goliath knew that chocolate was her favorite flavor. She was so happy that Goliath thought about everything. She knew that he couldn't do this on his own. 'Note to self, remember to tell everyone thanks for their hard work.' They enjoyed their dessert. After they finished their dessert they talk a little more.

"Goliath this night has been amazing. I don't know how this night could get any better." Elisa was so happy about her date with Goliath. She wishes that this night never ends.

Goliath then stood up and walked towards her, "Ah but that's just it my Elisa the nights' not over just yet." He reached down and gently grabbed her hand. "Come with me." She got up as Goliath led them towards the door on the other side of the hall.

"Goliath, where are we going?" She asked

"You'll see Elisa." He assured her with a smile. She smiled back as they walked hand in hand towards the door. Goliath grabbed the handle and turned it to open the door. When Elisa saw inside she knew where he had led her, the ballroom. She could hear soft music playing. She smiled as she recognized the music that is play. 'Oh it's Beauty and the Beast I can't believe it.' They walked towards the middle of the ballroom floor and stopped.

"Would you like to dance with me, my Elisa?" He asked

She smiled, "Of course Goliath." Goliath bowed as Elisa curtsy. She placed her hand on his shoulder while Goliath placed her back bringing them closer together. Slowly they began to dance. They were in perfect sync with each other. Elisa felt like she was inside the movie itself. She then placed her head against Goliath shoulder. Goliath smiled when she did that. He could smell her perfume, vanilla. Though the music stopped playing, they couldn't stop dancing. After a while Goliath gently pulled her away.

"Elisa, would you like to see the full moon? I heard that it's very beautiful tonight." Elisa nodded her head. Holding each others' hand they walked outside to look at the moon. Once they were outside Elisa and Goliath looked at the moon. She smiled seeing how lovely it was. Elisa still couldn't believe everything that occurred tonight. Goliath noticed how deep in thought she was in.

"What is on your mind Elisa?" He asked

She turned her attention towards the love of her life, "Goliath…tonight this was the best night of my entire life. I never had a date like this before. It was if you read my mind about my dream date. I need to ask, how did you know that this was my dream date?"

Goliath began to blush, "Well the night I went to see you to ask you to come to the castle I overheard you talking about it while you were watching the movie. When I heard that this was your dream date I knew that it should be our first date."

"Oh Goliath, I can't believe you did all of this for me. No one has ever done anything like this for me. I don't know what to say." Elisa said.

"You don't have to say anything my Elisa. You deserve the best." Goliath then decided it was time to give Elisa her gift. "I have something special for you Elisa. Close your eyes." Elisa did as she was told. Goliath then took out the small box from his pocket. He opened it and took out the necklace. He walked behind her and put the necklace on her. "Ok open your eyes."

"Oh Goliath" She said as she looked down and saw the beautiful heart-shape necklace.

"It's beautiful Goliath. I can't believe it. If I'm dreaming please don't wake me up." She said as she wiped away tears that began to fall. Goliath walked in front of her and help her wiped away the tears.

"This is no dream Elisa. This is real and my love for you is real. I love you with all my heart." Goliath moved closer to her.

"I love you too Goliath always and forever." They stared into each other eyes and slowly they got closer and closer until their lips touch. The kiss was soft and gently. They continued to kiss under the moonlight. They knew one thing for sure this was the best first date of their lives and they hope they have many more.

The end