Death Reincarnate Chapter 1

Disclaimer: Everything besides the plot belongs to J.K. Rowling, D.C. Comics and whoever made Deadman Wonderland. I'm just having fun with their world and characters. Not repeating this though, once is enough.

Author's Note:

So I kept on having this dream of Harry being like Shiro from Deadman Wonderland with a mixture of Death from the comic Sandman. To my embarrassment, I have only read a H.P/Sandman fic, and not the actually written works of Sandman, sooooo I'm only going to use some of her powers and a few quotes from the written works. Sorry, but I'm not sorry.

Anywho, this isn't REALLY a crossover, as I am just using some of the premise from those different works of art, and besides Death, none of the other characters from those works of art will be in this. Even if that makes it a crossover, I don't care, I'm not labeling it as such. Sue me (Don't sue me)

Now, this story will have no effect on Black Frost, as I will only write this when I get bored of writing Black Frost, like today. So expect erratic updates. I don't even really know if I'll get to this, I just wanted to write it down. Eh. Oh well.

July 31, 1980

On a warm and sunny afternoon in the amazing city of London, a group of peculiar individuals waited outside a warded room for something just as equally peculiar.

An old man standing tall and proud with a long white beard and a large crooked nose checked the door every so often to update himself on the situation.

Three younger men, looking to be in their twenties, accompanied the older one, bright smiles plastered over their faces.

The tallest of the three wore shabby clothing, sporting sandy blonde hair and had the look of a man who had known hardship throughout his life.

The middle one had stylish black hair and a laugh that sounded almost like that of a dog barking.

Finally, there stood a short and mousy looking man, who had the same color hair as the former, but none of the confidence and swagger of the latter.

This day was to be a momentous one, for you see, on this day, Lily Potter nee Evans, a Muggleborn Witch who was often known as the 'Brightest Witch of Her Age,' was about to give birth to her unnamed sons.

Beside her, waiting anxiously for the newborns was James Potter, a renowned Pureblood Wizard and member of the illustrious Wizengamot.

Ever since the two had found out about Lily being pregnant, James and his wife were overcome with joy at the prospect of having two boys, and immediately told their closest friends the wonderful news.

Unfortunately, after this day, the Potter's would have to go into hiding, as a Prophecy had dictated that one of their children would defeat and conquer an evil wizard known as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

This wasn't his real name of course, however most people did not use it, for fear of being targeted by the infamous man himself.

The first child born was one with auburn hair and eyes like that of his father, a light and charming hazel.

Overcome with a newfound sense of hope and joy, the two parents decided to call him Damien Evan Potter.

What came after however would ruin that newfound strength.

Not two seconds after his brother, came a boy with snowy white hair and light red eyes. This boy's skin was as white as a sheet of paper, and when he was shown to the two parents, they shrunk back in horror at his appearance. A faint black glow surrounded the boy as he came out of the womb, further leading the two adults to instantly hate this child.

"Lily dear, what is that?" James hissed, not willing to believe that his wife could make something so wretched and unnatural.

"The boy is Albino," Lily supplied, bitterness and curiosity mixed within her voice.

"How peculiar," a voice hummed, startling the two adults.

"Why Albus, what does this mean? I've never heard of an Albino wizard. Ever!" Lily asked the older and wiser man.

"Neither have I my dearest," Albus informed as he slowly waved his wand over the two adults, casting an unknown spell on the two, "He is a rather… interesting one…"

The older man seemed to be transfixed with the boy, going over every detail of his body, and then studying it all over again.

"What with we do with him Albus?" James harshly whispered, not wanting this thing to taint the name of Potter.

"Do not fear James. I will take him with me to Hogwarts where I can… study him further," Dumbledore assured, as he focused all of his attention back to the boy.

"Will you give him a name before I take him?" the older man asked.

"No," the two parents said in unison, clearly both wanting nothing to do with the boy.

There was a lot that they could handle, but that would ruin their images forever. They couldn't even tell their best friends!

Best to leave him to Albus, they both thought.

"Okay then… I shall call him… Harry."


July 31, 1986

"Stop! It hurts!" a young voice cried in pain, trying desperately to get away from the crazed man.

"Don't worry Harry," the old man would always say, "This won't hurt a bit."

For the past six years, Albus Dumbledore had been experimenting on his young ward, trying to find the source of the boy's appearance and strange powers.

Every time the man worked on the young boy, Harry was shrouded in a cloak of Darkness, the smell of roses and Death accompanied him.

Peculiar indeed, the old man thought, before he took another "sample" from the boy; severing a few of Harry's finger tips.

The young boy cried out in pain, thrashing on the cold metal chair that he was placed in as he feverously tried to break out of his bonds.

"Now, now, none of that," Dumbledore chided, instantly causing the boy to go rigid for fear of more tests.

Please… Death… Please just take me… the young boy whimpered, not even knowing what he was fully saying.

But I am already with you, a loving and caressing voice replied, shocking the boy into further silence.

I can take the pain away… would you like me to do that?

Yes… please… just make it go away…

And it did.

"Now, that's bett-" Dumbledore began, before an explosion of Darkness sent the old man flying to the back wall of the completely empty room.

The smell of roses and Death hung pungent in the air as the young boy slowly began to smile. This smile however, wasn't one filled with joy or happiness, but of a crazed human being; one who would kill anyone and anything in their way at a moment's notice.

"Merlin's Beard," Dumbledore harshly whispered to no one in particular. The old man watched as the many injuries and missing body parts on the boy instantly regenerated, fully intact and operational.

Harry slowly stepped off of the table, seemingly about to go after the man, before something like a switched flipped in his mind and he fell rigid. The Darkness instantly swirled back into the boy; leaving just as quickly as it had come.

Peculiar indeed.


August 6, 1987

After a series of successful experiments, I have finally found a way to contain the Darkness within the boy.

Using a mixture of somewhat "questionable" magical rituals and my innate magical ability with the Elder Wand, I have devised a series of complex and intricate seals to keep the boy from attacking anyone whom I have deemed "worthy of the Light."

In short, I have created a weapon for the Light made out of Darkness.

And what a weapon he would be.

From what I have observed, the boy could instantly teleport to any location, even past incredibly complex wards!

And his regenerative abilities are phenomenal, bordering on godlike! I have unfortunately been unable to replicate them, but it is only a matter of time before I do.

Each experiment with the boy, produces different initial results, but always ends the same; that black shroud and smile always appear on his face, and his abilities become so strong that not even I am able to sense them.

This however, causes the boy's body to decay at an unprecedented rate, and he quickly reverts back to his "normal" self.

Due to the smell that he produces when he enters this "state," I have decided to codename him 'Death.' It seems fitting, as he will bring the Death of the enemies of the Light. No mercy shall be found in this boy.

As far as his magical ability, it seems as if the boy doesn't even need a wand to perform complex spells, which further leads me to believe that he will be extremely powerful indeed.

However, every day that I work with him feels as if it will be my last. Sometimes… sometimes I do not find the effort to be worth the results.

But they are. They have to be.

Tom is still afoot, and the Potter's only have a few months left before he finds them. I suspect Peter to be the traitor that we are all looking for, but I cannot prove my assumptions without further evidence.

The other Potter boy seems to be progressing nicely, and I know James and Lily have already forgotten about their other child. My charm to get them to be slightly more agreeable worked perfectly… although now I do not believe that it was necessary.

I cannot live forever… but this boy will be my legacy. And they shall praise the name of Albus Dumbledore for the rest of eternity.


So what do you think? Good concept? I literally just wrote this without any real plan in mind, as I wanted to get it out of my head while I continue writing Black Frost.

Tell me what you think in the reviews, and get ready for this weekend! The new chapters will be epic! (hopefully… probably not but I think it will be cool)