11. A Long Night
The sun has been down for a few hours and yet, there was no sign of his interrogators. It wasn't that late with the sun still setting too early for Zukoʼs liking, he couldn't wait for the stupid show to be over. Not like he could tell them anything – that he is the prince of the Fire Nation and that he infiltrated a Water Tribe ship to get information on the Avatar and then came a storm and things happened. He wasn't even sure what exactly happened and how did he got stranded on this island. If he would tell them any of these things he would look like a crazy person. It sounded ridiculous even in his thoughts. That's why he couldn't consider Sukiʼs advise seriously. However, he did consider lying and coming up with some story, but he wasn't the right sibling for making up a convincing lie. All in all, he decided to ask them to let him simply go, so that they won't bother him and he won't bother them. In his head, it was the easiest win-win solution.
Also, he already wasted enough time here. He had to go look for his Uncle and the longer he'll be on this island, the smaller is the chance that Uncle Iroh is still waiting for him Leng Wan. Zuko didn't want to imagine that his Uncle and his ship would leave without him. He would be left without means of transportation and without the only person he could trust with his current condition. He knew that as soon as he would meet up with his Uncle he would have to tell him everything – about the scar, the healer, the weird storm – everything. Without his bending, he couldn't search for the Avatar or return home. But he didn't let himself think that far ahead. He would find a way to get his bending back. When the warrior woman came with the razor, the sudden idea came across to cut the phoenix tail off. In that moment Zuko beseeched himself that before his hair would grow back to the same length, he will have his bending back.
And for that he would have to figure out what's the deal with the burn on his shoulder. He was almost entirely sure that the two were connected. The weird tingle was completely different from the one before the incident on the sea. Before it would appear or disappear completely, spiking with pain. Now, a deep resonance seemed to have settled inside of him. A prickle that didn't come from the burn itself but from within him. And the passing days did not make any difference.
During the whole week, his mood was fluctuating – he had been getting his hopes up every morning when he had a chance to meditate at the time when the sunlight would briefly shine into the single room he occupied. But after every meditation he grew only more frustrated.
Today, he knew this was the last time he would be staying. Either, he will convince the villagers to let him go, or he'll figure out a way to leave the island on his own. He did lose his bending, but not his training and after a whole week of recovery, he felt that he could match the warrior women, maybe even without a weapon. He just had to wait for the right moment to strike. Of course, only in the case that they would be too stubborn to let him go. In his unarmed and outnumbered position, he opted for violence as the last resort. His Uncle would never believe him to be this deliberate.
Zuko paced in front of the fireplace just like he did the whole week, but this time also out of impatience, and not only to get warm. He have tried to manipulate the fire, like they used to during the earliest bending lessons, but nothing happened. He went through all of his Uncleʼs breathing exercises, but not even a puff of smoke or heat in his fingertips appeared. Like he was born a non-bender. What was the scariest, however, he started to forget what it felt like to be in touch with his inner fire. Like a fading memory, he couldn't remember how it worked – was it conscious or unconscious? Did his fire reach out to him or did he reach out for his fire? The worst was that he did not remember how did warmth feel. His own body would get lukewarm at best. He spent his nights shivering in his blankets sitting as close to the fireplace as possible. None of it helped. Not the fire, the blankets, the warm soups or warm baths he was generously and surprisingly allowed. When the trembling had gotten the worst, usually during the darkest hours of the night, Zuko was getting genuinely scared. At that times, he doubted that he will ever get his bending back. Was it another of those punishments that should teach him something? To accept his life in exile, maybe?
It wasn't even that late when the shivering started to creep up his back again. Just when he decided that he would have to sit down in front of the fire, the front door opened and three warriors, dressed, armed and painted up as usually, came into his room.
He recognized the features Suki in the back, the other two he, at least he assumed, saw for the first time. Zuko guessed that the one in the front must be their leader. She was the tallest of the warriors and probably the oldest one as well. Not that he could guess the age of any of the women, the face paint made it too hard to do so.
The two of them stayed in the background, while their leader approached him, closer than necessary, for intimidation most likely. Not that it would work. Even with her being almost a head taller than him and the warrior face-paint that made all the girls look pretty fierce.
Zuko noticed a short look of the leader passing from him and then on the fireplace. A small scowl appeared on the painted face.
"I have only one question," she announced unceremoniously without so much as introduction. Zuko immediately knew that she was somebody who did not like to play around. All the better for him. Maybe, he'll be able to make this process short.
"What do you want with Kyoshi Island?"
"I want to be off Kyoshi Island," said Zuko in the same plain manner as his interrogator in hope that she will understand that he wants to make things as simple for himself as for them.
"I don't mean you personally. I want to know what you and your ships want with us?" she asked with the coldest of voice.
Zuko didn't understand. What ships? He only had one ship, and they couldn't possibly know about it. Was this about the Water Tribe ships?
"I don't know what you're talking about."
The warrior leader narrowed her eyes in suspicion.
"Don't take me for a fool. There is no other way of you getting on the island than coming from one of the metal ships that are circling us for the past few weeks. You probably weren't washed up here intentionally by that storm but I'm certain that you're one of them. So, I ask you only once more – what does the Fire Nation want with Kyoshi Island?"
Her expression clearly said he has only this one chance of convincing her.
"I don't know about any Fire Nation ships that would be interested in this piece of forgotten island, the only thing I know is that I want to get away from here as quickly as possible. I won't make trouble for you and you won't make trouble for me, that's all."
At that, the woman threateningly pulled out her metal war fan. She did not open it, only pointed it to his face. Zuko tried not to blink.
"You think we would let you go report back to your supervisors? Just like that? You are our prisoner, so your demands are worthless."
"Those are not demands, it's a simple deal. There is nobody I will report to. I didn't come from any of those Fire Nation ships!" Zuko started to grow frustrated seeing the reasonable negotiation slipping.
"So where did you come from? Did you fall from the sky?"
Zuko gritted his teeth. Would they ever believe him that he was on a Water Tribe ship? And he did spy on Tribes men, so that would only further compromise his position.
"Think not. And you know what? You did not even deny that you're Fire Nation. There is simply no other way of you getting here. Even the trade ships are rarely coming since you started surrounding Kyoshi. Do you plan an attack? Are you waiting on something? Why are the ships here?" the last questioned she basically hissed through her teeth.
"I wouldn't know," said Zuko, slowly resigning the idea of negotiating his way out the island. Plan B it is, sorry Uncle.
"I'll give you one day to reconsider your answer. Then you can rot here or maybe we will give you to Unagi," she said retreating her fan to her side.
"Captain! I don't think that…" Suki with hesitance stepped forward from behind, but was immediately interrupted by her leader:
"Suki, put out the fire!"
With that order, she turned around to leave.
"But he is not…"
"Just do it!"
"Yes, captain," she submitted to her senior who already left the hut. Suki took the pitcher with the water that was delivered to him with his dinner and poured it on the fire place. Then she turned to him like she wanted to say something, but never did and she walked to the door instead.
"What's an Unagi?" Zuko got to ask before she left him in the darkness.
"I hope you don't have to find out," said Suki before she locked the door behind her back.
In front of the hut, Suki found captain Hideko assigning two other girls to guard their prisoner besides the usual two. Weren't her two assigned guards enough? They were for the whole week.
The actions of Hideko made her feel incompetent, but also, she has never seen her captain act so cold or cruel even. What unnerved her the most, was the fact that she used a threat of a death sentence on "Lee". She really hoped that it was only to make him talk.
After her talk to healer Taska, she couldn't look on the actions of her leader unbiased. Or was she biased before? At least, she did not seem unreasonable as healer Taska described. Except mentioning the Unagi.
She must talk with her captain, since she didn't have an opportunity before the interrogation. After her arrival, Captain Hideko immediately rushed to their prisoner.
"Suki, come with me," said her captain suddenly with an unusual cold tone that she never used before when talking to her. Suki followed her to their training gym and with every step it was like she was shrinking behind the tall figure of the captain.
They entered the poorly lit room and her captain faced her with a dark expression.
"Suki, please, explain this mess to me. How could you leave him with a fire in the room?"
"Hideko, we found him almost dead and frozen. Healer Taska told us to keep him warm."
"And in the meantime, you forgot that he is a prisoner, not a guest? He should be long fine by now! As a firebender, it is too dangerous to keep fire around him."
"But were not even sure, if he's a bender," said Suki with a bit of a hopeless voice.
"Suki, I thought better of you. How could you not figure it out yet?"
The room seemed completely different than during the day. The light of a single lantern above the doorway weakly lighting her captains face. She seemed like a completely different person from her usual strict, but underneath always kind manner.
Suki thought hard of telling her what she suspects, but there was no use in lying. She has already told the other girls. And besides her instincts of a warrior said to tell all she found to her superior.
"He wouldn't tell us anything, just like this evening. He didn't use once during firebending the whole week. But he did meditate in the sunlight and in front of the fireplace. I also saw him performing bending katas. With healer Taska, we suspect that he is a firebender, but the hypothermia probably affected his bending abilities."
"So why would you encourage him to get them back?!" her captain seemed really baffled at their actions.
"We didn't encourage him, we only tried to save him," Suki countered, but her voice did not want to support her.
"You certainly did more than that!" Hideko was almost shouting at her. Suki felt like a small child being scolded for breaking something. Not once, during the whole week, it did occur to her that she overstepped some boundaries in taking care of their prisoner. He was also a patient in a near death state. Even if she wouldn't like it, healer Taska wouldn't oblige neglection of a sick person and she was the wife of the village leader. Would have she done anything differently, since the day they found "Lee" on the beach? She knew that the answer was no, but her way wasn't approved by her captain.
"I did everything the best way I could find," she simply said her true feelings.
The older girl crossed her arms and turned away from her.
"All these years, Suki – all these years, all I did was teaching you fight against the Fire Nation and firebenders. They are the most evil and cruel monsters, taking and burning village after village, not regarding people or children. Kyoshi survived thanks to the neutrality we maintained. We cannot give it up. We have to protect our home. That's the purpose of Kyoshi Warriors – to protect the home of the Avatar Kyoshi from the threat of war. You may not know what war is, but there are those who do. I won't let Kyoshi to fall as a prey to the Fire Nation."
What Hideko didn't know was that Suki understood well enough what her position was. She sided with her on the matter except her position on their prisoner. For some reason, she had a hunch that he doesn't have anything in common with the ships circling the island or that he would care for their island even a little.
He probably did consider her words about making the interrogation simple for himself, but he must have thought only of his side of the conversation – he really seemed to be in rush of being off the island. Not that Suki would argue with that.
"What if the prisoner really isn't from those ships?"
"Don't be naïve. There is no other way he would get on the island," Hideko sighed and glanced at her with a worried face. "Suki, it's been three weeks since any other ship than a Fire Nation ship sailed near our shores. All posts around the island report the same thing. No other than Fire Nation merchant ships are arriving to our ports anymore. I need to know what are they planning. We don't know whether they want to negotiate or attack. We must prepare ourselves for what's about to come. And the boy surely knows something."
Suki nodded. Her captain was right, of course. The news was worrying. She already suspected the boy to be a bad omen for things to come, but hearing Hideko confirming her thoughts was still unnerving.
"So, what will we do with him?"
"That depends on his decision to speak. If he won't willingly, I'll have to make him," said Hideko still turned away, but Suki saw the unusual tension in her posture. Ever since her return, she was like a different person – strained and detached.
"Tomorrow morning, you can come with me to the interrogation. But you mustn't intervene."
"Thank you, captain. I won't," promised Suki.
"Don't tell the other girls about the news," said Hideko and left her in the gym.
Suki was left confused and worried. Their home was surrounded possibly by Fire Nation invaders and they could do little if they decided to invade. She understood why her leader made her decisions and agreed that they have to make the boy tell them at least something. But Suki was afraid because he seemed thick-headed enough to refuse to speak. And if he wouldn't talk… she remembered Taska's story about the firebender merchant… what if captain Hideko would turn to more violent methods of interrogation… was Unagi only an empty threat?
Suki had to shake off such thoughts. Why did only Taska tell her about Hideko's past? She would certainly sleep better. But no action of her captain seemed unreasonable. At least for now. Suki hoped that Taska's warning would turn out to be useless.
Suki also left the gym. At some point it had started snowing outside. They were in for the first real winter night.
She walked through the empty village towards the dorms. It was late, night already. Hideko arrived in the late evening and now the village was sleeping.
It was quiet, just like always, when it snows. Or was it the quiet before the storm? A chill ran down her spine and she had to convince herself that it was just because of the cold. She somehow felt sorry for "Lee" that he must spend the night in the cold dark hut. But maybe it was for the best – maybe he will cooperate in the morning for exchange of better treatment.
Still, she remembered that she had to pour all his water on the fireplace. She felt bad, even though it wasn't her fault - because it was her, who found him death cold on the beach and also her, who had to undress his freezing wet clothes and drag him, even in unconsciousness, shivering into the hot bath. At that time, she couldn't believe, how he could still be alive. Every minute, she checked if he's still breathing in fear she might be carrying a corpse.
Her conscience didn't lead her to the sleeping quarters, instead she went to heat up some tea and bring it to him. She might have a chance of compelling him to speak next morning.
The ginger tea was already boiling when she was pulled out of her thoughts. Taking the whole pot and leaving a trail of stream behind her, she hurried through the quiet village, passing by the weather-beaten statue of Avatar Kyoshi slowly being covered by a white blanket. It felt like the statue's eyes were following her steps. Were they judging her for taking pity on an enemy?
She was trying to pass unseen, but the thin layer of snow was already creaking under her feet, making her steps loud in the otherwise deep silence. That's why she heard the noise from so afar. Low thuds and muffling.
The hut was in a small distance from the village, just on the edge of the forest and she could already see it. She immediately knew something was wrong from the distance because she couldn't see the lanterns the girls on guard duty were supposed to carry. Where they put out or were the girls gone? No one came to alert the rest of them, so what was going on? Is the prisoner on run?
Then she saw light inside of the hut. Strong orange light. Fire! Is "Lee" firebending?
Suki ran. But coming closer she slowed down not to make any noise. The first trees did allow for the snow to drop on the ground, so her approach was quiet. The front door was still closed, but she could clearly saw the light through the windows. Her foot stumbled into something and she almost tripped. The lantern! Only then she noticed the passed-out bodies of her fellow warriors. All four of them looked like they did drop on their places.
No! That can't be!
She checked for pulse on the nearest girl. Still beating. Suki sighed with relief.
Slowly she approached the door. It was evident that somebody was still in there. There was the light and noises. She heard a voice. It sounded like "Lee", but she wasn't sure.
Suki peeked through the window to see what's going on before she would enter the hut. She couldn't see the whole room or "Lee", but she saw the source of the light. It was indeed a firebender. A man in dark clothes was standing in a ready-to-fight pose and looking on something or somebody. His palm was outstretched and a small flame was dancing on it. She couldn't see the rest of the room well, but assumed that Lee was still inside. Did they come for him? Did the Fire Nation send help for one of their people? What should she do? Run for help or go inside?
"One more step and I'll kill him!"
That was clearly Lee's voice. Suki couldn't hesitate longer. She went to open the door and make a surprise attack on whomever inside. But the door was locked. As it seemed from the inside!
Oh no! The intruders locked themselves inside? What is going on? Suki panicked.
She moved back to make an attack when she realized she was still holding the heavy iron tetsubin teapot in her hand. Immediately she ran to the window, successfully breaking in. Suki pulled out both of her fans and didn't waste time jumping in.
She hasn't even landed on the floor when a flame ball came right at her. She had to use both fans to deflect it.
Her appearance didn't seem to startle the intruders that much. They have already taken new standing positions. For a few seconds, everyone seemed to assess the situation. Suki looked for Lee and found him standing in the corner with hand holding a black-clad person's arms safe behind his back and with the other hand pointing a sharp piece of splintered wood from a broken chair beside him, pointing on the man's throat.
Besides the two of them in the corner, there were other two in the room. One of them was clearly the firebender, the other was also weaponless, however, he held no flames.
"Watch out for the non-bender! Don't let him touch you!" shouted Lee at her. In that moment of their distraction, the enemy stroke. Lee was jabbed into the stomach by his own hostage and then into his arm and shoulder in quick succession.
Suki too had to avoid the quick hands of non-bending attacker. She used the fans for defense, but she wasn't ready for the fast attack from both sides. Suddenly her knee bucked to a kick she hadn't noticed coming and was on the floor the next moment. The firebender with a scarf around his face was preparing for a finishing attack. But she was quicker and from the ground she threw one of her fans at him, cutting him deep into the arm.
The man yelped and stepped back. Suki was again ready on her feet. She found herself back to back with Lee against three of their attackers. One of Lee's arms was hanging limply and in the other he still held the broken leg of the chair turned into a makeshift baton. They were being outnumbered by the enemy and Lee was injured. Could he even fight?
"Give me the katana," he whispered from behind her back.
"Yeah, sure. Like you know how to use it," said Suki, doubting his abilities. She raised her shield to hide herself behind an firebending attack.
"You go against the firebender, I'll deal with the other two. Just give me the katana!"
Suki did not believe his nerve. She would not hand their prisoner a weapon, not talking about taking commands from him.
She pushed her back to make both of them turn and she handed him the shield.
"You go against the firebender, you're evenly matched," she said and although she heard him growling angrily, but he took the shield. He didn't hesitate any longer and barged at the bender.
Suki unsheathed her katana and also attacked first. She decided not to let the two other intruders attack, in best case, at all. She threw her other fan, but this time her attack was dodged, only slightly grazing the clothes of one of black-clad fighters.
Then she started her dance with the sword. She knew she had to be swift and not leave openings. That's why she turned her back towards the wall, not to let the other two sneak up from behind. In the background, she noticed fire also dancing around, but she could not follow Lee when she was focusing on two attackers.
Suki could not believe how fast her enemies were, avoiding all of her attacks, not even touching them in the slightest. But she fought on - the moment she would hesitate, she knew, they would use it to their advantage.
Suddenly, one of her opponents drew back.
"Retreat!" she heard what was clearly a female voice. The room silenced as the fight came to a sudden halt. All three of their opponents backed to the broken window, leaving Suki and Lee to catch their breath.
Suki noticed lights outside the window. That's why they were retreating?
"Wait, you're being surrounded! Surrender and tell us….Stop!" but the three attackers were on their way out, jumping through the window one after the other.
Suki would have moved after them, but the two of them left in the room locked eyes. She pointed her sword at him.
"They were after you! Who were they?"
"I have an idea," said Lee, with one hand still holding the shield and the other limply hanging.
"If you let me go, you won't see them anymore."
"That is not for me to decide." Suki would gladly see him off the island and let those assassins follow, but she couldn't. She couldn't disobey her orders, her captains had plans… "Stay where you are!"
Lee have started to back to the window as well.
"I said stop! You won't get far anyway!" Suki followed his steps with her sword still raised high.
"I'll take my chances," said Lee. He probably was from the very beginning, just waiting for the right moment, which now came. Even though he was beaten-up with an injured arm, he wanted to make a run for it into the snowy night with almost no possibility of sailing off the island. What was making him so desperate? The assassins?
"You could stay. If the Fire Nation is after you, then maybe we can help you, we can talk!"
"You can't help me, that's why I need to go," said Lee lastly sitting on the window ledge and turned to jump out when he was met by a handle of another katana.
"Good job stalling him long enough, Suki," captain Hideko said from outside.
A/N: Im so sorry for the long hiatus, hope you had a nice read. The chapter was not beta read, so Im apologizing for mistakes. Ill update it once its corrected. I just couldn't wait any longer before uploading it :)