(free me from this Karneval hell) Yet another Karneval fic . I'm trash I know. Anyway hope you enjoy sex demon Hirato and 1000% done Gareki who has to put up with him. ^-^

Gareki made sure to look steadily ahead so it at least looked like he was paying attention. Mostly though he was just trying to annoy Hirato, who he knew was there but wasn't going to give the satisfaction of his attention to. Honestly Gareki was glad that nobody else could see Hirato, it was bad enough that he could.

A few weeks ago Gareki had woken up with Hirato in his room, and after the initial fight, Hirato had explained that he was a sex demon and Gareki was his new target. Gareki had been skeptical at first but Hirato's appearance was proof enough that he was supernatural, well his true appearance anyway. The most Hirato had regularly was a long black tail. In his true form though he had wings, claws, and horns.

Gareki wasn't too worried. Hirato was mostly harmless, especially with Gareki denying Hirato's need to feed. No way was Gareki going to do weird stuff with some perverted demon. Besides Hirato could always find another target, it's not like Gareki was his only option.

The bell rang and Gareki sighed in relief, school was over and he could finally go home, though home might have been an overstatement. He lived in a tiny, dirt-cheap apartment that barely fit the small bedroom, kitchen, and single bathroom it had been built with let alone Gareki's small amount of belongings and Gareki himself.

Hirato was nagging at him as he made his way back home

"You know Gareki-kun I can grant wishes. I've even done it before for my special targets. If you let me feed I'll grant you a wish. Anything you want. Maybe money for a better place to live? Or knowledge? Anything you want to know I can tell you. All you have to do is, let me feed~"

His voice trailed off into a seductive purr but Gareki didn't look at him. In the few weeks Hirato had been around Gareki had learned that Hirato's allure only worked when you were looking at him. He couldn't seduce you unless you see him. Gareki didn't care for money or knowledge, well that wasn't particularly true but he didn't want them from Hirato. He wanted to get them on his own and by his own power. Hirato sighed

"I'll make it feel good. I have centuries of experience, I'll have you speechless by the time I'm done."

Gareki smirked

"And why would I want some old man? Anyway what if you have some kind of weird demon STD. Do demons use condoms?"

Hirato was silent for a minute before he walked right in front of Gareki so Gareki had to look at him. Gareki glared at him but Hirato just smiled

"First of all Gareki-kun~"

Gareki shivered a little and tried to look away but Hirato caught his chin and held him still, Hirato continued

"I am not old. In human years I might be but by demon standards I'm fairly young. Secondly~"

Gareki tried to pull away but Hirato just moved with him until his back was against the side of a nearby building. Hirato smirked down at the panic in Gareki's eyes

"Demons do not get sick and we do not have diseases."

Gareki felt the blush burning on his face and glared harder but Hirato just smiled, his eyes were glowing slightly and Gareki knew that the bastard was using his weird demon powers on him.

"Lastly, Gareki-kun, while I can't speak for all demons, I, for one, will enjoy taking you without protection."

Gareki barely held in a moan when Hirato's leg slipped between his, pressing lightly at the bulge it found there. Gareki's hands came up to push Hirato away, they were in public! Who did Hirato think he was? Hirato smiled at Gareki's weak efforts and nipped his ear before pulling away and, finally, breaking their eye contact.

Gareki sighed in relief before glaring at the ground walking away. Hirato just laughed

"Thanks for the snack Gareki-kun."

Gareki got home and slammed the door, wishing it would keep Hirato out but knowing it wouldn't. God his life sucked.

He threw himself face-first onto his tiny bed after dropping his backpack on the floor. He could hear Hirato humming happily in the background and all it did was annoy him.

Gareki sighed and reached into his bedside drawer, he pulled out his mp3 player (he'd found it in the trash and had fixed it a few months ago) and his old pair of headphones. He needed to block out Hirato and forget the latest blow to his pride and this was the easiest way. He let the music calm him down and fell asleep with a small smile on his face