So, after some thoughts, I've finally decided to go ahead and post a fanfiction series... thing. About the events after Jurassic Bonds: New Era, this does mean that characters that were killed in the film but not in that fanfic will be in this fanfic. So let's GO! Welcome, to Jurassic Bonds: Bigger, Louder, More teeth.
First off, Dave ends up having to fill in for Zara, to take care of the one person he hates the most, the person he named Perry after... And if that wasn't bad enough, the others learn something shocking when they discover Dr Wu's personal voice recording...
Before anything else, I am sorry to anyone who thinks bringing her is the worst idea ever. But I really couldn't resist, and besides. Even famous people go to theme parks all the time, it helps draws visitors. Funny story about famous people as well, my brother went on holiday at a hotel in France, and convince me that he took a photo with Chris Pratt, it was actually the hotel manager! LOL! He looked so much like Chris Pratt as well...
X Raptor paddock...
The burning central America sun beamed down on the raptor paddock, among the undergrowth and openings of where the raptor pack stalk, Dave played a guitar quietly in an opening upon a rock.
It had now been 5 months sense the disaster of Jurassic World and the carnage of the Indominus Rex, but despite everything that happened, today was now the day that Jurassic World would reopen to the world.
For Dave, the events of a year ago had shaped him greatly. The death of his father, Sam still weigh on him to this day. And even for his velociraptor, Perry. Having her own daughter Helen kill her son Bob was still something she was struggling to get over.
But apart from that, everyone was beginning to move on to the future. And today, the raptor pack were taking part in a new type of training... Combat Training.
Stalking among the undergrowth around Dave, Perry and Blue quietly let out a series of commands to the rest of the pack. By now, all of them had surrounded Dave among the undergrowth around the opening. But living with raptors for a few years now, Dave was fully aware of their presence.
Letting out a massive roar, Perry charged at Dave as the entire pack blasted from the hiding spot. But Dave didn't even react to any of them, not until they got really close...
Using his guitar as a weapon, Dave slammed it against Helen's head, forcing her back. Turning his attention to Delta, Dave shielded himself with his guitar as Delta pounced at him, with all his force, Dave threw Delta onto Charlie before she could reach him. Bringing his guitar up, Dave uppercut Echo right under her jaw, sending her back. Suddenly, both Blue and Perry brought their tails down on Dave's guitar, forcing it onto Dave's foot. But Dave managed to kick it back up, forcing Blue and Perry back. Finally, Dave swung his guitar around himself, creating a gust of wind and bark, forcing the whole raptor pack back as they dug their claws into the ground.
"Alright! Eyes up here!" called Owen having watched the whole thing with most of the other workers, including Barry.
Turning their attention to Owen, the whole raptor pack focused their eyes on their main alpha as the others gave an applause to Dave and the raptor pack for their work
"Not bad." admitted Owen impressed by the raptors combat.
In truth, Owen was beginning to worry that most of them were starting to loose their edge. To him, fighting spinosaurs and the I-Rex would surely begin to wear down on any of the raptors. But so far, not a single one was starting to break.
"What do you think, Dave?" called Barry as Dave readjusted a few strings on his guitar.
"Same thing. Good work, all of you." agreed Dave turning to the whole pack. "Though, if you were trying to piss me off... Perry, no sound when ambushing. Blue, think before you strike. Charlie, faster reflexes. Delta, closer when pouncing. Echo, restrain your aggression. Helen-"
"Dave?" called out a familiar voice.
Looking up, Dave caught sight of Claire making her way up to where Owen and Barry was. After the events of the Indominus attack, Claire had struggled to bring Jurassic World back on it's feet, and in truth, she would have failed if it weren't for an unlikely helping hand... Patel Masarni, Simon Masarni's only son.
With the death of his father, Patel took his fathers place as head of 'Masarni Global Corporation', and like his father before him, he too cared for both visitors and dinosaurs alike. Although he still has a long way to go until he reaches his fathers wisdom, Patel has already proven a large help for Claire, though today, she needed Dave for help from something a little different than training raptors.
"Hey, Claire." greeted Dave as he made his way out of the paddock. "How come your here?"
"I was hoping you'd do me a favor." asked Claire as she walked down to meet Dave with Owen and Barry.
"Why just Dave?" questioned Owen a little suspicious. "Surely he could do with some help?"
"Because this isn't anything too big." explained Claire. "And you can handle training the raptors without him anyway."
"See you in a bit Dave." patted Owen as he and Barry focused back on raptor training.
"So, what kind of a favor is it?" wondered Dave as he placed his guitar away.
"Touring favor." revealed Claire.
"Wait, I thought that was Zara's job?" remembered Dave confused.
During the Indominus attack, she had broke into the Aviary, allowing pterosaurs to attack visitors within the Main Streets. During the attack, Zara had been swooped up by a pteranodon and dropped into the Mosasaur Lagoon, she would certainly ended up sea food if it wasn't for Jess and Claire's nephews, Zach and Gray. Although she survived, Zara ended up loosing her foot to the mosasaur, and as a result, was forced to recover, meaning Claire had to find someone to fill in for her.
"Zara is still recovering." revealed Claire. "She won't be able to work for another two weeks. The trouble is, we have a special guest who we need someone to give the 'Jurassic World Experience' to. So if you wouldn't mind, filling in for Zara for today?"
Dave didn't really know what to make of this, he doesn't really know much when it comes to touring visitors around the island. In truth, he would rather stick with training raptors than that.
"Well... What I supposed to do?" asked Dave not sure how touring visitors actually works.
"Just, take them to different place." suggested Claire. "T-Rex Kingdom, Gyrosphere Safari, make sure they enjoy being here."
To be fair, that didn't actually seem that bad. Just spend a day with someone around park, have fun, nothing Dave can't handle.
"Alright then." agreed Dave fianlly. "So, who is this special guest?"
Not really wanting to tell Dave, Claire pointed at Perry who was now being health checked by Barry. Although right now, Dave wasn't getting where Claire was going.
"What? Perry?" wondered Dave.
"No, think." hinted Claire. "Who did you name her after?"
Dave didn't need to think to realize who Claire was referring to as his face widened with dread. Despite what many people think, Dave didn't name Perry after some cartoon platypus spy, he had name her after the other Perry... Katy Perry.
"No, just... no." denied Dave now not wanting to do Claire's favor at all anymore.
Even though Dave had name Perry after her, he didn't like her at all, in fact he hated her. The only reason he named Perry after her, was because he couldn't think anything decent else call her, it was either Perry or Elsa.
"Come on Dave." persuaded Claire. "Anyone else would gladly do something like that."
"I'd rather swim with the mosasaur than spend a day stuck with her!" snapped Dave.
"Dave, she's here for a good reason." explained Claire even though Dave didn't want to listen to any of it. "Every time celebrities have come here, attendance has risen, paparazzi, fans, new reporters. And, she's preforming here from the reopening."
"All the more reason to kill myself." admitted Dave sarcastically.
"Dave, please-"
"Claire! No." refused Dave standing his ground. "I don't care if you run everything here, or she's here for a good reason. You are NOT making me spend a day with that balloon chest!"
X Ferry landing...
Needless to say, she did...
Waiting by the ferry landing, Dave had taken the time to chat to Jess about this on the phone. While he may of be putting on a happy face, this felt like torture to Dave.
"I am officially going to kill Claire after this." moaned Dave to Jess.
"Dave, your not." calmed Jess down through the phone.
"No, I am." admitted Dave. "I'm gonna throw her in dino dung, have her trampled on by a apatosaur, then feed her to Rexy."
"Come on, Dave." coxed Jess knowing Dave wouldn't actually do that. " Just, put your personal thoughts aside for today and enjoy it. Try looking at the brighter side of this."
Thinking for a few seconds, Dave did come up with one good thing about it...
"I could always use her as bait in raptor training." figured Dave much to Jess's shock.
"What? There'll be plenty people glad I did that."
"And there'll be plenty of people glad to have you arrested, or even close down Jurassic World." added Jess appalled Dave would actually consider that. "Listen, I gotta go now, and please, try to enjoy it."
"Fine... I'll try." Dave finally agreed about to hang up on Jess. "See you in a bit gorgeous."
Turning his attention back to the unloading ferry, Dave finally caught sight Katy as she made her way off the ferry. For someone who Dave didn't really like at all, she was still eye catching. Her short black and water blue hair seemingly shining under the tropical sun along, and the crimson red jacket she wore over her top certainly caught attention.
"Just kill me now..." muttered Dave in despair.
"Hey, you must be Dave Hanzul." greeted Katy offering her hand out.
"Yep." answered Dave gritting his teeth as he shacked her hand. "I'm guessing Claire already told you about me."
"Yeah, she said you be my guide for today." admitted Katy smiling in excitement. "So, where do we start?"
Fortunately, Dave found a way to put his personal hate for Katy aside for the time being. And he knew one place that Katy would be sure to enjoy. "With the queen of Isle Nublar herself."
X Hammond's creation lab...
Within Hammond's creation Lab, many of scientist had laid their eyes on incubating dinosaur eggs of all kind to make up for the dinosaurs killed by the Indominus. Some large, rounded eggs to hatch into apatosaurs, others medium sized eggs to hatch into ankylosaurs. But in truth, nothing felt the same without Dr Wu around.
After the death of the Indominus, Dr Wu had disappeared along with a large supply of amber and dinosaur DNA. Where he was, no one really knows. But while many of giving up on Dr Wu with his involvement with creating a killing machine, some wanted to know more...
Keen to find out what else Dr Wu was hiding, Jess had spent most of the morning trying to unlock Dr Wu's password lock in an attempt to open up his files on the computer. Jess isn't normally nosy, but she had good reason for wanting to know more. During the Indominus attack, she and the others had come across an image of another hybrid, listed as 'Stegoceratops'. And to Jess, that could mean that there could even more hybrids that they don't know about.
"Okay... let's try... Henry?" suggested Jess typing it in, but with no luck.
Shooting back around, Jess caught sight of Claire right behind her. She had been caught red handed, but Jess wasn't going to admit defeat just yet.
"Hey, Claire." greeted Jess sheepishly.
"What are you doing?" asked Claire noticing the computer behind Jess.
"Um... Just a bit of Facebook." lied Jess hoping Claire would buy that lie.
"In here?" questioned Claire pointing out the lab they were in.
Seeing that Claire wasn't buying it, Jess finally admitted defeat.
"Okay... Not Facebook." admitted Jess. "I've been trying to open up Dr Wu's files."
"Why would you want to do that?" wondered Claire confused.
"Claire, we all heard what Hoskin said. Dr Wu was involved in everything." reminded Jess. "I'm just concerned the Indominus wasn't the only hybrid they planned on making."
Thinking for a moment, Claire understood Jess's motives. Even though the horror of the Indominus was behind them, any other hybrids that Dr Wu planned on making could easily cause a repeat of last time, if not even worse.
"Well... that makes two of us." admitted Claire. "So what have you tried?"
"Um, Henry. Scientist. Amber. Fossil." listed Jess of what didn't work. "And I thought Dave's having a bad day."
X T-Rex Kingdom...
Jess had no idea how right she was. Waiting within the observing area, Dave and Katy waited for Rexy to show up as one guard threw a flare beside a slab of meat hanging from a tree.
In truth, Dave was hoping Rexy would feed more actively today. Recently, she's hasn't been herself, often ignoring goats and flares, so they've turned to changing the way Rexy is feed. And one of those hanging meat from a tree, like you see with lions in nature parks.
"Isn't this the T-Rex that broke out a few months ago?" asked Katy remembering hearing the news of the disaster.
"Actually, she was released rather than broke out." admitted Dave scratching the back of his head.
"Wait, why would you release a T-Rex?" questioned Katy skeptical on whether the people here actually care about protection. "Surely a hybrid is enough to deal with."
"We needed more teeth to kill the I-Rex." explained Dave still remembering 'The Main Street Battle' as many people have began to call it.
Just then, both Dave and Katy caught sight of Rexy emerging from the trees. Her body covered in scars from a few months ago, and her walking a little more stiff due to her old age. Even though a T-Rex can live to be roughly 30 or 35 years old, being raised in captivity means that Rexy could live to be much older.
But as she stomped over to investigate the hanging meat, Rexy didn't seem to keen. Normally she would feed with as much energy as any hungry person, but for some reason, all she did was just pull the meat off without much effort.
"Again? That's the fourth time this week she's been like this." noted Dave growing concern for Rexy's well being.
But Katy could a strong reason behind Rexy's behavior, one that most people here haven't taken into consideration.
"You want my honest opinion?" asked Katy.
"Not really, but go on." admitted Dave being honest himself.
"She look's lonely."
"LONELY?" repeated Dave skeptically.
"Think of it. When we're lonely, what do we do? We don't eat, we don't really care about what's going on." explained Katy drawing from the times she herself felt lonely. "Just look at her, she's all alone in here, maybe she just needs a friend."
Starting to think of it, Dave did see where Katy was coming from. Rexy has been all alone here from 25 years, being the only T-Rex on the island may mean she doesn't have to worry about defending her title, but she doesn't any other animals to socialize with.
"At least that's not problem with our raptors..." muttered Dave, enough for Katy to hear.
"Wait, you have a raptor?" asked Katy both excited and cautious.
"Six, actually." corrected Dave.
"Well, where are they? Can we see them?" asked Katy wondering where the raptors were.
"NO. The raptors here aren't used for display." refused Dave straight away. "We only use them for research... And sometimes protection."
"Come on, Dave. Please?!" begged Katy trying to convince Dave to show her.
But when Dave thought about it, it actually seemed like a good idea. Perry was a big fan of Katy's music, back she was a hatchling, Dave often played her some to help calm her down. And Claire did tell him to give Katy the 'Jurassic World Experience'.
"You know what... why not." agreed Dave finally.
X Back in the lab...
Originally, Claire thought it would only take a few minutes until she and Jess could unlock Dr Wu's password lock. But in reality, it had actually been an hour. And they still weren't any closer than before. While Jess was busy trying to unlock Dr Wu's password lock, Claire had turned her attention to Dr Wu's paperwork, seeing if they had a lead to any other hybrids or the password.
"And there I thought this would be easy." muttered Jess still coming up a possible word.
But while Jess kept on trying, Claire was beginning to turn her attention to Dave. After leaving him stuck with Katy, she didn't need to guess that he would be mad at her after today.
"So, did you have a word with Dave this morning?" asked Claire.
"Phoned him, he wasn't really too happy if I'll be honest." admitted Jess.
"What did he say?"
"He said he'll 'Throw you in dinosaur dung, have you trampled on by a apatosaur, and then feed you to Rexy'." revealed Jess remembering every word Dave said.
"Sometimes, I really do wonder what goes through Dave's head." admitted Claire worried.
"Dave may say stuff like that, but he wouldn't really do it." assured Jess knowing enough about her husband. "Besides, I doubt Rexy would even be interested with the way she's been acting."
"Jess, this is Dave we're talking about." reminded Claire skeptically. "The man who punched a woman, broke a pterosaurs back and tore the I-Rex's eye out."
"Well you did deserve it." admitted Jess knowing about Dave punching Claire. "So what do think Dave's doing with Katy right now?"
"He's probably taking her to have a selfie with a baby triceratops."
X Raptor paddock...
Claire couldn't be more wrong, Dave was actually driving Katy towards the Raptor paddock. Even though he had consider using Katy as raptor bait, he had throw that idea out of his head. All he plans on doing is showing the pack to her, maybe even bring Perry out.
Eventually, both of them reached the raptor paddock. To Katy, this paddock seemed way different from any others she's seen so far. Tighter security, higher walls, they really did want to keep their animals inside, but yet again, these are raptors housed here.
"So, this is the raptor paddock?" asked Katy.
"Yep." answered a sure Dave.
"Dave?" called Barry as he and Owen made his way to Dave.
"Hey guess." greeted Dave bro hugging Barry and Owen. "How did the health checks go?"
"Nothing we can't handle." answered Owen before his attention turned to Katy. "Um... Dave?"
"Yeah, I know." admitted Dave sadly.
"These your friends?" asked Katy feeling a bit left out.
"There are." introduced Dave. "Um, Katy, Owen Grady and Barry. Owen and Barry, Katy Perry."
"Pleasure to meet you." greeted Katy offering her hand.
"The pleasure all mine." assured Barry shaking her hand.
Though Owen wasn't as sure about this, to him, it seem Dave brought Katy here to use as raptor bait.
"Um, would mind giving us a moment?" asked Owen pulling Dave and Barry back a bit. "Dave, if you've brought her here for what I think you have, than no."
"I was going to, but no." assured Dave. "I just thought maybe it'll be a good idea to show her the raptor pack."
"Dave, they've killed people before." reminded Barry slightly worrying Katy. "They might try to have a go at her."
"Than I'll just bring Perry out." suggested Dave.
That actually such a bad idea, Perry was more trusted around people than the rest of her pack, mostly due to her human DNA. The only thing is, sense Perry herself has liked Katy a lot, she might be as shy as anyone else who's meet their idol.
"One minute, no longer." finally agreed Owen.
Not bothering in trying to convince Owen other wise, Dave led Katy to where the raptors are health checked before opening up the gate.
"Wait, we're going in?" questioned Katy getting scared.
"I'm going in, your not." assured Dave. "They're kill you if you went in alone."
But as Dave made his way into the middle of paddock, Katy didn't understand how he could go in alone. If the raptor would kill her, why won't they kill him?
"How come he can go in with them?" asked Katy as Owen and Barry watched from the other side of the cage.
"They trust him more than most people." explained Owen. "The only other people they trust is us two."
"Alright guys! Front and center!" called Dave for the whole pack.
Within seconds, the whole pack of raptors emerged from the undergrowth, surrounding and calling to Dave as one of their pack. While Blue and most of the other pack members circled or sniffed the area, Helen and Perry made their way up to Dave, rubbing their heads and bodies along side him.
"Hey, my scaly angle." chuckled Dave rubbing his and Perry's heads together.
Katy didn't know what to say, she knows how dangerous and savage raptors can be, but the way Dave is acting among them was something that she couldn't believe was happening.
"It's like watching a pack of dogs." admired Katy stunned by what she was seeing.
"Except bigger, louder, more teeth." added Barry knowing a raptor is nothing like a dog.
"So which ones which?" asked Katy.
"Well there's Charlie." began Owen starting from the lower ranking members to the top. "Then there's Echo, that ones Delta, and the smaller ones Helen, daughter of Blue and Perry."
"Wha- Perry?" repeated Katy surprised. "You named a raptor after a platypus?"
"NO!" yelled Dave still annoyed when people say that.
"Dave named her after you." revealed Barry. "The one thing he doesn't hate you for."
Katy didn't know what to say, one part of her was both touched that Dave named a raptor after her, another was a bit annoyed she was with someone who clearly hated her.
But right then, Perry caught sight of Katy beside the gate, her eyes wide as her jaw dropped in shock. She couldn't even believe she was seeing the person who she was named after.
"Am. I. Dreaming?" asked Perry in shock.
But that shocked Katy even more, she just saw a raptor talk, a raptor!
"She spoke? She spoke!" realized Katy in shock.
"You just noticed?" chuckled Barry amused by Katy's shocked reaction.
"How can she do that?" asked Katy in disbelief.
"A few years ago, Dave brought Perry from the supermarket as an egg." explained Owen to Katy. "When she grew too big to live in his house, Dave brought her here for a home. But when she started to act differently from other raptors, we had her DNA tested, it turned out she had human DNA in her, making her smarter than other raptors, and even talk."
By now, Dave had managed to bring Perry over to the gate while the rest of pack waited near by. Dave wasn't going to let any of the other raptors get too close, they've killed people before, and he's not taking that chance here.
But by now, Perry was beginning to grow shy, burrowing her head into Dave's jacket in embarrassment.
"Hey, it's okay Perry." calmed Dave down. "Just act as you normally do."
Plucking up the courage, Katy stretched her arm out towards Perry as the shy raptor slowly rubbed her muzzle in Katy's hand. But when Katy expected her hand to disappear in Perry's jaws, instead, the soft warm sensation of skin rubbing against scales caught her attention.
"She's so soft..." whispered Katy amazed that she was actually stroking a raptor.
But to Dave, this was all he would allow to happen, it's too risky doing anything else with Perry. So stroking a raptor, is all Katy's gonna walk away from the paddock saying.
"Alright, time to go." hinted Dave as he opened up the gate.
Not taking any chances, Owen instantly closed the gate the second Dave made it through, any of the raptors could try to make a break for it.
"So, where to now?" asked Katy never wanting to forget the feeling of touching a raptor.
Luckily, Jurassic World was a big place, and there are plenty of places to go. And Dave knew one place that Katy would be bound to enjoy, Triceratops Territory.
X Still in the lab...
"Come on! Why won't you open?!" begged Jess all out of ideas.
It had been another three pain staking hours sense she and Claire began to search through Dr Wu's work, but Jess wasn't any closer to unlocking Dr Wu's password lock.
"Alright, if I was Dr Wu, what type of password would I use?" thought Jess trying to think like Dr Wu.
But Claire suddenly came up with a good idea, sense Dr Wu is a scientist, and with science always changing with more ground braking discovers, she might just know the answer.
"Hang on! I think I know." revealed Claire trying her luck with the password lock. "Evolve."
"Finally..." huffed Jess in relief.
But then, to her and Claire's concern, one voice record suddenly pop up on the screen. Clicking it to open, Claire and Jess listened to the voice recording with grave concern.
"Henry Wu. If your hearing this, than listen carefully to what I have to say. Head of InGen, Baron Dales, has decided to transport me and the amber samples to a different location, where it is, they're not telling. The mercenaries they have hired have released another hybrid from our classified location on the island, code named: Feathered T-Rex. Be warned, it may be young, but it will grow up fast and you'll have to fine it fast... unless you want a repeat of the Indominus."
"You mean... there another hybrid... on this island?!" questioned Jess fearing the worse.
"Let's hope not!" admitted Claire bringing out her phone. "Owen! Are you there?!"
"I'm here." answered Owen. "What's wrong?"
"I need you at the Control Room now!" explained Claire as she and Jess made their way to the Control Room. "We've found something."
X Control Room...
When Owen learned about Dr Wu's voice mail, he straight away made it to the Control Room. While Lowery and Vivian tried to locate any sign of the apparent Feathered T-Rex Claire, Jess, Patel and Owen pounded over the thought of there being another hybrid on the island.
"I don't understand." admitted Jess. "We've been rebuilding Jurassic World for months now. If there was another T-Rex out there, we would seen it by now."
"Not unless it's stayed hidden within the Restricted Zone." suggested Claire.
In truth, Claire did have a point. Not that many people go into the Restricted Zone, so this Feathered T-Rex could easily stayed hidden there... until it grew too big.
"If it was young when released, then it should be trying to avoid human contact." theorized Owen.
"Well if it's young, then it would feed on lizards or smaller animals in the Restricted Zone." added Vivian joining in.
"Well what about when it's all grown up? You think a small lizard would be filling?" questioned Lowery.
"Bring up all camera close to the Restricted Zone." ordered Claire. "Maybe it's been combing the edges or one of the gates."
"Some reopening this turned out to be..." admitted Jess.
"I'll hold the reopening until we've dealt with this dinosaur." assured Patel as his attention turned to their special guest. "I want Katy back here until we've captured this T-Rex."
"Good luck with that..." wished Owen grimly. "Dave's still showing her around the island."
"What?" shouted Claire in shock. "Where are they?!"
X Triceratops Territory...
While Triceratops may be housed within the Gyrosphere Safari, those at are more bold than others are housed within Triceratops Territory, mostly groups of males who were less successful at rutting.
But that didn't mean visiting was a no no, with high tree tops reaching into the sky, vast grassy fields for them to graze on, and even a large river to drink from. Any Triceratops here would treat it more like an retirement home.
Driving through the area in a Jurassic World jeep, Dave and Katy took in scenery as Dave drove up to a favorite spot. Down by the river, right among the bushes, triceratops came here to drink and feed on the bushes the lined the river.
"So these are like, dinosaurs trying to be rhinos?" asked Katy seeing Triceratops as scaly versions of rhinos.
"Sure, if you want to think of it like that." admitted Dave as if spitting out poison.
From the sound of Dave's voice, Katy could tell he really didn't like her, though it was bothering her that he hadn't admitted it yet.
"You really don't like me. Do you?" Katy finally asked.
"Oh what made you think that?" asked Dave sarcastically.
"Then why do you hate me?" questioned Katy.
In truth, it didn't bother her that Dave hated her, there are plenty of other people who think the same as Dave. The only thing that Katy didn't understand was why Dave hated her. Taking in a deep breath, Dave tried to find the words to tell her.
"Your music videos are just rubbish remakes of films." explained Dave starting with what he hated the most about her. "Like, 'Roar' it's just a rip of version of Tarzan. And 'Dark Horse'... Hello! Illuminati confirmed!"
"First off, most music videos are like that." defended Katy. "Second, Egypt. Pyramids. Eye symbols. And the Illuminati don't even exist."
"That's what they want you to think." refused Dave actually believing in the Illuminati. "And your outfits never make any sense. Like, you sing a song called 'Peacock' and you wear blue feathers."
"Peacocks are blue." reminded Katy.
"No, they're green."
"Male peacocks are blue."
"With green feathers."
To be fair, they both could have argued for the rest of the day, but then both Dave and Katy ended up being distracted from their argument by something worrying. The triceratops herd had started to get agitated, gathering together with their heads facing forward, creating a formidable circle of horns, grunts and bellows.
"What's going on?" asked Katy confused by their sudden change in behavior. "What are they doing?"
"They're gathering together." realized Dave becoming concern. "Something's spooked them."
"But I thought there's only these dinosaurs in here." wondered Katy as Dave spotted what had spooked them, right behind the jeep.
"And... that one." pointed Dave at the window mirror.
Slowly turning around, both Dave and Katy looked up as fear washed over them at what was behind them...
Towering over the jeep, a large T-Rex silhouetted against the sun, but both Dave and Katy could see this T-Rex was very different from Rexy. It's neck and back were covered in a set of bristle like feathers while the rest of it's body was covered in more downy brown feathers. And even though it was fairly big, to Dave, it seem a bit more smaller than Rexy, a sign that this was a Buck T-Rex.
Unleashing a ground shaking roar, the Feathered T-Rex charged out at the triceratops herd, completely ignoring Dave and Katy. With all it's force, the T-Rex bit down on one of the triceratops's horns, wresting to pull the triceratops away from the others. But the triceratops managed to shake it's horn free from the T-Rexes jaw, with amazing force, the triceratops slammed it's frill into the T-Rexes head, forcing it to stumble back.
From their jeep, Dave and Katy could see the whole thing unfold. Despite their argument a few minutes ago, Dave had thrown his hatred for Katy aside just to protect her. Now was not the time to let personal thoughts get the better of him.
"Dave! Are you there?! Do you copy?!" radioed Owen through Dave's walkie talkie.
"I'm here." copied Dave picking up his walkie talkie. "But we got a issue."
"Feathered T-Rex?" asked Owen to Dave and Katy's shock.
"How do you know?" questioned Dave confused.
"I'll explain later, where are you two?" asked Owen concerned for their safety.
"We're in Triceratops Territory." panicked Katy wanting to get out of here.
"Just hang on, ACU is on their way." assured Owen hoping the two could survive until then.
But then Dave thought of something, maybe they don't need ACU to capture this T-Rex. They're not actually far from the East Gate, and T-Rex Kingdom. To Dave, they could avoid having people or dinosaurs die, all they need to do, is lure the T-Rex to paddock 9.
"Wait, don't send ACU over." ordered Dave coming up with an idea.
"Wha- Dave, you and Katy will die if you stay there!" thought Owen shocked Dave was saying that.
"I have an idea." assured Dave. "Keep an eye on the camera at the East Gate. When you see us, open up paddock 9."
"Dave, one T-Rex is bad enough, two would be a disaster." refused Owen straight away.
"Just, do it!" yelled Dave passing the walkie talkie to Katy. "Katy, listen to me. I need you to follow everything I say."
"Okay..." agreed Katy hoping Dave knew what he was doing.
Meanwhile, the T-Rex was still going at the triceratops. Changing his tactics, the T-Rex bit down on the Triceratops leg, managing to pull it away from the herd. But before the T-Rex could do anymore harm, the sound of a jeep horn caught it's attention. As the triceratops limped back to safety among the herd, the T-Rexes attention turned to the jeep as Katy kept on beeping the horn with Dave now in the passenger seat.
"Over here, Tiny arms!" yelled Katy now in the driver seat.
Enraged and tempted by the thought of a easier meal, the T-Rex charged at the jeep, his jaws wide open in an attempt to crunched down on the jeep. Just in time, Katy managed to reverse the jeep, dodging the T-Rexes jaw. With the T-Rex now following the jeep, Katy tried to focus on heading back to the East Gate.
From the passenger seat, Dave prepared himself for when they do reach the East Gate, his had also taken Katy's crimson red jacket and had tied it over his shoulder, almost like a cape.
"Keep going, Katy! Your doing just fine!" encouraged Dave not actually believing he's saying this.
Turning to her side mirror, Katy could see the T-Rex gaining on them. Even the mirror warned 'Objects are closer than they appear', so in reality, the T-Rex was mere inches from the back of the jeep.
"Oh god!" whimpered Katy in fear.
But just in time, they made it to the East Gate, the large gate now opening to let them in. But now it was Dave's turn to run for his life...
As Katy turned the jeep to side, Dave jumped out of the passenger seat. Rolling out, Dave brought himself onto his feet as the T-Rex lock Dave in his sights.
"HEY! HEY! HERE!" called Dave trying to get the T-Rexes attention.
And it had worked, with brighter, more obvious prey waving him over, the T-Rex bellowed at Dave as Dave made a mad dash for paddock 9. By now, Dave was wishing he asked Claire for advised when outrunning a T-Rex. Claire of all people managed to do that with Rexy... in heels of all things!
With each breath, and each step of the foot, Dave could hear and feel the T-Rex gaining on him. But just in time, the gate to paddock 9 began to open up. To those in the Control Room, it seemed Dave was trying to get Rexy to fight this Feathered T-Rex, but Dave was actually planning on something else.
Quickly making a run into the paddock, Dave threw Katy's jacket into the middle of the paddock before trying to hide among the bushes and leaves. Just in time, Dave managed to keep himself hidden as the Feathered T-Rex stampeded into the paddock, it's eyes locked on the jacket lying among the floor as it sniffed it for any sign that this was food.
Suddenly, a ear splitting roar caught the Feathered T-Rex and Dave's attention. Turning to the source, both of them caught sight of Rexy emerging from the trees, her eyes locked on the Feathered T-Rex. But when everyone was expecting a repeat of 'The Main Street Battle', neither Rexy or the Feathered T-Rex showed any aggression to one another, in fact, it was the complete opposite of that.
Slowly walking up to the Feathered T-Rex, Rexy looked down as the Feathered T-Rex lowered his head down in submission. Rather surprising, Rexy was the largest of the two, primary because female T-Rexes are large and more aggressive than males, so with T-Rexes, girls really did run the world.
Slowly creeping to the opened gate, Dave kept his eyes on the two T-Rexes. But there was no need to fear being eaten right now, both Rexy and the Feathered T-Rex had began rubbing her heads against each others necks, growling in contentment as the feeling of soft scales brushing against downy feathers ran through their skin.
It seemed Katy was right all along, Rexy really was lonely after all. And with the arrival of the Feathered T-Rex, Dave may of just given Rexy a new playmate.
Thinking the two wanted some privacy, Dave closed the gate behind him. Now there were two T-Rexes happily inside T-Rex Kingdom.
X Control Room...
Not long after that, Dave had been taken into the Control Room for medical care. As Jess carefully cleaned Dave's bruises while Lowery and Vivian kept an eye on Rexy and her new friend on the camera, Owen and Claire were still surprised Dave's plan actually worked. Owen had also brought Perry along with him once Dave was safe, and she was now growling with joy, relived that Dave managed to outrun a T-Rex.
"So, that was your plan all along?" asked Owen quite impressed. "Give Rexy a playmate."
"Something like that." admitted Dave rubbing Perry's neck. "Man, outrunning a T-Rex is not easy."
"Try doing it in heels." added Claire.
"But, where did that T-Rex even come from?" asked Dave wondering how it managed to stay hidden for so long.
"Turns out, Dr Wu created a Feathered T-Rex specimen during the Indominus rampage." explained Jess done cleaning Dave's bruises."When he left, the InGen mercenaries released it onto the island. It must of spent all this time growing in the Restricted Zone."
"But if something like a T-Rex can hide for so long, what else could be hiding here?" wondered Claire with deep concern.
The fact is, if Dr Wu could create a Feathered T-Rex, and then have stayed hidden on the island without them noticing, then there's no telling what else could be hiding on Isle Nublar. Could be anything, and in Dave's worse case, another Indominus Rex. But the Indominus sibling was reported to be eaten by the older one, the body having been thrown away. The chance of it having survived being cannibalized is very unlikely or best still impossible.
"But. Everything. Fine. Now." reminded Perry bringing up what they had sorted out.
"Yeah, let's just look at it this way." added Lowery joining in the conversation. "We manage to stop anyone getting eaten, we gave Rexy a new friend, and our special guest is still in one piece."
"No thanks to him." admitted a familiar voice, much to Dave's annoyance.
Turning to the elevator, everyone caught sight of Katy walking up to them. While she was a little annoyed that she lost one of her jackets, Katy had something to say to Dave.
"Oh boy..." muttered Dave expected the worse from Katy. "Katy, I swear! I had no-"
But before Dave could say anything else, Katy just pulled him into her arms. Relived that Dave was okay, Katy wasn't mad at all, Dave was only doing is job. Although Dave was almost about to throw up as the realization of who was hugging him came into his head.
"Not. Mad?" asked Perry as Katy let go of Dave.
"No. Not at all." revealed Katy in joy. "Look at this way, who can say they were chased by a T-Rex?"
"I can." admitted Claire.
"Does a hybrid T-Rex count?" asked Owen putting his hand up.
And so did Dave, and Jess, even Perry, much to Katy's astonishment.
"Okay, quite a few actually." whispered Katy.
But than Owen came up with something rather good. Sense Dave's given Katy the 'Jurassic World Experience', it's only fair Katy gave Dave something back.
"Hey, Dave. Didn't you did Preforming Arts before you came here?" reminded Owen hinting an idea to everyone.
"You did Preforming Arts?" asked Katy, was there nothing Dave could hide from her?
"Yeah, A star student." added Claire picking up on what Owen was saying.
"What are you guys going on about?" wondered Dave starting to worry.
But at that moment, everyone gave a certain look right at Dave, even Katy herself had picked up on what Owen and Claire were suggesting. And to be fair, it didn't take long for Dave to pick up on it either.
"No... please no." begged Dave not keen on it at all.
"Come on, Dave." encouraged Jess. "Trust me, it's not as bad as you think it is."
"What do you want me to do? Dress in pink armor, and do the Harlem shake?"
X Main Street...
"Kill me... just kill me now." moaned Dave as everyone prepared for the opening.
Night had now descended on the park, and the once quite Main Street, was now filled with people. All of them awaiting the reopening of the only park containing living breathing dinosaurs. Among the crowds of people, Owen, Barry, Claire, Jess even Lowery and Vivian waited for Patel to arrive and announce the reopening of Jurassic World. He was after all the new owner of 'Masarni Global Cooperation' it was only fair he held the honor of reopening the park.
"You think Dave will be alright?" asked Jess hoping Dave was ready.
"He trains raptors for living." reminded Barry. "I doubt Dave will be bothered by a bit of stage fright."
But backstage, Dave waited among with a few others, covered in his dinosaur armor. After the events a few months ago, Dave had taken the time to fix it, and add a few more... Dave touches to it. And to be honest, he was more frighten of preforming to dozens of people.
"Come on, Dave Hanzul." encouraged Dave talking to himself. "You train raptors for a living, and your scared for this?"
"You'll be fine Dave" assured Katy making her way towards Dave.
Turning to where she was, Dave was actually speechless for once. Her skin seemed to glow under her white glow in the dark outfit, even her glitter lined eyes made Dave blush a little, but yet again, who wouldn't?
"How do I look?" asked Katy hoping for an honest answer.
"You look... beautiful." admitted Dave actually being honest. "No really... you do."
Meanwhile, on the stage, Patel had made his way on, all the stage lights focusing on him as he pick up his microphone. Drawing from what his father would do, Patel focused as he locked on to the sea of faces in front of him.
"Ladies and Gentleman. Everyone who works here, and every dinosaur that lives here, cannot use any words to tell you how much it means for you to come here." began Patel having prepared a speech. "My father, who tragically gave his life to protect this island, was inspired by the vision of a wise man, a man who dreamed of the impossible, and made it reality. Though we still have much to learn, and much changes to face, as time goes we will change with them, and adapt to see a better, brighter future. So, it gives me great pleasure to reopen our home... Welcome, to Jurassic World!"
Within seconds, the whole Main Street erupted into a sea of clapping hands and cheering voices. It seemed people really did enjoy seeing a dinosaur.
"So without further ado. Please welcome, Dave Hanzul. Preforming with our special guest tonight, Katy Perry!"
With within seconds, the whole stage lights died down, before lighting up in a flash. With Patel having gotten off the stage safety, now everyone had their eyes on something rising from the stage, something big...
Standing tall and proud, both Dave and Katy stood beside each other as they raised from the stage. But they didn't stop there, still they kept rising until a large shining T-Rex sized animatronic emerge, with Dave and Katy right on it's back. Of course they wouldn't use an actual T-Rex, to risky. But no one seem to be bothered by that, all they cared about was having a good time...
(Roar - Jurassic Bonds Version)
Katy: I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath
Scared to rock the boat and make a mess
So I sat quietly, agree politely
I guess that I forgot I had a choice
I let you push me past the breaking point
I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything
Dave: You held me down, but I got up
Katy: HEY!
Dave: Already brushing off the dust
You hear my voice, you hear that sound
Like thunder gonna shake the ground
Katy:You held me down, but I got up
Dave: HEY!
Katy:Get ready 'cause I've had enough
I see it all, I see it now
Dave: I got the eye of the raptor, a fighter, dancing through the fire
'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar
Katy: Louder, louder than a T-Rex
'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar
Katy: Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Dave: Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Katy: Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Dave: You're gonna hear me roar
Dave: Now I'm floating like a pterosaur
Stinging like a bee I earned my stripes
Katy: I went from zero, to my own hero
Katy: You held me down, but I got up
Dave: HEY!
Katy: Already brushing off the dust
You hear my voice, you hear that sound
Like thunder gonna shake the ground
Dave: You held me down, but I got up
Katy: HEY!
Dave: Get ready 'cause I've had enough
I see it all, I see it now
Katy: I got the eye of the raptor, a fighter, dancing through the fire
'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar
Dave: Louder, louder than a T-Rex
'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar
Katy: Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Dave: Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Katy: Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Dave: You're gonna hear me roar
Katy: Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Dave: Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Katy: (You'll hear me roar)
Dave: Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Katy: You're gonna hear me roar...
Just then, Perry leaped up onto the stage. Surrounding Dave and Katy, but this wasn't an ambush, it was just part of the whole thing. Besides, there was no way Perry would miss out on something like this!
Perry: CAW!
Katy: Roar
Perry again: CAW!
Dave: Roar
Perry yet again: CAW!
Katy: Roar,
Dave: Roar,
Both: ROAR!
Katy: I got the eye of the raptor, a fighter, dancing through the fire
'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar
Dave: Louder, louder than a T-Rex
'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar
Katy:Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Dave: (YEAH!)
Katy Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Dave: Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Katy: You're gonna hear me roar
Dave: Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Katy: Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Dave: (You'll hear me roar)
Katy: Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Both: You're gonna hear me roar...
Finally, Perry unleashed the loudest roar she had ever let out in her entire life. Loud enough to shatter the ground, break glass, and burst ear drums.
Within seconds, everyone screamed and cheered in amazement. Among all this, Dave rubbed Perry's head in joy as she barked up into the air. Even Katy pulled up Dave's hand as even more people screamed and cheered even louder, to Dave's shock and surprise.
X Deep within the Restricted Zone...
But deep within the Restricted Zone, among the ruins of the old T-Rex paddock, a creature caught the faint rumbled of the music of in the distance. Emerging from the undergrowth, the creature caught sight of the lights in the distance shining within the tropical night sky, a sure sign that people were returning to the island.
But the experience of the past has caught this creature what nightmares are created from the humans, after all, it was one of them...
Despite feeling a curious urge to investigate, the creature lumbered back into undergrowth. For there was no place in the world for a creature design to kill... a creature known... as the Untamable King.
Trust me, I know what you are thinking, and it's not that one...
But the next chapter, everyone soon learns about the creature they all thought was died long ago.
Anyone is more than welcome to give ideas for future chapters, but I am intending on a big chapter on the way. Thank you X