Castiel awoke with two strong arms circling his waist. He was pressed against a muscular chest, warmth radiating off the person next to him. Castiel slowly turned around, the arms just gripping him tighter when he did. Two emerald green eyes met his own, twinkling in the morning sun.

"Hey, beautiful."

Castiel struggled against Dean's arms, sitting close to the edge of the bed once Dean released him. "What did we do last night?"

"You know what we did," Dean smirked, inching closer to Cas, stopping when he noticed Castiel's distressed expression. "What's wrong?" Dean asked, his eyes full of concern.

"Where am I?" Castiel asked, his breathing quickening. What the hell happened last night? The only thing he could remember was a knock and a hit to his head. After that just excruciating pain and glowing blue eyes.

"You're home…" Dean said carefully, eyeing Cas up and down as if he was trying to determine what's wrong with him.

"No, I'm not! I probably even slept with you!" Castiel nearly screamed, making Dean jump. "I haven't forgiven you for the Lisa thing you know."

"Who's Lisa?" Dean asked, clearly confused. "Babe, are you okay?"

"I-" Castiel couldn't speak. It was as if he was frozen, unable to move. It was as if he woke up in some dream world. A world where Dean never cheated, a world where they were together. It probably had to do with some supernatural thing, there was no other explanation. However, in this moment, Cas didn't care.

"I'm sorry, I think I had a bad dream," Castiel smiled, trying to reassure Dean. He looked skeptical but didn't mention it and lifted the duvet.

"Sleep a while longer." And Cas did just that.

"When is Sam going to arrive?" Dean asked Bobby, anxiously checking the time on the arrivals board. Sam had taken the first plane back to South Dakota when he ended the call. It was obvious his big brother needed him, he just didn't know for what yet.

"In fifteen minutes. Now, stop pacing, boy."

"Sorry, Bobby," Dean said, sitting down in one of the chairs. He kept twisting his mother's ring on his finger as a habit when he was nervous.

Sam arrived in twenty minutes, suitcase in hand and ready to go. Dean had hugged him tightly, nearly breaking down in his brother's arms. Sam patted him on the back and pulled out of the hug with a worried expression.

Once they were seated in the Impala to drive back to Dean's place, they told Sam the story. How Dean ran into Cas again, how they were supposed to meet at Cas's place and how Cas was gone now. Of course they didn't forget about the other kidnap's, where the bodies were found with liquefied intestines. Sam recognized the symptoms immediately.

"A Djinn?"

"Bingo," Dean said to lighten the mood, but wobbling of his voice betrayed him. He was beyond worried and the stress finally hit him. He had to make sure Cas was alright, he had to save him.

"The vic's have 24 hours. After that, they end up dead, liquefied intestines and a blue handprint where the Djinn touched them," Sam mumbled to himself, before turning his attention to Dean and Bobby. "We need to be quick."

"Yeah, I know. They are usually in places where they can hide. Do we have abandoned warehouses or something?"

"We do," Bobby said, glancing over at Dean who was gripping his steering wheel a bit too tightly, his knuckles turning white.

"Do you have some African Dream Root left, Bobby?"

"Back at my place, I'll drive there after you boys get home."

The drive was silent, both Sam and Bobby occasionally inspecting Dean, making sure he was still doing okay. Well, as okay as he could be. At this point, it wouldn't surprise either of them if Dean broke down crying. But Dean was holding himself together for Cas. It wouldn't help Cas if Dean lost it, that's why needed to keep going. He had no other choice.

When they arrived at Dean's place, Bobby immediately took off. Sam tried to comfort his brother by talking about anything but Cas, but it wasn't working. Sam made coffee instead, knowing that they would need it.

"We'll find him," Sam said, a strange kind of determination in his voice. He would do anything for Dean even if that meant going on a hunt one last time. They both swore off hunting after they arrived at Bobby's all those years ago. They hated the lifestyle their dad forced them into. The only thing that kept them going were their dad's commands and the fact that they were helping people. However, now, they were glad they had the experience. The chances of saving Cas were much higher now.

Sam and Dean found a lay-out of the town and quickly discovered the abandoned warehouse on the fair end of town. Dean was ready to go in, but Sam stopped him.

"The African Dream Root, remember?" Sam gripped his shoulder and gently pushed him back into the chair. "We can't save Cas without it. It's tough, but you have to be patient."

"I know, Sammy, I know."

The doorbell rang not much later, revealing a grumpy looking Bobby with the African Dream Root and a jar of blood in his hands. Dean let Bobby in and inspected the root.

"Is this enough?"

"Of course it is, ya idjit," Bobby replied, rolling his eyes in the process. Dean knew better than to question Bobby, but right now, he had to make sure he was able to save Cas. They didn't have another chance at this.

Lucky for them, Dean always kept some hunting gear in the trunk of Baby. A lot of creatures knew his Dad and with that his sons too. Dean couldn't be careful enough.

Dean drove them to the warehouse, ignoring every speeding limit. He was looking out for the police, of course, if they got pulled over they would just lose too much precious time. The roads were pretty clear today, so there was no traffic stopping them. It was almost as if fate was helping Dean to save Cas. Not had gone wrong so far and Dean couldn't be happier.

As soon as they arrived Dean jumped out of the car and handed Bobby and Sam guns just in case. He held onto the silver blade with blood of a lamb and walked to the front door of the warehouse. Sam and Dean had already checked, but there were no other exits. Dean tried to open the door, but the door was closed. Instead, he mustered all of his anger and kicked the door in, letting it fly open with a screech.

They went in without many words, keeping their guns raised in front of them. Their flashlights shone, exploring every corner of the room, but there was nothing. Dean was about to curse, hit, kick everything in sight. Until Sam discovered another door. This door was surprisingly unlocked and as soon as Sam opened it, something flew at him. Sam tried to shoot the thing but missed. Luckily Bobby hit it in the shoulder, which startled the creature enough for Dean to sweep in and plunge the blade in its heart.

Dean quickly recognized the creature as the old lady from the flower shop who pointed him to Castiel's house only a few days ago. Speaking of Castiel, he was tied up to a chair a few feet away. Dean lunged at him, cradling his head in his hands. Cas was burning up as if he had a high fever. There was a blue handprint on his lower arm, poisoning his body.

"Drink this," Sam said, handing Dean the African Dream Root. Dean did as told while Bobby grabbed another chair.

"Hit me," Dean ordered, closing his eyes, ready for the blow. Sam hit him hard, knocking him out cold.

The next time Cas awoke, he was alone. The sun had set higher and the bedroom was bathed in sunlight. The bed was very comfortable, with a soft duvet and a mattress that was probably made out of memory foam.

Cas pulled back the covers and slipped out of the bedroom, ready to inspect the house further. That was until the smell of bacon and eggs hit him. Cas followed the smell and was startled by the sight of Dean, cooking breakfast while whistling and without a shirt on. Cas blushed furiously and took a few moments before he joined Dean at the stove.

"Morning, sleepyhead," Dean smiled, turning off the stove and sliding the eggs and bacon on a plate, handing it to Cas.

"Thank you, Dean." Cas took place at the bar and dug in. He hadn't noticed how hungry he was until now.

"Are you okay, Cas? This morning, you-"

"I'm fine, it was just a bad dream," Castiel quickly interrupted. He glanced up at Dean only to find worried eyes looking back. Cas smiled and Dean visibly relaxed. They ate in silence, a comfortable one unlike the silences with the real Dean a few days ago.

Castiel placed the plates in the dishwasher and turned around only to find Dean standing close by. Cas had forgotten how beautiful Dean looked up close, even better now that he was older. Dean really grew out of his baby-face, now graced with a strong jawline and high cheekbones. His freckles luckily remained, that was always one of Cas's favorite features.

"I'm going to take a shower," Dean announced, pecking Castiel's lips. Castiel pulled him back and kissed him for real. After all those years and their kisses still felt familiar. Cas could get used to this. This life was everything he wanted.

The kiss got more heated by the second. Dean lifted Cas on top of the counter and he instinctively opened his legs for Dean to slide between. Castiel gripped Dean's blonde hair tightly in his hand, pulling him closer and closer.

"Cas?" Castiel pushed Dean away, only to find another version staring at them. His face was a mixture of anger and pure shock, blending together in the most terrifying way.

"Dean?" Castiel hopped off of the counter and inched closer to him, leaving the dream Dean behind. That was until he was stopped by a hand on his arm.

"Don't go with him," the other Dean begged, gripping Castiel a little tighter. "You will be happier with me."

"Cas you have to snap out of it," Dean insisted, angrily making his way to Cas. "You will die if you don't."

"Don't listen to him. He is making it up," the other Dean said with a sultry smile that made Castiel's knees weak. He never wanted to leave this place, Castiel knew that. Maybe he should stay.

"Please, Dean, I don't want to go."


"In this world Lisa doesn't exist, you never cheated," Castiel snapped. "We're happy here."

"This isn't about that, Cas. If you stay here you will die, in less than 12 hours may I add." Castiel's determination to stay faltered at that. Was it all worth it? "Give me another chance," Dean begged his anger fading away, making place for a wave of defeat.

"No!" the other Dean shouted, pulling Castiel back against his chest. Castiel tried to loosen the grip on his arm but nothing worked.

"Let me go!" Castiel yelled, kicking the dream Dean hard against his shins. Cas practically flew in the real Dean's arms, seeking safety. "How do I wake up?"

"You have to kill yourself," Dean replied, fading away slowly. The dream root was getting out of his system and it wasn't long until he woke up again. He was met by Sam and Bobby's worried eyes. Next to him was Cas, still sleeping.

It took less than a minute until Cas opened his eyes. He was drained, all of the energy had flown out of his body. He tried to stand but it felt as if he was floating as if the world was spinning.

Dean quickly caught him before he face planted on the floor and carried him bridal style to Baby. Dean handed the car keys to Sam, shooting him a pointed look that said: "be careful with my Baby" before getting into the back seat with Cas. There he laid Castiel's head on his lap, fingers waving through his dark hair.

"Are you feeling better?" Dean asked kindly once Castiel opened his eyes again. After Cas fell asleep due to exhaustion in the car, Dean had carried him inside and tucked him into his bed.

"Yes, thank you," Castiel replied, accepting the glass of water Dean was handing him. The awkwardness was already setting, they both knew they had to talk about Cas's dream world.

"You were captured by a Djinn," Dean begun, avoiding Cas's eyes. "They poison the victim through skin contact. They show the victims their deepest desire."

"I figured as much," Castiel mumbled. "I'm truly sorry."

"You don't have to apologize, man. It's not like you could do something about it," Dean reassured, reaching for Castiel on instinct. He pulled back quickly once he realized what he was doing by Castiel extended his own hand and held Dean's. Castiel smiled softly, rubbing Dean's palm with his thumb.

Dean cleared his throat, ignoring the butterflies erupting in his stomach. "Why did you want me to come over yesterday?"

"I wanted to tell you that I believe you," Castiel whispered. "Especially now that you saved my life."


"I owe you so much, Dean." There was a lump forming in Castiel's throat. A few hours later and he would have been dead. And to think that he wanted to stay in that twisted world. Of course he still wanted the real thing, he still wanted to be together with Dean, even after all of these years.

"It's you," Dean simply said, tears burning in his eyes as well. He almost lost him. That was one of the most terrifying things he could imagine. "I was serious when I asked you to give me a second chance. I want to fix this and I want to be with you."

"I want to be with you too, Dean." And then they were kissing. It was slow and heartfelt, not rushed at all. Castiel could feel the love and passion Dean held for him in that kiss. The kiss told him he was safe, that he was exactly where he was supposed to be.

"Maybe we should take things slow," Dean suggested, gently swiping his thumb across Castiel cheekbone.

"I agree."

They did take things slow after that. They didn't just plunge into a relationship, no after everything that happened, especially in the past.

But as the dates went on, Cas slowly started to trust Dean again. Things got better and one year later, they decided to move in together.

"Pass me the box, babe?" Dean asked, holding his hand out for the box with "Dean's stuff" on it. Castiel handed the box with a smile, curious to say what was in this one. So far they had unpacked their clothes and kitchen stuff. The house was really coming together now. It was not too big but big enough. They painted the walls in warm color which made the house, even cozier.

"What's in it?" Cas asked, wrapping his arms around Dean's waist and resting his head on Dean's shoulder. He had to stand on his toes a bit to look over Dean's broad shoulder and found that the box contained some of Dean's personal belongings. Like photographs and key chains he collected while he was on the road. One thing did catch his eye. "You kept it?"

"Of course I did," Dean said, turning around and pecking Cas on his forehead. Castiel quickly searched around for a frame and found it in a box not far away. He removed the backside and carefully put the photograph inside. Once he put the backside where it belonged he put the frame on top of the chimney.

The house wasn't fully decorated yet, to be quite honest it was still a work in progress. But the photograph of Dean and Cas kissing on that particular snowy day in front of a Christmas tree surrounded by lights really made the house a home. Their home.