Hey… Nothing new. Just something to pass the time.

Disclaimer: Didn't own any. But I got to say: maybe I delayed this long enough to reach a certain new character… You figure it out.


It's amazing how far someone with enough motivations would go to fulfill their goal. Some may do it for the betterment of the world while others just to see it burn. And some will even go great length to get these kids off his back by being as early as unbelievably possible. Kakashi even camped outside so he won't miss it.

Waiting with him in the lobby was Sakura who was calmly sitting with a book. She even dressed the part of a model student getting ready for an exam.

What ruined the innocent image was the uniform is definitely a size or two smaller, an excuse to leave the top buttons open for a tease.

Worse: The skirt is also having the same problem as sitting cross-legged is just inviting a breeze to reveal some unmentionables.

And the worst: what she is studying is a copy of his favorite book which alone would garner a lot of trouble if they were not already drooling at her.

Despite being a pervert himself, kakashi is very uncomfortable with this. What was making it more embarrassing was the look he was given by the Jounin from every village as they drop off their own students.

The wait was finally over when Sasuke barged in with something large on his shoulder. He must have crashed a bakery or something for his hair to be powdered white.

Tilting her glasses and gracing her features; "How rude of you to keep a lady waiting. What took you?" she haughtily asked, the voice alone fulfilling someone's fantasy.

"Hey! You try tracking him when he says he'll go for a walk!" he countered while trying to dust off the mess. The Uchiha then dropped a large box which does or doesn't look like a coffin.

Great, now he's getting stares for different reasons now. Trying to get this blasted day over with: "Just wake Naruto up…"

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty!" He eagerly pounded before the lid smacked him in return.

Rising up was apparently a young girl with blonde pigtails. After showing her fangs with a dainty yawn, she directed her red glare towards them, more specifically in Sasuke's direction. Kakashi would have thought Naruto was is one of those mood again, that is… "Ragna! Why in bloody hell did you wake me up at such holy hour?!"

"…You're not Naruto are you?" She started a tirade that other than mentioning her name had loss their interest.

The Joinin leveled a disgruntled glare to the one who hopefully only fails unofficial retrieval missions. "They were breathing down my neck and nipping at my heels! Some doing the other way around!"

"-That's because you were making such a racket while everyone's sleeping!-"


After apologizing and returning one Lady Alucard (the scarecrow felt a chill… and somehow, Kakashi knows it's not from the one mentioned) back to the morgu- er…, hotel…, did they civilly ask for the room of his wayward student. After getting another judgmental glare (caused by someone else), they had to traverse a labyrinth that felt like hours before finding Naruto.

"WhO DIstURbS mY slUMBeR?!"

Huh… so that must be why he's in such better mood, usually Naruto just blasts the unfortunate sob. Goes to show how desperate he is if even considering investing on an expensive television might bribe the blonde from his usual walk.

Before, Naruto oozes darkness that was a trigger away from something worse… Now… it's still there but counterbalancing it is a chaotic mischief similar to pre-graduated Naruto… Only much, much worse.

"It is I: Alakik Yeras for a wild goose chase in Motel Castlevania!"

"Cave of Wonder indeed. How did you fit a 70-inch plasma screen tv, gaming consoles and a mini fridge in there?"

After half an hour of sass (which was also contributed by the remaining two) did Naruto reluctantly got up. Then all hell broke loose.

He would have praised Naruto for setting an alarm for this important day. If it wasn't connected to a massive sound system at max volume! The pounding of the undead hord- er…, angry neighbors who are out for blood (literally) grew louder in tandem with the music.

Just as the door broke and before his students could engage; Kakashi shoved them in the box, locked the lid and hightailed out of there with Naruto's tune blasting down the corridors. He is not yet ready to die and neither are these kids having a party!

He would later be pressed charges for disturbing the peace. The charges would later be revoked as the collaterals were not 'Naruto-level'… Something that confusingly even the complainants praised him for.

They finally got to the exam site with enough time to scold his charges. But opening it, in the midst of so many bystanders, made him consider his father's last moments.

He did not want to know where their clothes went. Nor where those bruises that looks strangely like a non-lethal bitemarks all over their sweaty bodies came from. And he definitely does not want to imagine how what it looks like was done in a confined space!

"Look presentable. And wipe those shit-eating grin!" His answer was one Jinchuuriki blowing a wisp of smoke.


And this day just keeps getting better. The bright side was that his students were also just as surprised.

Blocking their way was a boy probably around their age. A Kiri-nin by his forehead protector but that scowling bandaged-wrapped face looked familiar that's only heightened by a familiar looking sword that towers over him… The one he is trying to distance from a certain student of his rival.

"Zabuza? What happened to you, man?!" Izumo and Kotetsu, who he remembered should have been under a Henge, started trying to dispel the illusion when the self-proclaimed Zabuza had turned his attention to a fellow swordsman.

"Camping 101: Never eat freaky mushrooms especially in freaky places like ones near the Fountain of Youth." He is torn between relief or pity on how Zabuza will eventually get Guy's attention if his clone's heightened interest is to go by.

Subtly taking a peek with his Sharingan and saw no change whatsoever; relented that somehow the former nuke-nin gained a second childhood. Won't puberty be a b***h? "So… are you here to see you're Genin take the exam?"

"Fuck wished! I'm taking it myself!" Ok… now that's a surprise.

"But aren't you already a Jounin?" Sakura asked while briskly checking a manual of Shinobi Ranking. (He's more relieved that the glasses were not just for act… Though now he is more troubled of the intelligence she is clearly hiding and using for her own gain.)

"I was demoted once I was cleared of that stunt I did! How should I know impeachment was a thing?!" Actually… No, he's not surprised.

"-Then the hag had this 'brilliant' idea to start anew as Zabuza's bastard and all that shit! I would say screw her and make a repeat performance of how I became the kami-damn Demon of the bloody Mist!" He noticed how the crowd lessen. Either they're already left for the test (not likely, with good gossip material raving right here whether they believe it or not) or left in fear for their health (most likely, with an excellent killing material raving right here whether they are smart or not).

"But this is my only chance to come to Konoha, but not for some stupid exam!" With a glare that would have burn a hole through the crowd; "I'm here for that fuck mothering bitch of a son!" Kakashi wondered how angry the shrunken swordsman was to butcher all those phrases. Naruto seemed to be pleased by it all the same.

"Oh, hell yeah! Someone got the name righ-." He was more surprised that Naruto stop midsentence rather than the ridiculously large sword leveled at the boy's face.

"Shut up! It's your fault! I was a demon already; what happened would have only made it official! But Haku…" Kakashi remembered that selfless young ward of his and wondered what happened to deeply affect a hardened veteran like Zabuza. "And you just had to sink your teeth into it!"

While imbedding the sword on the floor with a resounding force, the Kiri nin took off a wooden box strapped on his back which they only noticed now. He laid it down with as much care as one would to a porcelain vase.

"She's now a demon! Look what you had done to her!" Opening the latch, everyone in the corridor took arms in preparation for what horror may be unleashed.

But they were not prepared for what crawled out. Not even the piece of bamboo secured on her mouth could diminish the beauty the small girl radiated as her eyes shone with pure innocence.

Getting over the shock quicker, Naruto strode towards the duo. Zabuza had his hand on his trusted blade once more while Haku calmly looked up towards the dark figure. "So… Are you saying that this is my doing?", he said in a grave voice.

"Part of it! But since the fucker who did this is dead, you're the only one responsible left!" He tightened his grip, preparing for what horror would come their way.

But he… and everyone present were not prepared for this kind of horror. Even his two demon-slaying students are freaking out for they have seen nothing like this… Naruto squee'd in delight. "Oh, she's adorable! Come give daddy a hug!"

Their surprise was not yet over… Not by a long shot. With a speed and strength that betrays her size, most missed how the small fist caved Naruto's face. Every normal person screamed at the brutality… Kakashi reluctantly realized he is slowly becoming part of the minority.

"Oooh. ~~ Feisty, isn't she?" he said with that bloody grin still present.


Kakashi acquired an empty room that they would not be disturbed. Though he doubted there won't be any eavesdropper, he did recognize a Hyuuga on the way.

After finally vented his anger, Zabuza calmly and reluctantly admitted that he wasn't suicidal and revealed his personal mission.

From what he pieced together since they parted ways, Haku was somehow infected by something that was targeted for Zabuza. What Naruto did somehow prevent her from completely being corrupted, losing most of her memories in exchange for her extraordinary abilities.

It's a story of how a demon, who ask not for redemption…, but salvation for the one who gave him a heart. Such heartwarming scene was accentuated by how the girl's eyes smiled as her 'brother' warmly patted her head.

Too bad Naruto had to ruin it. Every time he twitched in Haku's general direction; he would be impaled to stay put with the weapons getting more elaborate. Kakashi gave up and just commended that the weird nunchuck yipped as Haku rubbed one of its canine-looking head.

"…so you need demon blood for her?" Being quite the analytical if she wanted to, Sakura was able to figure out the whole ordeal.

"Someone says that it will be a very difficult process, but there might be way to turn her back to human." Zabuza affirmed with unwavering conviction.

"And as long as it is not impossible, you'll do anything for her. Respect there, bro." They shared a fist-bump as an act of unspoken appreciation.

"Hehehe… Release-…" That was all he heard before they were drowning in bloodlust. Hands of eldritch shadows prevented them from interfering, the weapons returning to their owners as sharp shackles.

As a prey faces an alpha predator, instinct was clearly taking hold as Haku growled like a cornered animal; no escape in sight but won't go down without a fight.

"Why would you want be one of those moving blood-bags again?" The creature of darkness mocked as he glided through the shadows.

Running a hand through the still imbedded Kubikiri Houcho's edge, Naruto presented a profusely bleeding wound.

"Here… Drink… and you'll gain powers beyond your wildest imagination! So much… that nothing will ever stand against you. You will no longer need to be protected…" That bloody grin as he followed her line of sight. "Or is it someone else who needs to be protected?" A shadow kept his mouth shut wanting nothing to sway her.

Demonic features became more pronounce as the temptation became stronger. "Yes… Take my blood and you can crush all who threatens what is yours!"He barely contained the chuckle with how predictable this setup is becoming.

But all were struck speechless by her surprising action. With her eyes hardening with unmatched resolve, she turned away and rejected him.

Kakashi felt the varying concerns of his companions, fearing for whatever harsh answer for that rejection. "Interesting… Very interesting…" The darkness receded and they were able to breath once more.

"Hey brow-less wonder, catch!" Barely catching his breath, Zabuza caught something shiny.

"What the hell is this?" Holding up, it was a small silver cross with a red gem in the middle.

"Didn't you need my blood?" Confused, he looked closer and found the gem was actually a vial containing the said red liquid.

"Didn't you just give a bucket of it already?!", the great sword was still dripping with it.

"Ooohhh… You wanted to play finding a hay in a needle stack? That sounds fun!" Zabuza relented when he realized what the bloodsucker implied.

Naruto turned back to the young demoness but with a kind of expression that was foreign to those who knew him. "Now for you my dear; a little gift." With the hand still soaked in blood, he left a drop on the muzzle.

"When hope is gone… Undo this lock…" The red liquid glowed into a seal before disappearing. The same hand, now mysteriously cleaned, affectionately rubbed her head. "Whether you use it or not, I'm still proud of you. And who knows…, maybe you'll be the one to kill me." Despite the morbid sentiment, Kakashi briefly saw a shred of humanity thought lost in the monster. It lasted a moment longer when Haku also tussled his hair in return.

But another heartwarming scene was ruined as a dozen swords skewered him the second her hand left his head.

"What was that crap!-" Getting over another near death experience, he noticed Sakura haven't left her perch of blades. Noting the misty daze and heavy breathing, he was about to help… Until…,

"That was one powerful Dom-" NOPE! He is not going down that rabbit hole!

Ignoring the antics of this… kids, he couldn't imagine how horror-struck all those who felt that cold dark grasp. Kakashi hoped the teams of his comrades and every other villages are prepared for the brutality of his… and that is not a boast but a prayer.


Not so far away… While everyone froze…

"Oh~~~ Naruto-kun…"




Well that's that. See yah people!

Though... I think I'll bring this up. Ideas and suggestions will be taken into consideration. Keyword: Consideration. It's I'm wondering who else would get a make over. Any suggestions that I might like?