When text is in this it's the character's thoughts.
A/N this is a quick warning that I'm new to 's workings so I might have some issues and that I may change the rating later on as the story progresses as well as quick disclaimer, I, unfortunately don't own the devil is a part timer, that belongs their owners but the plot and story is mine, (I also have this on watt pad so don't report me ^. ^) now with that let's begin the story...
Luci pov:
I was alone... Again. It wasn't that unusual with Maou working the day and Ashiya was over at Suzuno's to help her with some cleaning, or at least that's what I think. I honestly blocked out Ashiya not really wanting to hear his complaints about me, I only tuned back in when the door shut. I sighed honestly it was blessing and a curse. On one hand I didn't have to deal with their complaints but on the other hand it leaves me alone to think and that can go either way...Most of the time it doesn't end well. Hence why I'm sitting on the computer looking up some sort of anime that might make me feel better, at least slightly the first thing I watched was a show called Madoka Magica, girly I know but when you have all the time in the world at home; you tend to watch anything. But that was a poor decision in the end. It ended up leaving me crying silently at the end of it and my darker thoughts running though. Weak. Useless. Unworthy. I shook my head to try and stop these thoughts, it wouldn't be good to break down and have someone barge in. I don't want to explain myself to them, especially when I know they probably don't care about me and more on whether or not I'll misbehave and cause more trouble for " my lord." I sighed and got up. Well... I tried to but my legs had fallen asleep so I fell forward onto my face. Pain blossomed from my mouth and a metallic taste filled my mouth. I groaned in pain as I clutched my chin. I quickly walked over to the sink once o was able to move and spat into it. I frowned when I saw the blood and a tooth lying amidst all of the blood. I grabbed the tooth and turned on the water to wash the blood away. I pocketed the tooth and placed a bandage on the cut on my chin. "You deserved that for your uselessness" this reminded me of why I fought with Olba, at least for a while. He had told me I was essential, I was needed and I could get my wings back, I could finally get back the respect I lost when I rebelled against heaven even with Lord Stan as a general I was disrespected. I watched the blood run down the drain mesmerized by the simple action. I heard footsteps coming to the room as the last traces of blood disappeared. I quickly used my hair to cover my bandage and I sat at the computer and opened up to one of the RPGs that I was playing before I stopped to watch anime. The door slammed open.
"ASHIYA!" a young and annoying hero's voice yelled. Emi barged into the room and I frowned slightly.
"Huh? Hey NEET where did Ashiya go and why'd he leave you of all people alone here." she asked. I tried to ignore her and it was working till she slammed the laptop shut startling me
"HEY I asked you a question, demon." she demanded.
"Be careful! If you break the laptop Maou won't buy another one and I'll get an ear full from Ashiya, I don't know why you want Mr. House wife but he's over helping Suzuno or something." I finally replied. She was giving me a weird look before she grabbed my chin and turning the bandages side into the light
"What the hell happened to you?" I grimaced and ripped my face out of her hand.
"It doesn't matter, just go find Ashiya and leave me alone." Emi completely ignored my request and continued the interrogation.
"Is that... Blood on your teeth?" My eyes widened, was it that obvious?
"And if it is?" I asked glaring at the magenta haired girl. "What did you do." she growled. "I swear if you hurt anyone..."
" I didn't, calm down "hero" I didn't hurt anyone I did this to myself, besides if I left that would mean I could get arrested idiot, I have enough problems so have a little faith in the fact that I'd rather have Wi-Fi than be in prison." I interrupted. She seemed a little surprised at my outburst but by then I had turned back to my computer and Ashiya and Suzuno walked in.
"Hero Emilia, what are you doing here?" The Suzuno questioned. Once Emi explained that she was looking for Ashiya because she needed him to come see some person called Rika later. Ashiya said he would have to ask "sire" and then began to complain about my lack of usefulness but by then I had tuned them out. After all, who wants to hear about what they already know. I sighed. Back to the usual...