Gods and Monsters

Chapter 5: Filling in the Pieces

Allegra put away the groceries by herself which ultimately took her about an hour to do. Than went up to meet Hibari in his off like he told her to. She knocked and waited for a response to enter, after a moment or so she got one. She opened the door and looked around, it was a good sized room but very plain looking. The Skylark hadn't looked up from his computer while she was still looking around. After she was done examining the room she took a seat in one of the chairs in front of the big oak desk. She saw an envelope laying there and wondered what is was.

"Open it,"

Hibari said as he finished what he was doing, Allegra did just that and reached for it. Upon opening it she saw what looked like pictures.

"Kyoya what are these?"

"Exactly what they look like."

She pulled them out more and looked at them closely. Her eyes widened when she saw that it was her in the pictures. But how could that be she looked older and Hibari was with her.

"What are these?"

She said once more and looked him dead in the eyes this time.

"Give me a minute to finish this report and I will answer your questions."

She watched has his fingers flew across the key board and finished typing. She knew he was done when he turned fully away from the computer and was now facing her. He was giving her his full attention, and for Hibari that was something very rare that he did. Normally he was only half paying attention to what was going on around him.

"What do you really know about me?"

He asked her, she thought for a moment.

"Dino's told me a few things. But last night when I said I felt like I'd seen you before it was because I have. Or at least it was more like I'd seen you in a dream. I didn't understand at first and I still don't, my memory gets all fuzzy when I think too hard about it."

"Those dreams, their more like memories of the future."

"You can't be serious."

"You asked for answers and I am giving them to you. When did the dreams start?"

"When I was sixteen. I didn't even know who you were then, I asked people about it but no one would give me answers. Not even Dino, they used to be so vivid. But I had decided to teach myself how to use a gun and Dino would only let me use a soft pellet gun to practice with. I got tired of using it so I snuck into the weapons room and took out one of the shot guns. The kick back was too much for me to handle and I hit the ground so hard I'd knocked myself out for hours before anyone found me. Because of that I can't seem to remember much."

Hibari listened to what she said and it sounded like she was suffering from the same thing that weird hat wearing person who is always around Mukuro had for a while till he finally remembered everything. So eventually she would too right, but how long was that going to take. He needed her to remember now because from what her future self said they were going to get into a fight and she would leave. And he wouldn't see her again for another six years, when she shows up needing his help with getting back her daughter. His daughter.

Allegra's future self would not tell him everything and he had been hoping this Allegra would have her memories of what happened. He knew the logical thing to do was to try and avoid fighting with her. But for people like them life wasn't so easy. He knew the fight would come and she would leave. It wasn't the words that would do it, it was going to be the physical and emotional pain that would drive her away. He wanted to know the name of the people who thought it was smart to harm something that belonged to him. But future Allegra withheld that information, said he needed to be better prepared and more knowledgeable about how to use the box weapons for all three of them to come out of this alive.

And of course Hibari thought it was better to take out the threat before it happened. But the woman was stubborn and kept the information to herself.

"I wish you remembered more than just faces of people you are supposed to meet."

"Well I'm sorry but it's really fuzzy. Why is there something you're not telling me?"

"You will find out soon enough. Do you have any more questions?"

"Who is this little girl?"

Turning one of the photos around she showed it to him. Hibari was starting to think she was not a genius at all if she couldn't figure that one out. Even he knew what was going on.

"She is your daughter."

Allegra turned the picture back to herself and stared at it again.

"How do you know that? How do you even have these pictures?"

"Years ago, almost ten. I, the other guardians, and Tsunayoshi went to the future."

"You can't be serious?"

"That is the second time you have asked that question."

"I know that. But, can you really expect me to believe that you went to the future."

"Believe it or not. When we went I met you, your future self. And she told me that at some point not long after we first meet. We'll argue, get into a fight. One that will hurt us both then you will leave. I won't see you again for six years."

"Why do I come back?"

She was starting to piece together who the father of the girl was.

"Your daughter is kidnapped by-"

"By your enemies, because she's your. Am I right?"

Hibari turned his head away from her. He was now taking back his earlier thought. She was smart, the smartest women he'd ever met.

"Yes, she is ours. I wish I could say a fight between us is avoidable. But so far we cannot be kind to one another for long."

"Are you sure? We could at least try."

"People like us don't get so lucky."

"People like us, Gods and Monsters."

"Yes, Gods and Monsters as you put it."

Allegra sat back in her seat, she hadn't even realized she was on the edge of it. She looked at the pictures once more and then back to Hibari.

"Well, what are we waiting for?"

"Excuse me,"

"If we are meant to have a child we should get started on it."

"Why? I don't think it would be a good idea to bring a child into this life. To potential put that child in constant danger."

"You're worried that our child would be in danger. My parents didn't worry when they had me. I've done some research on both of your parents. Your father is head chief of the police department, and your mother has ties to the Yakuza. Ties that would allow for you to take over the Yakuza if you wanted."

Hibari stood from his chair and walked around his desk to stand in front of Allegra. In response she stood as well, leaned her side into his desk. Hibari's arms crossed over his chest and he stared at her.

"Can this really be what you want?"

"I, I honestly don't know what I want out of this situation. I do know that I now have answers to the many questions I once had about how you come to play in my life. For a long time you were someone I wanted to know. Meeting you now I see was the right thing to do. This alliance could be good for both of us. You have access to the technology I want and need in order to continue my work on the box weapons. And I can give you access to my father and his men. My father and his men are an independent group who work along side Dino and his family. If we were to do this he would be more willing to align himself with the Vongola, with you."

She made a point Hibari had to admit that. If they were to do this both would benefit from it. Not only that but if they could both hold their tempers long enough for Allegra to have their child. He would never let them leave. They would stay safe and secure within the mansion where someone would always be around to watch them. And maybe, just maybe this threatening group would be caught in the act of trying to kidnap his daughter. Future Allegra said he couldn't know who they were, but she didn't say he couldn't alter things in his favor of finding them.

Hibari reached up to touch her face, she jerked back not sure what he was going to do. It didn't stop him from trailing his fingers along her jawline.


"Really, you're not even going to think it over."

"There's no point. If you can provide me with more man power, I will do whatever you ask."

"Well, I didn't think it would be that easy. I don't expect this to turn into any kind of relationship. It's just business."

"Understood. Are we done here I have more pressing matters to get to? I will come find you later so we can go over the terms of this situation."

"Yeah, we're done. For now."

Allegra pushed off Hibari's desk and left the room without looking back. Once she was on the other side of the door between them she let out the breath she hadn't realized she was holding.

"It might be harder to keep this just business then I had made it sound."

She shook her head in hopes the heat that made its way to her face would fade with the simple gesture. Once satisfied with her slowed heart beat she walked away from the office all together.