Gods and Monsters

Summary: Hibari Kyoya claims to have everything under control, but when he loses his biggest lead in this search for the original creator of the box weapons Dino sends in help. Allegra Rossi is Dino's genius hacker who just so happens to be one of his best infiltrators. She has successfully followed her Italian lead to America to Japan. Reborn partners them together hoping to get a better understanding of all this. So can she, a God when it comes to all thing that have to do with technology and he a monster when it comes time to fight, really work together. Despite their differences without killing each other in the process. KyoyaXOC

Chapter 1: Meeting You

"Tsuna, it seems Dino has someone who will be of help to us in finding out more information about the box weapons."

"What, why I thought Hibari and the Foundation had that taken cared of?"

"Well Kusakabe has been talking with Dino about this. And it looks like they have hit some sort of wall and the trail has gone cold. Anyways her name is Allegra Rossi, and she will be arriving tomorrow afternoon."

"Afternoon, so like during school?"


"Um who's going to be picking her up?"

"Hibari of course it's not like he has to be at school around that time."

"Reborn, I have this one last year of high school. And I was hoping for once I wouldn't have to deal with Mafia stuff. I'm barely passing my classes and with you bringing someone else around; well that's just too much on my plate for this year."

"Tsuna stop stressing over it. Hibari and his team will take care of all her needs if anything you might only meet her once or twice."

"That's good; so how was she able to pick up a trail when Hibari lost it?"

"She first picked up on her own trail in Italy where she is from and followed the group to American. These people attended a College somewhere in Texas, Dino made the appropriate arrangements to have her attend the same school so she could keep a close eye on the group. But it looks like the leader of the group has relocated to Japan, and is now a student of Namimori University. As you can conclude she will be following him here. Which is why Hibari will be working with her and it is only right that he pick her up from the airport."

"Does Hibari know about this?"

"No, but he and Kusakabe are on their way as is the rest of the Guardians."

"Reborn, sometimes I really regret not stopping my mother from allowing you into my house."

After Tsuna said that there was knock at the door, the Vongola heir got up to answer and found his right and left hand men standing there waiting for him.

"Hey Boss, Reborn said you wanted to see us."

"Yeah Gokudera, Yamamoto come inside we're waiting for the others to show up and Reborn can fill everyone in."

"When you say others you mean that bastard Hibari too, huh?"

"Yes him too."

The two teens walked in and the three of them went to the dining room. Tsuna's parents were out of town so there would be no interruptions when the meeting began. About an hour later or so the rest of their group showed up even Hibari made an appearance though he stood in the farthest corner of the room he was there none the less.

"So everyone is here today because we have gotten some information from Italy about some leads to finding out more about the Box Weapons. Her name is Allegra Rossi and for the last year she has been following a group of people who are very much involved in the development of the Box Weapons. She will arrive here tomorrow afternoon, and since most of you have school to attend, Hibari you and Kusakabe will be going to pick her up. I would also like you to share what information you have with her."

"Why should I have to work with an outsider?"

"Because she comes highly recommended by Dino."

"All the more reason to not work with this woman."

"Oi, bastard stop being so fucking difficult. If you hadn't lost track of your lead, the Boss wouldn't have had to bring someone else in."

"Gokudera stop."

"No, let him say what he wants Tsunayoshi. I'm fairly confident I can handle whatever he has on his mind. Besides it can't be much anyways."

"Why you, I've got these sticks of dynamite and I've just been dying to light them right in your fucking ass."

"Now that sure sounds like a confession about your sexuality."

"Mother fucker,"

Gokudera was about to lunge at Hibari who was more than ready for the fight that was to come. Yamamoto and Ryohie were both in positon to stop them Tsuna got to it first.

"Stop it both of you."

Tsuna stood up to glare at both of them.

"Gokudera sit down,"

The Italian man did as told, and Tsuna's gaze went to Hibari. The older man showed slight defiance in his eyes.

"Hibari, when you said you had everything under control and didn't need our help I believed you. But now you have lost your lead and we are being provided with someone who can help regain it."

Tsuna took a deep breath to mentally prepare himself to finish what he needed to say.

"I am the Boss and this is a direct order. You and the Foundation will partner with Allegra Rossi on getting all and any information on the Box Weapons. Do I make myself clear?"

Hibari's gaze turned to a heated glare, he began to walk out of the room and Kusakabe followed behind.

"Sure thing Boss."

He said in a mocking tone.

"Her plane lands at 1pm you better not be late."

That was the last thing he said to Hibari before the Foundation Leader walked out of the house all together. Kusakabe nodded his head at him, this told Tsuna that he would make sure Hibari did what needed to be done. Tsuna sat back down and rested his head on the table, he didn't like to use his authority with any of them. They were his friends, his brothers; but sometimes he needed to have the courage to lead them. The young Heir had three more years until Timoteo was to make him the official Boss of the Vongola Family. In his younger years Tsuna did not want this, he wanted nothing to do with the Mafia. But as he began to do more within this world he saw behind the bad and found the good part of what they do.

"I think I'm going to be sick. Just for once I would like to get through a meeting without fighting."

Tsuna gave a heavy sigh and scratched the back of his head. He looked at Gokudera and the other two that were still there, then he looked to Reborn. He knew he needed to step up more and get his guys to get along better.

"So things need to change."

He got up and left the room.


Gokudera tried to call out to him but Tsuna didn't turn back to acknowledge it.

"Leave him be Gokudera. Right now's not the time to be causing him any more problems."

Ryohie spoke up, in the last few years the Boxer had really grown up. After the Representative Battle for the Rainbow, he began to understand that this was all real. They were far too involved in the Mafia, he started taking on missions from Nono. He even worked with the Varia a few times, Ryohie became the medium between Tsuna and Xanxas.

"Let's go Gokudera, he just needs to cool off a little."

The two teens left and it was just Reborn and Ryohie in the room.

"Have you heard from Xanxas lately?"

"No, I lost contact with him a few days ago."

"This isn't good, CEDEF is busy with their own missions. The Varia is MIA, and we are here; now is not the time to leave Nono by himself in Italy."

"Yeah and now Sawada's not in the mood to talk to anyone. I'll be back tomorrow when he gets off school."

Ryohie left the house and it was just Reborn and Tsuna. The tutor took out his phone and sent a message.

"Bring Allegra after school to meet with Tsuna."

"And if I don't want to?"

"Stop being a little shit and just do it."


Allegra was great full when her plane landed, she didn't like flying very much. She wasn't really paying any attention to where she was going as she rummaged through her bag to get her phone and let Dino know she had arrived safely. The man was the worst and treated her like a child even though she was twenty years old and could take care of herself, he acted as an older brother. Lost in her thoughts and her bag Allegra ended up running into someone.

"Ah gomen, I wasn't watching where I was going."

When she looked up she saw a guy who was very tall and had his hair coming out the front of his head.

"It's okay, I am Kusakabe Tetsuya. Miss Allegra Rossi I presume."

"Um, yes, I was told by Dino that someone would be here to pick me up. But he said it was a Hibari Kyoya."

"Right Kyo-San is waiting for us outside. I'll help you get your bags then we can go."

The two retrieved Allegra's bags and made their way outside, Kusakabe lead her to a black car with who she assumed was Hibari standing outside of it.

"Kyo-San, this is Allegra Rossi. Allegra this is Hibari Kyoya."

"Ah, the Demon of Namimori,"

"Just because I'm Japanese doesn't mean I don't speak other languages."

"So you do speak Italian, Dino said you wouldn't be able to understand much."

"I understand better than you would think."

"That's good to know because this group I'm following is more fluent in Italian than any other language."

Hibari stepped aside and opened the car door.

"Get in, it's getting too crowded here."

Kusakabe took her bags and put them in the trunk while Allegra got into the car. She wasn't about to fight with him. Once inside she texted Dino to let him know she had arrived and was already with Hibari. Dino texted her back with a smiley face and told her to keep him updated on how things are going.

About an hour into the drive Allegra noticed they were on the outskirts of Namimori.

"Where are we going?"

"The Foundation stays in a mansion out here. This makes it easier to get information back to Kyo-San without any miss-communication."

"That makes sense."

"I set up a room for you and a car will be provided so you can get to and from the University and around town. After you get settled in we can go pick up the things you need from the University and head over to Tsunayoshi's house so you can meet the rest of the herbivores. I would very much prefer you not socialize with them much, they tend to take that as an invitation to come around the mansion."

Hibari said all of this to her without looking away from his phone and the message he was sending.

"But wouldn't I have to give a report to Tsunayoshi, I mean he is the Boss."

"Any information you find you will report it back to me first and I will distribute to Tsunayoshi what he needs to know. He's barely passing his classes so he won't be able to understand much of what I send him anyways."

"Such little faith you have in the Vongola Decimo. And what about Dino, he wants me to keep him updated on my progress as well."

This made Hibari stop typing on his phone and look at her, he hadn't thought about that. He knew she worked for the Bucking Horse but didn't think he was all too interested in the Box Weapons.

"Fine you can keep him in the loop, but he better not get any bright ideas that he can come here. Do you have any combat skills?"

"No, my expertise are with a computer not with fighting. But I am good with a gun."

"Some of my guys excel with shooting. There is a shooting range within the basement of the mansion, you will be given access to it for training. You would be of no other use to me if you could not protect yourself."

Allegra nodded her head in understanding. She was well informed about how Hibari felt with Dino and any of the other members of the Vongola. She was born into the Mafia lifestyle where as Hibari was kind of forced into it. Even though on the outside he didn't look like he minded, but Allegra knew internally he did. Being a psychology major it was Allegra's profession to analyze people. Hibari would be her biggest test yet. They arrived at the mansion there were two people standing outside waiting for them. Their hairstyle was very similar to Kusakabe's and for a moment she thought they were all related. But upon closer inspection she could tell they looked different it was just their hair that was the same. The other two men started to get her things out of the car and took them into the mansion to where she guessed would be her new room. Hibari left her in the room to set her things up and said he would be back in about two hours so they can go by the University and Tsuna's house.

She loved the room it was huge compared to the small apartment she had back in Texas. This room was almost like an apartment style it had an office space in the room and a monster closet. It also had its own bathroom, in all honesty the only thing this room was missing was a small kitchen area.

She set her laptop on the desk, and dragged her five bags of clothes to the closet. Allegra was very thankful for the hangers that were already there for her use. She spent about a good hour just hanging and folding her clothes. With the time she had left she set up her stuff in the bathroom and arranged her desk to have all the things she needed at a moment's notice. Not only was she good with people but she was a technology expert, she was a genius in her own right. She was a hacker and could get into any place at any time. Even though she was good at what she did she had to be careful. There have been plenty of times where she almost got caught, and being in the Mafia and a hacker was a bad combination.

The knock at her door brought her out of her train of thoughts. She got up from the desk to open the door. Hibari stood on the other side of it.

"Let's go."

Was all he said as he turned and wasted no time to walk down the hall. Allegra turned back into the room to grab her bag and had to run to keep up with Hibari who was already half way down the stairs.

"We have to make a stop before we head to the University."

Hibari's voice caught her off gaud and she tripped over the bottom of her long skirt. The Cloud Guardian felt a disturbance in the air around him and turned just in time to keep her from falling on him. She was far too close to his face for anyone's liking and she could feel his hot breath on hers. He had her by the waist and easily moved her to the bottom of the stairs.

"I very much suggest wearing more suitable clothes."

"I'll be sure to remember that."

So I made a few small changes. Nothing major the chapter pretty much looks the same. I went through and edited a few things I had missed the first time around and added a sentence or two that seemed to fit in a few spots. I plan to do this in all the chapters. Mostly because it would seem I um totally forgot where I was going after that last chapter I posted. I am hoping by doing this I will regain the original thoughts from before and can continue like planned. Now even though I will be working on editing this story I will still continue to update my others in between chapters. Please enjoy and thank you all to my faithful followers and any new ones I pick up along the way.. –itachiluv89