I'm surprised by the anomaly that is Kurosaki Ichigo.

When I look at him once, he is a hotheaded brat with no regard for personal space nor property. At a second glance, he is loyal to the point of idiocy, and will never stop at anything to protect those unable to defend themselves, be they friend or foe. At a third, he is a silent, stoic figure who is not allowed to suffer because he must bear the weight of the world on his already-straining shoulders.

He seems so strong, so straightforward, so capable. But in truth...

His eyes are unbearably old. His eyes are heartrendingly young.

He never asked for me to burst into his life with only the goal to sacrifice one for the sake of many. I am... Selfish.

I've seen him, grieving on the Anniversary. After we returned from that harrowing fight, he'd locked himself in his room and even I was unable to enter. Listening in on the rest of the family's conversation, I realized that, despite Ichigo's heart of gold and soul of steel, he was the easiest to break.

How useful for the enemy.

He fears his weaknesses but in the end, he fears weakness itself. He doesn't want to feel it, but that fear will one day run him over, and he will never be able to stand again.

Or maybe he can.

He is just that strong.