I found this while surfing the internet, with a really mean review attached. I felt something like this should not be repressed, so I've edited it, only fixed some grammar here and there, deleted the meanness, and added a bit to it. The new Pokemon and Pokemon type. I've put brackets around what I've added in. I'm not claiming any of it, just reposting it cause of the clearness of how much work was put into it and the fact I fell in love with it when I read it. If the true author of This comes forward and ask me to delete it, I will but I'll be doing it sadly. I hope you all enjoy this just as much as I did.
Added note: I know there will be hateful comments/reviews because of this story has caused a lot of controversy and honestly I don't care. I say bring it on. :) sorry to let you guys know that there WILL be a new version of this and I'll keep posting more and more Pokephilia related stories and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Sorry our fantasys bother you haha. (I hope you caught the sarcasm in that sentence). I'm more then positive that you have your own kinks, just like everyone else. Now move on with your life's cause apparently you have nothing better to do then try to degrade us. Sorry to inform you yet again but your not going to stop us from doing Pokephilia stories. :)
This guide of breeding pokemon has been compiled by dozens of researchers, trainers, breeders, and daycare centers, as well as pokemon league officials. Many of these sources wish not to be named, so as a courtesy we will save our thanks for the last chapter, and not name the people and places that have asked not to be named. This guide was made for those that with to mate with their pokemon with harming themselves or their pokemon, and those that wish to breed their pokemon effectively.
Chapter 1: Sexual advantages and disadvantages from types.
Chapter 2: Myths and truths of pokemon breeding.
Chapter 3: The pokemon that YOU can impregnate, or be impregnated by.
Chapter 4: The animalistic aspects of pokemon species.
Chapter 5: Legendary Pokemon.
Chapter 6: Dangers of Ditto.
Chapter 7: The Blissey Egg.
Chapter 8: The dangers of mating with smaller pokemon.
Chapter 9: How to increase your pokemons sex drive.
Chapter 10: Why mating with a large pokemon could be dangerous.
Chapter 11: The dangers of mating with dragons.
Chapter 12: Steelix and Onix.
Chapter 13: Tentacool and Tentacruel.
Chapter 14: Zubat evolution tree.
Chapter 15: Nidoqueen and Nidoking.
Chapter 16: Gallade.
Chapter 17: Cloyster.
Chapter 18: Wailord.
Chapter 19: Rotom.
Chapter 20: Volcarona.
Chapter 21: Zoroark.
Chapter 22: Magicarp
Chapter 23: Skarmory
Chapter 24: Arcanine
Chapter 25: Loppuny
Chapter 26: Lucario
Chapter 27: Snorlax
Chapter 28: Horsea, Seadra, and Kingdra
Chapter 29: Mantine
Chapter 30: Eeveeloutions
Chapter 31: Starter pokemon
Chapter 32: Known mates of legendary pokemon.
Chapter 33: Why Pokephilia is NOT bad.
Chapter 34: Credits.