Alarms go off and I see one of my engines fail. I see a planet in the distance but will I be able to make it? Only one way to find out.

Chapter 1: Crash landing

"Pilot" A voice rings out in my helmet. "Pilot. Are you alright?"

"Vanessa? Is that you?" I groan in pain as I try and right myself.

"Yes pilot. Are you alright?" asks my titan.

"I'd feel better if I was out of this wreck. Mind helping me a bit?" I feel the weight that was on me get lifted and see my black ogre titan. "Thank you." I say as I roll out of the way. Vanessa, my titan, drops the wreckage of the ship and stands up. I look over her and see her falling apart due to the crash. "Aw no." I say as I walk over. She kneels down and I look over the Chassis and see bits of armor missing. "Looks like I'll have to fix you up. We could use the parts from the ship or we could try and find some metal somewhere."

"On the way down I did spot a city. It's around 500 meters to the west of here."

"Well where there's a city there's metal." I turn around and hear Vanessa stand up. "No. You stay here and out of sight. We don't want anyone to know we're here until we know if they're friendly." She kneels back down and I nod.

I make it to the edge of the city and look for a scrapyard of sorts. I see one by the docks and smile. "Jackpot." I move along the edge of the city and reach the scrapyard within minutes. I hop the fence and see different pieces of metal that would work perfectly. I look around for something to carry it in but see nothing. "Welp. Looks like we're doing this the long, tiresome way." I grab a few pieces of metal and hop the fence again. I put it in the bush and keep doing this repeatedly. As I was grabbing the last pieces I needed for the night I hear a gun cock behind me. I turn around and see the barrel of a shotgun in my face. "Well then."

"Don't you move you thief." says the man behind the gun.

"I'm not stealing if its just laying here and not being used."

"It is if it's my property."

"It's scrapmetal!"

Just then a light gets shined on us. "What's going on here?" asks the person behind the light. I knock the gun out of the mans hands and grab the last pieces of metal I need.. I hop over the fence and start to drag all the metal back to camp with me.

I make it back to camp and lay the metal down. "That was a lot tougher than expected." Vanessa comes out of hiding and I sigh. "I'm gonna start repairs on you tomorrow alright?"

"Understood pilot." She lays her hand flat and I hop on and lay down. She covers me with her other hand and shuts down. I open a pill container and swallow one of the pills. I close my eyes and drift off too sleep. Waiting for the day to come.

I wake up as sunlight peaks through the gaps of Vanessa's hands. I tap the metal twice and she reactivates opening her hands. I hop off and stretch my back out. "Alright." I say as I finish stretching. "Time to patch you up." I jump on her back and she hands me the first piece of scrap metal. As soon as I place it where it will go a bullet impacts right by my hand. "OH SHIT!" I say as I stumble and fall off the titan onto my upper back. I stagger to my feet and see four girls in different colors standing there with weapons aimed at me. I bring out my LMG and aim it at all of them.

"Put the gun down or... Or else!" shouts one wearing black and red. She looked no more than 15 and held a giant sniper.

"Oh that's very convincing. Now if you'll excuse me I need to scatter before the real cops show up." I turn but soon feel my foot get caught in something I look down and see Ice covering it. "What the fuck?" I see a trail leading to the one wearing white and cock my head. "Very interesting." I put my LMG away and take out my charge rifle. I charge it up and fire down near my foot that was in Ice. The ice breaks and I jump into the air as Vanessa grabs me and beelines it to the forest. We find a cave nearby and take shelter in it. Unfortunately I hear the four girls outside. I hop in Vanessa and fire a few rounds outside. I hear them scatter and I sigh. I hop out of the cockpit and look at Vanessa. "I know you're beat up but I need you to make sure no one comes in the cave."

"Yes Pilot." I go over to the corner and check my gear. "I may be here for a while or even have to fight my way out."


I get a call on my scroll and see It's from team RWBY. "Hello Team RWBY. What can I do for you?"

"Hello Professor. We think we found someone who's working with the white fang but He's got a new different mech. Nothing like the one's the military has."

"This is troubling indeed. Is it just this one man?"

"Yes it is."

I mull it over and come to a decision. "I'm on my way don't make any other moves toward him."

"Alright professor."

This is troubling. But I have a feeling he's not bad. Especially if he's alone.

Back to me

I hear Vanessa fire another round at the entrance as the footsteps retreat. I load my LMG with a fresh mag and go over to Vanessa. I tap her and sit on her shoulder. I hear some kind of airship land outside and someone step off. The footsteps start coming toward the cave and I fire right in front of them. They stop and I sigh. "You're someone new so I'm gonna say this once. Don't come any closer or you die."

"I'm only here to talk to you." came a mans voice.

"Talk? Are you with those four girls who keep trying to get in here?"

"They are students at my school. Yes."

"Then no. You fired at me first. Trust is non existent at this point."

"I see. If it makes you feel any better I didn't tell them to attack you. They acted on their own."

I think this over and sigh again. "Walk in slowly. Only you." I hear the footsteps get closer and hear the others get close to the entrance. I fire some rounds at the entrance and they go to the sides. "Make sure they don't come in. Don't kill." Vanessa aims at the entrance again and I meet the man midway through the cave. I take out my sidearm and aim it at him. He puts his hands up and I pat him down for weapons. I put my gun away and look at him with my helmet on. "You have One minute to tell me why you're attacking me."

"My students think you're part of the white fang."


"Well that puts me at ease. The white fang is a terrorist group fighting for equal rights."

"Yeah No. I crashed on this planet and was in the midst of repairing Vanessa when the one in red shot at me."

"I see. You have to see where she's coming from. She is training so she can protect people and the way you're dressed makes it seem like you're out to harm others."

"Oh so shoot first ask questions later. Greeeat."

"If you allow me to speak to her I can make her understand."

Vanessa fires another round at the entrance and I look at the entrance. "Just stop before I give permission to kill!" I yell out and look back to the man. "What's your name?"

"My name is Ozpin. And you?"

"Jordan Shadow." I shake the mans Hand and nod.

"Well if you need Mr. Shadow. I could give you a place to stay to repair your mech as well as learn about this world."

"There's always a catch. So what is it?"

"You would be put on a team of four but it would be a year two team due to..." He motions to my outfit and Vanessa.

"I can deal with that."

"Then can you allow my students in so I can explain it to them?" I shrug and tell Vanessa to stand down. "Team RWBY, you are free to enter." I hear hesitant footsteps and I hop on Vanessa. The four girls appear and see me on top of Vanessa. One wearing Yellow cocks her fist back but Ozpin stops her. "This man is not part of the white fang."

"Are you sure about that Ozpin?" asks The one with the sniper.

"He didn't even know who the white fang were until now."

"So we attacked..." trails the one with the sniper.

"A normal person from another planet. Yeah." I say. It's quiet for a bit but she's soon right next to me.

"I'msorryweattackedyouIthoughtyouweretryingtokillallofuswiththisnewmech." she says really fast. My visor changes to a light red but soon goes back to normal after a few deep breaths.

"Don't ever attack me again." She nods and hops off Vanessa. I look over to Ozpin. "So. Where to?"

"Just hop on the airship." says Ozpin as he starts walking.

"I'm not leaving Vanessa behind."


"My titan."

"I see. We can hook her to the airship." I nod and we all walk outside. We hook Vanessa up and the ship takes off.

We land and I unhook Vanessa from the ship. Ozpin gives me a key and a scroll while I look at him. "What's the key for?"

"It's for our vehicle workshop in back."

"Oh... I'm gonna head there now." I run over to the building as Vanessa follows. I open the hanger door and see all the space we have to work. It was enough for around 15 titans and I smile.

"I hope it's to your liking."

"It's perfect." I turn to him while Vanessa settles in. "So about the team thing."

"I've already decided what team to put you on. If you would follow me." I close the hanger doors and follow Ozpin.

We reach a door with the name plaque CFVY. "Coffee?"

"Each team name is based on a color." I nod and we walk inside. There was no one there but I did see a shower.

"First thing's first. Shower."

"Wouldn't you rather meet your new teammates?"

"I've been fighting a war nonstop. Showers are rare. And if we do get one, it's with cold water."

"I see. Well they should be here soon."

I hop in the shower and sigh in delight as I finally get hot water. I wash off the grim of war and step out a few minutes later. The first thing I notice when I step out fully dressed in my gear, helmet and all, is 4 people standing in the room and all looking at me. "Uhhhh... Hi?" they all pull out their weapons and point them at me. "SHIT!" I say as I cloak myself. All but one look around and as I try to leave the only one not looking around comes straight at me. I barely dodge and run out and down the hall. As I run I run out of cloak and nearly run into another student. I take a sharp left and hop out an open window. I see Ozpin and run towards him. "Ozpin help!"

"Ah mr. Shadow. I left to get some coffee."

"Well now my new team is trying to kill me."

"Hey you!" came a female voice behind me.

"Oh no." I turn around and see the same four people from the room.

"Were not done with you yet." says the girl with sunglasses.

"Ah ms. Adel. I see you've already met Mr. Shadow."

"Yeah. After he snuck in our room and used our shower."

"Yes well he has had a long day. And according to him he was fighting most the time. Anyways He is your new team member."

"What?" she says as she deadpans. She looks at me and starts laughing. "You're telling me that this person is suppose to fight with us? He didn't even hold his ground against us."

"Yeah well four on one is not the way I want a fight unless I have Vanessa." I say.

"Who the hell is Vanessa."

"You'll meet her in due time. Just not now."

"Well I think introductions are in order since you will be working together."

"Fine, fine." says the girl. "My names Coco Adel. Your leader. This is Fox." She points to the tan blind boy. "Yatsuhashi." she points to the tallest member. "And Velvet." She says as she points to a girl with... Bunny ears?

"Not to be rude but what's with the ears?" I ask. Coco gets angry and walks over to me. "whoa whoa whoa. I'm not trying to be rude."

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't smash your head in with my bag." she threatens.

"Okay. How about the fact that I'm not from this planet." She looks at me like I'm joking until she looks at Ozpin.

"Then where are you from?"

"Here. There. Everywhere. I'm a travailing soldier. Though it was forced on me. I crashed here after I wanted to be left out of the war."

Ozpin walks over and puts a hand on Coco's shoulder. "Put him down and I'll explain our world to him." Coco lets go of me and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Okay. I'll introduce myself so you all understand where I'm coming from. My name is Jordan Shadow. I'm not from this planet and have been fighting in a war since I was 15."

Coco whistles impressed. "Fighting in a war since 15 that's a big accomplishment."

"Yeah well when you can basically kill someone with one kick your considered a pilot." They look at me with a blank stare except for Velvet who looks shocked. "Pilots are the best of the best. They are treated as gods in the eyes of normal people. Although... Some of us give up." I say with sadness in my voice. "Anyways Ozzy. You have to explain some things to me before anything else.

Welp there's my first chapter. Sorry it seems to jump around but I am in a rush to get at least one thing out if not two. Till next time Stack out.