AN: Hello readers! It's been a long time since I've posted anything, and this is also my first GoT story! I've had the idea for this story in my head for a while, and I figured it would help with the wait on season 6

Some of the dialogue in this chapter is the same as in the show, but I tried not to repeat too much word for word. This is an OCxJon Snow story, just so you know. (I know the summary doesn't really say as much!) I hope you all enjoy, let me know if you liked it and if you want me to continue!

"Sister, how are you?"

Rose Lannister was reading in the gardens of the Red Keep when her brother, Tyrion, approached her followed by his guardsman. She looked up and smiled at him, always appreciative of the way he treated her like trueborn family. "I am well, brother. And you?"

The guard waited outside the canopied area while Tyrion took a seat with his half-sister. As she marked her page and closed her book, he glanced at the leather bound cover. He looked back up at her, grinning.

"I see you are finally reading the book I recommended to you. Are you enjoying it?" he asked, pouring him self a glass of wine from the pitcher on the table.

She nodded, "It is interesting. Although, given your taste in stories, I am surprised with the lack of dragons in this tale."

Tyrion gave a small chuckle as he drank and Rose responded with half a smile. Leaning back in her chair, she looked at him suspiciously.

"What has brought you to the gardens and to me?" she asked.

He set his cup down and nodded, "Ah, yes. I have news for you. We are traveling to Winterfell, with the king, our beloved sister and all of them."

"Winterfell? Why would we…?" she asked, shaking her head in confusion.

"For Lord Stark of course," Tyrion answered, "with Jon Arryn dead, it is quite clear who Robert would next choose as his hand."

Rose nodded and took a drink from her own wine cup. "Ah, I see." She stared at the drink in her cup for a moment before looking up to her brother, a small smile on her face. "Well, I have always wanted to see the north. I wonder if it is as grey as they all say."

The Imp snickered. "Why else would the Starks choose grey to color their sigil?"

The young blonde woman chuckled and gave him a sly smile. She then looked away from him and her smile faded.

Tyrion looked at her with a questioning brow. "Something on your mind?"

"Lord Stark," she said, turning to face him again, "he has bastard as well, correct? A son?"

Her half-brother nodded. "Yes, he goes by Jon Snow I believe."

"Snow, not Stark?" she asked, raising her brow.

"Correct." He replied, "Eddard Stark never asked to legitimize him."

She nodded and sat silently for a moment. Rose then finished her wine and gathered her book. She stood and motioned for her brother to follow her out of the gardens. He did as such and looked up to her as they walked out, the guardsman following.

"When do we leave?" she asked as they made their way back into the keep.

Tyrion looked up at her as she spoke. She was much taller than him, as would be expected, but he could not help but note just how tall she was for a girl of only sixteen years.

"Within the week." he answered.

"Why do we have to get all pretty for the king anyway?" Robb Stark questioned as a razor scraped at the scruff on his jaw. His bastard brother Jon Snow gave him a shrug. Lord Stark's ward, Theon Greyjoy spoke up. "It's probably for the queen, or the Lannister's bastard. You know how those blonde women can be." He said with a small smile. Robb stood up and rubbed his smooth jaw. When he looked at Theon, his brows narrowed.

Jon shook his head at Theon's comment. The Greyjoy boy noticed and looked at Jon. "The queen I get, but her half-sister I don't. I mean, I didn't think bastards could have preferences." he said with a small, satisfied smile. Jon pressed his lips together in a hard line, frustrated, but didn't retaliate.

Robb gave Theon a look that told him to be quiet and then he lightly shoved his half-brother toward the groomer. "Go on, shear him up good. He's never met a girl he liked more than his own hair." He told him with a smirk.

The bastard sat down and sighed with unpleasant thoughts of the events to come.

As the royal caravan entered the gates of Winterfell, the young children in queen's carriage started to look through the curtained windows, taking in the sights of the north.

Rose also rode in the carriage with her half-sister, much to her displeasure. Luckily for her, Cersei acted as a much kinder soul in the presence of her beloved children.

"Rose, my dear." Cersei said, calling for the younger blonde's attention.

"Yes, your grace?" she said, addressing her own half-sister properly.

The queen gave her a condescending smile, tilting her head slightly when she spoke. "I see you chose to sit all the way over in the corner, away from the door."

"At your suggestion, my queen."

"Yes well, when we present ourselves it would be terrible if you exited the carriage ahead of any of us, stepped on any of our skirts or stumbled on our shoes, wouldn't you agree?" Cersei asked, her voice higher pitched and laced with arrogance. Without waiting for a reply, she continued. "I would suggest you sit and wait for everybody else to exit, and then follow in the back. It would be much simpler for us all."

Following her sister's 'suggestion', Rose exited last, even after the handmaidens. She stood in line next to them and eyed the crowds of the northerners. Her attention was averted to Lord Eddard Stark himself when her half-brother-by-law, the king, Robert Baratheon motioned for him to rise. As the old friends chatted, Rose eyed the Stark children carefully, trying to match faces to the descriptions and names she had been given. The eldest boy was Robb, who was about the same age as herself, followed by his beautiful red-headed sister, Sansa. Then, there was the younger girl, Arya, and the other two boys, Brandon and Rickon.

She looked at the surrounding faces of Lord Stark's household. Her gaze then fell on a young man, about Robb's age, with the face of an Iron Islander. There was no doubt he was Theon Greyjoy, Eddard's ward that she had been told about. The next face she saw, was staring right back at her.

This boy looked to be the same age as Robb. He even had the face of a Stark. Rose took note of his dark, curly hair and dark eyes also in resemblance of Lord Stark. However, his expression was sullen and he looked like a man who felt as if he didn't belong. Rose knew the feeling herself, and could only assume this was Jon Snow.

Jon and Rose held each other's gaze as the queen approached Lord Stark and the King. Neither of them head Eddard greet the queen, or Robert asking to go to the crypts beneath Winterfell.

Offended, the queen left with her entourage, not before giving Jamie the order to find Tyrion. Rose, who should have followed, didn't notice as her attention was still focused on the sad-faced young man. It wasn't until a guardsman tapped her shoulder that she jumped and turned her head.

"My lady, we have to go." He said to her, motioning towards the queen and those with her. Rose nodded and followed along.

She turned back once to take one last look at him, making sure to later find out if he really is the bastard of Winterfell.

After she was out of sight, the only thing Jon could think about were her beautiful, emerald colored eyes.

That evening, after their family had been presented at the Stark's feast, Tyrion and Rose escaped the cold gaze of their queen sister and took as much wine and ale as they could. Together, they went outside and found a brazier by the armory. Tyrion sat on a pile of logs and Rose leaned against a nearby brick wall while they both talked, laugh and drank. The sounds of the feast were faint around them.

Further down the way, Jon Snow was outside, practicing his swordplay when a rider dressed in all black called out to Jon as he dismounted his horse. "Is he dead yet?"

"Uncle Benjen!" Jon exclaimed, smiling. Rose and Tyrion both glanced up at the noise. While Tyrion continued on normally,

Rose couldn't help but glance up at him from time to time. She had confirmed earlier that he was Lord Eddard's bastard, who she noticed she found herself thinking about more and more.

"You've gotten bigger!" the Night's Watchman said as he embraced the younger, dark haired man. "Why you out here instead of enjoying the feast?"

Jon stepped back and replied, his smile fading slowly as he spoke. "Lady Stark said it might insult the royal family to have the bastard in their midst. "

"Well, you know you're always welcome on the wall." Benjen said. "No bastard was ever refused a seat there."

"So take me with you when you go back. Father will let me if you ask him. I know he will" he pleaded with his Uncle.

Benjen gave him a long stare before replying. "The Wall isn't going anywhere anytime soon."

"I'm ready to swear your oath."

"You don't understand what you'd be giving up." Benjen continued speaking but Jon's attention had been averted when he heard a loud laugh from behind him and what felt like someone was watching him. He glanced over his shoulder and saw the beautiful, blonde Lannister who had been looking at him earlier as well. His dark eyes locked with her green ones again but now she also gave him a playful smile. Jon also noted cheeks reddened from drink and the cup in her hands to prove it. She didn't seem to be at all interested in what the drunken Imp was talking on and on about.

"Jon, do you hear me?" Benjen said as the young bastard turned back to his Uncle, who now looked slightly annoyed.

"I, sorry Uncle."

Benjen looked over Jon's shoulder and saw a young blonde who quickly averted her eyes back to the dwarf sitting next to her. He then looked back at his nephew.

"I said, we can never take wives. None of us have families and none of us will ever father sons." Benjen leaned in close, eyeing Jon. "Are you ready for that?"

Jon quickly replied. "I don't care about any of that. I promise."

"Right." The older man said, skeptically. "I had better get inside, rescue your father from his guests."

Across the yard, Rose looked away quickly when she saw the rider talking to Jon Snow meet her gaze. She stared into her empty cup of wine abstent mindedly while her brother went on about some fool in the whorehouse earlier.

Tyrion looked at her and paused his story. He took a long drink of ale before questioning his sister. "Why have you been looking the Stark's bastard all night?" Tyrion was no fool, but he was curious to hear what she had to say for her actions.

She stammered in response. "I- Why would you? I haven't!"

He grinned. "Ah, but you have." The Imp took another swig of ale. "He may be a charming young fellow, I suppose, if he had ever learned to smile."

Rose shook her head quickly and defiantly, her golden blonde curls bouncing around her face as she did. "No! I was not even thinking of it! I do not know why you would think I am attracted to him!"

Tyrion raised an eyebrow. "I never said you were attracted to him dear sister."

"I need more wine. I am returning to the feast." She said before gathering her skirts and quickly storming off in the same direction as the rider dressed in all black.

Jon Snow saw her quickly pass him and he couldn't help but watch her from behind.

"She's a pretty thing." The Imp said, catching Jon's attention. "Looks a lot like her mother, from what I remember. I think the only thing father gave her was his eyes, eventually his name." He made his way to the northern boy, stumbling a bit due to the drink.

"What are you doing?"

"Preparing for a night with your family." He took another drink, finishing his horn of ale. "Your Uncle. He's in the Night's Watch, is he not? I always wanted to see the wall…" He took the wine skin he had filled before leaving the feast earlier and drank from it.

"You're Tyrion Lannister? The Queen's brother? And the woman earlier, she was also your sister?"

The dwarf nodded. "Ah, half-sister truly. Rose Lannister. And the queen, yes, she is my greatest Achievement. You must be the Bastard of Winterfell, correct?"

Jon pressed his lips together and turned, walking away from the dwarf.

Tyrion sighed and rolled his eyes. "Did I offend you? Sorry." His tone was not as apologetic as his words. "Bastards have this look about them. My younger sister has it too, mostly around our father. You are the bastard then?"

"Lord Stark is my father, yes." He replied, turning to face Tyrion who followed behind him.

"And Lady Stark is not your mother, making you the bastard."

Jon Snow looked away, pretending not to listen to the dwarf. Tyrion was used to looks such as these easily ignored it. "Let me give you some advice, bastard." At this, Jon snow looked down at him, curious. "Never forget what you are. The world will not. Wear it like armor. It can then never be used to hurt you."

He thought about it, and then the young Snow narrowed his eyes. "The hell do you know about being a bastard?" he spat.

Tyrion, who had turned and began to walk away, stopped dead in his tracks. "All dwarves are bastards in their father's eyes." He said, never turning back. "I've also been watching my own father raise one."

Jon looked at the small man. His eyes widened at the last sentence and he stood in silence. Tyrion shook his head and continued back inside.

"You should talk to her sometime. I believe you two may have much in common."