''What!'' Temari nearly fell off the table as she stared at Tsunade. Her eyes were very wide and looked like they were going to fall out of its socket.

How...She thought.

"You heard me Temari, you are going to have baby." Tsunade said. She removed the white latex gloves and threw it in the trash. "You are currently 2 months old. Didn't you realize when you didn't have your period?" She asked concerned.

"Well I wanted to but I wasn't sure. I wasn't worried until I noticed that my period is late two months."

Temari removed her self from the table and pulled her shirt down. Tsunade turned to Temari and took a deep breath.

"So do you know who is the father?" Temari looked at her. Her eyes showed a hint of sadness and Tsunade noticed.

Must be a touchy subject.She thought.

"It doesn't matter anymore, I'm going to have an abortion."

''You can't." Tsunade said while she take a sip of her sake.

"What!" Temari turned to Tsunade with utter shock and confusion.

"The child is two mouth old you can't just abort him like that, and your aren't a adult yet."

"So what am I gonna do?" Temari asked while Tsunade looked like she didn't care.

"Well you can always give a child to someone else. There is so much people that can't have any children."

"I am not that cold to give someone my child."

"Well then I don't know." Tsunade said and the room tension increase. Temari felt like the was going to suffocate from the tension. 5 minutes passed and it felt like 5 centuries "Also this is your problem. You have made it and you will resolves it."

Tsunade provide some papers to Temari, she desperately tried not to let it show while she was walking to the door.

"Temari wait!" Tsunade called after her.

"Hmm?" Temari turned to Tsunade.

"Good luck." Temari looked at the floor and then she lifted her head with smile


And then she came out.

Tsunade understood Temari. She was just a child, only seventeen years old. Abortion would leave a lot of unintended consequences.

Tsunade knew that. She was only sixteen when she got pregnant. It was difficult and so she chose abortion. After the abortion Tsunade never could have a kids again. She didn't even wanted them but after she got in her forty's, she began to fear that she will die alone. That's why she adopted girl by the name of Sakura Haruno.

I really wish you luck.

At Home

"Give it back." Gaara said while he was chased Kankuro around the table. Kankuro smirked and stared at the remote in his hands.

''It's my turn now Gaara! The Breve is starting!" Gaara groaned.

''Can you please stop watch series that's not sexist?" Gaara asked him with a serious look.

''But i love it." Kankuro said with sad look while he was embrace remote tightly at his chest.

"Hmm fine you win." Gaara told him because he thought it was pointless to argue for such a stupid thing.

Temari was staying in front of door still surprised by the sight. She felt a strange feeling in stomach.

''Oh Temari, you come home." Baki yelled from the kitchen .

''Yes, I am going to my room." Temari ran to her room. Gaara and Kankuro was surprised that their sister didn't notice them. They let it slide thinking it's not a big deal.

Temari layed down on her bed and began to think. A strange feeling in stomach didn't go away.

She was only seventeen. She was still young. She wasn't ready to be mother. How she could tell Baki about her pregnancy?

Baki was good brother and he was always supported her. She had everything good family, big house and the love of her life.

Speak in about him, how should she tell him?

Hi I'm a girl you screwed over summer break and I'm pregnant yay!That will be really stupid.

"...Temari are you okay?" Baki asked as he peeked his head from the door.

''Oh, yeah I'm fine." Temari said while had jumped from the bed. She gave Baki one of her best fake smiles.

'"You sure?:" Baki asked. His tone was filled with concern.

''Yes I'm just tired I need sleep." She faked yawned hoping Baki bought it.

''Temari you can say me anything. Don't be too scared to tell me anything ok?" Baki knew her too well. She cursed at her head. She looked down.

Temari felt her eyes water. She had an amazing brother one of the things she was gratful for. No matter what she just couldn't lie to Baki. ''I'm pregnant."

After few minutes of silence, Baki stroked Temari's hair. Temari was still crying the silence was killing her.

''Don't worry honey, we are gonna support you. You are not in this alone okay?" Baki hugged her.

''I'm scared I'm not ready yet."

"Shhhh...that's what family is for."

Baki gave Temari a warm smile and she calmed down a bit.

"Does father know about child?"

Temari looked at Baki. Judging by her facial expression he was assuming no.

''No..." She trailed off.

''That's okay. Tell him when you ready." Baki got up from her bed and gave her one last warm smile before heading out of her tomorrow. Temari was staring at the floor. Her face was clueless on what to do next.

Fuck you Shikamaru Nara.

Well i am writing new shikatema story .

One big thanks to DeathNoteFan29 .She really helped me much with grammar .I hope you like it .