Chapter One: Sweet Daughter Of Mine

"Please Elijah," Elena Gilbert furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at Elijah. Elijah Mikaelson so far had become an unlikely ally on trying to protect her from Klaus and trying to prevent him from doing the sacrifice. All though things had gotten a little messy now that Elena had learned that Stefan had become trapped with Katherine in the tomb. "You need to get Stefan out, but you also need to-"she trailed off. "Keep her out."

Elijah looked back at her confused. "Keep her out, who are you talking about?"

Elena curled her lip. "Katherine. She's there with Stefan and she needs to be kept there. Under no circumstances do I want her out Elijah, if you get Stefan, but let Katherine there. I will keep my end of the bargain. I swear."

Elijah gave her a faint smile. "Don't worry, Elena I have no desire to free Katerina from the tomb."

After saying goodbye to Elena and after getting his warlock to do a spell that would managed to get Stefan outside he went towards the tomb that was located near the Lockwood property. He went inside and soon heard footsteps coming in, Katherine Pierce stopped short and looked at him with fright. "Elijah?"

"Katerina," Elijah gave her a slow, threatening smile. "Thank you for having the good sense to be frightened." He looked up when he saw Stefan slowly approach him by behind Katherine. It was clear that he wasn't glad over the fact that Katherine was there as well. "You're free to go."

Stefan looked confused. "What?"

Elijah took pleasure in the frown on Katherine's face. "The lovely Elena draws a hard bargain." Stefan slowly exited the tomb and when he managed to exit the tomb, Katherine tried to do the same thing, but she was blocked by Elijah. Elijah stood in front of her, enjoying the fear that he caused in those brown eyes. "You however will not exit until I say so."

"Stefan," Katherine begged. "Please don't leave me here." She needed to get out of here. It was almost her birthday. Lucy's birthday and she wouldn't let one more day go to waste and besides she only had one year of life before she went back to sleep for another thirty years.

Stefan looked somewhat guilty, but it quickly left. "Goodbye, Katerina."

"No," Katherine whispered. She couldn't disappoint Lucy. She couldn't, she was waiting for her. "Please."

When Stefan left Elijah looked back at her. "Quite a situation you find yourself in, don't you Katerina?"

Katherine bit her lip, trying to keep the tears from falling. "I've handled worse." She looked up at him. "Let me out of here, Elijah."

Elijah scoffed at her. "And why would I do that, Katerina? I've been looking for you for 500 years and now I finally found you. I'm sure my brother will be pleased to see you."

Katherine turned pale and she whispered. "Please let me go . . . or I'll kill myself."

Elijah didn't even blinked, whatever feelings he had for this women were long gone. He had made sure of that, he would no longer be manipulated by Katherine's vixen ways. "You're welcome to do it, if it will help your case. But you will gain no sympathy from me."

A flash of anger was seen in Katherine's face briefly before she grabbed the end of an old wooden chair that turned slightly into a stake. She raised it and was prepared to stab it in her heart when she felt Elijah wrap an arm around her waist and throw her against the opposite end of the cave. "Are you mad?" he spat.

When he looked up he saw that he had been too busy talking to a brick wall. Katherine was gone.

Katherine counted her lucky stars that she had managed to leave Elijah. She didn't know why he hadn't tried to chase her, but perhaps he enjoyed the sport of chasing her, like his brother. Either way, Katherine didn't care. The important thing was that she had left.

In a few minutes she had gotten a plane ticket to Pennsylvania so that she wouldn't be traced back and a few hours later she had landed at the airport. She had rented a small red car, because she knew that red was her favorite color, just like purple was hers. She stopped in front of a small house that said Johnson Funeral Parlor and she could hear her heels clicking on the floor. She had been waiting 30 years for this and she could barely contain her excitement.

She approached the small man in the office. "I'm looking for the coffin labeled Lucy P."

He nodded. "Right this way, please."

The man led her towards a beautiful, dark blue coffin with gold edgings. Katherine dismissed the man and opened the coffin. It was her birthday today, she was turning seventeen. Inside was a seventeen year old girl dressed in eighties clothes, the last time she had been awake. She had a fair complexion, bow like pink lips, a small nose, and glossy chocolate brown hair like hers.

Her eyes opened slowly like a doll, exposing warm brown-black eyes like Elijah. Her lips parted opened and Kat said slowly. "Wake up, darling. Wake up, Lucy. Wake up, daughter."

Flashback: 1492

Newly turned vampire Katerina looked over her shoulder nervously when she heard an owl hoot. She was still in England and her feet hurt from running. It had been three days since she had tricked Rose to turn her and just a few hours after she had seen her murdered family lying on the ground of her house.

Since then she had attempted to continue fleeing from Klaus. Only traveling by night because she didn't have a daylight ring. She was currently in a witch's shack and she thought that she was so nice and sweet and innocent that she had offered to make her a daylight ring.

Katherine also wanted to tell her about her missing period, she hadn't had her period in two months, but the only person she had slept with was Elijah and anyway wasn't he dead and she had died, does this mean that the child was also dead? She gulped.

"There you go, dearie." The old witch handed her a daylight ring.

"Excuse me, ma'am."

The witch looked confused and then astounded, "You're the doppelganger correct?" she nodded. "Did you have sexual intercourse with an Original brother?"

She bowed her head, ashamed. "Elijah."

The witch shook her head. "Well, that wasn't what she had in mind, but it's better than nothing I guess."

"Who?" Katerina demanded.

"Never mind," the witch said. "It doesn't matter if you're a vampire Katerina you will carry the child to term, but after that no more babies."

"And the child?"

The witch looked at her, filled with pity. "It will be born safely and it will be a girl."

-End of Chapter One-

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